1.Ocean transportation is the most important mode of transportation.( )
A:错误 B:正确
2.FOB price = costs+ profits (without freight and insurance).( )
A:错 B:对
3.For the price has been relatively stable commodities, as well as for the transaction of a small quantity or a recent delivery of goods, generally can be concluded at a fixed price.( )
A:对 B:错
4. If quotas are allocated based on fixed favoritism, government assigns import licenses to firms without competition, applications, or negotiation. ( )
A:对 B:错
5.Friendly consultation also require the participation of a third party.( )
A:错误 B:正确
6.FOB Price=Actual Costs (Manufacturing Price or Factory Price-Tax Rebate) + Domestic Charges + Anticipated Profit.( )
A:正确 B:错误
7.CFR Price= Actual Costs (Manufacturing Price or Factory Price-Tax Rebate) + Domestic Charges + Anticipated Profit + Oceanic Freight+ Insurance Premium.( )
A:正确 B:错误
8.Arbitration is simpler, more efficient and less costly than litigation.( )
A:正确 B:错误
9.CIF price = CFR price +Insurance = FOB price + Freight + Insurance.( )
A:错误 B:正确
10.International trade terms can help parties to avoid misunderstandings and waste of time and money.( )
A:错误 B:正确
11.International trade terms only can be used to determine the buyer’s obligations and responsibilities.( )
A:错误 B:正确

12.International trade considers only the exchange of goods.( )
A:错 B:对 13.International trade is easier and less risky than domestic trade.( )
A:错误 B:正确 14.CFR price = costs + freight + profits (without insurance).( )
A:错 B:对 15. Nationally optimal tariff is good for the whole world.( )
A:对 B:错 16.FOB and CIF apply to any mode of transport.( )
A:错误 B:正确 17.International trade terms can be used to determine the charges for the transportation of goods from the seller’s premises to the buyer’s place.( )
A:正确 B:错误 18.Container Transport can only use Full Container Load (FCL).( )
A:正确 B:错误 19.The terms of the parties to the contract include Address, Fax, The name, The phone, Email address.( )
A:错 B:对 20.China's international business negotiators must be familiar with China's foreign economic and trade policies and measures.( )
A:正确 B:错误 21.The method of weight calculation in the contract includes:( )
A:Net Weight B:Conditioned Weight C:Gross Weight D:Theoretical Weight 22.There are several ways of Charter transportation:( )
A:Bareboat Charter B:Time Charter C:Continuous Charter D:Voyage Charter 23.Which trade terms only apply to sea and inland waterway transport? ( )
A:FAS B:FOB C:CFR D:CIF 24.Under what conditions a nation would benefit from subsidizing imports of a good?( )
A:Using foreign products could bring new knowledge benefits in the importing country. B:There are incentive distortions, and the nation has little private incentive to buy imports. C:Buying and using imported products bring positive externalities. 25.The characteristics of liner transport are:( )
A:Fixed base ports B:Fixed sailing schedules C:Fixed sailing routes D:Fixed freight rates 26.A quota would have influence on the market when __________( )
A:the quota quantity is less than the quantity that people would want to import without a quota. B:the quota quantity is more than the quantity that people would want to import without a quota. C:the quota quantity is equal to the quantity that people would want to import without a quota. 27.The protectionist tool used to assure that products meet minimum requirements to protect health, safety, or the environment is called ________ ( )
A:Tariff-quota B:Government procurement C:Domestic content requirements D:Product standards 28.Which step in an international trade negotiation means addition, modification or reflection of the offer?( )
A:Enquiry B:Counter-offer C:Acceptance D:Offer 29.Where is the fundamental trade benefit derived from? ( )
A:price difference between different countries B:communication cost C:transportation cost D:legal cost 30.If the opportunity cost of A is 2B, then the opportunity cost of B must be ____.( )
A:2A B:1A C:4A D:0.5 A 31. A small country in this class is defined as a country _____.( )
A:whose geographical area is small B:whose population is small C:whose economic size is small. D:whose import share is small in the world market so that it won’t have any influence on the world price. 32.The country of Pugelovia has an endowment (total supply) of 20 units of labor and 3 units of land, whereas the rest of the world has 80 units of labor and 7 units of land. If wheat is land intensive and cloth is labor intensive, then according to Heckscher-Ohlin’s predictions, _______.( )
A:Pugelovia is land-abundant, and it will export wheat. B:The rest of the world is land-abundant, it will import wheat. C:Pugelovia is labor-abundant, and it will export cloth. D:The rest of the world is labor-abundant, and it will import cloth. 33.About the reasons for international trade, David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage emphasizes differences in ______ in different countries, while H-O model emphasizes differences in ________ in different countries.( )
A:technological levels; productive factor endowment B:.productive factor endowment; technological levels 34.The step in an international trade negotiation in which the seller or buyer responds to an inquiry is called:( )
A:Offer B:Enquiry C:Acceptance D:counter-offer 35.A single firm’s innovations in production technology often benefit the production of other firms, because these other firms learn about the new technology and can use some of the ideas in their own production. In this case, is there an externality here?( )
A:Yes, there are external benefits. B:No, there are no externalities. C:Yes, there are external costs. D:No, we can’t be sure about this question with the information available. 36.The deadweight loss to a nation caused by import tariff is due to _______( )
A:only consumption effect B:both production effect and consumption effect C:only production effect 37.The specificity rule means that _____ ( )
A:Trade policies are more efficient than industrial policies in most cases. B:Tariffs are more efficient policy tools than VER. C:Trade protectionism is more efficient. D:It is usually more efficient to use the government policy tool that acts as directly as possible on the source of the distortion separating private and social benefits or costs. 38.The two ways of measurement of absolute advantage are ______ and _____. ( )
A:unit cost; opportunity cost B:opportunity cost; labor productivity C:labor productivity; unit cost D:labor wage; opportunity cost 39.The assertion that a temporary tariff is justified because it cuts down on imports while the domestic industry learns how to produce at low enough costs before it eventually will be able to compete without the help of a tariff is called _______( )
A:The developing government argument. B:Promoting domestic production argument. C:The infant industry argument. D:The dying industry argument. 40.Market globalization can be reflected in_______:( )
A:percentage of service outsouring in world GDP . B:percentage of FDI in world GDP. C:percentage of world trade in world GDP. 41.Which of the following is the formula for a product’s intra-industry trade (IIT) share?( )
A:1 – [ |X - M| / (X + M)] B:1 - (X + M) C:1 – [ |X + M| / (X - M)] D:1 – |X - M| 42.Which of the following is the basis for trade in a monopolistically competitive market?( )
A:comparative advantage. B:product differentiation. C:external scale economies. D:constant returns to scale. 43.Intra-Industry Trade:( )
A:is mostly based on the differences stressed in the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory. B:is rarely observed in the world today. C:occurs when the United States exports Ford automobiles and simultaneously imports petroleum. D:occurs when the United States exports Ford automobiles and simultaneously imports Honda automobiles. 44.Globalization can be reflected in the following levels:( )
A:market globalization. B:service globalization. C:production globalization. 45.A nontariff barrier operates by__________( )
A:Increasing the cost of getting imports to market B:Limiting the quantity of imports C:Creating uncertainty about the conditions under which imports will be permitted. 46.How to correctly implement the pricing principle?( )
A:Combine the purchase and sale intention B:Based on national and regional policies C:According to the international market level

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