1. The primary functions of commercial banks are ________. ( )

  2. 答案:credit intermediation###payment intermediation###credit creation
  3. Balance of payments is characterized by ________. ( ).

  4. 答案:There are debit and credit accounts for each transaction###It is compiled on the principle of double entry bookkeeping###The total debits and credits must be equal
  5. The amount of money supply is ultimately determined by _______. ( ).

  6. 答案:finance###commercial bank###Family and individual###central bank
  7. Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance? ( )

  8. 答案:People buy shares of common stock in the primary markets###A corporation issues new shares of stock.
  9. The main factors affecting exchange rate fluctuations are ________. ( )

  10. 答案:Interest rate differentials and economic growth differentials###Balance of payments and market expectations###Macroeconomic policies###The difference in the rate of price inflation in different countries
  11. Which of the following are policy banks of China? ( )

  12. 答案:the China Development Bank###Agriculture Development Bank of China###China Export-Import Bank
  13. Which of the following are goals of financial regulation? ( )

  14. 答案:reducing adverse selection###reducing moral hazard###ensuring the soundness of the financial system
  15. As the Electronic Payment techniques improvement in China, you may not only use password to make the payment, what can be used to launch such payment NOW. ( )

  16. 答案:Fingerprint###Voice###Face
  17. According to financial practice, the financial regulatory system can be divided into ________. ( )

  18. 答案:the twin peak approach###the functional approach###the integrated approach###the institutional approach
  19. Three delivery dates for spot foreign exchange include: ________. ( )

  20. 答案:T+1###T+2###T+0
  21. A primary market is a financial market in which the corporations or government agencies sell new issued securities, such as bonds or stocks, to their initial buyers. ( )

  22. 答案:True
  23. Deposit insurance mechanism set the boundaries for financial intermediaries in what they are allowed to do and what assets they can hold. ( )
  24. The bonds are contractual agreements by the borrowers to pay the holders of the instrument a random amount of money, we call interest, at regular intervals (interest and principal payments) until the maturity date. ( )
  25. The fire sales resulting from the run on the shadow banking system forced financial institutions to scramble even more for liquidity. ( )
  26. As a store of value, money________. ( )
  27. A sale of bonds by the central bank is called an open market sale, the central bank will deduct the reserves of financial institutions , which will decrease MB. ( )
  28. Under the twin peak regulatory system, all regulatory tasks are brought into a single regulatory institution. ( )
  29. The central bank also handles the sale and redemption of original issues of government securities to assist the Treasury Department in financing the national debt. ( )
  30. Barter will fail if one side don’t agree. ( )
  31. BOP surplus means the country’s income from foreigners is more than its payments. It will finance the rest of the world or increase official reserves. ( )
  32. Money is the only form in which wealth can be held. ( )
  33. Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time. Money, by contrast, is a stock of wealth: It is a certain amount at a given point in time. ( )
  34. Money made of precious metals or other valuable commodities is called:( )
  35. Required reserves are the additional reserves banks choose to hold. ( )
  36. A bank currently has a positive interest-sensitive gap. When interest rate falls and other conditions remain unchanged, the net interest margin will ________. ( )
  37. When the central bank makes a ¥100 million loan to A Bank, the A bank is credited with ¥100 million of reserves from the proceeds of the loan. The monetary base, too, has increased by this amount. ( )
  38. An arbitrage transaction in which are simultaneously traded in foreign exchange markets at different locations to earn a spread of exchange rate is ________. ( ).
  39. A long-term bond is a debt instrument with maturity term ten years or longer. ( )
  40. The monetary base declines when ________. ( )
  41. Which of the following descriptions are correct for the non-conventional monetary policy tools of central bank?( )
  42. The zero-lower-bound problem occurs because people can always earn more from holding bonds than from holding cash, and therefore nominal interest rates cannot be negative. ( )
  43. There is a strong negative correlation between GDP per capita and capital account openness across countries. ( )
  44. Assume there still exists asymmetric information in commercial banking. In typical circumstances, _________ may occur before signing lending contracts, and _________ may occur after the lending. ( )
  45. When the central bank supplies the banking system with ¥1 of additional reserves, deposits increase by a multiple of this amount—this is a process called multiple deposit creation. ( )
  46. When was RMB included in SDR? ( )
  47. The common stocks are claims to share in the net income and the assets of a business. ( )
  48. Financial crisis can not lead to a worldwide recession. ( )
  49. Open market purchases expand reserves and the monetary base. ( )
  50. The establishment of deposit insurance system is conducive to stabilize the public confidence in banking institutions.( )
  51. An equal increase in all bond interest rates________. ( )
  52. Which item in the following should not be classified into bank assets? ( )
  53. If fluctuations in interest rates become smaller, then, other things equal, the demand for stocks ________ and the demand for long-term bonds ________. ( )
  54. Which of the following instruments are traded in a money market? ( )
  55. In 1913, the US Federal Reserve was created. ( )
  56. Which item in the following is not included in the off-balance sheet activities?( )
  57. If the Monetary Base does not change, and the money supply are lower, and the money multiplier is smaller. ( )
  58. China’s interest rates remained dual-tracked: fully liberalized bond rates versus under-liberalized bank rates. ( )
  59. A store of value is used to save purchasing power from the time income is received until the time it is spent. ( )
  60. Long-term loans and adjustable-rate loans can both be identified as interest-sensitive assets.( )
  61. Currency, consisting of paper bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money. ( )
  62. Which of the following statements about effects of financial crisis are TRUE? ( )
  63. If uncertainty about banks' health causes depositors to begin to withdraw their funds from banks, the country experiences a ___. ( )
  64. Integrated regulation can effectively integrates supervisory objectives. ( )
  65. Which of the following belongs to China’s regulation system? ( )
  66. The impact of the financial crisis was not evident in the global economic. ( )
  67. A major disruption in financial markets characterized by sharp declines in asset prices andfirm failures is called a___.( )
  68. The third phase of financial crises is debt deflation, and it always occurs. ( )
  69. The growth of the subprime mortgage market led to ___. ( )
  70. Credit boom may happen when financial innovation or financial liberalization happens. ( )
  71. A possible sequence for the three stages of a financial crisis might be ________ leads to________ leads to ________. ( )
  72. When did China reform the RMB-dollar central parity to more closely align with previous trading day’s closing price? ( )
  73. Which of the following are the reasons for China's massive capital outflow in 2014-2016? ( )
  74. What are the shortcomings of China's financial market ( )
  75. China is more open than advanced economies. ( )
  76. China’s Chinn-Ito index has remained unchanged since 1993. ( )
  77. China's financial service is fully opened since April 1, 2020 ( )
  78. “Four trillion RMB” stimulus package led to a surge in investment demand, which is the main reason for China to relax capital inflow. ( )
  79. QDII program started in 2004. ( )
  80. When did China unveil the Shanghai-London Stock Connect in mid-2019:( )
  81. Greater capital account convertibility will help RMB expand. ( )
  82. Capital account opening-up may serve as a commitment device to financial reforms. ( )
  83. The spot exchange market is a market that deals in foreign exchange for immediate delivery. Immediate delivery in foreign currencies usually means within two business days. ( )
  84. International exchange results from the creditor's right relationship caused by import and export trade. ( )
  85. A bank has quoted a spot exchange rate of USD/CHF 1.6030-1.6040 and a 3-month forward spread of 120-130, then the forward exchange rate is ( ).
  86. The BOP is the record of the economic and financial flows that take place over a specified time period between non-residents and non-residents of a given country. ( )
  87. As for China, China’s capital inflows will create a __________foreign currency and a __________CNY. ( )
  88. Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account? ( )
  89. Convertibility is the most important characteristic of the foreign exchange. ( )
  90. Which of the following intervening ways of the central bank in the foreign exchange market are considered as‘indirect intervention’? ( )
  91. With other conditions unchanged, the relationship between forward exchange rate and interest rate is ( ).
  92. Direct quote is the amount of foreign currency per unit of domestic currency. ( )
  93. What will be the determining factors of money demand according to the portfolio theory of money demand?( )
  94. According to the Keynesian Demand Function of Money, the motives which determine the demand for liquidity include( )
  95. In the quantity theory of money, the velocity of money is always directly observable in the marketplace. ( )
  96. The minimum holding cost of money tends to be higher if the opportunity cost decreases. ( )
  97. Which of the following statements is correct in the Keynesian Demand Function of Money?( )
  98. As the payment technology becomes more advanced, the demand for money will be higher. ( )
  99. The channels through which monetary policy affects economic activities are called the ( )
  100. In the asset price channel, lower real interest rate will drive up the bond prices, which in contrast makes the stock more attractive for investors, then the Tobin’s Q will be ( )
  101. The second stage of monetary policy in China is the period of direct control and management of total credit supply. ( )
  102. Since 1998 China has stepped into the third stage of monetary policy, according to the reform procedures, the correct statements in the following are ( )
  103. Which of the following descriptions are for the objectives of the monetary policy of the central bank? ( )
  104. Open market purchases shrink reserves and the monetary base. ( )
  105. The money market interest rate is the long-term interest rate determined by interbank borrowing on reserves. ( )
  106. What are the monetary policy tools for the central bank?( )
  107. Open market sales expand reserves and the monetary base. ( )
  108. Excess reserves are the additional reserves banks choose to hold. ( )
  109. Required reserves are the reserves required by the central bank. ( )
  110. The central banks pay interest on excess reserves at a level that is typically set at a fixed amount below the money market interest rate target. ( )
  111. Open market operations are the most important conventional monetary policy tool. ( )
  112. The central bank controls monetary base only by creating more currency. ( )
  113. A sale of bonds or securities, by the central bank will cause an expansion of reserves in the banking system, and therefore will increase the MB. ( )
  114. The monetary base MB can be expressed as MB = currency in circulation C + the total reserves in banking system R. ( )
  115. Monetary Base (also called high-powered money), which is directly controlled by central bank. ( )
  116. The total reserves R can be divided into: ( )
  117. The primary way in which the central bank causes changes in the monetary base is through its open market operations. ( )
  118. The money multiplier, denoted by m, which tells us how much the money supply changes for a given change in the monetary base. ( )
  119. A shift from deposits to currency will affect the reserves in the banking system. However, such a shift will have great effect on the monetary base. ( )
  120. From 1948 till now, Chinese government has issued 5 sets of currencies . ( )
  121. The monetary base is also affected when the central bank makes a loan to a financial institution. ( )
  122. Central bank also drives the efficiency and technological development of the payments system. ( )
  123. By affecting the loans and discount rate, the central bank can achieve the macro economic goals. ( )
  124. As the “banker’s bank,” the central bank provides services to financial institutions in much the same way commercial banks serve their customers. ( )
  125. Its primary function is to provide the nation's money supply. ( )
  126. The oldest central bank in the world is the Bank of England ( )
  127. Central bank may also have supervisory powers to ensure that banks and other financial institutions do not behave recklessly or fraudulently. ( )
  128. Central banks are inherently market-based or competitive institutions. ( )
  129. Although their responsibilities vary from country to country, central banks' duties (and the justification for their existence) usually fall into three areas : ( )
  130. Central banks serve as banks for the government by maintaining accounts and providing services for the Treasury. ( )
  131. Private commercial banks are only permitted to issue demand liabilities, such as checking deposits, while central bank issues banknotes and cash. ( )
  132. How do financial markets the well-being of consumers? ( )
  133. Financial markets can transfer funds from lenders to borrowers through either director finance and indirect finance. ( )
  134. The home mortgage is kind of equity security ( )
  135. In direct finance, borrowers need to sell securities to lenders to get funds. ( )
  136. In indirect finance, a financial intermediary borrows funds from lenders and then uses these funds to make loans to borrowers. ( )
  137. Financial markets can directly improve the well-being of consumers. ( )
  138. Which of the following descriptions is for the debt financing? ( )
  139. In finance, security mean the freedom from danger or risk. ( )
  140. Financial markets are essential to produce an efficient allocation of capital. ( )
  141. Literally, securities are claims on the borrower’s future income or assets. ( )
  142. Gap analysis should be conducted on a continuing basis. ( )
  143. In the balance sheet of a bank, which of the following assets is the most illiquid?( )
  144. If the amount of interest-sensitive assets is less than that of interest-sensitive liabilities within a bank, what will happen when the interest rate increases?( )
  145. Unused loan commitments are typically recorded in the asset side of a bank’s balance sheet. ( )
  146. In addition to the modification of capital requirements, the newest Basel Accord also emphasizes regulatory requirements for liquidity, which include ( )
  147. Non-transaction deposits consist of( )
  148. China Development bank is one of the largest commercial banks in China. ( )
  149. Which statement in the following is correct?( )
  150. The secondary reserve refers to the securities that can be easily converted to cash to meet unanticipated obligations, which in the following can be classified as secondary reserve( )
  151. Operating as intermediaries by transferring funds from savers to borrowers is a particular role of banks. ( )
  152. A discount bond ( ).
  153. With a fixed-payment bond, the return on the bond is equal to the rate of capital gain. ( )
  154. Yield to maturity is the interest rate that equates the present value of cash flow payments received from a debt instrument with its value today. ( )
  155. In the case of a simple loan like this one, the interest payment divided by the amount of the loan is a natural and sensible way to measure the interest rate. ( )
  156. The concept of present value (or present discounted value) is based on the commonsense notion that one Yuan paid to you one year from now is more valuable than one Yuan paid to you today. ( )
  157. A coupon bond pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment (coupon payment) every year until the maturity date, when a specified final amount (face value or par value) is repaid. ( )
  158. Whether in the form of shells, rocks, gold or paper, money has three primary functions in any economy: ( )
  159. The first form of e-money was the debit card.( )
  160. Paper currency and coins are easily stolen and can be expensive to transport in large amounts because of their bulk. To combat this problem, in modern banking system,what inventions are created : ( )
  161. When the price level is increasing rapidly, money loses value rapidly, and people become more reluctant to hold their wealth in this form. ( )
  162. Under the barter system, the primary shortcoming was the double coincidence of wants could not match. ( )
  163. Money is just one type of wealth. ( )
  164. Which of the followings are currency except:( )
  165. Which asset is the most liquid asset of all because it is the medium of exchange; it does not have to be converted into anything else to make purchases. ( )
  166. Money means currency. ( )
  167. The calculations of M0, M1, M2 are same in USA and in China. ( )
  168. Financial markets can promote economic efficiency, but can not improve the well-being of consumers. ( )
  169. Which of the following are contractual savings institutions? ( )
  170. Government regulations to reduce the possibility of financial panic include all of the following EXCEPT ___. ( )
  171. China's financial system is ___ financial system. ( )
  172. Financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans are called ___. ( )
  173. Financial markets promote greater economic efficiency by channeling funds from ________ to ________. ( )
  174. When businesses go looking for funds to finance their activities, they usually obtain them directly from securities markets and not indirectly through financial intermediaries. ( )
  175. The nature of finance is capital financing, or fund circulating, that is, transferring funds from capital providers to capital demanders. ( )
  176. Which of the following statements are TRUE? ( )
  177. Banks are the only important financial institutions. ( )
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