

  1. The discount window is a central bank lending facility meant to help commercial banks manage short-term liquidity needs. ( )

  2. A:False B:True
  3. When was RMB included in SDR? ( )

  4. A:2014 B:2015 C:2017 D:2016
  5. The imbalance of international payments caused by domestic inflation or deflation is called ________. ( ).

  6. A:Cyclical imbalance B:Occasional imbalance C:Monetary imbalance D:Income imbalance
    AI参考:答案为C:Monetary imbalance。这道题目的意思是由于国内通货膨胀或通货紧缩导致的国际收支不平衡被称为货币性不平衡。货币性不平衡是指货币供给大于货币需求所引起的经济失衡。在A选项中,周期性失衡通常是由于经济周期引起的;在B选项中,偶然性失衡没有具体的经济学含义;在D选项中,收入不平衡与国际收支平衡无关。所以C选项最符合题意。'
  7. For a market-oriented financial system, indirect financing plays a dominant role in the financial system,. ( )

  8. A:True B:False
  9. Currency, consisting of paper bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money. ( )

  10. A:True B:False
    答案:正确AI参考:答案:A推理过程:根据题干中的“clearly fits this definition and is one type of money”可知,纸币和硬币组成的货币符合这个定义,是一种货币,因此答案为A。B选项与题干不符,因此不正确。'
  11. When financial intermediaries deleverage, firms cannot fund investment opportunities resulting in a contraction of economic activity. ( )

  12. A:True B:False
    答案:do each of the above
  13. The zero-lower-bound problem occurs because people can always earn more from holding bonds than from holding cash, and therefore nominal interest rates cannot be negative. ( )

  14. A:True B:False
  15. A central bank doesn’t charges interest on the loans made to borrowers. ( )

  16. A:False B:True
  17. An equal increase in all bond interest rates________. ( )

  18. A:decreases long-term bond returns more than short-term bond returns. B:decreases the return to all bond maturities by an equal amount. C:increases the return to all bond maturities by an equal amount. D:has no effect on the returns to bonds.
    答案:maturities by an equal amount.
  19. An arbitrage transaction in which are simultaneously traded in foreign exchange markets at different locations to earn a spread of exchange rate is ________. ( ).

  20. A:Offset arbitrage B:Location arbitrage C:Compensating Arbitrage D:National arbitrage
    AI参考:单选题:When the central bank supplies the banking system with ¥1 of additional reserves, deposits increase by a multiple of this amount—this is a process called multiple deposit creation.B:True正确答案是B:True,因为中央银行向银行系统注入额外的储备金会导致存款的成倍增加,这个过程被称为多重存款创造。这是一个事实性的陈述,所以选B。'
  21. Which of the following descriptions are correct for the non-conventional monetary policy tools of central bank?( )

  22. A:The non-conventional monetary policy tools include open market sales and open market purchasesOpen market operations B:The central bank applies the non-conventional monetary policy tools since these tools are more efficient than conventional monetary policy tools in the normal time C:The asset purchases normally involve only the purchase of government securities, particularly those that are short-term D:The commitment to future monetary policy actions could lower the market’s expectations of future short-term interest rates, thereby causing the long-term interest rate to fall.

  23. The capital market is a financial market in which only short-term debt instruments (generally those with original maturity terms of less than one year) are traded. ( )

  24. A:True B:False

  25. In China, if the rr = required reserve ratio =0.20 in china, based on the simple model, the Money Multiplier in china is 10. ( )

  26. A:False B:True
    AI参考:答案:B:True根据题目中的信息,如果中国的rr=法定准备金率=0.20,基于简单模型,中国的货币乘数(Money Multiplier)是10。因此,答案为B,即正确。A选项是错误的。'
  27. Within the banking system of China, the most significant difference between policy banks and commercial banks is whether they ________.( )

  28. A:implement national financial policies B:issue loans C:prioritize profitability D:operate independently
  29. Financial intermediaries cannot reduce the time and money spent in carrying out financial transactions, and increase transaction costs. ( )

  30. A:True B:False

  31. There is a strong negative correlation between GDP per capita and capital account openness across countries. ( )

  32. A:True B:False

  33. Which of the following descriptions are incorrect for the objectives of the monetary policy of the central bank? ( )

  34. A:High employment B:Output stability C:Keep financial markets health D:Keep interest rate low

  35. In 1913, the US Federal Reserve was created. ( )

  36. A:True B:False
    AI参考:正确答案是A:True。根据问题中的信息,In 1913,the US Federal Reserve was created.可知美联储在1913年成立,所以答案是True。B选项False与问题中的信息不符,因此不正确。'
  37. Foreign exchange forward transactions are characterized by ________. ( ).

  38. A:It covers a wide range of businesses, including banks, companies and the general public B:It is an organized market, trading on the basis of open outcry C:Standardization of contract specifications D:Trading is limited to exchange members
    AI参考:单选题)外汇远期交易的特征为标准化合同规格(选项C)。外汇远期交易是一种约定在未来某一日期以确定的价格交换两种不同货币的交易方式,其合同规格被标准化,便于交易双方理解和执行。相比之下,其他选项描述的不是外汇远期交易的特征:A选项描述的是涉及广泛的业务,包括银行、公司和公众;B选项描述的是有组织的市场,以公开叫价为基础进行交易;D选项描述的是交易限于交易所成员。因此,正确答案是C:Standardization of contract specifications。'
  39. Under the twin peak regulatory system, all regulatory tasks are brought into a single regulatory institution. ( )

  40. A:True B:False
  41. People hold money even during inflationary episodes when other assets prove to be better stores of value. This can be explained by the fact that money is________. ( )

  42. A:backed by gold. B:the only thing accepted in economic exchange. C:extremely liquid. D:a unique good for which there are no substitutes.

  43. In about 1979, the People's Bank of China was in all senses a modern central bank. ( )

  44. A:True B:False
  45. The monetary base declines when ________. ( )

  46. A:float increases. B:the Fed extends discount loans. C:Treasury deposits at the Fed decrease. D:the Fed sells securities.

  47. Financial crisis can not lead to a worldwide recession. ( )

  48. A:False B:True
  49. Bid rate is the rate at which a bank sells foreign exchange to a customer or to another bank. ( )

  50. A:False B:True
    AI参考:单选题答案:B:True解释:Bid rate 是银行向客户或另一家银行出售外汇的价格。所以选项B“True”是正确的。选项A“False”是错误的。'
  51. Assume there still exists asymmetric information in commercial banking. In typical circumstances, _________ may occur before signing lending contracts, and _________ may occur after the lending. ( )

  52. A:adverse selection, adverse selection B:adverse selection, moral hazard C:moral hazard, moral hazard D:moral hazard, adverse selection
    AI参考:答案为B:adverse selection,moral hazard在签订贷款合同之前,逆向选择可能发生,在贷款之后,道德风险可能发生。所以答案是B。逆向选择是指由于交易双方信息不对称,一些人或企业常常采取隐瞒真实信息或采取不利自己的行为,从而导致逆向选择。道德风险是指当合同一方不履行其义务时,另一方所面临的风险。因此,在贷款之前和之后都可能发生道德风险和逆向选择。因此,答案为B。'
  53. Money made of precious metals or other valuable commodities is called:( )

  54. A:Check B:Commodity money C:E-Money D:Fiat Money
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Commodity money。金银或其他贵重商品制成的货币被称为商品货币。选项A是支票,选项C是电子货币,选项D是法定货币,都不是对题干中“货币”的正确描述。因此,答案为B。'
  55. Ranking assets from most liquid to least liquid, the correct order is ________. ( )

  56. A:savings bonds; house; currency. B:currency; savings bonds; house. C:currency; house; savings bonds. D:house; savings bonds; currency.

  57. The common stocks are claims to share in the net income and the assets of a business. ( )

  58. A:True B:False
  59. The bonds are contractual agreements by the borrowers to pay the holders of the instrument a random amount of money, we call interest, at regular intervals (interest and principal payments) until the maturity date. ( )

  60. A:True B:False
  61. If the Monetary Base does not change, and the money supply are lower, and the money multiplier is smaller. ( )

  62. A:True B:False

  63. Barter will fail if one side don’t agree. ( )

  64. A:True B:False
  65. Central Banks provide liquidity to banks to meet only long-term needs . ( )

  66. A:True B:False

  67. If the Money Multiplier is larger than 1, which means a ¥1 change in the monetary base typically leads to more than a ¥1 change in the money supply. ( )

  68. A:True B:False
  69. Which of the following instruments are traded in a money market? ( )

  70. A:Bank commercial loans. B:State and local government bonds. C:Commercial paper. D:Residential mortgages.

  71. A serious consequence of a financial crisis is ________. ( )

  72. A:a contraction in economic activity B:financial engineering C:financial globalization D:an increase in asset prices
    AI参考:正确答案是A:a contraction in economic activity 。金融危机的严重后果是经济活动紧缩。金融工程是关于金融产品设计、定价和管理的各种活动;金融全球化是指金融活动超越国界,在全球范围内进行交易和活动;资产价格上升是经济繁荣的表现,不是危机的影响。因此,答案为A。'
  73. Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time. Money, by contrast, is a stock of wealth: It is a certain amount at a given point in time. ( )

  74. A:False B:True

  75. When the value of loans begins to drop, the net worth of financial institutions falls causing
    them to cut back on lending in a process called ________. ( )

  76. A:capitulation B:deflation C:releveraging D:deleveraging
  77. As a store of value, money________. ( )

  78. A:does not earn interest. B:must be currency. C:is a way of saving for future purchases. D:cannot be a durable asset.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:does not earn interest.货币作为一种价值储存方式,是不会产生利息的。B选项“必须是货币”不正确,因为货币可以有不同的形式,如纸币、硬币等;C选项“是一种未来购买的方式”也不准确,因为货币的价值存储功能不仅仅是用来购买商品或服务;D选项“不能是耐久资产”也不符合货币的性质,因为货币是流通的,可以随时兑换成其他形式的资产。因此,只有A选项“货币不会产生利息”是符合题意的正确答案。'
  79. Debt deflation occurs when ________. ( )

  80. AI参考:正确答案是“当通货紧缩导致债务紧缩时”。债务通缩是指当通货紧缩导致债务紧缩时,企业和个人会减少支出以偿还债务,进而加剧通货紧缩,形成恶性循环。因此,选项A和B都是正确的描述。选项C和D则不是正确答案,因为它们并没有直接涉及到债务紧缩对通货紧缩的影响。'
  81. The amount of money supply is ultimately determined by _______. ( ).

  82. A:finance B:central bank C:Family and individual D:commercial bank E:business unit
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:central bank】。中央银行是货币供应量的最终决定者,它通过制定和调整货币政策来控制货币供应量。其他选项中,finance(财政)、family and individual(家庭和个人)、commercial bank(商业银行)和business unit(商业单位)都可能对货币供应产生影响,但不是决定因素。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  83. The primary functions of commercial banks are ________. ( )

  84. A:credit intermediation B:credit creation C:currency issuance D:payment intermediation
    AI参考:正确选项是A:credit intermediation商业银行的主要功能是信贷中介和支付中介,其中信贷中介是其主要功能之一。银行通过发放贷款、吸收存款等方式,为资金需求者和资金供给者提供中介服务,促进资金融通,实现经济的良性循环。而选项B、C、D虽然也涉及到银行的一些职能,但都不是商业银行的主要功能。因此,正确选项为A:信贷中介。'
  85. As the Electronic Payment techniques improvement in China, you may not only use password to make the payment, what can be used to launch such payment NOW. ( )

  86. A:Voice B:Fingerprint C:Face D:Eye

  87. According to financial practice, the financial regulatory system can be divided into ________. ( )

  88. A:the functional approach B:the institutional approach C:the twin peak approach D:the integrated approach
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:the institutional approach根据金融实践,金融监管体系可以分为制度性监管和功能性监管两种。因此,选项B“制度性监管”是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D在金融监管体系中没有明确的分类。'
  89. Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance? ( )

  90. A:A corporation takes out loans from a bank. B:People buy shares of common stock in the primary markets C:An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets. D:A corporation issues new shares of stock.
  91. Which of the following are policy banks of China? ( )

  92. A:Agriculture Development Bank of China B:the China Development Bank C:Bank of China D:China Export-Import Bank
    AI参考:【答案】A,B,D解析:政策性银行包括中国农业发展银行、国家开发银行和中国进出口银行。商业银行包括中国工商银行和中国银行。所以答案是A:中国农业发展银行 B:中国进出口银行 D:中国投资公司。中国农业发展银行是中国一家重要的政策性银行,其主要职责是贯彻执行国家货币政策和财政政策,支持农业和农村经济发展。国家开发银行和中国进出口银行也是中国重要的政策性银行,分别负责国内基础设施建设和对外贸易融资。而商业银行如中国工商银行和中国银行则是经营一般银行业务的金融机构,与政策性银行有明显的区别。因此,选项C的答案不正确,因为中国银行是一家商业银行,而不是政策性银行。'
  93. For a commodity to function effectively as money, it has to meet several criteria: ________. ( )

  94. A:It must be divisible, so that it is easy to “make change”; B:It must be easy to carry; C:It must be widely accepted; D:It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its value; E:It must not deteriorate quickly.
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:It must be widely accepted; D:It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its value.商品要有效地充当货币,就必须满足几个标准:被广泛接受;易于标准化,易于确定其价值。其他选项在问题中并未提到或者与题目无关。A选项的“可分割性”更多适用于纸币的情况,而不是所有形式的货币;B选项“易于携带”并非是所有形式的货币的必要条件;E选项“不快速变质”只适用于部分有生命的商品货币(例如牛奶)。所以只有CD是符合题意的选项。'
  95. The condition under which banks cannot create deposit money is ________. ( ).

  96. A:cash lending B:full reserve C:statutory reserve ratio D:cash leakage rate E:partial reserve
    AI参考:正确选项是E:partial reserve。在银行不能创造存款货币的情况下,其条件是部分准备金制度(partial reserve),即银行在吸收存款时,并不持有全部存款作为准备金,而只是持有部分准备金。这种情况下,银行只能利用这部分准备金来发放贷款,而不能创造更多的存款货币。其他选项中,cash lending(现金贷款)、full reserve(全额准备金)、statutory reserve ratio(法定准备金比率)和cash leakage rate(现金流失率)与题干描述不符。'
  97. Which of the following are goals of financial regulation? ( )

  98. A:ensuring that investors never suffer losses B:ensuring the soundness of the financial system C:reducing adverse selection D:reducing moral hazard

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