第六章 Legends of the Fall 《秋日传奇》:Legends of the Fall is a 1994 American epic historical drama film directed by Edward Zwick and starring Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn, Julia Ormond and Henry Thomas. Based on the 1979 novella of the same title by Jim Harrison, the film is about three brothers and their father living in the wilderness and plains of Montana in the early 20th century and how their lives are affected by nature, history, war, and love. The film's time frame spans from World War I through the Prohibition era, ending with a brief scene set in 1963. The film was nominated for three Academy Awards and won for Best Cinematography (John Toll). Both the film and book contain occasional Cornish language terms, the Ludlows being a Cornish emigrant family.6.1A Brief Introduction to the Film:The film Legends of the Fall tells an epic tale of three brothers and their father living in the remote wilderness of 1900s USA and how their lives are affected by nature, history, war, and love. As we enjoy the plots of the film, we are also attracted by the mountainous landscape and no wonder it has won the 67th Oscar best cinematography. Another thing to be noted in this film is the theme music which is popular and used as background music from time to time. In addition, as the major genre of the film is the Western, it covers main elements of the Western films, like the cowboy, the killing, the Native Americans, etc..
6.2Native Americans in the 19th Century:One significant element in Western movies is the portrayal of Native Americans. Native Americans are the indigenous peoples of the United States, often grouped into tribes or nations. They suffer a lot when the white settlers gains control of the whole of the North American continent. Since then they are slaved or killed and almost suffers genocide. The kids of the Native Americans are forced to go to boarding schools run by the whites to receive the so called “cultivated” education which actually aims to wipe out their own culture. The U.S. government recently makes an apology to the Native Americans on behalf of the people of the United States for the many instances of violence, maltreatment, and neglect inflicted on Native Peoples by citizens of the United States. But as the survey goes, the conditions of the Native Americans now still need improving.
6.3The Changes of the Relationship among the Brothers:The film Legends of the Fall can be depicted as the epic story of 3 brothers bound by loyalty, tested by war, and torn apart by love. The film starts with the warm welcome of the Ludlows to Samuel, the youngest, and his fiancée Susannah. The word “affection” can be used to describe the brotherhood. Then with the outbreak of WWI and the death of Samuel, the brotherhood worsens, even collapses because they both fall in love with the same woman , Susannah, and share different political views as well. Finally, the two brothers reconciles as Susannah commits suicide and they are faced with the same responsibility to protect the families.
6.4The Understanding of the Relationship Between Tristan and the Bear:A grizzly bear runs through the whole movie and acts as a very important clue to understand the hero Tristan. In the Native American tradition, bears are regarded as sacred animals, symbolizing the power of incredible changes. They are generally mild unless there is a need they defend themselves or their cubs. Tristan’s fate is a bear in the wilderness. His first bloody encounter with the bear changes his life and finally makes him a legend. The relationship between Tristan and the bear changes over the time, from the fight at the beginning to being bonded in the middle and to the duel at the end, during which Tristan dies a good death.
[单选题]Which word is NOT proper for the description of Samuel’s character? 

选项:[Mature , Patriotic, Idealistic, Naive ]
[单选题]Which is NOT the typical element for Western films?

选项:[Saloons and sheriffs., Cowboys and Colt. 45’s., American Indians., Businessmen.]
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true about the Western films?

选项:[ The Westerns are only set in the American West.,  The Westerns often incorporate the Civil War into the film as background.,  The Westerns usually lack of stunning American landscapes. ,  The Westerns are often set in the 20th century]
[单选题]What can you learn from the video clip about the Native Americans in the 19th Century?

选项:[They are discriminated and not allowed to enter in most public places., They are respected by the citizens in the United States., They enjoy the same right as other citizens in the United States., They are civilized people. ]
[单选题] Which Oscar Awards does this film win?

选项:[ Best Cinematography,  

Best Sound

,  Best Picture,  Best Director]
[单选题]How many times does the bear appear in the film?  

选项:[ Three times.,  Four times. , Once. , Twice.  ]
[单选题] Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son?

选项:[ Triston,  He loves them all the same.,  Alfred,  Samuel]
[单选题]What is the common theme of the traditional Western? 

选项:[The rule of law in the western part., The conquest of the wilderness in the name of civilization. , Social status is gained through hard work., The fights among cowboys.]
[单选题] Samuel dies in the war. At Samuel’s funeral, One Stab says that Susannah, Samuel’s fiancée, “was like the water that freezes in the rock and splits it apart. It was no more her fault than it is the fault of the water”. How do you understand his words?

选项:[ One Stab thinks although she is not to be blamed, Susannah is the reason to separate the brothers.,  One Stab thinks Susannah is as cold as ice. ,  One Stab thinks Susannah is a girl who is under a spell.,  One Stab thinks Susannah’s heart is dead as frozen water when Samuel dies.]
[单选题] Who is the narrator of the film?

选项:[ Tristan,  One Stab,  Alfred,  Colonel Ludlow]
[单选题]Why do Alfred and Tristan reconcile at the end of the film?

选项:[Because their father asks his sons to reunite., Because their mother asks his sons to reunite., Because blood is blood., Because blood is blood and Susannah commits suicide.]
[单选题]The bear acts as _______ in this film.

选项:[a pet, a god, a clue, a totem]
[单选题]Who is the director of the film Legends of the Fall? 

选项:[ Edward Zwick,  James Cameron,  Steven Spielberg,  Robert Zemeckis]
[单选题]Which of the following is NOT the reason that most Americans move to the West at the beginning of 19th century? 

选项:[For business opportunities., For good farmlands and better environment. , To escape from poverty and religious persecution., For better education.]
[单选题]What kind of traditional home do Native Americans live in?

选项:[They live in the houses as most people do in the city., They live in the wikiups made of tree saplings., They live in the primitive housese along the riverside., They live in the wikiups made of tree saplings as well as teepees covered with buffalo hide.]
[单选题]Which of the following is NOT right for the description of the genre of this film?

选项:[Comedy., War., Romance., Western.]
[单选题] What is regarded as one of the sacred animals in Native American tradition?

选项:[ Bear ,  Lion,  Dog ,  Elephant]
[单选题] What happens to Tristan when he is born?

选项:[ His mother dies giving birth to him,  He is raised by a bear. ,  He is wrapped by a bearskin to keep warm.,  He is too weak to have anything.]
[单选题] Tristan leaves home two times in this entire story. The first time is when he is in love with Susannah after Samuel’s death. The second time is after he takes revenge for his wife. Why does he choose to leave home?

选项:[ Because he follows his inner voice, which drives him away from home for peace when it is roaring like a bear.,  Because he loves travelling.,  Because he is tired of the life at home.,  Because the one he loves is dead.]
[单选题]The image of the bear mentioned in this film exists __________.

选项:[in everyone’s heart., only in Tristan’s heart., in some people’s heart. , in nowhere at all.]
[单选题]Which of the following statements is true about the traditional screen image of Native Americans?  

选项:[ They are handsome guys with true wisdom.,  They are courageous and moral humans.,  They are violent and uncivilized.,  They have a strong body with a strong mind.]
[单选题]What contributes to the conflicts between Tristan and Alfred?

选项:[The fact that Susannah falls in love with Tristan., Samuel’s death as well as Susannah’s falling in love with Tristan., The fact that Susannah falls in love with Alfred., The fact that Tristan does not save Samuel’s life in the war.]
[单选题] What did the American government do in the year 2009?

选项:[ It announced that all men are created equal. ,  It apologized to all Native Peoples for the many instances of violence, maltreatment, and neglect it has done to them.,  It passed laws to stop the discrimination on the Native Americans.,  It allowed the Native Americans to vote as a citizen.]
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true about the relationship among the brothers?

选项:[ The deep and strong brotherhood remains the same throughout the film.,  Tristan and Samuel are jealous of Alfred’s success.,  The brotherhood has been through affection, collapse, and reconciliation. ,  These is always suspicion among these brothers.]
[单选题]Why doesn’t Tristan kill the bear when he sees it the second time? 

选项:[Because he doesn’t take any weapon with him., Because he and the bear become one as they have spilled each other’s blood., Because the bear is too sly to come closer to them., Because the bear is aware of the danger and runs away. ]
[单选题]What can you see about Alfred in this film?

选项:[He is not mature but he loves his brothers and his father., He is mature and only thinks about himself., He is not mature and does things without consideration., He is mature and cares about everyone around him.]
[单选题]What does the American government do to civilize the Native Americans? 

选项:[To let them have European hair style., To let them speak English instead of their own languages., By running boarding schools to educate the Native American children the western cultures., By sending them to schools in the eastern cities.]
[单选题] How do you interpret the word “fall” in the name of the film Legends of the Fall?

选项:[ It means falling down to some place terrible.,  It’s a pun for “fall” in the Bible of Humanity’s fall from the Edenic happiness and innocence. ,  It refers to a large amount of water falling down from a height.,  It represents the one of the seasons, Autumn. ]
[单选题] What does Tristan do when his mother leaves home at the ranch to the city center?

选项:[ He refuses to speak of her. ,  He goes to his mother.,  He asks his mother back.,  He writes to his mother very often.]
[单选题]Which is NOT right for the explanation of the relationship between Tristan and the bear? 

选项:[Tristan and the bear are in the state of hostility., Tristan and the bear are closely related and they are one in certain degree., The image of the bear represents the thoughts and fate of Tristan., When the bear hibernates, Tristan settles down.]
[单选题] Why is Tristan reluctant to return home after the war?

选项:[ He is willing to travel around. ,  The outside world appeals to him.,  He blames himself for not being unable to save Samuel’s life. ,  He is assigned some other tasks in the army.]
[单选题]Why does Colonel Ludlow move his families to a remote part of Montana? 

选项:[Because he dreams a better life in the mountainous area., Because he is tired of the fact that the American government betrays the Native Americans., Because there are more business opportunities., Because the Native Americans betrays the American government.]
[单选题]Which is NOT the right statement about Susannah?

选项:[She is capable., She is dependent on Samuel., She is strong and passionate., She brings happiness as well as tragedy to this family.]
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true?

选项:[ Native Americans settled in the middle of the United States.,  By 1890 White settlers had settled right across to the West coast. ,  Native Americans arrived on the East coast in the 1600s.,  White settlers arrived on the West coast in the 1600s.]
[单选题] Which is the best word to describe the two elder brothers’ attitude towards their youngest brother Samuel according to One Stab?

选项:[ Ignore ,  Protective,  Care,  Spoil]
[单选题]Who are Native Americans?

选项:[They are a group of people living in the north part of the United States., They are Americans sharing the same language, culture, customs, and politics., They are Americans grouped in tribes., They are different groups of indigenous peoples of the United States.]
[单选题] After Samuel’s death, Tristan and Susannah fall in love and live a happy life. But why does Tristan choose to leave Susannah and drift alone one day?

选项:[ Tristan is in mental disorder and he cannot control himself. ,  Tristan finds Susannah cannot forget Samuel and still in love with him. ,  Tristan is unable to get rid of the shadow of Samuel’s death. ,  Tristan finds that Alfred loves Susannah.]
[单选题]At the beginning of the film, which word is proper to describe the relationship among brothers? 

选项:[Affection, Respect, Suspicion,  Jealousy]
[单选题]What do most Native Americans in Apache tribe wear?  

选项:[ They wear clothes made from leather or buckskin.,  They wear clothes made from cotton.,  They wear clothes made from nylon. ,  They wear clothes made from tree leaves. ]
[单选题] When Tristan and Isabel Two get married, One Stab describes their marriage as what it is meant to be. How do you interpret it?

选项:[ Isabel Two is beloved by Ludlow’s family.,  Isabel Two dreams to marry Tristan when she is 13.,  Isabel Two names after Tristan’s mother, so they are destined for each other.,  Isabel Two is the daughter of a Native American and a white, so she bears more the spirit of nature which goes with Tristan. ]
[单选题]Why does Tristan deliberately waken a sleeping bear at the age of twelve?

选项:[Because he wants to feed the bear. , Because he wants to challenge the bear and be a real warrior., Because he wants to show that he is brave., Because he wants to play with the bear. ]
[单选题] How do you understand the bear in this film?

选项:[ It is a bear with super power.,  It represents the superego and exists in everyone’s heart.,  It is just an animal that encounters with Tristan.,  It represents the Native American spirit. ]

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