  1. 常见的文献管理软件包括

  2. A:EndNote B:Photoshop C:NoteExpress D:Mendeley
  3. 文献管理软件的主要功能是

  4. A:生成参考文献 B:查找学科热点 C:分析学科前沿 D:管理参考文献
  5. What does Move 1 of CARS Model conclude?

  6. A:Current situation B:Literature review C:Background information D:Significance of the topic
    答案:Significance of the topic###Literature review###Background information###Current situation
  7. 《中图法》分为()个基本部类,()个基本大类。

  8. A:22 B:4 C:5 D:20
  9. 2023 年度 JCR 对 Web of Science 核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor,简称 JIF),包括 (    )

  10. A:








  11. 中国能够依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给。( )

  12. A:. China can basically realize self-support in food supplies through selfreliance. B:China can basically achieve self-support in grain through selfindependence. C:China can basically achieve self-sufficiency in grain through selfreliance. D:China can basically realize self-sufficiency in food supplies through self independence.
    答案:China can basically achieve self-sufficiency in grain through selfreliance.
  13. 原文:绝对不许违反这个原则。译文:No violation of this principle can be tolerated.对原文中的黑体部分,此句的译者采用的主要翻译技巧是______。

  14. A:








  15. Web of Science最独特的地方就是引文索引(Citation Index)。关于引文索引,以下说法错误的是

  16. A:通过施引文献可以越查越新,去追踪课题的最新进展 B:通过参考文献可以越查越广,去寻找交叉学科的创新点和研究思路 C:通过相关记录可以越查越广,去寻找交叉学科的创新点和研究思路 D:通过参考文献可以越查越深,去追溯科研成果的理论基础和来源
  17. 在对检索结果进行分析时,如果我们想要从整体上去把握某个研究课题的总体发展趋势以及判断课题的发展阶段,应该选择的字段是

  18. A:机构 B:作者 C:国家/地区 D:出版年
  19. 有一种文献能帮助我们了解国际上某领域的研究现状、水平和发展趋势,了解某个理论的渊源及演进过程,以及了解某个课题有什么人在研究,达到什么水平、存在什么不足以及正在向什么方向发展等,这种文献类型是

  20. A:Article论文 B:Letter快讯 C:Meeting Abstract会议摘要 D:Review综述
  21. 这20年间,世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。时而波澜壮阔,令人振奋;时而风雨如磐,惊心动魄。

  22. A:Over the past 20 years, the world has changed greatly. It is sometimes sweeping and inspiring and it is sometimes stormy and disquieting. B:Over the past 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes which are sweeping and inspiring at times and stormy and disquieting at others. C:Over the last 20 years, the world has changed greatly, sometimes sweepingly and inspiringly and sometimes stormily and disquietingly. D:Over the last 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes, at times sweepingly and inspiringly and at others stormily and disquietingly
  23. 电子信箱/在线投稿一周之后,没有收到回复(无论人工还是自动),怎么办?

  24. A:发邮件去追问期刊 B:在确认投稿信箱准确无误/投稿状态是“完成”“审稿中”的前提下,静心等待就好 C:将论文投向其它期刊 D:打电话去询问期刊
  25. 在构造检索式的时候,我们通常用()来联接不同概念的检索词

  27. 我国陆地矿产资源的人均占有量不到世界人均量的一半。( )

  28. A:The amount per capita of the mineral land resources in China is no less than half the figure per capita worldwide. B:. The amount per capita of the land mineral resources in China is no more than half the figure per capita worldwide. C:The amount per capita of the mineral land resources in China is lower than half the figure per capita worldwide. D:The amount per capita of the land mineral resources in China is less than half the figure per capita worldwide.
  29. 论文的一般投稿流程是()

  30. A:








  31. 在构造检索式的时候,我们通常用()来排除不需要的词语

  33. 中国山区面积占国土总面积的70%。

  34. A:. Mountainous areas account of 70 percent of China’s total territory. B:Mountainous areas count for 70 percent of China’s total territory. C:Mountainous areas account for 70 percent of China’s total territory. D:Mountainous areas count of 70 percent of China’s total territory.
  35. SSCI数据库的中文名字是

  36. A:社会科学引文索引 B:科学引文索引 C:科学会议录 D:艺术和人文科学引文索引
  37. 我们的改革是从经济方面着手的,又首先是从农村开始的。

  38. A:Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas. B:Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas. C:Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas. D:Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas.
  39. 《中国图书馆分类法》的学科分类体系结构中,H所对应的学科是

  40. A:历史地理 B:经济 C:文学 D:语言文字
  41. 必须对党员特别是领导干部严格要求,严格管理,严格监督。

  42. A:We should be strict with Party members, leading cadres in particular, and strictly manage and supervise them. B:Strictly require, manage and supervise Party members, especially to leading cadres. C:We must strictly require, strictly manage and strictly supervise Party members, especially leading cadres D:We must strictly require, manage and supervise Party members, especially leading cadres
  43. 剑桥大学出版社总部在哪里

  44. A:牛津 B:爱丁堡 C:剑桥 D:伦敦
  45. 我们要埋头苦干。我们肩上的担子重,责任大啊!

  46. A:We must immerse ourselves in hard work, we have difficult task to accomplish and bear a heavy responsibility on our shoulder. B:We must immerse ourselves in hard work; we feel a heavy burden on our shoulder and bear a heavy responsibility. C:We must immerse ourselves in hard work, we have difficult task on our shoulder and bear a heavy responsibility. D:We must immerse ourselves in hard work; we have difficult task to accomplish and a heavy responsibility to bear.
  47. 虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。

  48. A:. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals they approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology. B:Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology. C:Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals whom approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology. D:Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, but there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.
  49. What is the second Move of CARS Model?

  50. A:establishing a research field B:establishing a niche C:occupying the niche D:general information
  51. 《中国图书馆分类法》的学科分类体系结构中,R所对应的学科是

  52. A:医药卫生 B:文学 C:自动化技术、计算技术 D:语言文字
  53. 学术论文正文后的参考文献的著录格式中[S]代表的文献类型是

  54. A:报纸 B:期刊论文 C:标准 D:专利
  55. 打动人心的是作品中所反映的生活和主人公的命运。

  56. A:Readers are moved by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the
    leading character.
    B:Readers are enlightened by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character C:Readers are stirred up by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character. D:Readers are impressed by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character.
  57. 在不断增加粮食生产的基础上,河南省的农民正在进一步发展多种经济。

  58. A:As steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further expanding their diversified economy. B:On the basis of steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. C:Based on steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. D:. Like steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further expanding their diversified economy.
  59. Read the sentences and choose the sentence which is more appropriate in academic articles.以理论为基础的这种深度分析往往比纯粹的实验手段更加权威和具有说服力。

  60. A:Such profound analysis which is based on theories is usually more authoritative and convincing than pure experiments. B:Such theory-based profound analysis is usually more authoritative and convincing than pure experiments.
  61. 自1978年经济改革以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度增长,使其国民生产总值几乎翻了两番

  62. A:Since economic reform in 1978, China’s economy grows at a rate of almost 10% a year and makes GDP nearly double B:Since economic reform in 1978, China’s average growth rate is almost 10% a year and has witnessed its GDP quadruple. C:Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China’s GNP nearly double. D:Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China’s GNP nearly quadruple.
  63. 在旧社会,我们评剧演员常常挣钱不够吃饭,艺人们大都是拉家带口,生活困难。

  64. A:In the old society, pingju performers couldn't earn enough money to eat, as most were saddled with big families, their life was hard. B:In the old society, pingju performers couldn't earn enough money to live on. Most of them were saddled with big families, their life was hard. C:In the old society, pingju performers seldom made enough money to eat. Most of them were saddled with big families, and their life was hard D:In the old society, pingju performers seldom made enough to live on, and as most were saddled with big families, their life was hard.
  65. 能够帮助我们实时跟踪某课题、某作者、某机构等最新研究进展的功能按钮是

  66. A:分析检索结果(Analyze Results) B:创建跟踪服务(Set Search Alert) C:精炼检索结果(Refine Results) D:创建引文报告(Create Citation Report)
  67. 论文一旦定稿投出,投稿期刊不允许变更作者人数和顺序。

  68. A: B:都不正确 C: D:不一定
  69. 中国有12亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。

  70. A:The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has.  B:China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s average.  C:The 1.2 billion people in China have lower land natural resources than in the world each.  D:China’s population is 1.2 billion and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the world’s average level. 
  71. 著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准是我国近代翻译家______提出来的。

  72. A:严复 B:周煦良 C:林纾 D:钱钟书
  73. ……可我从头到脚淋成了落汤鸡了。

  74. A:. …. I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned hen. B:…. I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned cat. C:…. I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned rat. D:…. I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned mouse.
  75. 我们查询期刊影响因子的数据库是

  76. A:Publons B:Journal Citation Reports, JCR C:Kopernio D:Essential Science Indicators, ES
  77. 论文投稿中,退稿的原因归纳起来不包括()

  78. A:文笔欠佳 B:有创新性 C:选刊不佳 D:提炼不够
  79. 提高现在耕地单位面积产量有潜力。

  80. A:It is potential to increase the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land. B:. It is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land. C:Increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land is potential. D:There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.
  81. 学术论文正文后的参考文献的著录格式中[M]代表的文献类型是

  82. A:专利 B:期刊论文 C:图书专著 D:报纸
  83. 日子很快地过去了,她的做工却毫没有懈,食物不论,力气是不惜的。

  84. A:Time passing quickly, and she went on working as hard as ever, not cared what she ate, never spared herself B:Time has passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself C:Time passed quickly, she went on working as hard as ever, not cared what she ate, never spared herself D:Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself
  85. 以下对“一稿多投”的错误理解是()

  86. A:在稿件受理期间,不得另投他刊 B:若录用后发现已在他刊刊出,期刊则仍予刊登。 C:作者应承担经济责任 D:该期刊以后不再接收该文通信作者的稿件。
  87. 在对检索结果进行分析时,如果我们想要快速锁定该主题下某个特定学科领域的论文,应该选择的字段是

  88. A:学科类别 B:出版年 C:作者 D:国家/地区
  89. 在一篇题目为《目标运动分析新论》论文中,论文摘要是:“在我的《TMA理论》那本书中,介绍了TMA的经典方法,在本论文里,主要叙述目标运动分析的几种新的方法,它们是1)识别-滤波-控制原理;2)交互多模型方法;3)多站信息融合的方法。”上述摘要犯了哪几方面的错误:

  90. A:










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