1.The test value separates the critical region from the noncritical region ( ).
A:对 B:错
2.When you are testing the difference between two means, it is not important to distinguish whether the samples are independent of each other ( ).
A:错误 B:正确
3.Area graph diagrams are used to describe the frequency distribution ( ).
A:正确 B:错误
4.The total area under a normal distribution is infinite ( ).
A:错误 B:正确
5.Paired t-test need testing homogeneity of variance between two populations ( ).
A:正确 B:错误
6.One sample t test are typically used to compare a sample mean to a known population mean ( )
A:错误 B:正确
7.When the data do not follow normal distribution, the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test can be used to compare three or more means ( ).
A:对 B:错
8.The central limit theorem also applies to a binomial distribution. ( )
A:错 B:对
9.µ stands for sample statistics. ( )
A:正确 B:错误
10.The sampling distribution depends on the underlying distribution of the popoluation, the statistic being considered, and the sample size used. ( )
A:对 B:错
11.The chi-square statistic can be used to see whether a frequency distribution fits a specific pattern ( ).
A:错误 B:正确

12.When performing a one-sample t test, there may be a preconceived assumption about the direction of the findings. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 13.Statistics is only used in data analysis when we did an experiment. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 14.In perfect positive correlation (r=1), the two variables denoted by X, Y are directly proportional and fully correlated with each other. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 15.Correlation is a measure of association between two variables that are not designed as either dependent or independent. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 16.A pie chart is mainly used to show the proportion of each slice. ( )
A:错 B:对 17.Weights to different values of variables are often determined by the frequency of all the combination of certain categorical variables ( )
A:正确 B:错误 18.P50 corresponds to ( )
A:mean B:midrange C:mode D:median 19.For a 4x4 table, what is degrees of freedom of Chi-square test ( ) .
A:9 B:15 C:3 D:12 20.The equation of the regression line used in statistics is ( ).
A:x=a+by B:y’=a+bx C:y=bx+a D:x=ay+b 21.The null hypothesis in ANOVA is that all the means are ( )
A:equal B:variable C:none of the above D:unequal 22.Which of the following are binomial experiments? ( )
A:Asking 1000 people which brand of cigarettes they smoke B:Surveying 100 people to determine if they like Sudsy soap C:Surveying 300 prisoners to see how many different crimes they were convicted D:Testing four different brands of aspirin to see which brands are effective 23.Wilconxon test can be used to analyze ( ) data.
A:Open-end data B:Non-normal distribution C:Ordinal D:All of them 24.The test is used to test means when three samples are independent and the normality assumption cannot be met. ( )
A:t-test B:Kruskal-Wallis C:Chi-square test D:F-test 25.The predicted-relationship between two quantitatively measured or continuous variables is called ( ).
A:Correlation B:Regression C:Homogeneity D:Sampling 26.When the value of α is increased, the probability of committing a type II error is ( )
A:Increased B:None of the above C:The same D:Decreased 27.The following serum uric acid levels, rounded to the nearest integer value, were obtained from 50 patients,What is the mode for this distribution of scores? ( )

A:4 B:3 C:5 D:6 28.The description of central tendency in antibody concentration level is ( )
A:Standard deviation B:Arithmetic mean C:Geometric mean D:Median 29.Analysis of variance[ANOVA]uses the ( ) test.
A:Z B:F C:Chi-square D:t 30.t-distribution can fit well with normal distribution when df= ( )
A:∞ B:1 C:30 D:54 31.When all subjects under study are used, the group is called a ( )
A:Large group B:Study group C:Sample D:Population 32.You conduct a study on the effect of a weight-loss technique. The results regarding the amount of weight lost are illustrated on the graph. In this study, what summary statistic would give the best measure of central tendency? ( )

A:Mode B:Mean C:Median D:Range 33.The expenditures (indollars) per pupil for states in three sections of the country are listed. Which method can be used to find the difference among the means ( ).
A:ANOVE B:z-test C:independent t-test D:paired t-test 34.In a random sample of young adults, systolic blood pressure (SBP) values are assumed to follow a normal distribution, with a mean of 115 mmHg and a standard deviation (SD) of 8 mmHg. What is the probability that a patient randomly selected from this sample has a SBP of 99 mmHg or less? ( )
A:16% B:5% C:0.3% D:2.5% 35.Variance ratio test is used to test ( ).
A:Homogeneity B:Balance C:Randomness D:Normal distribution 36.Chi-square test can be used to compare ( ) .
A:population proportion B:ratio C:goodness fit D:means 37.It is necessary to transfer the raw data into SPSS file for later analysis ( )
A:对 B:错 38.A random variable is a variable whose values are determined by chance ( ).
A:错 B:对 39.One sample t test are typically used to compare a sample mean to a known population mean ( )
A:错 B:对 40.The z value corresponding to a number below the mean is always negative ( ).
A:错 B:对 41.Which figure can be chosen to describe the distribution of data ( )
A:line graph B:pie graph C:stem-and-leaf D:histogram

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