1. Business partners are cultural adventurers. They are to develop an adventure’s mentality towards cultures other than one’s own.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. A big company usually has its subcultures and subcultures are regarded as separate cultures from the dominant culture.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. An entrepreneur can look at the same circumstances as other people and see something different: opportunity. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. E-Commerce will deteriorate geographical limitations between companies. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. E-Commerce includes two types: Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. The Internet can expand markets and territories, develop global marketing partnerships, and provide worldwide customer service. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. You run a small business. So it means that you have to be an expert on everything. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. If a business plan is to be effective it must be specific in analyzing the competition, the money needed to start, and other details of operation.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. One reason that a nation trades is that it lacks the raw materials, climate, specialist labor, capital, or technology needed to manufacture a particular good. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Vivian Chen decided to work for a floral design shop before opening her own shop. This was a poor decision since she used her labor to make someone else successful.( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Management skills are classified into conceptual, human, and technical skills.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Locks and keys may be low tech, but they are a high priority for securing physical assets. ( )
  24. The supervisor’s monitor role involves receiving and collecting information.( )
  25. The name of a new business should be easy to remember and not misleading.( )
  26. In order to chase a dream, you have got to be willing to make sacrifices along the way. ( )
  27. E-commerce is about doing business through electronic media.( )
  28. If a sole proprietorship fails, the business is lost, but the personal assets of the owner are secure.( )
  29. A major producer of personal computers is considering a merger with a leading producer of microprocessors and other computer chips. The former believes such a merger would give it a guaranteed source of needed components, and would enable it to have better control over quality. If this merger occurs, it would be an example of a horizontal merger.( )
  30. Low performers may have higher incomes and be prompted or transferred to help them develop their skills.( )
  31. Technical skills are used most by middle managers.( )
  32. A general business license is one that is issued to a business that will provide products or services that require regulation.( )
  33. In order show respect for others, we may listen to the others attentively and not interrupt the other’s conversation.( )
  34. Putting a product through an additional process can increase its value, and additional processes are the only way value can be added. ( )
  35. The word culture is derived from the Latin verb colere which means to cultivate.( )
  36. A country's balance of payments is said to be in deficit by a certain amount if sources of funds (such as exports or the receipts of loans and investments) exceed uses of funds (such as imports or investments in foreign countries) by that amount. ( )
  37. Conceptual skills are used by most supervisors.( )
  38. The slang or jargon used in a company helps its employees define their identities as members of an organization.( )
  39. Like wages, salaries, and incentive programs which are directly linked with the jobs done, fringe benefits are also directly related with work performed.( )
  40. A revenue tariff is designed to shield domestic producers from foreign competition. ( )
  41. What core characteristics that are collectively valued by members of a company? ( )
  42. What are the primary reasons why nations engage in international trade?( ).
  43. Generally, trade barriers include______________( )
  44. Keeping up with current events will help you identify that have business possibilities. ( )
  45. What are the basic models in B2B E-Commerce ( )
  46. In which of the flowing forms of organization can you deduct health insurance premiums as a business expense? ( )
  47. What type of business finds it much easier to raise money?( )
  48. An import tariff may make_________________________. ( ).
  49. Gains from trade only occur_______________________. ( ).
  50. Mobile commerce refers to ( )。
  51. How many types of EDI transmission( )。
  52. My brother-in-law and I want to start a small, vacuum cleaner repair shop as partners. We want to keep our investment costs down. We should organize ( )
  53. How you will market and advertise your product will depend largely on ( )
  54. If I set up my business as an LLC, I could file my tax return as ( )
  55. Good manners are cost-effective because they decrease the quality of life in the workplace.( )
  56. Credit checks are used to find out whether the applicants have honored their financial obligations on time.( )
  57. E-commerce utilizes computer technology, network technology and telecommunication technology to realize electronic, digitalization and network in the whole business process. ( )
  58. Hiring specification is listing the specific skills, education, experience and qualifications that are needed to perform the job.( )
  59. Corporate social responsibility is the awareness that business activities have an impact on society, and the consideration of that impact by firms in decision making.( )
  60. One important obstacle to the speed of B2B electronic commerce is the high technological demands that companies face in transferring data to electronic networks from computers. ( )
  61. Avoid using Mrs. unless you are definitely sure she is not married and happy. ( )
  62. Job enrichment and job enlargement have been adopted in many organizations to satisfy both the fundamental and personal needs of employees.( )
  63. Usually the colors of business name cards are varied but will have a company logo and possibly the slogan too.( )
  64. Businesspeople should make every effort to be fair, to consider the welfare of customers and others within the firm, to avoid conflicts of interest, and to communicate honestly. ( )
  65. A franchisee has the right to change products and services of the franchise company. ( )
  66. Corporate culture means “the way we do things around here.” It represents a common conception held by the organization’s members.( )
  67. EDI is often described as "paperless trading." ( )
  68. The less considerate, respectful, and honest businesspeople sincerely are to one another, the better their relationships will be with co-workers, employees, customers, and suppliers.( )
  69. Companies that treat employees well are said to have healthy corporate cultures and these companies tend to have high employee turnover.( )
  70. So how many aspects ethical dilemmas in business? The first is human resources issue. The second is employee safety issue. The third one is conflicts of interest. The fourth one is customer confidence. And the last one is use of corporate resources.( )
  71. Small and medium enterprises who cannot afford to establish overseas offices cannot contact with the outside world even if there exists E-Commerce. ( )
  72. Closed corporations mean that the stock is held by only a few owners and not actively sold on the stock market.( )
  73. The Internet-based systems are often called "lite EDI" because many of them contain all the features of conventional EDI networks. ( )
  74. Business exist for the sole purpose of making profits and creating wealth for the owners.( )
  75. Firms recruit their employees only by such three sources as educational institutions, employment agencies, and job advertisements.( )
  76. Only great events, not small tales, illustrate key aspects of an organization’s culture and telling great events can effectively introduce or reaffirm those values to employees.( )
  77. Employment checks can tell the firm how well the applicants have worked in the past and why they left their jobs.( )
  78. A time draft allows for a delay in payment—normally________ days. ( ).
  79. Deciding where to open your new business is often one of the most difficult decisions a business owner faces. To work through the decision, you can do one of the following.( )
  80. What are the financial devices that have evolved to cope with the lack of trust? ( ).
  81. What are the basic models in B2C E-Commerce( )。
  82. Technical skills involve the ability to .( )
  83. When should an entrepreneur spend all of his/her time in the business?( )
  84. Which of the following sets of managerial roles classify Mintzberg’s ten most common roles of managers? ( )
  85. An import tariff of $10 per unit of an imported good that is imposed by a country_____________.( ).
  86. X Marie Wang recently invested $4,000 that her aunt had left her in the stock of a corporation. Marie has become a( )of the corporation.
  87. John wants to open a retail business in China. Which of the following is the best time?( )
  88. Susan Smith periodically takes clients to lunch to reward them for being good customers. What role of management does her action exhibit?( )
  89. Contact with others which refers to the shaping of the corporate culture based on how it develops out of the contact between groups and individuals within a company.( )
  90. If you’re introducing someone with a specific relationship to you, make the relationship clear by adding “my boss”, “my wife”.( )
  91. The job itself, salary, and bonuses should be paid more attention to than the corporate culture in terms of job-hunting.( )
  92. Working effectively with a team to resolve conflicts describes a human skill.( )
  93. It is not necessary for a business to obtain licenses or permits.( )
  94. Interpersonal relations are a type of human skill.( )
  95. Etiquette does not mean putting on airs, playing games, betraying yourself, or compromising your integrity.( )
  96. Salary is money compensation for longer periods of work time(e.g. a month or a year and mostly paid to middle- and upper- level managers.( )
  97. The purpose of recruitment is to provide a group of candidates that is large enough to let managers select the qualified employees they need.( )
  98. Corporate culture and corporate climate are two different concepts. The former refers to the values, beliefs, and customs or norms of an organization, while the latter refers to the general atmosphere of an organization.( )
  99. B2C means that is less competition within the same field for the same product when compared to a B2B business. ( )
  100. The Procedure of Receiving Guests includes Preparation; Reception; Formal welcome.( )
  101. The most common fringe benefits in the U.S. are life, health, and disability insurance, pension plans, and paid vacations.( )
  102. Corporate culture has three functions. The first one is to provide a sense of identity for members. The second one is to generate commitment to the organization’s mission. The third one is to clarify and reinforce standards of behavior.( )
  103. Culture is learned. It is innate, so it is possible for a person to learn a new culture.( )
  104. Corporate culture is described as the personality of an organization and it guides how employees think, act, and feel.( )
  105. Name cards are a necessity in business communications. ( )
  106. There are very few products or services that can be improved. ( )
  107. Great business ideas and good opportunities are enough to ensure the success of a business. ( )
  108. Performance evaluation by managers can help a company determine what talent is available.( )
  109. Greet the other party by repeating the other party’s name. Respond with “How do you do, Mr. Smith?” Or “Nice to meet you.” Or “I’ve heard so much about you, I'm looking forward to meeting you.”( )
  110. The franchiser can provide training, guidance, and other forms of support to the franchisee.( )
  111. B2C E-Commerce refers to business between companies and consumers. ( )
  112. Just as different people have different personalities, different organizations have different corporate cultures.( )
  113. Orientation involves using application forms, resumes, interviews and skills tests, and reference checks to evaluate and screen job candidates for the managers who will ultimately select and hire a candidate.( )
  114. Off-the-job training istraining acquired or learned while working at the job .( )
  115. Three major factors contribute to the emergence of corporate culture They are company founders, experience with the general business and industry environment, and contact with others.( )
  116. Ethical standards in business are based on commonly accepted principles of behavior established by the expectations of industry, the firm, the society and an individual’s personal values.( )
  117. Use your spouse’s first and last name. Include the phrase “my wife / husband”.( )
  118. Bowing is not used in Japan, Korea, and South Korea. It is often used for showing respect and greeting to others. ( )
  119. The balance-of-payments statement shows all the payments a nation receives from foreign countries and all the payments it makes to them. ( )
  120. Social responsibility is a way of giving back and in doing so companies aim at improving the welfare of the society in general. Ways in which a company can give back to society include: Give preference to the immediate public; Give fair wages and never be seen to be exploiting workers; Set fair prices for the goods and services provided; Aim at quality production & customer satisfaction; Set up social welfare facilities; Participate in social activities; Share ideas and intelligence; Use part of the business resources to fund research and development that is aimed at creating solutions for problems that affect the entire society; Participate in setting up social amenities; Recognize & help minorities such as the disabled; Go green.( )
  121. The purpose of business manners is to improve the efficiency of business transactions in the long term, especially in international markets.( )
  122. Ralph Xu wants to invest his money in business and share in its profits, but has no desire to actively manage the company. He also wants to limit his risk of loss. One type of ownership that would allow Ralph to meet his objectives is the general partnership.( )
  123. In European countries, people do not bow frequently.( )
  124. Tariffs reduce the overall efficiency of the world economy because a protective tariff encourages domestic firms to produce products at home that, in theory, could be produced more efficiently abroad. ( )
  125. A letter of credit is issued by a bank at the request of an exporter and then sent to the importer's bank. ( )
  126. A flexible exchange rate means the government does not enter into foreign exchange markets and leaves the determination of exchange rates totally up to currency traders. ( )
  127. Initiating organizational change refers to a managers figurehead role.( )
  128. While at dinner party or negotiation tables, you should nod and smile. Instead you should approach the other person, Smile and Shake hands. ( )
  129. What ethical issues need people to face every day? ( )
  130. While the overall BOP accounts will always balance when all types of payments are included, imbalances are possible on the_________. ( ).
  131. What are different types of corporate culture? ( )
  132. A business plan can be made in many ways. However, some essential points should be included in any plan, which are listed below:( ).
  133. What are the current trends in B2B eCommerce ( )
  134. What are the benefits of B2C E-Commerce. ( )
  135. The bill of lading serves the purposes: ________________________. ( )
  136. What functions about corporate culture? ( )
  137. What are the disadvantages of B2C eCommerce. ( )
  138. Balance of Payment account includes_________________ .( ).
  139. Ed Brickey wants to be certain he has done all he can do to help his business survive, so he has written a business plan. One advantage of developing the plan is that it( ).
  140. In what specific sequence do managers perform their functions to help achieve company goals? ( )
  141. A _____merger is the joining of two firms involved in different stages of related businesses.( )
  142. G2C E-Commerce refers to( )。
  143. Once manages define future performance goals, they must translate this abstract vision into reality via the function of .( )
  144. Conceptual skills are concerned with a manager’s ability to .( )
  145. Which of the following suggestions is an experienced entrepreneur most likely to give someone who is thinking about getting into business?( )
  146. Which of the following is NOT the purpose that a bill of lading serves? ( ).
  147. Lucy Zhang manages a college bookstore. She feels that her greatest problem is related to employee motivation. This problem is related to her role as a .( )
  148. Which of the following job titles is NOT an example of a middle manager? ( )
  149. A good reason to consider starting a business with a partner is ( )
  150. When an entrepreneur assesses a market, he/she should consider the following aspects except( ).
  151. If country A has a comparative advantage in producing shoes, then________________________.( ).
  152. If you want to examine your business idea, one of the first steps is ( )
  153. Top management spends the least amount of time on .( )
  154. A system of floating exchange rates has currencies whose values_____________________. ( ).
  155. An organization has a finance center, a marketing center, and a human resources center. It is organized by .( )
  156. Which is one of the drivers of E-Commerce EXCEPT( )。
  157. Which of the following is NOT true about absolute advantage? ( ).
  158. A_____merger unites firms in completely unrelated industries.( )
  159. The basic rules in social introductions are( ).
  160. Etiquette for Introduction and Greetings consists( ) .
  161. What are the three principles that govern all etiquette?( )
  162. In terms of the Employee - Boss Relations, the supervisors should ( )
  163. In the business context, consideration means( ).
  164. An import quota is a direct restriction on the quantity of some good that may be imported into a country. ( )
  165. International trade is, in principle, very different from domestic trade. ( )
  166. An import to the buyer is an export to the seller. ( )
  167. In his 1776 landmark book The Wealth of Nations,__________argued that countries differ in their ability to produce goods efficiently.( ).
  168. The current account refers to the net flow of current transactions, including____________, between countries. ( ).
  169. What are the benefits of E-Commerce( )。
  170. Which is one of the benefits of E-governance EXCEPT( )。
  171. EDI technology help us save more time and money( )
  172. EDI will cut the traceability and reporting of an enterprise( )
  173. Growth of big data will drive the growth of E-Commerce( )
  174. What are the methods of training and developing?( )
  175. What are the two factors for human resource planning?( )
  176. We can hire people from( ) .
  177. The model for evaluating human resources include( ).
  178. What are the procedures to determine the training needs of individuals in their organization?( )
  179. A company does not always price its products or services to cover total costs plus a reasonable profit margin.( )
  180. The new product that your start-up company has developed appears to have significant market label potential in 30 countries around the world. You should introduce it in all 30 countries as soon as possible in order to establish a foothold in the marketplace before the compensation can get established.( )
  181. If the introduction of a new product will reduce sales of an existing product sold by a company, the new product should not be introduced.( )
  182. It is not possible to "differentiate" products that are considered "commodity" items.( )
  183. Marketing managers are concerned with product promotion, but they leave the actual design of the product to production managers.( )
  184. The supervisor is located at the top of the managerial hierarchy.( )
  185. The functions of managers identified by management theorists include .( )
  186. The president or CEO is the top management.( )
  187. At all levels of management, the greatest amount of time is spent on .( )
  188. Planning is a dynamic decision-making function that focuses on .( )
  189. In corporate ethics, which one in business is an important ethical concern? ( )
  190. Corporate ethics are the evaluation of corporate activities and behavior as right or wrong. ( )
  191. What are the major factors contributing to the emergence of corporate culture? ( )
  192. Ethics are principles of behavior that distinguish between right and wrong. ( )
  193. Corporate culture is a broad term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. ( )
  194. Every small business owner should prepare one, though in reality many don’t. ( )
  195. When coming up with business ideas for a new product or service, the key is ( )
  196. Of course, there are plenty of success stories in business, and many people will tell you the truth: Business can’t fail. ( )
  197. If the start-up costs are more than you have on hand, and more than you will be able to earn right out of the gate, what you should to do next is ( )
  198. Generally speaking, most of the mail you receive is routine, and an ordinary employee can do it well. So you needn’t deal with these mails in person. ( )
  199. 有限责任公司的成员称作:( )。
  200. A sole proprietor is not personally liable for the obligations of his/her business. ( )
  201. The easiest way to become your own boss is to set up ( )
  202. 特许经营中的两方为:( )。
  203. 合伙企业最多不超过 ( )合伙人。
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