

  1. What does the name of “Roger Chillinworth”mean?

  2. A:Both A and B B:The symbol of evil and revenge C:The symbol of knowledge and education
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The symbol of knowledge and education。在题目中提到“Roger Chillinworth”这个名字,而选项C中的“knowledge and education”与题目中的信息相符,因此选项C是正确答案。选项A和B都与题目无关,所以错误。'
  3. How does Alec come to be part of the D’Urberville lineage?

  4. A:Through his father’s father B:He was adopted C:Through his mother’s father D:Family purchased the title
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Through his mother’s father】。文章中提到Alec是D’Urberville家族的一员,但并未说明他是通过何种方式成为该家族的一员。根据选项,只有选项C提到了母亲的父亲,即祖母的兄弟或父亲,而其他选项与文章内容不符。因此,C选项“通过他的母亲’s父亲”是正确的答案。'
  5. It is___than I engage for, I assure you.

  6. A:less B:more C:most D:least
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:more】。句子中的than I engage for表明前后两个部分是对比关系,而more than表示“比……更”,符合句意。因此,正确答案为B。'
  7. Mr. Darcy's parental education from an early age lacks_____, and Elizabeth just made up for this lession for him.

  8. A:the cultivation of character and temperament B:good principles C:showing arrogance to others D:what was right
    答案:the cultivation of character and temperament
  9. What do the villagers claim to see?

  10. A:Hindley’s ghost B:Edgar’s ghost C:Heathcliff’s ghost D:Catherine’s ghost
    答案:Heathcliff’s ghost
  11. What does Catherine’s burial place symbolize?

  12. A:Her feeling of kinship to the church B:Her ambivalence about death C:Her complicated ties to two men D:Her isolation from civilization
    答案:Her complicated ties to two men
  13. What does Ahab promise to the first man who spots Moby Dick?

  14. A:A barrel of rum B:All the whale’s oil C:His own ship D:A gold doubloon
    答案:rrel of rum
  15. Who was Angel involved with before coming to Talbothays?

  16. A:A foreign woman B:An older woman C:A prostitute D:An underage girl
    答案:Aforeign woman
  17. Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer draws on .

  18. Please choose the item similar to the underlined word in the this sentence:“He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife.

  19. A:harvest B:partership C:event D:treasure

  20. Who surprises John Durbeyfield by calling him “Sir John”?

  21. A:A nun (尼姑) B:A merchant C:A sailor D:A parson(牧师)

  22. Liza-Lu is Tess’s:

  23. A:Mother B:Daughter C:Friend D:Sister

  24. Please choose the item similar to the underlined word in the this sentence:"As for my solitary life it was nothing I did not so much as pray to be delivered from it or think of it, it was all of no consideration in comparison to this."

  25. A:poor B:single C:ordinary D:colorful

  26. Who haunts Heathcliff?

  27. A:Edgar B:Isabella C:Catherine D:Hindley

  28. Which literary award did The Old Man and the Sea win in 1953?

  29. A:The Pulitzer Prize B:The National Book Award C:The Booker Prize D:The Nobel Prize

  30. Tom trades the spoils from his whitewashing scam for ___.

  31. A:Marbles B:Services C:Tickets D:Money

  32. In a religious sense, who does Alec represent?

  33. A:Jesus B:Adam C:Satan D:Moses

  34. With whom does Jane believe Rochester is in love for most of her time at Thornfield?

  35. A:Herself B:Celine Varens C:Georgianna Reed D:Blanche Ingram

  36. Where is Catherine buried?

  37. A:In the Linton tomb B:At Thrushcross Grange C:Overlooking the moors D:In the Earnshaw tomb
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Overlooking the moors。在题目中提到“Catherine被埋在哪里”,根据选项可知,只有C选项“Overlooking the moors”表示在荒野上俯瞰的地方,与题目中的“埋葬”一词相符。因此,正确答案是C。'
  38. Where was Emily born?

  39. A:Yorkshire B:Cambridge C:Thornfield D:London

  40. Whom does Mr. Collins marry?

  41. A:Miss Bingley B:Charlotte Lucas C:Lydia D:Jane
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Charlotte Lucas。根据题干中提到的人物关系和故事情节可知,Mr. Collins想要和一位有钱的女性结婚以改善自己的生活状况,而Charlotte Lucas符合这个条件,且与Mrs. Darcy和Bingley姐妹有很好的关系,所以可以作为他的妻子人选。而其他选项中的女性如Miss Bingley、Lydia和Jane都与Mr. Collins没有直接的婚姻关系,且没有足够的财富和社会地位作为嫁妆。因此,正确答案是B。'
  42. Why does Tess initially try to stay away from Angel?

  43. A:She’s not attracted B:He’s highborn C:Embarrassment about her pregnancy D:Fear of being rejected

  44. Mrs. D’Urberville is ___ and frequently ill.

  45. A:Missing a leg B:Deaf C:Blind D:Mute
    AI参考:正确答案是【C:Blind】。Mrs. D’Urberville是失明的,经常生病。根据题目中的描述,选项A“缺一条腿”、B“聋的”和D“哑的”都与题意不符,只有C“失明的”符合题意。因此,正确答案是C。'
  46. When she finds him in the closet, what does Aunt Polly discover on Tom’s hands?

  47. A:Mud B:Blood C:Jam D:Scratches
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Jam。在题目中提到“Aunt Polly在Tom手上发现了什么”,根据常识和上下文推断,Aunt Polly发现Tom手上的是果酱,因为Tom通常会吃果酱,所以会弄到手上。因此,正确答案是C,即Jam。其他选项Mud(泥土)、Blood(血迹)和Scratches(抓痕)都不符合常识和上下文。'
  48. What frightens Ishmael the most about Moby Dick?

  49. How does the Pequod sink?

  50. A:She is rammed by Moby Dick. B:She gets lost in a storm. C:She is overloaded with oil. D:She is rammed by another ship.

  51. Why does Miss Bingley dislike Elizabeth?

  52. A:She is jealous of Darcy’s growing attraction to Elizabeth. B:Elizabeth insulted Miss Bingley at the ball. C:Wickham has told Miss Bingley lies about Elizabeth’s character. D:Darcy is constantly speaking ill of Elizabeth.

  53. Why does Catherine decide to marry Linton?

  54. A:for material benefits and social advantage B:for love C:Both A and B
    AI参考:正确答案是B:for love。原文中没有明确说明为什么Catherine要和Linton结婚,因此根据文章内容和上下文推测应该是基于爱情的缘故,即B选项为正确答案。虽然Catherine获得了物质利益和社会地位的提高,但是最根本的原因是她对Linton的爱慕和愿意与之结婚的原因是爱情,而不是出于对物质利益和社会地位的追求。因此,答案为B。'
  55. When Queequeg falls ill, what does he do?

  56. A:Convert to Christianity B:Blame Moby Dick C:Try to kill himself D:Have his coffin made
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Have his coffin made。根据题目中的描述,Queequeg生病了,所以他需要准备棺材,因此选项D“制作他的棺材”是正确的答案。选项A、B和C都与题目中的描述不符。'
  57. Why does Santiago not let his lines drift like the other fishermen?

  58. A:He is a stubborn man who prefers the old-fashioned way of fishing. B:It is dangerous, as he might become tangled with another boat. C:He believes it is imprecise, and he strives always to be exact. D:He is no longer young or strong enough to control a drifting line.

  59. The novel ends with_____

  60. A:Wickham marrying Lydia B:Bingley marrying Miss Darcy C:Bingley marrying Jane D:Darcy marrying Elizabeth
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Bingley marrying Jane。小说《傲慢与偏见》的结局是Bingley和Jane结婚,而其他选项中提到的情节在小说中并未出现。小说中描述了Bingley和Lydia的婚姻破裂,而Darcy和Elizabeth之间的感情纠葛也是小说的重要情节,但并没有明确提到他们结婚的情节。因此,选项C是唯一符合小说结局的选项。'
  61. Why does Manolin take Santigo as his mentor?

  62. A:His rich experience B:His strength. C:His deep thought. D:His toughness.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:His deep thought.在原文中提到Manolin选择Santigo作为他的导师是因为Santigo有深入的思考(deep thought),这种能力能够提供Manolin许多宝贵的建议和指导。因此,C选项是正确的。A选项的“他的丰富的经验”、B选项的“他的力量”、D选项的“他的坚韧”虽然在某种程度上与Manolin选择Santigo的原因有关,但它们不如C选项深入,所以C选项是最佳答案。'
  63. What’s the social background in Jane Austen’s time?

  64. A:late Regency England B:Women is passive C:Men as dominant force D:the soon begining of Victorian Age

  65. The author describes how small Lilliputions are from the following aspects:

  66. A:The size of the machine to transport Gulliver. B:The size of their figure C:The size of their drinks D:The size of their food

  67. Chalers Dickens is both a writer and a public spaeker.

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. The love in Jane Eyre is insane.

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. "Call me Ishmal"has become a world-famous beginning of this novel Moby Dick.

  72. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据上下文,这段话的描述是一个名字,不是一篇小说的标题或者开头,所以“Call me Ishmal”并不能成为“Moby Dick”这本小说的开始。'
  73. All the surroundings changed due to Alec's attitude towards Tess's confession.

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. Tess's mother educated her concerning the society and men.

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. Does Gulliver's travels draw on some of his experiences in the court?

  78. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据问题描述,Gullivers travels这部作品是否借鉴了作者在宫廷中的一些经历。从问题描述中可以看出,作者在宫廷中的经历对Gullivers travels这部作品产生了影响,因此答案为B,即“对”。"
  79. Please read the description about the tombs of Catherine(whose tomb is half buried with heath and half bare), Heathcliff(all bare) and Linton(whose tomb is covered with grass and moss) in Chapter 34 of Wuthering Heights,and tell the implications for each of the three with about 100 English words.

  80. AI参考:According to your request,I have reviewed the description of the tombs of Catherine, Heathcliff and Linton in Chapter 34 of Wuthering Heights and provide you with the following analysis: For Catherines tomb: 1. It is half buried in heath, indicating that she has been dead for a long time and her family has not been able to maintain it well. 2. The tomb is half covered with heath and half bare, which suggests that her spirit is restless and wanders around, unable to find peace. For Heathcliffs tomb: 1. It is completely bare, indicating that he died a lonely and unloved death. 2. The fact that his tomb is all bare suggests that he has no one to mourn for him and no one to maintain his tomb, which reflects his tragic fate. For Lintons tomb: 1. It is covered with grass and moss, indicating that he has been dead for a while and someone has maintained his tomb. 2. The fact that his tomb is well maintained suggests that he had a family who loved and cared for him in his lifetime. In conclusion, the descriptions of the three tombs reflect different aspects of their characters and fates. For Catherine, her tomb indicates her restless spirit; for Heathcliff, his tomb symbolizes his tragic and lonely death; for Linton, his tomb represents his happy and cared-for life in his lifetime."

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