

  1. Which of the following is included in the “Four Treasures of the Study”? ( )

  2. A:Paper. B:Ink stone. C:All of the above D:Ink stick
    答案:all of the above
  3. What benefits mind mapping can bring to us? ( )

  4. A:All of the above. B:Association and organization C:Divergent thinking D:Visual thinking
    答案:Association and organization;Interest to Think;Visual thinking;Divergent thinking
  5. Which of the following statement is true about Chinese dialect? ( )

  6. A:Each major dialect group subdivides into many dialects. B:All of the above. C:In many places, a person using a southern vernacular can understand a person with a northern dialect. D:Over 90% of Chinese people speak Mandarin, but they may very likely also speak another dialect.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  7. Which of the following is not a fact? ( )

  8. A:On average, adults spent 100.41 minutes a day on their mobile phones. B:I saw a science-fiction movie last night about aliens invading the earth. C:I believe that the government has evidence of contact with aliens hidden in Roswell, New Mexico. D:She once fell for television programs at 9.
    答案:merely speak highly of the place.AI参考:正确答案是C:I believe that the government has evidence of contact with aliens hidden in Roswell, New Mexico.选项C表达的是个人的观点和信仰,而其他选项都是陈述事实,如A选项描述了成年人平均每天使用手机的时间,B选项描述了昨晚看了一部关于外星人入侵地球的科幻电影,D选项描述了她曾经沉迷于电视节目。因此,选项C不是事实。'
  9. Which of the following is not the signal for contrast? ( )

  10. A:On the contrary... B:Owing to... C:Unlike... D:Different from...
    AI参考:答案为 B:Owing to...。在英语中,表示对比、对照、对比关系常用的一些短语有:On the contrary...,Unlike...,Different from...等,而Owing to表示由于的意思,不能构成对比关系。因此答案为B。'
  11. When you are going to introduce a place to a foreign friend, you are not supposed to______ ( ).

  12. A:talk about facts. B:give comments. C:All of the above D:lead the way
    AI参考:正确答案是C:All of the above。当你打算向外国朋友介绍一个地方时,不应该谈论事实、发表评论,但也不应该领路。所以,所有选项都是错误的,因此答案为C。A选项“谈论事实”是正确的,因为介绍一个地方时需要提供一些基本信息;B选项“发表评论”也是正确的,因为可以表达对该地的看法;D选项“领路”在语境中并不适用。因此,正确的选项是C,即“以上都错”。'
  13. Which of the following is not included in the “Four Treasures of the Study”? ( )

  14. A:Ink stone. B:Paper. C:Table D:Ink stick..
  15. In the UK, if the meal is £100, a _______ tip would be acceptable. ( )

  16. A:£50 B:£10 C:£30 D:£5
  17. Which of the following cannot be used to describe someone with cabin fever? ( )

  18. A:Short-tempered B:Cheerful C:Irritable D:Restless
  19. 以下提问中,哪个不是问数字的? ( )

  20. A:How often... B:How long... C:When... D:How is...
  21. When you listen to news reports,you should listen carefully to specific information and details such as_________? ( )

  22. A:times B:all of the above C:events D:numbers
    答案:Their daughter was not healthy enough to travel back to the UK.
  23. Which of the following linking is not the link of vowels? ( )

  24. A:A number of students B:Go easy C:Just do it D:Fight against the virus
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Go easy。链接元音是两个或更多单词之间的语音联系,选项A、C、D都是两个或更多单词之间的语音联系,而选项B中“easy”和“go”之间没有链接元音,故正确答案是B。'
  25. Which of the following statement is true about Chinese food? ( )

  26. A:All of the above. B:Northern people like to eat noodles because the dry northern climate is suitable for the growth of wheat. C:Chinese cuisine has more than 8 genres. D:Chinese like fresh ingredients and always try to achieve a balanced portion of vegetables and meat.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  27. Which of the following statement is true about Chinese bridge? ( )

  28. A:Chinese bridges from ancient times, highly varied in material and form. B:Bridge development reflects the bridge technology, aesthetics and construction skills. C:Bridge is unique in the long history of the existence of entity and the obvious history imprinting. D:All of the above.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  29. To get yourself ready for the listening and make your prediction more accurate,you shouldn’t_______.( )

  30. A:try to focus on the intonation. B:take down every word of the speaker. C:know about the topic, theme, situation, and vocabulary related. D:pay attention to semantic markers.
    答案:为……作好准备AI参考:正确答案是C:know about the topic, theme, situation, and vocabulary related.为了做好听力准备并使预测更加准确,不应该尝试只关注语调(A错)。你应该了解相关的主题、主题、场景和词汇(C对)。另外,没有必要记下说话者的每一个字(B错)。注意语义标记(D错)是关于说话者的言语意图或意义的变化。综合分析,正确答案是C。'
  31. Which of the following is true about Snowflake Generation? ( )

  32. A:They are always self-centered. B:They are very sensitive to what other said. C:They tend to be fragile. D:All of the above
    AI参考:选项D:以上都是正确的。Snowflake Generation指的是“雪花一代”,通常指的是在互联网时代成长的一代人,他们成长的环境、教育方式、社交方式等都与以往不同,因此这一代人具有一些独特的性格特点,如自我中心、敏感于他人的言论、倾向于脆弱等。因此,选项D“以上都是”是正确的描述。'
  33. Which of the following linking is the link of vowel and consonant? ( )

  34. A:Check out B:Shut up C:Take a look D:Black coffee
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:Take a look。这个问题是在询问哪个选项中的链接是元音和辅音之间的链接。在英语中,元音和辅音是构成单词的基本元素,而链接是指这两个元素之间的组合关系。选项A中的“Check out”是一个动词短语,没有元音和辅音的链接;选项B中的“Shut up”是一个命令或警告,也没有元音和辅音的链接;选项D中的“Black coffee”是一个名词短语,其中咖啡的名称是由辅音和元音组成的,但这个短语本身并没有链接。只有选项C中的“Take a look”是一个动词短语,其中的“take”是一个辅音,而“look”是一个元音,因此它符合题目中要求的链接。'
  35. All Mind Maps have some things in common, for example________? ( )

  36. A:use lines, symbols, words, color and images. B:very complicated and difficult to understand. C:have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center. D:some are made by mind-map apps.
    答案:use lines, symbols, words, color and images. ;have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center.
  37. Which of the following is a fact? ( )

  38. A:The worst choice I have made is to travel with James. B:I believe Jackie worked to the store yesterday, C:The term originated in the United States,. D:It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in January 2018..
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:The term originated in the United States,.这个选项表述的是一个事实,即这个术语起源于美国。其他选项 A、B 和 D 都是带有个人情感或主观判断的陈述,不属于事实的范畴。A选项描述了一次旅行选择,B选项关于Jackie昨天是否去了商店,D选项描述了一个单词被添加到牛津英语词典的时间,这些都是基于个人经历或观点的陈述,不属于事实的范畴。'
  39. Which of the following is the landmark in Shaoxing. ( )

  40. A:Orchid Pavilion B:Luxun’s Former Residence C:Disneyland D:Shen Garden
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  41. Which of the following statement is pro? ( )

  42. A:The public transport system is terrific. B:The only problem is traffic. C:It is a great city to live in. D:The good thing is that the food is cheap.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:It is a great city to live in.。句子中提到了“公共交通系统很棒”、“唯一的问题是交通”、“食物便宜是好事”,这些表述都比较中性,没有明确表达对城市居住的正面评价。而选项C中的“这是一个适合居住的好城市”则明确表达了对城市居住的正面评价,因此是正确的选项。'
  43. While listening we should pay attention to___________?( )

  44. A:Speaker’s clothing. B:Speaker’s tone. C:Speaker’s repetition. D:Speaker’s illustration.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Speaker’s tone.】听力过程中,我们应该注意听者的语调。选项A中的“clothing”与听力内容无关;选项C中的“repetition”虽然也与语言有关,但是不是语调的特有特征;选项D中的“illustration”则指的是描述或说明,也与听力内容不相关。因此,正确选项应该是B:Speaker’s tone,即注意听者的语调。语调可以反映说话者的情绪、态度和意图,是理解说话者意图的重要因素之一。'
  45. Problem-solution pattern mainly consists of_________. ( )

  46. A:Solutions and evaluation B:Problem C:Examples D:Causes and effects
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Solutions and evaluation】。问题-解决方案模式主要包含解决方案和评估两个方面。问题-解决方案模式是一种常见的设计模式,它通过识别问题并提出解决方案来解决问题,并在实施解决方案后对结果进行评估,以确定解决方案的有效性。因此,选项A中的解决方案和评估是符合问题-解决方案模式的两个主要组成部分。选项B、C、D虽然也与问题有关,但不符合问题-解决方案模式的结构。'
  47. When you are going to introduce a place to a foreign friend, you are supposed to______ ( ).

  48. A:give comments. B:talk about facts. C:merely speak highly of the place. D:lead the way
    AI参考:正确选项为B:talk about facts。当你打算向外国朋友介绍一个地方时,应该谈论事实。选项A的“give comments”意为“发表评论”,不一定完全符合实际情况;选项C的“merely speak highly of the place”意为“只对地方说好话”,这可能会使外国朋友感到你只是为了迎合他的口味而夸大其词,不够客观;选项D的“lead the way”与介绍地方无关。因此,正确的选择应该是B,即谈论事实。'
  49. Confucianism can be briefly concluded into the thoughts of___________. ( )

  50. A:ceremony B:wisdom C:honest D:loyalty E:benevolence
  51. If the speaker or writer is about to sum up his message over part of it, he will say______. ( )

  52. A:In other words B:In conclusion C:What’s more D:If I can just sum up...
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:If I can just sum up...】。原文中提到“如果演讲者或作者即将总结他的信息的一部分”,因此他将会说“如果我只需要总结一下...”,选项D“If I can just sum up...”符合语境。选项A“In other words”意为“换句话说”,选项B“In conclusion”意为“总之”,选项C“What’s more”意为“而且”,这三个选项都不符合语境。'
  53. Sub is a commonly used suffix to mean “under”. ( )

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. When listening for specific information, the most important thing you should do is to listen with a focus and purpose. ( )

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. Although calligraphy uses Chinese characters as its vehicle of expression, one doesn’t have to know Chinese language to appreciate its beauty. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. To most western countries and densely-populated districts, it is very easy to keep social distance. ( )

  60. A:对 B:错
  61. The first course in a meal is called the main course, mains or entree. ( )

  62. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A。这道题的正确答案是A,即“对”。在西方国家的餐桌上,一道菜的第一个部分通常被称为“starter”,而第一道正式的菜肴则被称为“main course”或“mains”,或者直接称为“entree”。因此,这道题的表述是正确的。'
  63. In Shaoxing, modern bridges gained the most percentage. ( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    答案:in 1896.AI参考:答案:B推理过程:在绍兴,现代桥梁占比最少。所以答案是错的。'
  65. null

  66. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供任何听力训练的内容,这让我无法为您提供正确的选项。如果您有听力训练的需求,请提供相关题目或内容,我将尽力回答您的问题。"

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