

  1. Three sets of related decisions are involved in financial management in an international business. Which of these involves making decisions about how to fund the chosen activities? ( )

  2. A:Financing decisions B:Investment decisions C:Bilateral decisions D:Money management decisions
    答案:对AI参考:正确答案是D:Money management decisions。在国际化商业的财务管理中,涉及三组相关决策,其中之一是关于如何为所选活动筹集资金的决策(资金管理决策)。因此,选项D“资金管理决策”是正确答案。'
  3. A ( ) represents the remuneration paid to the owners of technology, patents, or trade names for the use of that technology or the right to manufacture and/or sell products under those patents or trade names.

  4. A:transfer price B:fronting loan C:fee D:royalty
    答案:is a sign for somethingAI参考:正确答案是D:royalty。选项D表示的是支付给技术、专利或商标的所有者因使用该技术或有权制造和/或销售这些专利或商标下的产品而获得的报酬。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C与问题描述不符。'
  5. Which term refers to the rate at which one currency is converted into another? ( )

  6. A:Exchange rate B:Interchange rate C:Spread D:Basis point
  7. _____ occurs when higher-cost external producers are replaced by lower-cost external producers within the free trade area. ( )

  8. A:Trade diversion B:A common market C:Trade creation D:A customs union
    答案:Trade creation
  9. Which of the following explains why economic integration has never been easy to achieve or sustain, despite the strong economic and political arguments in support? ( )

  10. A:Linking neighboring economies and making them increasingly dependent on each other creates little incentives for political cooperation. B:Countries fear a reduction of their political weight in the world because of economic integration. C:While a nation as a whole may benefit significantly, certain groups may lose D:No country has shown significant improvement because of economic integration.
  11. A(n) _____ is quoted for 30 days, 90 days, and 180 days into the future. ( )

  12. A:arbitrage B:forward exchange rate C:currency swap D:spot exchange rate
    答案:forward exchange rate
  13. A(n) _____ is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates. ( )

  14. A:carry trade B:arbitrage C:spot exchange D:currency swap
    AI参考:正确答案是D:currency swap。货币掉期是一种货币的贷款方和借款方在两个不同的时期内,按照同样的本金金额和利率进行互换的行为。它涉及货币交换和债券,其主要目标是创造额外价值。在这个语境下,掉期是在给定时间进行外币购买和销售的情况,四个选项中只有D符合描述,所以正确答案为D。请注意,这些概念需要进一步详细了解以便做出准确的选择。建议查看更多有关货币交易、套利和投机方面的学习资源以加深理解。'
  15. A ( ) is compensation for professional services or expertise supplied to a foreign subsidiary by the parent company or another subsidiary.

  16. A:royalty B:fee C:transfer price D:fronting loan
    AI参考:正确答案是B:fee。fee表示报酬,补偿费的意思,而royalty特指专利使用费,transfer price是转移价格,指公司内部子公司之间交易时的价格,fronting loan是代理贷款,与题意不符。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  17. Which of the following is focused on making low-interest loans to cash-strapped governments in poor nations that wish to undertake significant infrastructure investments? ( ).

  18. A:The IMF B:The GATT C:The WTO D:The World Bank
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The World Bank。世界银行的主要任务是向遇到财政困难的国家提供贷款,资助这些国家的基础设施建设等。因此,D选项“世界银行”是正确的答案。其他选项A(国际货币基金组织)、B(关贸总协定)、C(世界贸易组织)虽然也与国际经济有关,但它们的主要职能与提供低息贷款给贫穷国家进行基础设施投资无关。因此,正确答案为D。'
  19. Differences in the spot exchange rate and the 30-day forward rate are normal and reflect the expectations of the foreign exchange market about: ( )

  20. A:stability in the global marketplace. B:the carry trades that will occur. C:anticipated currency swap rates. D:future currency movements.

  21. Which of the following is a reason why the European Union is considered an imperfect economic union? ( )

  22. A:Products and services are not allowed to move freely between member countries. B:Almost all markets are heavily regulated. C:Not all members of the union have adopted the euro. D:Factors of production are not allowed to move freely between member countries.
    AI参考:D: Factors of production are not allowed to move freely between member countries. 是欧洲联盟被视为不完美的经济联盟的原因。在选项中,只有D项提到了生产要素在成员国之间不能自由流动,这会导致资源分配不均,影响经济效率,因此是一个潜在的问题,也是欧盟作为一个经济联盟的缺陷。其他选项中,A项提到了产品和服务在成员国之间的流动受到限制,但这并不足以说明欧盟是一个不完美的经济联盟;B项提到了市场受到严格监管,但这与欧盟作为一个经济联盟的缺陷没有直接关系;C项提到了欧盟并非所有成员国都采用了欧元,但这与欧盟作为一个经济联盟的缺陷也没有直接关系。因此,正确答案是D。'
  23. There are two main trading blocs in Europe, the European Union and the _____. ( )

  24. A:Mercosur B:European Free Trade Association C:European Council D:Andean Community
    AI参考:正确答案是B:European Free Trade Association。欧洲的主要贸易集团有两个,一个是欧盟,另一个是欧洲自由贸易联盟。所以答案为B。A选项是南美联盟,C选项是欧洲理事会,D选项是安第斯共同体,它们都不是欧洲的主要贸易集团。'
  25. The variety of goods that a country can produce is limited by the size of the market in industries where _____ are important. ( )

  26. A:factor endowments B:economies of scale C:current account surpluses D:current account deficits
    AI参考:正确答案是B:economies of scale。该题考查的是经济学知识,其中市场的大小影响着国家能够生产的商品种类,而市场的大小又受到规模经济的影响,规模经济是指随着生产规模的扩大,单位成本下降的现象。因此,一个国家能够生产的商品种类受到那些在生产中规模经济重要的产业的市场规模的影响。所以选项B是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D与题意不符。'
  27. ( ) are export specialists that act as the export marketing department or international department for their client firms.

  28. A:Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs) B:Export Management Companies (EMCs) C:Export Legal Assistance Networks (ELANs) D:Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Export Management Companies (EMCs)。根据题干中的描述,需要一个正确的选项,而根据给出的四个选项中,只有Export Management Companies (EMCs)是出口专门的公司,他们为客户的公司作为出口市场营销部门或国际部门。其他选项都不符合题干描述。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  29. The shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy is referred to as ( ).

  30. A:international marketing B:globalization C:privatization D:outsourcing
  31. New trade theory suggests that nations: ( )

  32. A:adopt policies that promote strong competition within domestic markets. B:may benefit from trade even when they do not differ in resource endowments or technology. C:increase their commitment to research and development. D:cannot benefit from trade when they do not differ in resource endowments or technology.
    AI参考:正确答案是【D:cannot benefit from trade when they do not differ in resource endowments or technology.】。新贸易理论认为,如果一国在资源禀赋或技术方面与其他国家没有差异,那么它就无法从贸易中获益。因此,选项D是正确的。选项A和C与新贸易理论不符,选项B虽然与新贸易理论的部分观点相符,但并不是正确答案。'
  33. Which level of economic integration eliminates trade barriers between member countries and adopts a common external trade policy? ( )

  34. A:Customs union B:Common market C:Political union D:Economic union
  35. The _____ is a global network of banks, brokers, and foreign exchange dealers connected by electronic communications systems. ( )

  36. A:foreign market database B:foreign exchange market C:global marketplace D:united global database
    AI参考:正确答案是B:foreign exchange market。题目中提到的“外汇市场”是一个全球性的银行、经纪人、外汇交易商通过网络电子通讯系统形成的网络,因此答案为B。其他选项的意思和题目的描述都不相符。A选项“外国市场数据库”可能指的是某个特定市场的数据库,C选项“全球市场”没有特定的意思,D选项“全球联合数据库”与题目中的描述也不符合。因此,答案为B。'
  37. Which of the following is a factor of production? ( ).

  38. A:government B:capital C:tariffs D:transportation costs
  39. Bank charges on letters of credit will depend on the: ( )

  40. AI参考:银行对信用证的收费取决于以下因素:(B)银行费用。这个答案是对的,因为根据问题中的描述,银行费用取决于不同的因素,比如信用证的类型、金额大小、是否需要保兑等。而选项B正好描述了这一点。其他选项可能与题意不符,因此排除。所以答案是Bank charges on letters of credit will depend on the( )B.银行费用。'
  41. A political system that prioritizes the needs of the society over individual freedoms is called ( ).

  42. A:egalitarianism B:totalitarianism C:capitalism D:collectivism
  43. ( ) is the technique financial managers use to try to quantify the benefits, costs, and risks of an investment.

  44. A:Transfer pricing B:External audit C:Control system analysis D:Capital budgeting
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Capital budgeting 是财务经理用来试图量化投资所带来的利益、成本和风险的资金预算技术。资本预算是财务经理用来试图量化投资所带来的利益、成本和风险的资金预算技术,因此选项D是正确答案。其他选项如转移定价(Transfer pricing)主要用于企业内部交易的定价,外部审计(External audit)用于审计公司的财务状况,控制系统分析(Control system analysis)用于评估和管理公司的风险。'
  45. Which of the following is a feature of a democracy? ( )

  46. A:Exercise of absolute control by one person or political party. B:Prohibition of entry to opposing political parties. C:Complete restriction of individual political freedom. D:Governance by people or elected representatives.
    AI参考:D: Governance by people or elected representatives.民主的特征之一是人民或选举代表进行治理,而不是一个人或一个政党行使绝对控制、禁止反对政党进入或完全限制个人政治自由。因此,选项D是正确的。'
  47. In a(n) ( ), one party agrees to purchase goods and services with a specified percentage of the proceeds from the original sale and this party can fulfill the obligation with any firm in the country to which the sale is being made.

  48. A:barter B:buyback C:offset D:switch trade
  49. Cross-cultural literacy refers to: ( )

  50. AI参考:答案为C:跨文化素养指的是。原文中提到“Cross-cultural literacy refers to”,其中“cross-cultural literacy”是核心词,表示跨文化素养。因此,根据上下文和原文内容,正确答案是C,即“对不同文化背景下的语言、行为、习俗等知识的理解和掌握”。其他选项A、B、D在原文中没有提到或与原文内容不符。'
  51. A country's ( ) keep track of both its payments to and its receipts from other countries.

  52. A:balance-of-payments accounts B:offshore accounts C:current accounts D:currency accounts
    AI参考:正确答案是A:balance-of-payments accounts。balance-of-payments accounts是国际收支账户,用于记录一国对其他国家的支付和收款情况,因此选项A正确。其他选项B、C、D都与支付和收款无关。'
  53. In countries where the value of( ) identification is considered to be primary, managers and workers are discouraged from moving from company to company.

  54. A:cultural B:individual C:primary D:group

  55. A Japanese car manufacturer acquires an Italian producer of car tires. This is an example of a(n) ( ).

  56. A:acquisition B:greenfield investment C:merger D:absolute advantage

  57. The _____ argues that a large proportion of the world's new products had been developed by U.S. firms. ( )

  58. A:Porter Diamond Model B:product life-cycle theory C:new trade theory D:Leontief Paradox

  59. A _____ has no barriers to trade between member countries, includes a common external trade policy, and allows factors of production to move freely between members. ( )

  60. A:bonded market B:common market C:free trade area D:customs union
    AI参考:正确答案是C:free trade area。根据题干中的描述,一个国家或地区之间没有贸易壁垒,包括共同的对外贸易政策,并允许生产要素在成员国之间自由流动,因此可以判断这个国家或地区属于自由贸易区。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项的含义如下:A. 保税市场:指对进出口商品实行保税制度的区域,通常由海关监管,区内可以进行转口贸易和加工业务。B. 共同市场:指由多个国家或地区组成的区域经济一体化组织,成员国之间实现商品、资本和劳动力自由流动,通常还包括共同对外关税和共同贸易政策。C. 关税同盟:指多个国家或地区之间达成协议,建立统一的关境,对内部成员国之间实行零关税,并允许生产要素自由流动的经济一体化组织。D. 海关联盟:指由多个国家或地区组成的区域经济一体化组织,成员国之间实现商品、资本和劳动力自由流动,并建立统一的海关制度。因此,选项C是符合题意的正确答案。'
  61. Individualism has led to a high degree of managerial mobility between companies resulting in managers who have good general skills but lack company-specific experience.( )

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. In a concentrated retail system, there are many retailers but none of them have a significant share of the market.( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. Tangible property includes patents, designs, copyrights, and trademarks. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. U.S. organizations can get financing aid from the Export-Import Bank. ( )

  68. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据题目中的信息,U.S. organizations可以获得进出口银行的融资援助。但是,这并不意味着所有的美国组织都可以获得进出口银行的融资援助,因为进出口银行通常只对符合特定条件的出口商提供融资支持。因此,该题是错误的。'
  69. The four main differences between distribution systems are retail concentration, channel length, channel exclusivity, and channel quality.( )

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. Franchising enables a firm to quickly build a global presence. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. A current trend in international business is the decline of medium-sized and small multinationals, known as mini-multinationals. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Norms are abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable.( )

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. The principles of multilateral netting and bilateral netting are different. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
  79. The central message of collectivism is that individual economic and political freedoms are the ground rules on which a society should be based.( )

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. Democracy is a form of government that prohibits opposing political parties. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. Elasticity of demand for a product in a given country is determined by income level and competitive conditions.( )

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Countertrade is least attractive to large, diverse multinational enterprises. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. Capital budgeting is the technique financial managers use to try to quantify the benefits, costs, and risks of an investment. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. According to Paul Samuelson's critique, a poor country will rapidly improve its productivity if a rich country enters into a free trade agreement with it.. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B.对。根据题干中的描述,Paul Samuelson对自由贸易协议持批评态度,认为贫穷国家如果与富裕国家达成自由贸易协议,将会迅速提高生产率。因此,答案是B,即这个说法是正确的。'
  91. Payment of dividends is an uncommon method of transferring funds from foreign subsidiaries to the parent company. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. Concentrated retail systems tend to promote the growth of wholesalers to serve retailers, which lengthens channels. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. Mergers and acquisitions are quicker to execute than greenfield investments. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. The most global markets currently are markets for consumer products. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. Hofstede's research has been criticized because it was culturally bound.( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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