1. all contracts are enforcebale. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Writ means a written instruction given by the king on a certain issue. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. At common law, it is generally believed that an undertaking can be made implicitly. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. The primary feature of American judicial system is two parallel court systems, federal court system and state court system. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Function of consideration: filter real transactions. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The value goal of tort law is to realize corrective justice. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Contact must require bodily contact. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. In the United States, a few criminal cases are settled by plea bargaining. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Common law rules exist in judges' decisions. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. Contract law is the law of exchange, the legal rules that enforce agreements to trade one thing for another. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. In tort law,battery is the intentional causation of harmful or offensive contact with another’s person without that person’s consent. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. In the United States, the standard of proof in criminal and civil proceedings is the same. ( )
  24. Equity only focuses on the weak adjustment of common law, such as trust, contract and other judicial fields, but also involves the field of public law. ( )
  25. No consideration, no valid contrac. ( )
  26. In the common law system, is every judge's decision law? ( )
  27. In civil cases, the Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Federal Constitution stipulates that all parties to a common law trial have the right to request a jury trial as long as the amount requested exceeds $10. ( )
  28. The function of jury system is to protect individual freedom and realize judicial justice. ( )
  29. There is a growing gap between common law and civil law. ( )
  30. Symmetrical with statute law, common law is case law?( )
  31. The common law system emphasizes empirical rationality, while the civil law system emphasizes constructive rationality. ( )
  32. What is the meaning of “mirror image rule”? ( )
  33. Which is not the consequences of a precedent? ( )
  34. ( ) would record Judges’ decisions to be the basis of a case.
  35. Which is the key elements in battery? ( )
  36. The preponderance of evidence is used in ( )
  37. The mindset of common law countries is ( )
  38. Which is the binding ratio decidendi? ( )
  39. The precedent that must be applied or followed by courts is called ( )
  40. Does a material alteration can lead to a counter offer? ( )
  41. Adversary system exists in ( )
  42. What does not count as contact in battery? ( )
  43. What is the remedy besides tort law? ( )
  44. The fundamental principle of common law is ( )
  45. In which law system, judges are seen as creator of law? ( )
  46. What is the subject of tort law? ( )
  47. Which is not one type of consent? ( )
  48. Which does not be included in a plea bargain? ( )
  49. What is the shortcoming of old contract theory? ( )
  50. The rule of law in common law system relies on ( )
  51. ”Restrictive distinguishing” means that judges ( ) the prior precedent
  52. Does consideration also refer to detriment of benefit? ( )
  53. Which is not the reason of incapacity? ( )
  54. Which does not cause a consent invalid? ( )
  55. If there is no prior precedents for judges, he or she may has the chance to ( )
  56. Which is one of the theory basis of vicarious liability? ( )
  57. Which is not the exception of fault-based liability? ( )
  58. The source of law of civil law is ( )
  59. Which is the judicial power of federal court? ( )
  60. In a civil case, the defendant does not have ( )
  61. The prior precedent made by the same court is binding to future’s case is ( ) effect of precedent
  62. Which is not the function of jury system? ( )
  63. The historical feature of common law relies on its ( )
  64. Contract law in common law system only has one kind, which is ( )
  65. What is the basis of tort law in common law system? ( )
  66. The decisive facts and reason in the elements of precedent is called ( )
  67. Most criminal cases were resolved in ( )
  68. China has a clear feature of ( )
  69. Which region does not belong to civil law system? ( )
  70. What can result in the invalid of an offer? ( )
  71. The key step for a decision to become a precedent is ( )
  72. In order to pursue efficiency, state attorney often put forward plea agreements. ( )
  73. The aim of jury system is to guarantee individual freedom. ( )
  74. Most cases are resolved in plea agreements. ( )
  75. Judges can control the jury through evidence and facts finding. ( )
  76. Jury is described as a finder of fact. ( )
  77. Punitive damages is damages awarded in a lawsuit as a punishment and example to others for malicious, evil or particularly fraudulent acts. ( )
  78. Duress is not a kind of invalidation of consent. ( )
  79. Vicarious liability is not an exception of fault-based liability. ( )
  80. The key element of battery is harmful or offensive contact. ( )
  81. The way of tort remedy is to compensate for harm done. ( )
  82. Consideration is also found when a party agrees to incur a detriment. ( )
  83. Time is one of the reasons why contracts occur. ( )
  84. Silence can amount to acceptance. ( )
  85. Bad deal is also a deal. ( )
  86. Lapse of time will make an offer invalid. ( )
  87. The intent of judicial review is to supervise the legislative and executive branches when the latter exceed their authority. ( )
  88. There are 2 separate court systems in the U.S. ( )
  89. Judicial review is the ability of a court to examine and decide if a statute or administrative regulation contradicts or violates the provisions of a State Constitution, or ultimately the United States Constitution. ( )
  90. There are two judicial systems throughout the United States. ( )
  91. The federal courts are superior to the state courts. ( )
  92. There is no statute in common law.( )
  93. Hong Kong belongs to the common law family( )
  94. Statutory law is one of the features of Civil law family( )。
  95. Authorities of precedent can be divided into binding precedent and persuasive precedent. ( )
  96. Which is one of the features of common law? ( )
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