1. .It can be judged by the method of preparing oxygen by KO2 and CO2 reaction.What volume of O2 can be obtained from 1.00L CO2 and excess KO2?

  2. 答案:1.50L
  3. At 0℃ and an O2 pressure of 1.00 atm, the aqueous solubility of O2(g) is 48.9ml O2 per liter. What is the molarity of O2 in a saturated water solution when the O2 is under its normal partial pressure in air, 0.2095 atm?

  4. 答案:4.57 * 10^-4
  5. Four halogen atoms can form carbon halogen bonds with carbon, but their bond energies vary greatly, among which the bond with the highest bond energy is:

  6. 答案:Fluorocarbon bond
  7. What is the essence of cathode rays?

  8. 答案:electron
  9. How many electrons can be placed in the 3d subshell?

  10. 答案:10
  11. Of the 18 valence electrons in O3, assign to the sp2 hybrid orbitals of the σ bond framework. of these are bonding electrons and are lone-pair electrons.

  12. 答案:14,4,10
  13. What describe the vertical distance from the midline of a wave to the peak or trough

  14. 答案:Amplitude
  15. Which of the following substances are strong base?

  16. 答案:Ba(OH)2
  17. How many molar of are produced by the reaction of 1.84 g Al with 75.0 mL of 2.95 M HCl?

  18. 答案:1.02mol
  19. A certain hydrate is found to have the composition20.3% Cu, 8.95% Si, 36.3% F, and 34.5% by mass.What is the empirical formula of this hydrate?

  20. 答案:CuSiF6·6H2O
  21. Which element has the highest effective nuclear charge?

  22. 答案:Cs
  23. Ba(OH)2(aq)+MgCl2(aq),the ion equation is?
  24. Calculate the quantity of heat, in kilojoules, required to raise the temperature of 9.25 L of water from 22.0 to 30.4 °C.
  25. What is the valence electron number of boron trifluoride?
  26. The number of oxides in nitrogen is?
  27. Indicate the oxidation state of S in SO3
  28. Vinegar is a dilute aqueous solution of acetic acid produced by the bacterial fermentation of apple cider, wine,or other carbohydrate material. The legal minimum acetic acid content of vinegar is 4% by mass. A 5.00 mLsample of a particular vinegar is titrated with 38.08 mL of 0.1000 M NaOH.Does this sample exceed the minimum limit? (Vinegar has a density of about 1.01g/ml)
  29. The force of the internal molecules of the liquid on the adhesion layer is called?
  30. Explain which of the following statement(s) is (are)correct concerning glucose (blood sugar)C6H12O6
  31. Calculate the final temperature that results when a 12.6 g sample of water at 22.9°C absorbs 875 J of heat
  32. The carbon carbon double bond in ethylene molecule has  π bonds, and the carbon carbon triple bond in acetylene molecule has  π bonds
  33. What is the molecular geometry of boron trifluoride?
  34. What is the orbital,when l=0
  35. In the following reaction, 81.2 mL of O2(g) is collected over water at 23 0C and barometric pressure 751mmHg. What mass of Ag2O(s) decomposed? (The vapor pressure of water at is 21.1 mmHg.)2Ag2O(s2)== 4Ag(s) + O2(g)
  36. Which of the following elements has the highest first electron affinities?
  37. which empirical formula of benzen is true?
  38. What is the molecular geometry of bromine trifluoride?
  39. Among the rare gases, which one can be used as low temperature refrigerant and which one has the lowest ionization energy can be used as safety gas for discharge light source?
  40. In NO3(-), electrons get to be π bonding, electrons be π nonbonding and be π antibongding.
  41. The Ostwald process refers to which of the following reactions?
  42. When orbitals of identical energy (degenerate orbitals) are available, electrons initially occupy these orbitals singly is
  43. Hybrid types of SF6 is ;Geometric Orientation is
  44. Write the structure formula for the organic compound:3-hexanol
  45. The number of oxides in Sodium is?
  46. Which of the following elements has the lowest first ionization energy?
  47. Which element below has the largest atomic radius?
  48. Which oxidation state of S in following compound is + 6?
  49. What is the pressure,in kilopascals, exerted by 1.00*1020 molecules of N2 in a 305 mL flask at 1750C?
  50. What is the oxidation state of the underlined element in Al2O3 ; P4 ; Fe3O4
  51. Which condition is not right according to STP?
  52. Which of the following reactions is not the occurrence and preparation of hydrogen?
  53. 4 valence electrons are assigned to the π molecular orbitals. go into the bonding orbital , into the nonbonding orbital and into the antibonding orbital .
  54. The hybrid orbital type of HgCl 2 is  and the molecular space configuration is .
  55. For radiation of wavelength 300.8 nm, the longest wavelength that will bring about the photodissociation of oxygen, what is the energy of a mole of photons of this light?
  56. According to the combustion and exothermic reaction C(s)+O2(g)<=>CO2(g),which methiod can speed up the reaction?
  57. A sample of nitrogen gas expands in volume from 1.6 L to 5.4 L at constant temperature. What is the work done in joules if the gas expands against a constant pressure of 3.7 atm?
  58. when 0.455 g of magnesium reacted with 2.315 g of oxygen, 0.755 g of magnesiumoxide was obtained. Determine the mass of magnesium contained in a 0.500 g sample of magnesium oxide
  59. In ozone,the bond order associated with the π molecular orbitals is ().
  60. A gas, while expanding absorbs 25 J of heat and does 243 J of work. What is DU for the gas?
  61. Two charged bodies that are attracted to each other, how electrically do they behave?
  62. What describe shell in Schrodinger Wave Equation?
  63. Write an orbital designation corresponding to the quantum numbers n=4 , l=2 , ml=0
  64. .What is wrong with the following statement?
  65. In a chemical reaction, in a 0.5 liter container, the amount of moles of reactant B goes from 2.0 moles to 0.5 moles in 5 seconds, and the rate of chemical reaction in 5 seconds is
  66. What is the wavelength associated with electrons traveling at one-tenth the speed of light?
  67. What's the enthalpy relationship between single bonds, double bonds, and triple bonds?
  68. The carbon carbon double bond in ethylene molecule has  sigma bonds, and the carbon carbon triple bond in acetylene molecule has   sigma bonds
  69. What are the molarities of the following solutes whendissolved in water? 57.5 g (CH3)2CO in 525 mL of solution
  70. The electron configurations of Cr is
  71. A sample of natural gas contains 8.24 moles of CH4, 0.421 moles of C2H6, and 0.116 moles of C3H8.If the total pressure of the gases is 1.37 atm, what is the partial pressure of propane (C3H8)?
  72. What is the approximate boiling point of Br2?(boiling point:Cl2:239 I2:458)
  73. Which of the following names is most appropriate forthe molecule with the structure shown below? CH3CH2CHOHCH3
  74. Ionic bond and covalent bond are common chemical bond. What is the correct statement about chemical bond?
  75. How many groups does the periodic table have?
  76. How much heat is associated with the complete combustion of 1.00 kg of sucrose,C12H22O11
  77. ____ is the cheapest inert gas, and ______can synthesize noble gas compounds
  78. What is the effective nuclear charge of Mg?
  79. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CS2 (l) given that: C(graphite) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) DH = -393.5 kJ/mol S(rhombic) + O2 (g) → SO2 (g) DH = -296.1 kJ/mol CS2(l) + 3O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2SO2 (g) DH= -1072 kJ/mol
  80. The reaction of 15.0 g C4H9OH 22.4 g NaBr, and 32.7 g H2SO4 yields 17.1 g C4H9Br in the reaction shown. C4H9OH + NaBr + H2SO4 →C4H9Br + NaHSO4 + H2O What are the theoretical yield of this reaction?
  81. How many grams of lithopone are produced in the reaction of 315 mL of 0.275 M ZnSO4 and 285 mL of 0.315 M BaS?
  82. What's the bond order of He2(+) and He2?
  83. Which of the following is the correct order of ionization energy?
  84. There are two kinds of gas in same volume V and certain amounts have different pressure P1 and P2(P1>P2), when max and compress these gases to volume V,what is the final pressure of this system?
  85. A trigonal-planar orientation of orbitals is associated with hybrid orbitals.
  86. Which is not included in intermolecular force?
  87. The following comparison of the angles of SP, SP 2 and SP 3 hybrid orbitals is correct
  88. Which solution has the highest total molarity of ions?
  89. What are the effects of hydrogen bonds on the properties of substances?
  90. What are the aluminum and sulfate ion concentrations in Al2(SO4)3?
  91. Which one is noble gas?
  92. The characteristics of reducing agents?
  93. How many resonance structures do carbonate ions have?
  94. What is the pressure in bar, exerted by a mixture of 1.0 g H2 and 5.00 g He when the mixture is confined to a volume of 5.0L at 20 ℃?
  95. Which rule does Avogadro's law shows to us?
  96. A 2.10-L vessel contains 4.65 g of a gas at 1.00 atm and 27.0 0C. What is the molar mass of the gas?
  97. For the mineral torbernite determineCu(UO2)2(PO4)2 · 8 H2O the total number of relative molecular mass in one formula unit(U=238 P=31)
  98. Which of the following is not a two-phase system?
  99. The electrical properties of the three particles ,1.α particles 2β particles 3γ particles
  100. Which of the following ions is diamagnetic?
  101. Use the data here and calculate DHf of benzene, C6H6(l). 2C6H6(l)+15O2(g)→12CO2(g)+6H2O(l) DH=-6535kJ DHf[CO2(g)]=-393.5kJ DHf[H2O(l)]=-285.8kJ
  102. What volume of 10.0 M H2SO4 is required to prepare 4.0 L of 0.50 M H2SO4?
  103. Among the SP, SP 2 and SP 3 hybrid orbitals, which p-orbitals are the most abundant
  104. At 25℃, water vapor’s partial pressure 13.4 mmHg and vapor pressure 23.9 mmHg.Calculate the relative humidity.
  105. Calculate the wavelength (in nm) of a photon emitted by a hydrogen atom when its electron drops from the n = 5 state to the n = 2 state.
  106. What is the valence electron number of nitrogen trifluoride?
  107. How much heat is evolved when 266 g of white phosphorus (P4) burn in air? P4 (s) + 5O2 (g) → P4O10 (s) DH = -3013 kJ/mol
  108. What are the important factors determining the structure of ionic crystals?
  109. In the sample of sulfur weighing 4.07 g, what is the total number of sulfur atoms in the sample?
  110. What is the density of oxygen gas (O2) at 298 K and 0.987 atm?
  111. Find the English name of NO2-
  112. Which solution is the best electrical conductor?
  113. The products are lower in energy than the reactants, so what is the reaction?
  114. ? Cu(s) + ? HNO3(aq) →? Cu(NO3)2(aq) + ? H2O(l) + ? NO(g) When the equation is balanced, the correct set of stoichiometric coefficients is
  115. Which of the following types has the greatest difference in electronegativity?
  116. Which of the following does not only have the dispersive force?
  117. Calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion of ethane,C2H6, a component of natural gas. (DHf[CO2]=-393.5KJ/mol; DHf[H2O]=-285.5KJ/mol; DHf[C2H6]=-84.7KJ/mol)
  118. In one mole of a solution with a mole fraction of 0.5 water, how many water molecules would there be?
  119. In the Lewis formula, the _ atom is always the central atom.
  120. The viscosity of glycerol is higher than that of water( )
  121. The evaporation rate of liquid is constant when it evaporates( )
  122. The boiling point of water is higher than that of HF because the hydrogen bond energy of Ho is higher than that of HF.( )
  123. There are dispersive forces between all polar molecules( )
  124. Covalent crystal is soft, low melting point, poor conductor of heat and electricity.( )
  125. Geometric Orientation of BeCl2 is linear.( )
  126. Experiments show O2 is diamagnetic. ( )
  127. The C atom is hybridized to produce the orbital set sp2 +p, as in C2H2. Two of the sp2 hybrid orbitals are used to form σ bonds with the H atoms. The remaining sp2 hybrid orbital is used to form a σ bond with oxygen. The unhybridized p orbital of the C atom is used to form a π bond with O.( )
  128. The shape of a molecule is determined only by the orbitals forming σ bonds.( )
  129. Hybrid types of PCl5 is sp3d and Geometric Orientation is tetrahedral .( )
  130. A covalent bond is a chemical bond in which two or more electrons are shared by two atoms.( )
  131. Polar covalent bond or polar bond is a covalent bond with greater electron density around one of the two atoms( )
  132. All the valence electrons of the atoms in a Lewis structure must appear in the structure.( )
  133. Ionic bonds are formed by sharing pairs of electrons. ( )
  134. Octet is usually an inert gas structure with eight outer electrons.( )
  135. Ne has the same electron configuration as the Na+ cation( )
  136. In the same period, the more you go to the right the lower the electron affinity energy. ( )
  137. Ionization energy is the minimum energy (kJ/mol) required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom in its ground state.( )
  138. The electron configuration of chlorine can be written as [Ne] 3s2 3p5( )
  139. Cation is always larger than atom from which it is formed. ( )
  140. Frequency (n) is the number of waves that pass through a particular point in 1 second (Hz = 1 cycle/s).( )
  141. No two electrons in an atom can have all four quantum numbers alike is the Pauli exclusion principle.( )
  142. (2, 1, -1, -1/2) is an Appropriate Combination of the Four Quantum Numbers: n , l , ml , ms( )
  143. Balmer Series describe Ultraviolet Spectrum Region.( )
  144. Light is absorbed as e- moves from one energy level to a lower energy level in Bohr’s Model of the Atom.( )
  145. Nitrogen can be used as refrigerant.( )
  146. Oxygen can be used for metals and water treatments.( )
  147. Hydrogen is a unique element that does not fit into any group. Hydrogen can‘t occur as in aqueous solutions and as in hydrides. ( )
  148. The transformation of oxygen into ozone is an exothermic reaction. ( )
  149. For the composition of Air, oxygen's volume percent is 20.95%。( )
  150. Enthalpy is a state function.( )
  151. NH4NO3(s) could be used for melting ice. ( )
  152. Exothermic process means that heat absorbed by the system from the surroundings.( )
  153. The standard enthalpy of formation of a pure element in its reference form is 0.( )
  154. H2O (s)→ H2O (l) DH = 6.01 kJ/mol It means that 6.01 kJ are absorbed for every 1 mole of ice that melts at 0°C and 1 atm.( )
  155. According to the combustion and exothermic reaction C(s)+O2(g)<=>CO2(g), when lower the temperature of the system while not change other conditions, the speed will increase. ( )
  156. Gases have much lower densities than liquids and solids.( )
  157. There is a certain amount of gas in a container works at its 2m2 bottom with 5N force, the pressure of bottom is 2.5kPa.( )
  158. Charles' law shows us that V∞T at constant n and P.( )
  159. According to the reaction N2+3H2<=>2NH3, when add the pressure of the system while not change other conditions, the balance will move to right.( )
  160. The reducing agent gains electrons in the reaction. ( )
  161. The oxidizing agent causes another substance to be reduced.( )
  162. Acetic acid cannot disassociates completely.( )
  163. 1M HCl is more acidic than 0.1M H2SO4.( )
  164. Sulfuric acid cannot disassociates completely.( )
  165. Dry ice is pure.( )
  166. Mercury is a metallic element.( )
  167. Ferric oxide is FeO.( )
  168. 876 has four significant numbers.( )
  169. 0873 has four significant numbers. ( )
  170. The mass percent O in the mineral malachite, Cu2(OH)2CO3 (Cu=64) is 33.04%.( )
  171. C6H10O2 has the same empirical formula as aspidinol, C12H16O4 , a drug used to kill parasitic worms.( )
  172. CH3CH(CH2CH3)CH2OH and CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH are isomers.( )
  173. The oxidation state of the underlined element KO2 is -1/2.( )
  174. The empirical formula of Pentane is CH.( )
  175. There are as many electrons outside the nucleus as there are units of positive charge on the nucleus. The atom as a whole is electrically neutral( )
  176. Alkali metals are all first period elements( )
  177. X-rays are harmless to the human body( )
  178. Cathode rays are deflected (偏转) in an electric field( )
  179. STP usually refers to the temperature of 0℃ and the pressure of 101.325 kPa( )
  180. In physical change, some of the physical properties of the sample may change, and its composition changed.( )
  181. Celsius is the unit of the temperature.( )
  182. Mixtures and pure substances can be separated by physical.( )
  183. There is a temperature at which °C and °F have the same value.( )
  184. Systematic errors caused by limitations in an experimenter's skill or ability to read a scientific instrument. ( )
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