  1. The overshoot value of AP of the neuron is close to( )

  2. A:Na+ equilibrium potential B:the difference of K+ equilibrium potential and Na+ equilibrium potential C:K+ equilibrium potential D:the sum of K+ equilibrium potential and Na+ equilibrium potential E:the sum of RP and Na+ equilibrium potential
    答案:Na+ equilibrium potential
  3. The manner of proteins entering into the cell is( )

  4. A:exocytosis B:endocytosis C:active transport D:simple diffusion E:facilitated diffusion
  5. The neurotransmitter released by the motor nerve ending is ( )

  6. A:5-HT B:GABA C:noradrenaline D:adrenaline E:ACh
  7. The basic structure of reflex is ( )

  8. A:reflex arc B:effector C:synapse D:receptor E:central nervous system
    答案:A: reflex arc
  9. Which one is cell and molecular research level of physiologic function? ( )

  10. A:myofilament slide B:condition reflex C:heart ejection D:basal metabolism E:defense reaction
    答案:myofilament slide
  11. The manner by which glucose moves from the plasma into RBC is ___.( )

  12. A:the simple diffusion B:the facilitated diffusion mediated by channel C:endocytosis D:secondary active transport E:the facilitated diffusion mediated by carrier
    答案:E: the facilitated diffusion mediated by carrier
  13. The special inhibitor of sodium pump is ___.( )

  14. A:Na+ B:verapamil C:D600 D:Mn2+ E:ouabain
    答案:E: ouabain
  15. The nerve fibers with thickest diameter are ( )

  16. A:Aδ fiber B:C fiber C:B fiber D:Aβ fiber E:Aγ fiber
    答案:Aβ fiber
  17. The manner by which K+ moves out the cell membrane is ___.( )

  18. A:simple diffusion B:exocytosis C:facilitated diffusion D:endocytosis E:active transport
    答案:facilitated diffusion
  19. The value of the resting potential of a neuron modifies from -90 mV to -100mV. This phenomenon is called as( )

  20. A:depolarization B:overshoot C:polarization D:hyperpolarization E:repolarization
  21. The plateau phase of action potential in ventricular cells is formed by ( )

  22. A:Na+ influx and Cl- efflux B:Na+ influx and Cl- influx C:K+ efflux and Ca2+ efflux D:Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux E:Na+ influx and K+ efflux
  23. Which one is not the chareateristic of dwarfism? ( )

  24. A:normal intelligence B:short stature C:overmuch GH in child D:slow growing E:lack of GH in child
  25. Vasopressin/antidiuretic hormone is produced mainly in the ( )

  26. A:juxtaglomerular cell B:supraoptic nucleus C:neurohypophysis D:maculae densa E:adenohypophysis
  27. Which one is the special type of small intestine movement? ( )

  28. A:receptive relaxation B:peristalsis C:migrating motor complex (MMC) D:segmentation contraction E:peristaltic Rush
  29. Which one is the main step about the process of urine formation? ( )

  30. A:reabsorption in the loop of Henle B:reabsorption in distal convoluted tube C:reabsorption in proximal convoluted tube D:tubular secretion E:glomerular filtration
  31. Factor which can shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left is ___. ( )

  32. A:decrease of PO2 B:decrease of PCO2 C:decrease of pH D:increase of temperature E:increase of DPG
  33. There is an increase in alpha motor neuron efferent impulse, it can make ( )

  34. A:extrafusal and intrafusal muscle co-contract B:extrafusal muscle contract C:intrafusal muscle contract D:gamma motor neuron efferent impulse increase E:muscle spindle afferent impulse increase
  35. The primary humoral factor regulating respiration is ( )

  36. A:O2 B:CO2 C:H+ D:hemoglobin E:2,3-DPG
  37. Filtration fraction is equal to ( )

  38. A:renal blood flow/cardiac output B:renal plasma flow/renal blood flow C:GFR/renal blood flow D:GFR/renal plasma flow E:renal blood flow/renal plasma flow
  39. The main hormone that increased basal metabolic rate is ( )

  40. A:growth hormone B:thyroid hormone C:glucocorticoid D:adrenalin E:parathyroid hormone
  41. The mechanism of ice bag to reduce the body temperature of a patient with fever in clinic is ( )

  42. A:reduce the set point B:radiation C:convection D:conduction E:evaporation
  43. The right characteristic of renal blood circulation is. ( )

  44. A:BP of peritubular capillaries is large B:blood flow volume in medulla is large C:two sets of capillaries D:BP of glomerular capillaries is small E:blood flow volume in renal cortex is small
  45. The nerve fibers with thinnest diameter are ( )

  46. A:Aβ fiber B:Aδ fiber C:C fiber D:Aγ fiber E:B fiber
  47. Which one is the main factor affecting glomerular filtration in the normal condition? ( )

  48. A:filtration area B:permeability of filtration membrane C:capsular pressure D:plasma crystal osmotic pressure E:renal plasma flow
  49. When a constant intensity of stimulus persists, AP frequencies of afferent nerve decreased with the time, known as ( )

  50. A:block B:fatigue; C:adaptation D:inhibition E:attenuated propagation
  51. The maximum amplitude of low frequency is near the ( )

  52. A:top of the basilar membrane B:widest part of the basilar membrane C:middle part of the basilar membrane D:cupula of cochlea E:bottom of the basilar membrane;
  53. The wrong description about axoplasmic transport is ( )

  54. A:rapid and slow transport B:tetanus toxin can invade center via retrograde axoplasmic transport C:anterograde and retrograde D:regular activities E:slow axoplasmic flow can transport vesicles
  55. The excitatory effect of H+ in arterial blood on the respiration is realized by ___. ( )

  56. A:directly stimulating the central respiratory neurons B:stimulating the carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors C:stimulating the carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptors D:stimulating the central chemoreceptors E:stimulating the cardiopulmonary receptors
  57. The primary hormone increasing the body heat producing is ( )

  58. A:thyroid hormone B:insulin C:GH D:adrenaline E:glucocorticoid
  59. The cardiac index is equal to ( )

  60. A:heart rate×stroke volume/body surface area B:stroke volume/body surface area C:cardiac output×body surface area D:heart rate×body surface area/cardiac output E:stroke volume×body surface area
  61. Which one is non-synaptic chemical transmission? ( )

  62. A:gap junction B:electrical synapse C:neuromuscular junction D:classical synapse E:varicosity
  63. The physiological significance of delay in AV node is ( )

  64. A:lengthening the effective refractory period of the ventricular muscles B:enhancing the contractility of cardiac muscles C:permitting completion of atrial systole before the ventricular systole D:increasing the amplitude of the action potential in the cardiac muscles E:making the ventricular muscles not to produce the complete tetanus
  65. After both of the vagus nerves are cut, the change of respiration is that ____. ( )

  66. A:the respiratory amplitude minishes B:the respiratory rate slower C:the expiratory phase shortens D:the respiratory rate quickens E:the inspiratory phase shortens
  67. The matter to form osmotic gradient in the renal outer medulla is ( )

  68. A:NaCl and KCl B:NaCl and urea C:urea D:urea and KCl E:NaCl
  69. In a cardiac cycle, the period from the closure of the semilunar valves to their next opening is equal to ___. ( )

  70. A:the sum of the ventricular relaxing period and the isovolumetric contraction period B:the isovolumetric contraction period C:the relaxing period D:the sum of the isovolumetric contraction period and the ejection period E:the ejection period
  71. The primary factor which influences the activity of precapillary sphincter is ___. ( )

  72. A:the local metabolites B:adrenaline released by the adrenal medulla C:renin released from kidney D:acetylcholine released by the sympathetic vasodilator fiber E:noradrenaline released by the sympathetic nerve
  73. The secretion peak of growth hormone concentrations in blood is ( )

  74. A:at sunset B:at noon C:in slow wave sleep D:the beginning of the morning E:in fast wave sleep
  75. Which one is not involved in the mammary glands growth, milk secretion and milk ejection? ( )

  76. A:progestin B:prolactin C:prostaglandin D:oxytocin E:estrogen
  77. The hematocrit means the percentage of the blood volume occupied by ___. ( )

  78. A:the blood weight B:the blood cells volume C:the body fluid volume D:the blood vessel volume E:the plasma volume
  79. In a 70kg person, the glomerular filtration rate is about ( )

  80. A:250 mL/min B:200 mL/min C:180 mL/ min D:100 mL/ min E:125 mL/ min
  81. The important humoral factor that can make the gallbladder contract is ___. ( )

  82. A:bile salt B:cholecystokinin C:HCl D:secretin E:gastrin
  83. The wrong description about characteristics of non-synaptic chemical transmission is ( )

  84. A:time in transmission is longer B:the efficiency is determined by receptors of effector cell C:distance between varicosity and effector cell is longer D:no specialized pre-and postsynaptic membrane E:only in nervous system
  85. Noradrenaline can shift the ventricular function curve ___. ( )

  86. A:upward and to left B:upward C:upward and to right D:downward and to right E:downward to left
  87. Neurohypophysis hormones are ( )

  88. A:prolactin and growth hormone B:vasopressin and aldosterone C:oxytocin and prolactin D:vasopressin and oxytocin E:prolactin and vasopressin
  89. The reabsorption of bicarbonate as ( )

  90. A:CO2 B:CO C:NO D:O2 E:HCO3-
  91. The most important hormone on bone and brain development is ( )

  92. A:mineralocorticoid B:parathyroid hormone C:thyroid hormone D:growth hormone E:glucocorticoid
  93. If the blood group of the recipient is group A, and the red blood cells of the conor did not aggregate in the serum of the recipient but the RBC of the recipient aggregated in the serum of donor,so the blood group of the donor do is ___. ( )

  94. A:group A B:group B C:group O D:group B or group AB E:group AB
  95. The excitatory effect of the arterial partial pressure of CO2 on the respiration is mainly realized by ___. ( )

  96. A:stimulating the carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptors B:directly stimulating the central respiratory neurons C:stimulating the central chemoreceptors D:stimulating the carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors E:stimulating the cardiopulmonary receptors
  97. The wrong description about characteristics of neuroglia is ( )

  98. A:proliferation function B:producing action potential C:support function D:having gap junctions E:no distinction between axons and dendrites
  99. The nerve fibers with slowest excitation conduction velocity are ( )

  100. A:Aδ fiber B:B fiber C:Aβ fiber D:C fiber E:Aγ fiber

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