1. The interval between two adjacent action potentials in a nerve fiber should be at least larger than ___. ( )

  2. 答案:the absolute refractory period
  3. The overshoot value of AP of the neuron is close to( )

  4. 答案:Na+ equilibrium potential
  5. When conducting along a nerve fiber, the amplitude of the action potential ___. ( )

  6. 答案:does not change
  7. The manner by which the epithelia in small intestine absorb glucose is ___.( )

  8. 答案:secondary active transport
  9. The neurotransmitter released by the motor nerve ending is ( )

  10. 答案:ACh
  11. The function of positive feedback is to ( )

  12. 答案:accelerate the completion of a physiological process
  13. The main function of effector is to ( )

  14. 答案:trigger a response
  15. The nerve fibers with thickest diameter are ( )

  16. 答案:Aβ fiber
  17. The conduction of excitement on each fiber of nerve trunk doesn’t disturb each other, which is called ( )

  18. 答案:insulativity
  19. Exciting conduction velocity of nerve fibers ( )

  20. 答案:is connected with the diameter
  21. Original site of slow wave (basic electrical rhythm, BER) of the gut smooth muscle is ( )

  22. 答案:Cajal cell
  23. The number of ___ entering the motor nerve terminal is proportional to the number of ACh released during the excitation of a motor nerve. ( )
  24. If the blood group of the recipient is group A, and the red blood cells of the conor did not aggregate in the serum of the recipient but the RBC of the recipient aggregated in the serum of donor,so the blood group of the donor do is ___. ( )
  25. Noradrenaline can shift the ventricular function curve ___. ( )
  26. The cardiac index is equal to ( )
  27. After both of the vagus nerves are cut, the change of respiration is that ____. ( )
  28. Which one is not the characteristic of nerve fiber conduction? ( )
  29. Which one is the special type of small intestine movement? ( )
  30. The gas exchange between blood and tissues is the ( )
  31. When the myocardial contractility enhances, the venous return increases. It is due to ___. ( )
  32. Filtration fraction is equal to ( )
  33. The basic respiratory center is located in ( )
  34. The factor that influences the cardiac contractility is ( )
  35. The important latent pacemaker in the heart is ___. ( )
  36. Which one is wrong about electrical synapse transmission? ( )
  37. The bile salts and the vitamin B12 are absorbed in the ___. ( )
  38. The maximal volume that 100 ml of blood can carry the oxygen depends upon ___. ( )
  39. The antidiuretic hormone is synthesized in ( )
  40. Which one is not involved in the mammary glands growth, milk secretion and milk ejection? ( )
  41. The process through which the motor nerve terminals release acetylcholine is ___. ( )
  42. The maximum amplitude of low frequency is near the ( )
  43. The matter to form osmotic gradient in the renal outer medulla is ( )
  44. The first heart sound is mainly formed by ( )
  45. Which ion and mucus form a protective barrier on the mucosal surface of stomach? ( )
  46. Zona glomerulosa in adrenal cortex can synthesize and release ( )
  47. Which one is the main step about the process of urine formation? ( )
  48. The primary hormone increasing the body heat producing is ( )
  49. Which type of the myocardial tissue has the slowest conduction velocity? ( )
  50. Semilunar valves close at___. ( )
  51. The organ of heat production in exercise is ( )
  52. OT is mainly produced in ( )
  53. The main type of EEG during anesthesia is ( )
  54. The wrong description about characteristics of neuroglia is ( )
  55. Factor which can shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left is ___. ( )
  56. The pathway between hypothalamus and adenohypophysis system is ( )
  57. When a constant intensity of stimulus persists, AP frequencies of afferent nerve decreased with the time, known as ( )
  58. Which one is the first place about Na+ reabsorption in the renal tubular? ( )
  59. The plateau phase of action potential in ventricular cells is formed by ( )
  60. The fibers that conduct slow pain are ( )
  61. The most sensitive vibration frequency to ears is ( )
  62. The most important hormone especially for development of the bone and the brain is ( )
  63. Which one is not the hypothalamic regulatory peptides? ( )
  64. The effect of insulin-like growth factor is ( )
  65. Hormone content in blood is extremely low, but the physiological function is obvious, this is because of ( )
  66. The most bioactive thyroid hormone is ( )
  67. Which of the following hormones is not produced by the kidney? ( )
  68. Hormone that causes blood glucose lower is ( )
  69. The hormone that corrects water intoxication is ( )
  70. Overmuch growth hormone in adult will lead to ( )
  71. Which one is not released from the hypothalamus? ( )
  72. What kind of ion permeability increased when the inhibitory postsynaptic potential? ( )
  73. The structure that can generate AP is ( )
  74. The hormone secretion increasing during slow wave sleep is ( )
  75. The main effect of vestibulocerebellum is ( )
  76. The initial nuclei of the nonspecific projection system in thalamus are ( )
  77. Conduction velocity in myelinated fibers is faster than unmyelinated fiber, mainly because ( )
  78. Excitatory postsynaptic potential is ( )
  79. The most basic reflex maintaining the body posture is ( )
  80. Cutting off the brain stem between the superior and inferior colliculus of midbrain, the phenomenon is ( )
  81. The basic vital center is located in ( )
  82. The major adjustment during seeing the near objects is ( )
  83. The center of pupillary light reflex is in ( )
  84. The farthest distance that one can see objects clearly without any accommodation of eye is called ( )
  85. Which one is wrong about visual field? ( )
  86. Regulating capacity of eye is mainly determined by the ( )
  87. Deficiency of Vitamin A can affect ( )
  88. The eye that all the parallel light focuses on the front of retina is ( )
  89. A particular form of stimulus to which a receptor is the most sensitive, which is called ___ of receptor. ( )
  90. The structure to balance the pressure difference between the middle ear and atmosphere is ( )
  91. Optical refraction system of eye doesn’t include ( )
  92. Which one is not the factor affecting glomerular filtration? ( )
  93. Transection between cerebral cortex and sacral cord will induce ( )
  94. Characteristic of reabsorption in the proximal tubule is ( )
  95. The substance measuring glomerular filtration rate is ( )
  96. The form of HCO3- reabsorption in the proximal tubule is ( )
  97. The most important excretion organ is ( )
  98. Na+ reabsorption in the distal tubules and the collecting ducts is mainly regulated by ( )
  99. The most hormone to regulate water reabsorption is ( )
  100. The right description about osmotic gradient in the renal medulla is ( )
  101. The mechanism of absorption in thick ascending limb is ( )
  102. The major form of heat production of the body is ___ during the cold environment. ( )
  103. Which muscle activity can significantly increase metabolic rate? ( )
  104. Which disease with basal metabolic rate increases significantly? ( )
  105. The wrong description about body mass index (BMI) is ( )
  106. Which one is the largest effect about specific dynamic effect of food? ( )
  107. Normal rectal temperature is ( )
  108. The form of heat production in newborn infants’ body is ( )
  109. Waist circumference of male is less than ( )
  110. The wrong description about specific dynamic effect of food is ( )
  111. When the environment temperature is higher than the skin temperature, the main manner of the heat loss is ( )
  112. The most active of pepsin is under the pH value ( )
  113. The mechanism by which the acidity chyme in the small intestine promotes the secretion of pancreatic juice is ___.( )
  114. The activator of pepsinogen is ( )
  115. Which of these statements about gastric secretion of HCl is false? ( )
  116. Most of nutrients are absorbed in( )
  117. The order from fast to slow of gastric emptying rate in stomach is ( )
  118. The substance that is involved in the absorption of vitamin B12 is ___.( )
  119. Which is wrong in the following descriptions about the effects of hydrochloric acid? ( )
  120. Most digestion occurs in( )
  121. The intrapleural pressure in the end of expiration is ___. ( )
  122. If the tidal volume of a man is about 500ml,his dead space volume is about 150ml,his respiratory rate is 12/min,and his cardiac output is 5L/min, his ventilation/perfusion ratio is ___.( )
  123. The site where the partial pressure of CO2 is the highest is___.( )
  124. The index used to compare the pulmonary elastic resistance among persons is ___. ( )
  125. The bicarbonates in the plasma is mainly synthesized in the red cells, because ___.( )
  126. The total lung capacity is equal to ___.( )
  127. The factor that acts as a buffer against the extreme changes in alveolar air pressure is ___.( )
  128. The primary form as which CO2 is transported in blood is ___.( )
  129. If the tidal volume decreases by 50%,the respiratory frequency increases from 12/min to 24/min,___. ( )
  130. The air exchange between the capillaries and the alveoli in lung is called ___.( )
  131. Autoregulation of heart pumping function means that the stroke volume is determined by ____.( )
  132. AV valves open at ___.( )
  133. In which phase of cardiac cycle is the pressure of the ventricle highest?( )
  134. Which type of the myocardial tissue has the fastest conduction velocity?( )
  135. The second heart sound is primarily formed by( )
  136. The cardiac output of healthy adult male at rest is( )
  137. AV valves close at___.( )
  138. The excitability of cardiac muscle cell in the supranormal period is higher than normal, so ___.( )
  139. If stroke volume is 75ml/beat and heart rate is 80 beats /min, what is the cardiac output?( )
  140. Blood pressure can be buffered by___.( )
  141. The effect of the plasma crystal osmotic pressure is to maintain water equilibrium ___.( )
  142. The blood volume of a man with body weight of 60kg is about ___. ( )
  143. If the blood is stored in low temperature for a long time, the K+ concentration in the plasma will rises. It is due to ___.( )
  144. Generally speaking, the blood group means ( )
  145. Which one of the following statements about the plasma osmotic pressure is false?( )
  146. If a person only contains anti-A agglutinin in his blood, his blood group could be ___.( )
  147. The primary mechanism preventing coagulation by heparin is ( )
  148. There is a healthy man weighing 60 kg, 32 years old. His volume of plasma should be about ___.( )
  149. The primary humoral factor regulating the erythropoisis is ___.( )
  150. Plasma crystal osmotic pressure is mainly composed of ___. ( )
  151. In which period of the preceding excitation in a nerve fiber, the next excitation cannot appear?( )
  152. The depolarizing phase of AP of a neuron is formed by( )
  153. The imbalance distribution of Na+ and K+ inside and outside the cell it due to _____.( )
  154. The amplitude of AP of the neuron is close to( )
  155. How many the energy will be used by Na+ pump in a cell?( )
  156. In the depolarization phase of an action potential, Na+ moves into the cell by ___.( )
  157. If the duration of an action potential of the myelinated nerve fiber lasts 2ms,the number of the action potentials per second cannot exceeds ___ in theory.( )
  158. The neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction is ( )
  159. The manner that oxygen enter into the cell is ( )
  160. During the absolute refractory period, the excitability of tissues is ( )
  161. The internal environment is( )
  162. Which one is predominant in regulation of body functions? ( )
  163. Insulin can lower blood sugar, which is ( )
  164. Which is feed-forward? ( )
  165. Thyroid hormone secretion increased is due to ___ in a cold environment. ( )
  166. The characteristics of neuroregulation are ( )
  167. The relative stabilization of physical and chemical properties of internal environment is called ( )
  168. The characteristics of humoral regulation are ( )
  169. The regular response of organism to the stimulation under the mediation of central nervous system is called ( )
  170. Which is positive feedback in the following phenomena? ( )
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