1. The crosslink between glycogenesis and glycogenolysis is ( )

  2. 答案:glucose 1-phosphate
  3. Direct bilirubin is synthesized at : ( )

  4. 答案:liver
  5. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in: ( )

  6. 答案:mitochondria
  7. Substrate level phosphorylation is involved in ( )

  8. 答案:1,3-bisphosphoglycerate→3-phosphoglycerate
  9. Which of the following amino acid can not produce one carbon unit? ( )

  10. 答案:Valine
  11. What is gene expression?( )

  12. 答案:transcription , translation
  13. Which is an intermediate on the pathway for synthesis of ketone bodies and cholesterol?( )

  14. 答案:HMG-CoA
  15. The content of which of the following element is close to each other in various protein?( )

  16. 答案:N
  17. In which following conditions are ketone bodies synthesis greatly accelerated? ( )

  18. 答案:fat mobilization is enhanced
  19. he sub-cell site of cholesterol synthesis is ( )

  20. 答案:cytosol+ endoplasmic reticulum
  21. Which of the following link the core particle of nucleosome ?( )

  22. 答案:H1
  23. Which of following is independent of Km?( )
  24. Which of the following metabolic reaction can not occur in liver ? ( )
  25. The kinetics of enzymatic reaction is the study on:( )
  26. Which of the following is not concerned with the cholesterol biosynthesis?( )
  27. The effect of temperature on the rate of enzymatic reactions is ( )
  28. Which of following is the major organ to regulate the concentration of glucose?( )
  29. Which of the following DNA has the lowest Tm? ( )
  30. The translational initiation complex includes ( )
  31. The major factor to control oxidative phosphorylation in normal physiological condition is:( )
  32. Which of the following is the product of the replication continuously: ( )
  33. Which of the following hormone can accelerate fat mobilization?( )
  34. During the elongation of polypeptide chain in protein biosynthesis, which site can receipt the aminoacyl-tRNA( )
  35. Which of following is not the characteristics of enzymatic reactions? ( )
  36. The α-subunit of G protein have the activity of:( )
  37. Malonate with succinate for succinate dehydrogenase is the classic case of:( )
  38. Which of following is not correct about competitive inhibitor? ( )
  39. Which of the following is not correct about primary bile acid ? ( )
  40. Which of the following is the characteristic of RNA-pol?( )
  41. The raw material of cholesterol in the body is ( )
  42. Which of the following amino acid contain hydroxyl group?( )
  43. Every integrity protein must process: ( )
  44. Where does de novo synthesis of purine nucleotide mainly take place?( )
  45. The kinetic property of non-competitive inhibition is:( )
  46. Which of the following is the enzyme of peptide bond formation :( )
  47. Which of the following do not take part in the biotransformation of heme in liver ? ( )
  48. Different enzymes catalyze sequential reactions in the same pathway are bound together in ( )
  49. Energy for brain in long starvation mainly comes from ( )
  50. After phosphorylation of glycogen synthase and phosphrylase ( )
  51. The primary structure of DNA is the sequence of its nucletide residues linked by ( )?
  52. Which of the following are related with DNA replication initiation?( )
  53. Which of following is correct about enzyme?( )
  54. Which of following is correct about covalent modification?( )
  55. Which of the following are the main transportation style of ammonia between tissues? ( )
  56. Properties of binding of H and R are:( )
  57. The end product of gene expression could be:( )
  58. The DNA repairing type include:( )
  59. Which of the following about trans-acting factors are correct?( )
  60. Which of the following are the properties of α-helix structure?( )
  61. Which of the following could catalize the synthesis of phosphodiester bond?( )
  62. The plasmid used in DNA recombination techology is: ( )
  63. A certain restricion endonuclease cut DNA by means of 5′…GGGGGG▼AATTCC…3,’ and will generate( )
  64. A certain restricion endonuclease cut DNA by means of GGG▼CGCCC,and will generate( ) salient sticky end:( )
  65. Which of the following could not be used as vector for DNA cloning?( )
  66. To construct cDNA library need:( )
  67. Which of the following is the most general characteristic of the vector needed in DNA cloning?( )
  68. The process of DNA cloning does not include( )
  69. Which of the following is the end that T4 ligase catalize to link together?( )
  70. General recombination is also called:( )
  71. The optimal cell system to express human protein is( )
  72. Which of the following about C-onc is correct?( )
  73. Which of the following about C-onc is not correct?( )
  74. Which of the following belong to anti-oncogene?( )
  75. Which of the following are not the expression product of oncogene?( )
  76. Which of the following element could activate oncogene?( )
  77. Which of the following does not belong to oncogene?( )
  78. Which of the following belong to oncogen expression product?( )
  79. Which of the following about oncogene is not correct?( )
  80. The oncogene would be activated in the following of situation:( )
  81. Which of the following could induce cell canceration?( )
  82. Which of the following belong to oncogene?( )
  83. Which of the following about properties of binding of hormone and receptor is not correct( )。
  84. The α subunit of G protein have the activity of( )。
  85. Which of the following does not belong to second messenger( )。
  86. Which of the following does not participate in AC-cAMP-PKA pathway( )。
  87. G protein is referred to( )。
  88. Which of the following do not participate in cellular signal transduction( )。
  89. Signal transduction pathway mediated by EGF receptor consist of ( )。
  90. The chemical nature of intracellular receptors is( )。
  91. Which can cause endoplasmic reticulum release Ca2+( )。
  92. Extracellular chemical molecules include( )。
  93. Which of the following general transcription factors can recognize and bind to TATA box directly( )。
  94. Operons do not include( )。
  95. Which of the following belongs to a cis-acting element( )。
  96. Which of the following does not belong to gene expression( )。
  97. The structure of lac operon consist of( )。
  98. Which of the following belongs to a trans-acting factor ( )。
  99. Which induces the transcription of lac operon( )。
  100. When the tryptophan levels are high, the tryptophan operon is regulated by( )。
  101. Which is bound by RNA polymerase and initiates transcription( )。
  102. The general regulatory point of gene expression is( )。
  103. The substance that is not needed for protein biosynthesis is( )。
  104. Which of the following tRNA anticodon is matched with mRNA codon ACG( )。
  105. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase has specificity for( )。
  106. Which enzyme catalyzes the formation of peptide bond ( )。
  107. Which of the following material can carry the genetic information of DNA to the cytoplasm and to guide the biosynthesis of protein( )。
  108. What components are needed for the ribosome cycle( )。
  109. The introduction of eukaryotic secretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum is( )。
  110. The energy required for peptide chain elongation in prokaryotic protein biosynthesis is( )。
  111. In the characteristics of the codons, the frameshift mutation is related to( )。
  112. Substances involved in protein biosynthesis are( )。
  113. The transcript of RNA polymerase I in eukaryotes is( )
  114. Which subunit of RNA polymerase is the specific binding site of Rifampicin in prokaryotes?( )
  115. The transcript of template 5'-ACTAGTCAT -3' is ( )
  116. The primary role of RNA polymerase Ⅲ is to synthesis ( )
  117. Which one is correct about the exon? ( )
  118. Which subunit of RNA polymerase can recognize the transcription start site in prokaryotes?( )
  119. The binding site of TFⅡD is ( )
  120. Feather-like structure of transcription under electron microscope indicates( )
  121. Which one can inhibit prokaryotic RNA polymerase specifically? ( )
  122. RNA holoenzyme includes σ subunit, it binds with DNA template strand at the initiation of the transcription. In the elongation stage,the σ subunit will ( )
  123. Which of the following is the larger fragment of DNApolⅠ? ( )
  124. The materials of DNA synthesis are:( )
  125. Which of these enzyme is not concerned with DNA replication?( )
  126. The prokaryotic DNA-pol core enzyme is made up with( )?
  127. Which of the following serve as the enzyme in mitochondria DNA replication ? ( )
  128. In DNA replication, what is the reason of Okazaki fragment generated? ( )
  129. DNA and RNA are composed of four types of deoxyribonucleotides and ribonucleotides ,respectively linked with ( )?
  130. Which of the following is the product of the replication discontinuously?( )
  131. Which of the following could proofreading, DNA repairing, filling of gaps? ( )
  132. In the initiation of DNA replication, the proper order that following enzyme and protein acting is? 1, DNA-polⅢ 2,SSB 3,primase 4, helicase( )
  133. In the prokaryotic DNA replication, which of the following is NOT needed? ( )
  134. The common donors of the conjugated substances are ( ) in the phase II reaction of the liver.
  135. Which of the following is not the donator of biotransformation? ( )
  136. Which is the most important enzyme taking part in the oxidation reaction of the biotransformation? ( )
  137. The most important phase I reaction of the biotransformation is ( )
  138. The most relevant of the biotransformation process in liver is ( )
  139. The most significance of the biotransformation is to ( ).
  140. The most important phase II reaction in the biotransformation is ( ).
  141. Non-nutritional substance can ( ) after biotransformation.
  142. Which of the following can provide active methyl group ? ( )
  143. Which of the following can provide active sulphate? ( )
  144. Which of the following is the enzyme that catalyze the synthesis of uric acid ? ( )
  145. Which of the following is not the direct material of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotide ? ( )
  146. Which of the following substance directly link nucleotide synthesis and glucose metabolism? ( )
  147. Which of the following is the methyl group donor of TMP ? ( )
  148. Which of the following is the end production of purine nucleotide catabolic metabolism? ( )
  149. Which of the following material could provide C4 and C5 for purine ring? ( )
  150. Which of the following is the analogue of azaserine ? ( )
  151. Which of the following is directly reduced, and produce deoxynucleotide? ( )
  152. Which of the following is the common material for the synthesis of pyrimidine and purine nucleotide? ( )
  153. Which of the following is first synthesized in the process of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotide? ( )
  154. In the process of urea cycle, which of the following substance can go out mitochondrion? ( )
  155. Which of the following is not produced by Tyr? ( )
  156. Which of the following is not one carbon unit? ( )
  157. In the synthesis of urea, one N come from NH3, another N come from ( )directly ?
  158. Which of the following is not the outlet of α-keto acid that produced by deamination of amino acid? ( )
  159. Which of the following is the carrier of one carbon unit ? ( )
  160. Which of the following is the direct donor of CH3? ( )
  161. Which of the following is the storage and transportation style of ammonia? ( )
  162. Which of the following is only ketogenic amino acid? ( )
  163. Which of the following amino acid can produce PAPS? ( )
  164. The major function of HDL is ( )
  165. Choline is activated in the form of ( ), before it enters diacylglycerol pathway.
  166. The lipoprotein that transfer endogenous cholesterol is: ( )
  167. Which of following does not utilize ketone bodies? ( )
  168. Which is the major form that transports exogenous TAGs to the circulation? ( )
  169. Which is the major form that transports endogenous TAGs from the liver to the tissues? ( )
  170. Which is not required in β-Oxidation of fatty acids? ( )
  171. In the liver, ( ) is the rate–limiting enzyme on the pathway for synthesis of cholesterol.
  172. How many mols of ATP are yielded when 1 mol stearic acid (18 C) is oxidized to CO2 and H2O ? ( )
  173. NADPH in fatty acid synthesis comes from: ( )
  174. The characteristic of biological oxidation is( )
  175. Which of the following enzyme uses FAD as prothetic group?( )
  176. The coenzyme of α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in mitochondria is:( )
  177. Which of the following metabolic process is completed in mitochondrion totally ( )
  178. Which of following is the carrier of NADH from cytosol to mitchondria?( )
  179. Which of the following is not the energy-rich compound? ( )
  180. Which agent is an inhibitor of electron transport at Complex Ⅲ?( )
  181. How many ATPs will be produced when 1 cytosolic NADH is transported into the mitochondria by α-glycerophosphate shuttle?( )
  182. The order of NADH respiratory chain is:( )
  183. Which of the following is the most important element in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation?( )
  184. Which is metabolized through both the glycolytic pathway and the pentose phosphate pathway?( )
  185. How many ATPs are produced by the oxidation of a molecule of aceyl CoA via the citric acid cycle?
  186. Substrate-level phosphorylation in citrate acid cycle is:( )
  187. The end-product of glycolysis is: ( )
  188. The key enzyme of the glycolysis is: ( )
  189. Why erythrocytes metabolize glucose by anaerobic glycolysis? ( )
  190. Which of following is not the key enzyme in aerobic oxidation of carbohydrate?( )
  191. 1 molecule of pyruvate which is oxidized completely may generate ( ) molecules of ATP. ( )
  192. Which of following generate FADH2 after dehydrogenation? ( )
  193. What are the most important products the cells generate by means of the pentose phosphate pathway?( )
  194. Which of following is not correct about LDH isoenzymes?( )
  195. The relationship between competitive inhibitor and substrate is that they have :( )
  196. Which of following is not correct about Km?( )
  197. Which of following is correct about character of enzyme?( )
  198. Which of following is not correct about allosteric enzyme? ( )
  199. Isoenzymes are enzymes that :( )
  200. Which of following is not correct about active site of an enzyme?( )
  201. Which of following is not correct about covalent modification?( )
  202. Specificity of enzyme refers to:( )
  203. 5’-end of the majority of mRNA in eukaryotes has ( )
  204. DNA can be separated into two single chains during heating ( )
  205. The template of protein synthesis is ( )
  206. Which statement is true for Tm? ( )
  207. 3'-end of mRNA has ( )
  208. The RNA that can carry amino acid and transfer it to ribosome is ( )
  209. The tertiary structure of tRNA is ( )
  210. The secondary structure of DNA is ( )
  211. Which statement is NOT true for RNA? ( )
  212. Which statement is NOT true for tRNA? ( )
  213. All the common proein absorb light at a wavelength of UV close to ( ) nm?
  214. One AA( pI=5.6 ) will be negatively charged in a solution ( )?
  215. Which of the followings is basic AA? ( )
  216. α helix of protein structure belongs to( )
  217. The amino acid found as constituents of mammalian proteins are all ( ) except for glycine?( )
  218. The nitrogen content of one protein sample is 0.5g,and then the protein content of it is :( )
  219. Which of the following about protein secondary structure is not correct? ( )
  220. Which of the following about quaternary structue is correct? ( )
  221. Which of the following about protein denaturaion is not correct?( )
  222. Which of the following about α-helix is not correct:( )
  223. Biochemistry can be divided into three principal areas, that is:( )
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