第一章 简介:简要介绍学习该课程的背景需求,概述基本写作类型及考试作文要求。1.1写作课程简介:课程背景及学习目标介绍;
[单选题]Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

The little boat moves from side to side in the water.

选项:[drifts, comes, goes, passes]
[单选题]Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

She looked straight at me for a while.


选项:[stared at, glanced at, noticed, witnessed]

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A poem about the sights and sounds of rainfall

, Description
, Argumentation
, Narration

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

An essay retells the story of Romeo and Juliet

, Narration
, Argumentation
, Exposition

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A letter to the school administration arguing why smoking should be banned all over the campus

, Argumentation
, Narration
, Exposition
[单选题]Which one of the following thesis statements is appropriate for argumentative writing?

选项:[Reasons lying behind misdeeds among adolescents are various., Many factors may influence the attainment of happiness., The advantages of the increasing tourism outweigh the disadvantages.]

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A web page telling how to create a bank account

, Narration
, Exposition
, Description
[单选题]Which of the followings is NOT the example of the use of expository writing?

选项:[Recipes, The solution to problems, News reports, The execution of a project, How-to articles]

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A story about the time you learned how to ride a bike.

, Exposition
, Description
, Narration

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A brochure advertising a luxury hotel and resort

, Narration
, Exposition
, Argumentation
[单选题]Which one is NOT included in the checklist for sentence writing?

选项:[Can any run-on sentences be more effectively coordinated or subordinated?, Can any wordy sentences be made more concise?, Is each sentence long and complicated? , Is each word spelled correctly?, Is each sentence clear and complete?]
[单选题]Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

She went quickly down the stairs.

选项:[fell, dashed, wandered , jumped]

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A paper discussing the impacts of a war

, Argumentation
, Narration
, Description

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

An article attempting to convince readers to boycott pirated books

, Narration
, Exposition
, Argumentation
[单选题]硕士研究生入学考试英语写作由两个部分组成:(  )和短文写作

选项:[实验报告, 应用文写作, 摘要写作]

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