

  1. Which of the following writers is the representative in Dark Romanticism? ( )

  2. A:Doris Lessing B:Mark Twain C:Edgar Allan PoeC, Henry James
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Edgar Allan Poe。黑暗浪漫主义是十九世纪中期英国的一种文学流派,以描写恐怖、神秘、超自然等题材为主。Edgar Allan Poe是该流派的代表人物之一,他的作品如《恐怖故事》、《厄夜怪谈》等都充满了黑暗、神秘和超自然的元素。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  3. Which of the following is not William Faulkner's work? ( )

  4. AI参考:正确答案是“B. 《蝇王》”。选项B是《蝇王》,不是威廉·福克纳的作品。威廉·福克纳是20世纪美国著名作家,他的作品包括《喧哗与骚动》、《我弥留之际》等。其他选项都是威廉·福克纳的作品。'
  5. 以下哪个选项不属于少数派的特质?( )

  6. A:无纲领性 B:异质性 C:颠覆性 D:革命性 E:不间断性
  7. What is the symbol of modernism?( )

  8. A:anti-traditional and anti-rational B:anti-science C:advocating for reason D:anti-sensibility
    AI参考:正确答案是C: advocating for reason。modernism是现代主义的象征,它主张理性,反对传统和反理性,因此选项C是正确答案。选项A和D都是错误的,因为它们都与现代主义的核心思想不符。选项B也是错误的,因为它与现代主义的核心思想相反。'
  9. Which body without organs does Lawyer Giles have? ( )

  10. A:full body without organs B:virtuous body without organs C:cancerous body without organs D:empty body without organs
    AI参考:正确答案是D:empty body without organs。Giles是一个律师,所以选项A和B不符合逻辑;选项C中的“cancerous”意为“癌的”,与律师的职业不符;因此,答案为D。律师Giles没有器官,因此是一个空的身体。'
  11. In To Room Nineteen, the Rawlings’ marriage is grounded in ( ).

  12. A:responsibility B:money C:intelligence D:love
  13. What happens in the story of Dry September?( )

  14. A:A black woman slanders and persecutes a black man. B:A white woman slanders and persecutes a white man. C:A black woman slanders and persecutes a white man. D:A white woman slanders and persecutes a black man.
  15. The sentence “You are all a lost generation” appears in( ).

  16. A:A Farewell to Arms B:The Sun Also Rises C:The Old Man and the Sea D:For Whom the Bell Tolls
    答案:The Sun Also Rises
  17. Doris Lessing was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in ( ).

  18. A:2007 B:2006 C:2009 D:2004
    答案:Doris Lessing:Doris Lessing 1919~)is a famous British woman writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007.Her great works include The Golden Notebook and The Grass is Singing.The general themes of her novels are the divide between whites and blacks,the battles of the two sexes and the individuals in search of wholeness.AI参考:正确答案是D,Doris Lessing是在2004年被授予诺贝尔文学奖的。根据题目中的信息,Doris Lessing在文学领域获得了诺贝尔奖,而选项中只有2004年是符合这个时间范围的。因此,答案为D,即2004年。'
  19. Where and when does the Dry September story happen in the United States? ( )

  20. A:Northern America; before the American Civil War B:Southern America; after the American Civil War C:Northern America; after the American Civil War D:Southern America; before the American Civil War
    答案:对AI参考:正确选项是C:Northern America; after the American Civil War。根据问题中的描述,“Dry September故事在美国的地点和时间”,可以推断出故事发生在北美洲,并且是在美国内战之后。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项不符合题意,需要进一步分析。'
  21. Alice Munro has written ( ) works.

  22. A:thirteen B:fourteen C:eleven D:twelve
    AI参考:正确答案是D:twelve。根据题干中的信息,Alice Munro已经写了多少作品,而选项中只有D选项twelve符合题意,因此答案为D。其他选项A、B、C都与题干中的信息不符。'
  23. Why does Mabel ask the doctor to marry her? ( )

  24. A:Because the doctor’s economic conditions are better than hers, and she wants his money. B:Because the doctor’s social status is higher than hers. C:Because she knows that the doctor has seen her naked. D:Because she falls in love with him.
    答案:Because she knows that the doctor has seen her naked.
  25. ( ) is acclaimed as “master of the contemporary short story”.

  26. A:Doris Lessing B:Alice Munro C:Ernest Hemingway D:William Faulkner

  27. Which is the most important symbol in The Minister’s Black Veil? ( )

  28. A:crape B:mirror C:Sexton D:veil

  29. When did Naturalism extend? ( )

  30. A:1830s B:1980s C:1730s D:1930s
  31. The lecture “Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Science” was given by ( ) in 1966.

  32. A:Irwin Allen Ginsberg B:Jacques Derrida C:William Burroughs D:Roland Barthes

  33. Where does the story of A rose for Emily happen?( )

  34. A:North American Town B:English South Town C:South American Town D:Northern British Town
    AI参考:正确答案是B:English South Town。题目中提到“A rose for Emily”的故事发生地,根据常识和题干中的信息,可以确定故事发生在英国南部的一个小镇上,因此选项B“English South Town”是正确答案。选项A和C都是北美洲的城市,与故事背景不符;选项D则是一个英国北部的小镇,也不符合题意。'
  35. Expressionism originated in( ).

  36. A:Italy B:America C:France D:Germany

  37. Who was the founder of surrealism?( )

  38. A:Paul Valery B:Joseph Heller C:André Breton D:Samuel Beckett

  39. What typical doublespeak lies in the title “You touched Me”? ( )

  40. A:You--Hadrian, Me--Matilda, Touched--moved B:You--Mtilda, Me--Father, Touched--made me unhappy C:You--Hadrian, Me--Father, Touched--made me happy D:You--Matilda, Me--Hadrian, Touched--moved

  41. 下列哪些人物是作家思想逃逸的产品?( )

  42. A:梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的艾哈勃 B:塞万提斯《堂吉柯德》中的堂吉柯德 C:霍桑《红字》中的海斯特 D:司汤达《红与黑》中的于连 E:马克·吐温《哈克贝利芬历险记》中的哈克
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的艾哈勃 D:司汤达《红与黑》中的于连 E:马克·吐温《哈克贝利芬历险记》中的哈克。这些人物都是作家在创作过程中,通过虚构和想象,将自身思想、情感、价值观等融入作品中的产物。梅尔维尔的《白鲸》中的艾哈勃,是作者对人性、命运、信仰等问题的思考和探索;司汤达的《红与黑》中的于连,则是作者对个人奋斗、社会阶层、道德伦理等问题的反思和探讨;马克·吐温的《哈克贝利芬历险记》中的哈克,则是作者对自由、人性、种族平等等问题的关注和表达。而塞万提斯和霍桑的作品中并没有明显体现作家思想逃逸的人物形象。'
  43. Becoming women is to have the abstract universality of women being ( ).

  44. A:strong B:productive C:tender D:tolerant
  45. Which of the following statements is true? ( )

  46. A:Altruism leads to the doctor’s superego, which in turns makes him a Full Body without Organs. B:Each of the three brothers, Joe, Fred and Malcolm has their own planned future. C:The desire of more convenience leads the three brothers all to parasites. D:Upon the death of the horse dealer,the father has left nothing to his three son and a daughter.

  47. What social problems does the Dry September reflect?( )

  48. A:racial discrimination B:male supremacy C:class contradiction D:gap between the wealthy and poor
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:gap between the wealthy and poor 】。原文中提到“Dry September”反映了一些社会问题,而选项D“贫富差距”与原文中的描述相符。原文中提到“the gap between the wealthy and poor”,即富人和穷人之间的差距,这是社会问题之一。而选项A、B、C与原文描述不符。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  49. From the perspective of schizophrenia, Body without Organs can be divided into three main categories: ( ) .

  50. A:Healthy Body without Organs B:Empty Body without Organs C:Full Body without Organs D:Cancerous Body without Organs

  51. Which of the following artists belong to Impressionism?( )

  52. A:Édouard Manet B:Pablo Picasso C:Camille Pissarro D:Claude Monet
    AI参考:【正确答案是】ACD。Édouard Manet和Claude Monet属于印象派艺术家,而Pablo Picasso属于后印象派或立体主义艺术家。因此,正确选项为ACD。'
  53. ( )form the core of the Beat Generation.

  54. A:Jack Kerouac B:Jacques Derrida C:William Burroughs D:Irwin Allen Ginsberg

  55. Which of the following statements is true about The Horse Dealer’s Daughter? ( )

  56. A:The Father is a member of the face, because he will sacrifice his daughter’s love to maintain his business . B:Hadrian isn’t a member of the face because he does not come to the family directly for the property. C:Matilda falls in love with Hadrian at last. D:To share interest from an economic unit, Matilda agrees to marry Hadrian.

  57. What happened in the story of Ethan Brand? ( )

  58. A:Ethan Brand sends Bartram to bed, saying he will watch the kiln. B:Former lime burner, Ethan Brand, abandons his kiln to find the Unpardonable Sin. C:Ethan Brand was found jump into the kiln from the top and burn himself dead. D:Bartram will sell the body ashes with the lime to make more money.
  59. Which of the following statements of Minoritarian are correct? ( )

  60. A:Minoritarian is a philosophical concept invented by Deleuze. B:Minoritarian is judged by the number. C:Minoritarian is judged by the way they behave. D:One who does not behave the way most people do, especially the given conventional ways, belongs to the Minoritarian.

  61. When people still cherish those ( ) and so on that have long been out of date, they are regarded as political necrophilia.

  62. A:value B:ideals C:tradition D:customs

  63. 下列有关少数派的说法正确的是:( )

  64. A:游牧民最终目标是“少数派”。 B:少数派特质是革命性、颠覆性、异质性和无纲领性。 C:少数派意味着不为多数派所限制,意味着无限的可变性和创造性,意味着不断生成新的东西。 D:少数派意味着对现存秩序的超越。
  65. Romanticism was an ( ) movement that originated in Europe.

  66. A:literary B:intellectual C:artistic D:social
    AI参考:正确选项为 C: artistic。浪漫主义是起源于欧洲的一种艺术运动,因此选项中与艺术相关的词汇最符合。选项 A 文学、B 知识分子、D 社会均与浪漫主义运动无关。因此,选项 C 艺术性是正确答案。'
  67. ( ) are written by Alice Munro.

  68. A:Who Do You Think You Are? B:Lives of Girls and Women C:Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage D:Open Secrets
    AI参考:正确选项为【B:Lives of Girls and Women】。根据题目中给出的选项,Alice Munro是加拿大作家,其作品《Lives of Girls and Women》是她最为著名的作品之一。其他选项中,A选项是一个自我介绍的问句,C选项是一个书名,D选项也是一个书名,但都不是Alice Munro的代表作。因此,正确答案为B。'
  69. Common ideas regarding structuralism that form an “intellectual trend” include ( ).

  70. A:Structures are the real things that lie beneath the surface or the appearance of meaning. B:The structure is what determines the position of each element of a whole. C:Structuralists believe that every system has a structure D:Structuralists are interested in “structural” laws that deal with coexistence rather than changes.

  71. In becoming one takes the other as a mirror to get one’s self-reflection. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. In Passion, Maury and Neil are half-brothers.( )

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. Faulkner’s works have been placed within the literary traditions of modernism and the Southern Renaissance. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. Intertextuality is the relationship between one text and another or one text within the interwoven fabric of literary history. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。Intertextuality指的是文本间的关系,即一个文本与其他文本之间的关系,或者一个文本在文学史中的交织结构。但是这个说法并不完全准确,因为它没有明确指出是两个文本之间的关系,还是一个文本与其他文本在文学史中的交织关系。因此,这个说法是错误的。正确的说法应该是“Intertextuality refers to the relationship between one text and another or multiple texts within a text”。'
  79. Contradiction feature of post-modernist stories frustrates the readers who are trying to find heroes to worship.( )

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. The American Dream is rooted in the U.S. Constitution, which proclaims that “all men are created equal” with the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. Freud's work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious was of utmost importance to the Surrealists in developing methods to liberate imagination. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。Freuds work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious was of utmost importance to the Surrealists in developing methods to liberate imagination. 弗洛伊德的无意识、梦的分析以及自由联想等理论对超现实主义者发展解放想象力的方法具有极其重要的作用。因此,答案是A。"
  85. The structure of The Minister’s Black Veil is closely related to the puritanism situation of the 17th century Massachusetts. The topic of love and sex is extremely forbidden and prevailing. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. From the figure of speech “onomatopoeia”, “Evil eye” means “Evil I”. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B解析:题干中给出的成语“onomatopoeia”的意思是“词源模仿”,也就是说“Evil eye”的意思并非“Evil I”,因此题干表述错误。故答案为B。'
  89. Alice Munro is the first Canadian writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature.( )

  90. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错解析:Alice Munro没有获得过诺贝尔文学奖,她是加拿大著名短篇小说家、诗人和散文家。虽然她的作品深受读者喜爱,但目前并没有获得诺贝尔文学奖。'
  91. The history of British literature can be divided into 5 parts: The Middle Ages, Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Critical Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism.( )

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. Hawthorne seems to think human beings are born with deep-rooted sin, which is unpardonable. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. Literary realism was an outgrowth of Naturalism, influenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. 块茎是反宗谱的,反记忆的,其作为一种开放的系统,强调了知识和生活的游牧特征。( )

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. From the perspective of doublespeak, “For rats” means Emily gets the arsenic from the druggist to kill rats. A rat is also someone who is not loyal or who tricks--Homer. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:从双关的角度来看,“For rats”的意思是艾米丽从药剂师那里得到砒霜去杀死老鼠。老鼠也指那些不忠诚或者欺骗别人的人(霍默)。因此,答案是B:对。'
  101. Becoming is to be something or somebody physically. ( )

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. Hawthorne is not a misogynist . ( )

  104. A:对 B:错
  105. In The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, Hadrian is a Full Body without Organs. ( )

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. Ambiguous feature of postmodernist works does not refer to topics. ( )

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. Romanticism was at its peak in the period from 1900 to 1950.( )

  110. A:错 B:对
  111. Edgar Allan Poe (1809 –1849) was an English writer, editor, and literary critic. ( )

  112. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据题目中的信息,Edgar Allan Poe是一位美国作家、编辑和文学评论家,而不是英国作家。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A是错误的,因为题目中明确提到Edgar Allan Poe是一位美国作家。'
  113. Romanticism was partly a reaction to the Industrial Revolution. ( )

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. Stream of consciousness and interior monologue are similar with dramatic monologue and soliloquy. ( )

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. The plot in The Minister’s Black Veil does not coincide with the principles of the rhizome. ( )

  118. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:The Minister’s Black Veil是典型的象征主义作品,其情节与根茎原则不符。因此,答案是B。'
  119. “块茎”是德勒兹的一个隐喻,用来形容一种四处伸展的、无等级制关系的模型。( )

  120. A:对 B:错
  121. In The Tell-Tale Heart, from the perspective of SM Complex, his killing of the old man is to change from a masochist to a sadist, which is positive. ( )

  122. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 对。根据文章《泄密的心》中的描述,SM Complex认为杀人是将一个受虐狂转化为施虐狂的过程,这个过程是积极的。因此,从SM Complex的角度来看,他杀人的行为是为了从一个受虐狂转变为一个施虐狂,这是积极的。所以答案为A:对。'
  123. We are not reading to dig out what the writer is trying to tell us. Each piece of reading, a story, is a productive literary machine. We can extract revolutionary force from this machine. ( )

  124. A:对 B:错
  125. The Prince Prospero keeps security and happiness to himself and his best selected, leaving danger and death to his people. ( )

  126. A:错 B:对
  127. In The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, the doctor belongs to the Majaritarian because he rebuffs rules universal to the majority. ( )

  128. A:对 B:错

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