第十一章 Earn As You Learn 1 学习、还是兼职—这是个问题1:Earn As You Learn 1 学习、还是兼职—这是个问题11.1Unit Introduction 单元简介:Unit Introduction 单元简介
11.2Vocabulary 词海拾贝:Vocabulary 词海拾贝
11.3Passage 1: To work or not to work-That is the question:Passage 1: To work or not to work-That is the question
11.4Cultural tips:Cultural tips
[单选题]Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to ____students’ ability.

选项:[assist, access, assess, assume]
[单选题]It appears that working makes a marginal situation worse. In other words, over time, ______students work, ______committed to school they become.

选项:[the more, the less, less, more, the less, the more, more, less]
[单选题]I will readily_____that working to pay for my own tuition is not always fun.

选项:[precede, accede , concede, recede]
[单选题]According to the research in Passage 1, about 20 hours per week is the safe amount of working time that done not affect school performance significantly.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]A heavy commitment to a part-time job during the academic year significantly interferes____school achievement and commitment.

选项:[in, on, with, by]

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