第四章 American Government & Politics:美国政府拥有“三权鼎力”的政治体系:立法部门、行政部门及司法部门。三个部门互相制衡,以避免政府滥权。具体而言,立法部门通过法律,行政部门执行法律,而司法部门诠释法律。美国总统由选举产生,国会设立众议院和参议院,主要党派分为民主党和共和党。4.1The Three Branches of US Government:美国联邦政府(简称“美国政府”)主要包括国会、总统、联邦法院三大机构,依据三权分立与联邦制两大政治思想而制定,将立法、司法、行政三种权力分别独立,互相制衡,以避免政府滥权。具体职能:其一、立法机构(国会)制定法律;其二、行政机关(总统、副总统、内阁)执行法律;其三、司法机构(最高法院和其他法院)对法律进行评估。此外,美国政府有联邦政府、州政府之分、各尽其责。
4.2American Political Parties and Elections:美国有两个主要政党:民主党和共和党。事实上,美国是世界上最早出现政党的国家之一,也是实行两党制的典型国家之一。民主党与共和党在国家政治生活中占据重要位置。美国的选举制度、议会制度、行政管理制度以及司法制度,都与两党制有着密切联系。在总统选举上,由两党全国代表大会提名总统候选人;由两党总统候选人竞选的胜败来区分执政党与在野党;总统是执政党的领袖,总统选举每四年举行一次。
4.3Exploring American Government & Politics:本单元,潘博士跟美国霍夫曼博士讨论的话题:1、美国政府的三大机构,以及美国立政的基础—“制约与平衡”;2、美国联邦政府和州政府之间的关系;3、选举团在美国总统大选举中的重要性。
[单选题]In the USA, one of the major political parties is the Democratic Party, and its symbol of this party is the elephant. _______

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The Executive Branch carries out and enforces the laws, and includes the President, Vice President, the Cabinet, 15 executive departments, and independent agencies, and so on. ____

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Traditionally speaking, the American political system, throughout most of its history, has been dominated by a two-party system: Democratic Party and the Conservative Party. _______

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The US President is the head of state, commander in chief of the US Armed Forces, and he serves a four-year term and can be elected to no more than three terms. ______

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]According to the US Constitutional requirements, a Presidential candidate must be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen and a resident of the US for at least 14 years. ________

选项:[对, 错]

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