With the Chinese idiom “一叶知秋”, we know that the falling of one leaf may herald the _ of autumn.coming

“明日” in the Chinese idiom “明日黄花” refers to _.the day after the Double Ninth Festival

The poem “Night Rain” by Xu Zaisi (《夜雨》徐再思) implies the poet’s __ on the rainy autumn night.sadness

The leaves of the _ were most likely to imply the coming of the autumn.ginkgo tree (银杏);maple tree (枫);phoenix tree (梧桐)

The season of spring always goes hand in hand with the season of autumn to refer to the concept of time.

The Chinese idiom “万紫千红” indicates the warmth of the season of spring.

The essential difference between trees and grass is that trees are taller than grass.

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