1.Why do we often see pigs’ images in paper-cutting for window decoration?
A:Because pigs are tokens of good harvest and wealth B:Because pigs are cute C:Because pigs are sacred animal
答案:Because pigs are tokens of good harvest and wealth
2.Which of the following statements about “无豕不成家” is FALSE?
A:It embodies the basic pattern of agricultural civilization B:A home is incomplete without rearing a pig C:A house is not a home without a pet
答案:A house is not a home without a pet
3.Which is used to depict outstanding literary talents in the following idioms?
A:龙跃凤鸣 B:龙飞凤舞 C:龙章凤姿
4.Of the following descriptions of banyan trees, which statement is NOT true?
A:The wood of the banyan tree is not a nice material for making musical instruments since it’s light and soft B:The young leaves of the banyan tree are edible C:The skin of the banyan tree is a kind of Chinese medicine D:The wood of the banyan tree is a nice material for making furniture or coffins
答案:The wood of the banyan tree is not a nice material for making musical instruments since it’s light and soft
5.Which of the following idioms does not describe females like 李清照 according to the passage?
A:芝兰之室 B:蕙质兰心 C:兰情蕙性
6.Why did Zhao Gao call a stag a horse?
A:Because he wanted to fool the other ministers B:Because he wanted to fool the King of Qin C:Because he wanted to see where the other ministers stood D:Because he wanted to make a joke
答案:Because he wanted to see where the other ministers stood
7. From the story of “推枣让梨”, we can infer that _________.
A: the senior ones is superior to the junior ones in Chinese family B: to respect the elders and take care of the young is encouraged in Chinese family C:王泰must have read the story of “孔融让梨”
答案:to respect the elders and take care of the young is encouraged in Chinese family
8.Which of the following is not a popular image of ox in Chinese Mythology?
A:King Bull B:Shengnong C:Ox-headed demon D:Xie Zhi
答案:Xie Zhi
9.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story of “水能载舟亦能覆舟”?
A:Li Shimin (李世民) B:Jiang Ziya (姜子牙). C:Wei Zheng (魏征)
答案:Jiang Ziya (姜子牙).
10.Which of the following statements about “囫囵吞枣” is NOT true?
A:It describes those who do not think while reading hastily B:It describes someone who can recite fluently from memory C:It means swallowing dates whole without chewing
答案:It describes someone who can recite fluently from memory
11.In China, when spring is coming, from which direction does the wind blow?
A:North. B:West. C:East.

12.When would we use the idiom “辽东之豕”?
A:When we want to describe people of ignorance B:When we want to describe people of wisdom C:When we want to describe people of high morality 13.________ helped her husband and her son to build up a country
A:妲己 (Da Ji) B:Yang Jiang (杨绛) C:Xi Gui (息妫) 14. Zhengbo (郑伯) was Duan(段) ’s ________.
A:father B:brother C:uncle 15.In Chinese culture, which of the following idioms is often used to refer to a weather-beaten old man?
A:沧海桑田 B:饱经沧桑 C: 指桑骂槐 D:桑弧蓬矢 16.Which of the following figures was a member of “竹林七贤” ?
A:杜康 B:刘峰 C:阮籍 17.Which of the following animals is linked to the idiom “稻粱苦谋”?
A:Cows B: Hens C:Geese 18.Which of the following statements about “鹤立鸡群” is TRUE?
A:It’s originally used to describe Ruanji (阮籍) B:B.It’s originally used to describe Jishao (嵇绍) C:It’s originally used to describe Shantao (山涛) 19. What kind of people can be described as “目光如豆”?
A:People with poor eyesight B: People with bad taste C:People with little ambition 20.“光阴” originally means _________.
A:time B:sunlight and shade C:brightness and darkness 21. “望梅止渴”, means to “quench one’s thirst by thinking of plums”. What does “quench” here mean?
A:Satisfy B:Crush C:Suppress 22.Which image is close to “山鸡” in “山鸡舞境”?
A:Lion B:Narcissus C:Peacock 23.Which of the following idioms does NOT mean time flies?
A:朝生暮死 B:朝三暮四 C:光阴似箭 24.Which one of the following idioms is used to describe a good weather for agriculture?
A:秋高气爽. B:天朗气清. C: 风调雨顺. 25.When a beautiful woman suggests her love to you with her eyes, she _________.
A:暗送秋波 B:望穿秋水 C:水性杨花 26.Which of the following grains is not included in Five-Grains?
A:Flour B:Wheat C:Rice 27.Which of the following does not fall into the functions of mulberry trees?
A:Making paper or even wine B:Making utensils, baskets and bows C:As food of silkworms D:Spinning cocoons for silk productions 28.Which of the following animals is not the one that helps to form the dragon?
A:Snake B:Leopard C:Lion 29.Chinese people use the expression _________ to evaluate two people who do not conform with each other in a certain aspect.
A:柏舟之誓 B:竹柏异心 C:柏舟之节 30.Which of the following Chinese expressions metaphorically means that the social climber finally gains a high position and has a social influence?
A:人非草木 B:鸣于乔木 C:良禽择木 D:行将就木 31. According to the passage, which of the following idioms is involved with the story in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi?
A:枯木逢春 B:依草附木 C:Both B and C D:草木有情 32.Which of the following places benefits the most from 都江堰?
A: He Bei (河北) Province B:Si Chun (四川) Province C: He Nan (河南) Province 33.The idiom “东山之志” means _________.
A:the will to get back the lost power B:the will to retreat as a hermit C:the will to go back to a critical position 34.The song (击壤歌) by the old gamer is about a time when ________ ruled China.
A:the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty B:Great Yu (大禹) C:Yao (尧) 35.A synonym for the idiom “故土难离” is _________.
A:守土有责 B:安土重迁 C:半壁江山 36. “一刻” was about _________.
A:5 minutes B:14.4 minutes C:10 minutes 37.Which of the following characters originates from the good nature of sheep?
A:善 B:美 C:羹 38.Rigui (日晷) could not work in rainy days.
A:错 B:对 39.“蒹葭秋水” indicates the friend one longs for, and “秋水伊人” implies the love one cherishes.
A:对 B:错 40. Romance of the Three Kingdoms (《三国演义》) is written by Luo Guanzhong (罗贯中).
A:错 B:对 41.Book of Han (《汉书》) was written by Confucius (孔子).
A:对 B:错 42.Guan Yu (关羽)enjoyed reading the book of Chun Qiu (《春秋》), which made him a popular figure in China.
A:错 B:对 43. The mythic image of Xiezhi (獬豸) portrays sheep as a symbol of filial piety.
A:对 B:错 44.Ordinary Chinese people interpret the real meaning of mountains and waters as homeland, but rulers don’t.
A:错 B:对 45.In Chinese culture, idioms like “春兰秋菊” and “冬梅夏竹” tell about vigorous growth seasons.
A:对 B:错 46.The idiom “君子之交淡如水” means communication between friends shouldn’t be frequent.
A:错 B:对 47.Phoenix is the key factor giving rise to the flood.
A:对 B:错 48. “草芥” is normally used as a metaphor for something that is worth mentioning.
A:对 B:错 49.In terms of intelligence, we can use “木人石心” to describe someone who is as dumb as a piece of wood.
A:错 B:对 50.( ) An equivalent English expression for “牛不喝水强按头” is “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”.
A:对 B:错 51.All of the idioms formed with the combination of dragon and phoenix are positive in meanings.
A:对 B:错 52. “牝鸡司晨” tells us a story of the Daji, the concubine of King Zhou of Shang.
A:对 B:错 53.The humble yet strong grass also bears people’s emotion and perception towards nature and life.
A:错 B:对 54.In Chinese, the character “桑” has the same pronunciation as “尚” and thus shares similar meaning of nobility.
A:错 B:对 55.In ancient China, many important rituals were also related to caomu, such as flying kites and planting vegetables.
A:对 B:错 56.Dragon is a kind of supernatural animal combing the feature of ten different animals.
A:错 B:对 57. In modern China, the first gavel in mainland was made right after the image of Gaoyao (皋陶) in 2001
A:错 B:对

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