1.Gregor Mendel’s contribution to genetics is (孟德尔对遗传学的贡献是)_____.( )
A:the proposition that DNA carries the genetic information DNA(携带遗传信息的主张) B:the discovery of chromosomes (染色体的发现) C:the discovery that traits are passed from parent to offspring in predictable ways (发现性状以可预测的方式从亲代传给子代) D:the description of natural selection and evolution (自然选择和进化的描述)
2.Which statement best describes the “central dogma” of genetics?(哪个陈述最能说明遗传学的 "中心法则"?)( )
A:DNA is the only nucleic acid that can serve as genetic material.( DNA 是唯一能充当遗传物质的核酸) B:There is sequential transfer of information, residue by residue, in biomolecules .(在生物分子中,信息是按残基顺序传递的) C:DNA is transcribed into mRNA.(DNA 被转录成 mRNA) D:RNA is frequently reverse transcribed to DNA.(RNA 经常反转录为 DNA)
3.The chromosome theory of inheritance(遗传的染色体学说)_____.( )
A:states that genes for phenotypic traits are carried on chromosomes(表明携带表型性状的基因在染色体上) B:does not apply to haploid organisms(不适用于单倍体的生物) C:Describes how chromosomes can be altered by mutation(描述了染色体如何通过突变改变) D:was proposed because the behavior of chromosomes in mitosis is similar to that of genes during gamete formation(提出的原因是染色体在有丝分裂过程中的行为与配子形成过程中基因的行为相似)
4.Due to advances in biotechnology, all but which of the following has become commonplace?(随着生物技术的进步,除了下列哪一项已成为平常的事)( )
A:Cloning of human embryos(人类胚胎的克隆) B:Addition of insect-resistance genes to crop plants(向农作物中添加抗虫基因) C:Creation of transgenic animals that produce human proteins(创造能产生人类蛋白质的转基因动物) D:Screening individuals for the presence of specific alleles(筛选个体是否存在特定的等位基因)
5.In order to serve as a model organism, which of the following is not a necessary characteristic for a species to possess?(为了充当一种模式生物,下列哪一个特征不是一个物种必须具备的)( )
A:Availability of mutant strains(突变菌株的可用性) B:Close evolutionary relationship to humans(与人类有密切的进化关系) C:Short reproductive cycle and many offspring per female(繁殖周期短,后代多) D:Easy growth and maintenance(易于生长和维护)

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