1. Mendel’s 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio (双因子杂交比) is an ideal ratio based on probability events involving segregation, independent assortment (自由组合), and random fertilization. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Trans-acting (反式作用) DNA elements are located on the same chromosome as the gene that they regulate (调节), while cis-acting factors (顺式作用) can influence the expression of a gene on any chromosome. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. In some reptilian species, the temperature during incubation (孵化) of eggs cannot determine the sex of offspring. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. For a given allele, inbreeding (近亲繁殖) increases the proportion of heterozygotes (杂合子) and decreases the proportion of homozygotes (纯合子) in the population. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Traits (性状) determined by mitochondrial (线粒体) DNA are most often transmitted uniparentally (单亲地) or biparentally (双亲地). ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. The MN blood group in humans illustrates incomplete dominance. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Transduction (转导) is virus-mediated (病毒介导的) bacterial DNA recombination (重组). ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Chromatin remodeling (染色质重塑) involves the repositioning or removal of nucleosomes (核小体) on DNA. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. An individual organism’s genetic contribution (遗传贡献) to future generations is called its fitness (适合度). ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Gene-expression patterns in monozygotic (单卵的) (MZ) twins change with age, leading to phenotypic differences. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Sex-limited inheritance (限性遗传) describes the situation that the expression of a specific phenotype is absolutely limited to one sex. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Nonrandom mating changes population allele frequency but not genotype frequency. ( )
  24. Eukaryotic (真核生物) transcription is regulated by trans-acting (反式作用) regulatory elements (调控元件) such as promoter (启动子), enhancer (增强子), and silencer elements (沉默子). ( )
  25. All polygenic traits (多基因性状) show continuous variation. ( )
  26. Alternative splicing (选择性剪接) allows for a single gene to encode (编码) different protein isoforms (异构型) with different functions. ( )
  27. Model organisms were easy to grow, had relatively short life cycles, produced few offspring, and their genetic analysis was fairly straightforward. ( )
  28. X chromosome inactivation (失活) is an example of monoallelic [removed]单等位基因表达). ( )
  29. Mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT, 线粒体替换疗法) may potentially offer a future treatment option for preventing mtDNA disease transmission (传播) in families. ( )
  30. In most diploid eukaryotes (二倍体真核生物), sexual reproduction (有性生殖) is the only natural mechanism for producing new members of the species. ( )
  31. Cytosine methylation (胞嘧啶甲基化) is clearly an important mechanism for regulating gene expression in all eukaryotes. ( )
  32. Protein activity can be modulated (调节) by posttranslational modifications (翻译后修饰), such as phosphorylation (磷酸化) or ubiquitin (泛素)-mediated degradation. ( )
  33. Retrotransposons (反转录转座子) cannot encode proteins that are required for their transposition and are flanked by direct repeats at their insertion sites. ( )
  34. The phenotype of an organism is the product of interactions between the genome and the epigenome (表观基因组). ( )
  35. Meiosis (减数分裂) does not significantly increases the level of genetic variation in each ensuing (随后的) generation. ( )
  36. Chromosomes in humans contain fragile sites (脆性位点) (i.e., regions susceptible to breakage), which lead to abnormal phenotypes. ( )
  37. Heritability (遗传力) studies provide no information about which specific genes (特定基因) influence the traits (性状) being evaluated. ( )
  38. Heritability (遗传力) indicates either how much of a trait is genetically determined or the extent (程度) to which an individual’s phenotype (表型) is due to genotype (基因型). ( )
  39. The Ames test (埃姆斯试验) is used extensively during the development of industrial and pharmaceutical (制药的) chemical compounds. ( )
  40. Once compiled, a reference genome (参考基因组) is then analyzed to identify gene sequences, regulatory elements, and other features that reveal important information. ( )
  41. Many human genes produce more than one protein through alternative splicing, thus enabling human cells to produce a much larger number of proteins. ( )
  42. The BLAST program begins with a particular genetic sequence and ( )
  43. Which of the following DNA repair systems may involve the removal of a segment of a DNA strand? ( )
  44. A person with type AB blood has a child with a person with type O blood. What are the possible blood types of the child?
  45. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains the information to produce a functional product. The functional product of most genes is ( )
  46. Which of the following are examples of molecular changes that can have an epigenetic (表观遗传) effect on gene expression? ( )
  47. For many quantitative traits, phenotypes due to different genotypes tend to overlap because ( )
  48. A bacterial chromosome typically contains ( )
  49. During two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (双向电泳), proteins are separated based on ( )
  50. The purpose of a ChIP-seq (染色质免疫沉淀后测序) assay is to determine ( )
  51. When tryptophan (色氨酸) binds to trp repressor (阻遏子), this causes trp repressor to _____ to the trp operator (操纵基因) and ______ transcription. ( )
  52. Which of the following is a type of plasmid (质粒)? ( )
  53. The somatic cells (体细胞) of an allotetraploid (异源四倍体) contain ( )
  54. Which of the following is a possible explanation for pleiotropy (基因多效性)? ( )
  55. When the chromosomes of closely related species are compared, ( )
  56. When a noncoding RNA (ncRNA) functions as a decoy (诱饵), it ( )
  57. A cross is made between AA Bb Cc Dd and Aa Bb cc dd individuals. Rather than making a very large Punnett square (棋盘法), which statistical operation could you use to solve this problem, and what would be the probability that the cross produces an offspring that is AA bb Cc dd? ( )
  58. In natural populations, most genes are ( )
  59. Which of the following operations could be used for hypothesis testing (假说检验)? ( )
  60. Which of the following statements regarding plants is false? ( )
  61. With regard to linked genes on the same chromosome, which of the following statements is false? ( )
  62. A form of genetic transfer that involves the uptake of a fragment of DNA from the environment is called ( )
  63. With regard to conjugation (接合), a key difference between F+ and Hfr cells is that an Hfr cell ( )
  64. According to the Lyon hypothesis, ( )
  65. To map QTLs (数量性状座位), researchers cross strains that differ with regard to ( )
  66. Homologous genes (同源基因) found in different species are called ( )
  67. The overall goal of the ENCODE Project is ( )
  68. Which of the following is a factor that, by itself, does not promote (促使) widespread changes in allele or genotype frequencies? ( )
  69. An epigenetic modification (表观遗传修饰) to a specific gene may initially be established by ( )
  70. A mutation changes a codon that specifies tyrosine (酪氨酸) into a stop codon. This type of mutation is a ( )
  71. A change in chromosome structure that does not involve a change in the total amount of genetic material is ( )
  72. In a diploid species, complete nondisjunction (不完全分开) during meiosis I may produce a viable cell that is ( )
  73. Which of the following can bind to noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs)? ( )
  74. Which of the following was not a goal of the Human Genome Project? ( )
  75. Regulatory transcription factors (转录调节因子) can be modulated (调节) by ( )
  76. Due to crossing over within an inversion loop (倒位环), a heterozygote (杂合子) with a pericentric inversion (臂间倒位) may produce gametes that carry ( )
  77. Two different strains (品系) of sweet peas are true-breeding (纯种的) and have white flowers. When plants of these two strains are crossed, the F1 offspring all have purple flowers. This outcome is due to ( )
  78. The chromosomes of eukaryotes (真核生物) typically contain ( )
  79. Which of the following would not be observed in a pedigree if a genetic disorder was inherited in a recessive (隐性) manner? ( )
  80. In the experiment by Bateson and Punnett, which of the following observations suggested genetic linkage (遗传连锁) in the sweet pea (香豌豆)? ( )
  81. A mutagen (诱变剂) that is a base analog (类似物) is ( )
  82. Which of the following combinations (组合) will cause the rate of transcription (转录) to increase? ( )
  83. In fruit flies, dosage compensation is achieved by ( )
  84. A pea plant has the genotype TtRr. The independent assortment of these two genes occurs at ________ because chromosomes carrying the _______ alleles line up (位于) independently of the chromosomes carrying the _________ alleles.
  85. A gene exists in two alleles designated D and d. If 48 copies of this gene are the D allele and 152 are the d allele, what is the allele frequency of D? ( )
  86. A person studying the rate of transcription of a particular gene is working in the field of ( )
  87. If a population in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium has an aa genotype frequency of 0.64, what is the frequency of the a allele(如果一个群体处于Hardy - Weinberg平衡状态,aa基因型频率为0.64,则a等位基因的频率是多少)? ( )
  88. Suppose individual plants with the tallest phenotypes (which is genetically based) survived and reproduced more than other genotypes. This is an example of ______. (假设表型最高的单株(以遗传为基础的)比其他基因型存活和繁殖更多。这是一个关于____的例子) ( )
  89. According to the biological species concept, the major criterion for determining whether two populations are part of the same species is (根据生物物种的概念,判断两个种群是否属于同一物种的主要标准是)( ).
  90. Which of the following is a postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanism (下列哪一种是合子后的生殖隔离机制)? ( )
  91. If a trait shows high concordance in both monozygotic and dizygotic twins, that means (如果一个性状在单卵双胞胎和双卵双胞胎中都表现出较高的一致性,即).( )
  92. Which of the following is a not an example of quantitative inheritance (下面的哪一种都不是数量遗传的例子)? ( )
  93. Traits that are essential to survival have lower heritabilities than other traits because they .(对生存至关重要的性状比其他性状具有更低的遗传力,因为它们) ( )
  94. A cross is made between a red flowering and a white flowering plant. The F1 is a uniform pink, but in the F2, 1/64 of the plants have white flowers, 1/64 have red, and the rest have varying shades of pink to red. How many genes are estimated to be affecting the trait? (红色开花植物和白色开花植物进行杂交。F1为均匀的粉红色,但在F2中,有1 / 64的植株是白色的花,1 / 64的植株是红色的花,其余的植株有不同程度的粉红色到红色。估计影响该性状的基因有多少个) ( )
  95. In functional genomics, genes in different species thought to be descended from a gene in a common ancestor is a(n) (在功能基因组学中,不同物种中被认为是来自共同祖先的基因的基因是一个) ( )
  96. Which of the following statements about the field of metagenomics is true? (下列关于宏基因组学领域的陈述正确的是) ( )
  97. Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about genome comparison between chimpanzee and human? (关于黑猩猩与人类的基因组比较下列说法不正确的是) ( )
  98. A prokaryotic genome is about 4 million bp in length. About how many genes would you expect it to contain(原核生物的基因组长度约为400万bp。你期望它包含多少个基因)? ( )
  99. What was the first genome sequenced? (第一个被测序的基因组是) ( )
  100. The lac operon is optimally expressed (下列那种情况lac乳糖操作子得到最佳表达) ( )
  101. A mutation in the operator (O) region of the lac operon would most likely result in (lac乳糖操纵子的操纵子( O )区发生突变极有可能引起) ( )
  102. An enhancer sequence (一个增强子序列) ( )
  103. A protein causes the acetylation of histones. What effect do you think this will have on a gene in that region? (一种蛋白质引起组蛋白的乙酰化。你认为这会对该区域的某个基因产生什么影响) ( )
  104. The advantage of RNAi over other functional genomic techniques is that (RNA干扰相较于其他功能基因组技术的优点在于) ( )
  105. Which of the following types of transposable elements rely on an RNA intermediate for transposition? (以下哪种类型的转座元件依赖于RNA中间体进行转座) ( )
  106. The function of transposase is (转座酶的功能是) ( )
  107. Which of the following is a potential effect of transposons in the genome? (下列哪个是转座子在基因组中的潜在效应) ( )
  108. According to the selfish DNA hypothesis, TEs exist because (根据自私的DNA假说,转座子之所以存在使因为) ( )
  109. Which of the following is true of reverse transcriptase? (关于转录酶下列说法正确的是) ( )
  110. Mutagens(诱变剂) are natural or artificial agents (药剂) that induce mutations.
  111. Which of the following can result in frameshift mutations (以下哪一个会导致移码突变)? ( )
  112. Which of the following categories of mutations is not possible to pass to offspring? (以下突变类别不可能传递给子代的是) ( )
  113. Which of the following DNA repair mechanisms is most often used by bacteria to repair thymine dimers (以下哪种DNA修复机制最常被细菌用来修复胸腺嘧啶二聚体)? ( )
  114. A tautomeric shift may result in (互变异构移位可能会导致) ( ).
  115. Chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from an endosymbiotic relationship involving (叶绿体和线粒体从涉及()的内共生关系进化而来) ( ).
  116. Extranuclear inheritance occurs due to (核外遗传的发生是由于) ( )
  117. Some human diseases are caused by mutations in mitochondrial genes. Which of the following statements is false?(人类的一些疾病是由线粒体基因突变引起的。以下哪种说法是错误的)( )
  118. What is the molecular explanation for maternal effect?(母体效应的分子解释是什么)( )
  119. A cross is made between a green four-o’clock plant and a variegated one. If the variegated plant provides the pollen , the expected outcome of the phenotypes of the offspring will be (一个绿叶子的紫茉莉科植物和杂色叶子植株进行杂交。如果杂色叶子植物提供了花粉,后代的表型的预期结果将是) ( ).
  120. Transduction is a form of recombination in bacteria that involves (转导是细菌中重组的一种形式,涉及) ( ).
  121. In an Hfr X F– mating, if the order of transfer of loci is leu – azi – ton – lac, one can conclude that (在Hfr菌株和 F-菌株结合中,如果位点的传递顺序为leu - azi - ton - lac,则可以得出) ( )
  122. An E. coli trp– auxotroph can grow on (一种色氨酸营养缺陷型的大肠杆菌可以在...上生长) ( )
  123. Escherichia coli O157:H7 can cause serious foodborne illness. This strain of E. coli has acquired the ability to create a toxin normally produced in the bacterial species Shigella. Which of the following would not explain this ability found in E. coli? (大肠杆菌O157:H7可引起严重的食物传染疾病。该大肠杆菌菌株已获得了产生一般由志贺氏杆菌生成的毒素的能力。下面哪一个不能解释在大肠杆菌中发现的这种能力) ( )
  124. If two loci cotransform frequently,(如果2个位点频繁发生共转化,那么) ( ).
  125. Assume that a cross is made between AaBb and aabb plants and that all the offspring are either AaBb or aabb. These results are consistent with ________.( 假定AaBb 和 aabb 植物杂交,所有后代(后代)不是 AaBb 就是 aabb。这些结果与 ________ 一致)( )
  126. The phenotypic classes of offspring representing double crossovers (代表双交换的后代的表型类型) _____. ( )
  127. Assume that a cross is made between AaBb and aabb plants and that the offspring occur in the following numbers: 106 AaBb, 48 Aabb, 52 aaBb, 94 aabb. These results are consistent with _______.(假设用 AaBb 和 aabb 植物杂交,后代出现的数量如下:106 株 AaBb、48 株 Aabb、52 株 aaBb、94 株 aabb: 106 株 AaBb、48 株 Aabb、52 株 aaBb、94 株 aabb。这些结果与 _______ 一致)( )
  128. Two genes that are 60 map units apart are expected to show( 相隔 60 个图距的两个基因预计会出现) _____.( )
  129. A genomic condition that may be responsible for some forms of fragile-X syndrome, as well as Huntington disease, involves (一种可能导致某些形式的脆性 X 综合征以及亨廷顿病的基因组状况涉及)________. ( )
  130. A human individual with 45 chromosomes has a (拥有 45 条染色体的人类个体是)_____.( )
  131. Recently, a gene located on chromosome 3 in humans, FHIT, has been shown to be associated with the significant human malady known as ________.(最近,位于人类 3 号染色体上的一个基因 FHIT 被证明与人类重大疾病________相关)( )
  132. Autotriploids (同源三倍体) _____.( )
  133. Which of the following statements about Down syndrome is false (下列关于唐氏综合症的陈述中,哪一项是错误的)? ( )
  134. Which of the following characteristics is common to species that reproduce sexually (下列哪个是有性生殖物种所共有的特征)? ( )
  135. Which statement best describes human sex determination (哪个陈述最能表示人类性别决定)?( )
  136. The most plausible explanation for why more human males are at birth than females is that (对于人类出生时男性多于女性的原因,最合理解释是)_____.( )
  137. Nondisjunction in the first meiotic division in a male human could result in _____at fertilization (男性减数第一次分裂中同源染色体互不分离的现象,可能在授精时导致_____). ( )
  138. Which of the following best describes the Lyon hypothesis (以下哪项最恰当地描述了 "莱昂假说")? ( )
  139. If a mother has type A blood (IAIO) and her son has type O blood (IOIO), what are the possible blood types of her son’s father?(如果母亲是 A 型血(IAIO),儿子是 O 型血(IOIO),那么儿子父亲的血型可能是什么?)
  140. A condition in which one gene pair masks the expression of a nonallelic gene pair is called (一个基因对掩盖了一个非等位基因对的表达称为)________.( )
  141. In a plant species, if the B allele (blue flowers) and the b allele (white flowers) are incompletely dominant (Bb is light blue), what offspring ratio is expected in a cross between a blue-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant (BB  bb)? (在某种植物中,如果等位基因 B(蓝花)和等位基因 b(白花)是不完全显性(Bb 为浅蓝色),则蓝花植物和白花植物杂交(BB  bb)的后代比例是多少)( )
  142. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a recessive X-linked allele. A man with this disorder (进行性假肥大性肌营养不良是由 X 等位基因隐性连锁引起的。患病男性)_____.( )
  143. A cross between two short-tailed mice results in offspring in the ratio of 2/3 short-tailed and 1/3 long-tailed. The best explanation for this result is that (两只短尾小鼠杂交,结果后代中短尾小鼠占 2/3,长尾小鼠占 1/3。对这一结果的最佳解释是)_____.( )
  144. In a cross between two individuals BbGG  Bbgg, what ratio of phenotypes would be expected in the offspring if the two genes show independent assortment ? (在两个个体 BbGG  Bbgg 的杂交中,如果两个基因表现出独立分配,预计后代的表型比是多少)( )
  145. If a mouse has a dominant phenotype (P-), how would you determine if it is homozygous (PP) or heterozygous (Pp)? (如果一只小鼠有显性的表型(P-),你如何判断它是纯合(PP)还是杂合(Pp)的)( )
  146. What is the probability that two parents who are heterozygous for the recessive trait of albinism will have two albino offspring? (父母双方都是白化病(隐性遗传)的杂合子,其后代中有两个白化病患者的概率是多少)( )
  147. How many different types of gametes can be formed by the genotype AaBbCc? (基因型 AaBbCc 可以形成多少种不同类型的配子)( )
  148. If the green pea pod allele (G) is dominant to the yellow allele (g), a cross between two heterozygous plants would be expected to produce (如果绿色豌豆荚等位基因(G)对黄色等位基因(g)是显性的,那么两株杂合植株杂交,预计会产生)_____.( )
  149. During meiosis I , _____.(在减数分裂 I 期间)( )
  150. Meiosis allows _____.(减数分裂)( )
  151. A diploid somatic (“body”) cell has 2n=20 chromosomes. At the end of mitosis, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. At the end of meiosis I, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. At the end of meiosis II, each daughter cell would have ______ chromosomes. (一个二倍体体细胞("个体")有 2n=20 条染色体。有丝分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体。减数第一次分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体。减数第二次分裂结束时,每个子细胞有 ______ 条染色体)( )
  152. In animals, a key difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that (在动物中,精子发生和卵子发生的一个主要区别是)_____.( )
  153. A cell in the G0 stage (处于 G0 期的细胞)_____.( )
  154. In mitosis, sister chromatids are separated during ______, while sisters are separated in ______ of meiosis.(在有丝分裂中,姐妹染色单体在 ______ 期间分离。而姐妹染色单体在减数分裂的 ______ 期间分离)( )
  155. Gregor Mendel’s contribution to genetics is (孟德尔对遗传学的贡献是)_____.( )
  156. Which statement best describes the “central dogma” of genetics?(哪个陈述最能说明遗传学的 "中心法则"?)( )
  157. The chromosome theory of inheritance(遗传的染色体学说)_____.( )
  158. Due to advances in biotechnology, all but which of the following has become commonplace?(随着生物技术的进步,除了下列哪一项已成为平常的事)( )
  159. In order to serve as a model organism, which of the following is not a necessary characteristic for a species to possess?(为了充当一种模式生物,下列哪一个特征不是一个物种必须具备的)( )
  160. 变异(Variation):亲子之间以及子代个体之间性状(特征)表现存在差异。
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