1. In A Tale of Two Cities Dr. Manatte develops an interest of shoemaking when he is in prison. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. When Thornton gets caught in the rapids, Buck swims to him and pulls him to the Indian camp in The Call of the Wild. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. According to Harari, science is pure and free from the influence of ideology and religion. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. In The Giver, Gabriel is in danger of being released because he is deformed. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. In Mrs. Dalloway, because he can’t remember it, Septimus won’t confess the crime that is torturing him. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, George, Eliza’s husband, intended to flee to the Caribbean to join Eliza and their son.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. In To Kill a Mockingbird the story is told in the child angle.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. In The Giver, if Jonas left the community, all the memories he had accumulated would enter the minds of the citizens and create chaos。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. In The Great Gatsby, Although Daisy may have loved Gatsby once, she does not love him more than the wealth, status, and freedom that she has with Tom. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The Scientific Revolution happened about 500 years ago.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. What did the fox want the little prince to do in The Little Prince? ( )

  22. 答案:The fox makes the little prince realize that he should be responsible for his rose.###The fox teaches the little prince how to tame him.###The fox teaches the little prince how to observe the proper rites.
  23. Which of the following are the works of Yuval Harari? ( )
  24. What are NOT the reasons Santiago took down the photo of his wife from the wall in The Old Man and the Sea? ( )
  25. What are the modern forms of slavery? ( )
  26. In A Tale of Two Cities effects of foreshadowing create ____. ( )
  27. Who is Joe DiMaggio in The Old Man and the Sea? ( )
  28. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, what kind of person is Uncle Tom?( )
  29. What memories has the Giver transmitted to Jonas?( )
  30. In Sapiens, which three potential universal orders appeared in the first millennium BC? ( )
  31. What events bring about the confrontations between Buck and Spitz in The Call of the Wild? ( )
  32. Why does Jonas’s mother discourage Lily from becoming a Birthmother in The Giver? ( )
  33. In To Kill a Mockingbird there are several forms of prejudice in the story. They are _____( )
  34. In what ways are Clarissa and Septimus the same in Mrs. Dalloway? ( )
  35. why do Clarissa and Septimus repeat the quote from Shakespeare’s play Cymbeline many times throughout the novel in Mrs. Dalloway?( )
  36. In To Kill a Mockingbird a mockingbird stands for a person who is ____ .( )
  37. Apart from Jonas, with whom is the Giver is permitted to share the burden of his knowledge/memories in The Giver? ( )。
  38. In A Tale of Two Cities who holds the opinion that “I don’t care about anyone in the world, and no one cares about me”? ( )
  39. In A Tale of Two Cities Charlie, a descendant of the villainous ____ married Lucy whose father Dr. Manatte has been wrongfully put into prison. ( )
  40. What does the old man leave on the shore when he returns to his shack in The Old Man and the Sea? ( )
  41. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, how did Simon Legree treat his slaves? ( )
  42. In To Kill a Mockingbird if there were more ___, Arthur would not have been imprisoned up by his father for many years, and his brother would not have continued to cut him off from the outside world. ( )
  43. What genre is Uncle Tom's Cabin? ( )
  44. Grownups who saw the narrator’s drawing said it looked like a _____ in The Little Prince? ( )。
  45. How long does the Old Man spend with a fishing line on his back in The Old Man and the Sea? ( )
  46. How does Buck react to the Indians that killed Thornton in The Call of the Wild? ( )
  47. Which of the following is the issue of contention between northern states and southern states in America in the 1850s? ( )
  48. In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus educates his children through equal dialogue, respect and ____ to achieve his educational goal.( )
  49. The prince says that grownups like _____ in The Little Prince? ( )
  50. What does Lady Bradshaw tell Clarissa at the Dalloways’ party in Mrs. Dalloway? ( )
  51. How long ago did the Cognitive Revolution occur? ( )
  52. Where does Buck live at the beginning of the novel in The Call of the Wild? ( )
  53. How does Nick feel about Gatsby’s offer to compensate him for his help by hiring him in The Great Gatsby? ( )
  54. Jonas’s family is taking care of Gabriel because______ in The Giver. ( )
  55. Whom does the Old Man tell that he won’t catch a fish, because the fish are "too big for him and they go too fast" in The Old Man and the Sea? ( )
  56. Where did the Giver get his wisdom? ( )
  57. Which president remarked that Mrs. Stowe's novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin started the civil war? ( )
  58. At the December Ceremony, Fiona is selected to become a______ in The Giver. ( )
  59. The narrator wanted to develop his _____ in The Little Prince? ( )。
  60. The prince can best be described as _____ in The Little Prince? ( )
  61. Whom does Harari name as the culprit behind the negative effects of the Agricultural Revolution on Homo sapiens? ( )
  62. The arrival of Homo sapiens to Australia 12,000 years ago led to the extinction of megafauna.( )
  63. What is the genre of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ? ( )
  64. Who wrote the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind? ( )
  65. What is the most unique feature of the language of Homo sapiens according to the writer?( )
  66. What are the three important revolutions in human history? ( )
  67. Septimus feels human nature is essentially evil. Which character does he claim embodies “human nature”? ( )
  68. Septimus goes to the doctor because he is suffering from what illness? ( )
  69. Because she wants their help writing a letter to the editor concerning emigration to Canada, Lady Bruton invites Richard Dalloway and Hugh Whitbread to her home for lunch. ( )
  70. Which line from a Shakespearean play is repeated several times throughout the novel? ( )
  71. Which male character proposes marriage to Clarissa and is refused? ( )
  72. Which of the following are the textual features of Uncle Tom’s Cabin? ( )
  73. In what year was Uncle Tom's Cabin published in book form? ( )
  74. Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin to illustrate the evils of foreign intervention.( )
  75. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin written? ( )
  76. Who is Eva? ( )
  77. In A Tale of Two Cities Mr. Darnay is saved by Mr. Carton.( )
  78. In A Tale of Two Cities Doctor Manette has been in prison for ___ years. ( )
  79. In A Tale of Two Cities the author makes use of a lot of ___ to keep the text chapter to chapter, clue to clue, echo to echo. ( )
  80. In A Tale of Two Cities, Madame Defarge dies of ______. ( )
  81. In A Tale of Two Cities when Dr. Manette knows his daughter Lucy falls in love with darling, he spends 9 days and nights to ____. ( )
  82. In To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson is a ____ man. ( )
  83. In To Kill a Mockingbird Jem is Scout’s younger brother. ( )
  84. In To Kill a Mockingbird Boo is recognized as a ____ man. ( )
  85. In To Kill a Mockingbird a mockingbird symbolically means somebody who is ____. ( )
  86. In To Kill a Mockingbird Bob Ewell is a ____ man. ( )
  87. When he renews his acquaintance with Daisy at Nick’s house, what does Gatsby knock off of the mantle? ( )
  88. Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place? ( )
  89. Where is Gatsby’s mansion located? ( )
  90. Why does Tom hit Myrtle at his apartment in New York City? ( )
  91. Because he was humiliated by having to work as a janitor to pay his tuition, Gatsby dropped out of college. ( )
  92. Dave becomes ill, but refuses to leave the harness, preferring to die pulling the sled. ( )
  93. Which dog gets killed immediately upon her arrival in the North? ( )
  94. What does Buck find when he returns from hunting? ( )
  95. Who is Buck's archrival on the sled team? ( )
  96. While the men camp and look for gold, what does Buck do? ( )
  97. What does Santiago dream of when he manages to sleep? ( )
  98. Manolin’s parents fear that Santiago is “salao.” What does “salao” mean? ( )
  99. What does Santiago affectionately call the sea? ( )
  100. Santiago thinks humans are more noble than marlins. ( )
  101. Which of the following once or still hung on Santiago's wall? ( )
  102. What animal does the flower say she is ready for? ( )
  103. The man who discovered the asteroid was mocked for his clothing. ( )
  104. What does the narrator tell the prince is “serious”? ( )
  105. What war was going on when the author wrote the novel? ( )
  106. The narrator is a/an _____? ( )
  107. The name of the failed Receiver who was chosen ten years ago was Rosemary.( )
  108. Which of the following were written on Jonas’s Assignment sheet? ( )
  109. In the first chapter, why is the Pilot released from the community? ( )
  110. What does Jonas’s mother do for a living? ( )
  111. What method does the Giver use to train Jonas? ( )
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