1. How many types of addition are presented in this lesson? ( )

  2. 答案:4
  3. Find out the missing word( ).I like autumn, and yet autumn is a sad time of the year, too. The leaves turn bright shades of red and the weather is mild, I can’t help thinking ahead to the winter and the ice storms that will surely blow through here.

  4. 答案:but
  5. According to the lecture, how many steps you can take to describe a diagram? ( )

  6. 答案:7
  7. When someone says, “I couldn’t agree more.”, he/or means _____________. ( )

  8. 答案:Agreement
  9. Fill in the blanks choosing the linking words given below the passage ( ).The climate of Gopalpur-on-Sea is pleasant in summer. tourists in large number throng this small town in summer for holidaying. suitable accommodation is a problem here.

  10. 答案:And, However
  11. An argumentative essay expresses an extended for a particular thesis statement ___________( )。

  12. 答案:argument
  13. helps you get a bird’s eye view of your reading, so you can see its basic structure and important concepts( ).

  14. 答案:Surveying
  15. Fill in the blanks choosing the linking words given below the passage( ).We live in the present-day world are proud to call ourselves civilised we live and dress better than our forefathers.

  16. 答案:who, because
  17. Skimming and ____________ are two reading techniques you can use to increase your reading speed ( ).

  18. 答案:scanning
  19. Critical reading is conducted by using the following ways, except ( )。

  20. 答案:Skimming quickly
  21. Thesis statement should be ___________. ( )

  22. 答案:All of the options
  23. Replace the underlined phrase.The engineer must judge how much dynamite to use according to quantity of material to be removed from the tunnel,( ).
  24. In order to produce a good writing, you need to develop your ideas by______( ).
  25. Find the subordinate clause(s) in the following long sentence ( ).“However, ocean acidification triggered by climate change makes it hard for many species, including oysters, corals and crabs, to form their protective shells, which in turn exerts a negative impact on the food web.”
  26. When describing a pie chart, what should be the focus? ( )
  27. What is the first thing you need to do when writing a summary( )?
  28. Which of the following can NOT be the key words in the question ( )?
  29. The ________ tense is usually used to write a flow chart essay. ( )
  30. Which of the following expressions should be used very sparingly if you want to make your statement more reliable and accurate? ( ).
  31. In order to write a good argumentative essay, you should keep in mind the following tips:( ).
  32. Which of the following statements is NOT true about hedging?( ).
  33. The purpose to start a problem-solution essay with a brief description is to provide the general information a reader needs in order to understand the topic. ( )
  34. Overuse of short sentences is considered poor style in academic writing. ( )
  35. Principal clause usually forms the basic structure and conveys the key idea of the sentence. ( )
  36. We can use “both...and...”to connect the two sentences “Recycling aluminum cans is beneficial to the environment.Reusing plastic bags helps reduce pollution.”. ( )
  37. An argumentative essay should be subjective in its approach. ( )
  38. “A fan oven is less as quick as a microwave”is not an acceptable paraphrase for “A microwave heats up a bowl of soup in 60 seconds. A fan oven heats it in 15 minutes”. ( )
  39. The sentence “Tertiary rainbows are difficult to see for three main reasons.” can be used as a topic sentence.( )
  40. The SQ3R reading strategy allows the readers to engage themselves in reading a text effectively. ( )
  41. You can find a cluster of verbs in a sentence, which is contrary to one predicate verb in an English sentence. ( )
  42. Sometimes different translation strategies work together in a sentence. ( )
  43. Language is the carrier of culture. ( )
  44. Chinese and English have similar structures and grammatical rules, so word-by-word translation can always achieve the goal. ( )
  45. In the body part, you should offer analysis and argumentation to support your opinion. ( )
  46. Critical reading is reading with the of critical examination of the text and its implicit and explicit themes and ideas.( )
  47. China’s successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused tremendous repercussions throughout the world. The underlined word can be translated into Chinese ( ).
  48. Which of the following questions is NOT asking readers to make inference ( )?
  49. The electric current is as a stream of electrons flowing through a conductor.电流的定义是流经导体的一股电子( ).
  50. The supporting details are considered to be . ( )
  51. A problem-solution essay usually includes ___________ paragraphs ( ).
  52. Choose the correct paraphrase of the following sentence:During the Industrial Revolution, children as young as three worked in factories( ).
  53. Scientists are confident that all matters are indestructible. The underlined word can be translated into Chinese ( ).
  54. Which part of the text you don’t have to focus on when you perform skimming ( )?
  55. His writing skill has improved , he has expanded his English vocabulary knowledge( ).
  56. Mercury about thirteen times as much as water.水银的比重是水的十三倍( ).
  57. There are 100 known elements, _______________ (of which, in which) 92 have been found in nature ( ).
  58. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the difference between skimming and scanning ( )?
  59. In “recite”of “SQ3R”, when you move to the end of the text, quiz yourself on the questions you have asked before to check whether you have known the material well enough. You can either write down the answers or answer aloud to yourself.( )
  60. You might find yourself comparing all kinds of things in an academic essay: historical figures, literary works, policies, research methods, etc. Doing so is an important part of constructing arguments. ( )
  61. If two sentences express equal ideas, coordination could be used to connect them. ( )
  62. We can take conjunctions as a new start of a sentence. ( )
  63. The use of the –ing/-ed modifier makes the writing more efficient and powerful, and also create sentence variety. ( )
  64. Transition words help to understand how sentences work together and build to a larger point. ( )
  65. Your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion. ( )
  66. Hedging is also called caution or cautious language, tentative language or vague language.( )
  67. An attributive clause could be used as an independent clause. ( )
  68. It is a highly recommended English written style to clearly and directly show your opinions at the very beginning of your statement. ( )
  69. To infer is to find something not directly demonstrated in the context with the help of existing evidence. ( )
  70. In the block structure, there must be a balanced number of causes and effects. ( )
  71. Subject, change(trend), number and time constitute the key elements in writing a line graph. ( )
  72. Solar energy is an excellent alternative energy source. Which of the words below could best replace the underlined words( )?
  73. ___________ can be defined as a type of reading in which the reader reads the text quickly to have an idea of the concept, subject matter and main points, without paying close attention to the excessive details ( ).
  74. The topic sentence mostly appears ( ) of the paragraph?
  75. During the survey step of SQ3R, the reader surveys _____ looking for key ideas that may be in the text.( ).
  76. The _______ (technical, factual) information is usually in the form of dates, figures, statistics, and/or quotes. ( )
  77. Choose one word in the brackets and fill in the blank._________ writing for a large part consists of facts and evidence, instead of opinions or value judgments. ( )
  78. Reading literature critically, you should except ___________( ).
  79. You need to write using "__________language" to remind your reader that this is a summary not your own work ( ).
  80. Other damage _________ landslides, large ocean waves or major fires which are initiated by the quake. ( )
  81. What is the subject in the sentence, “Temperature is different from heat, although the two concepts are linked.” ? ( )
  82. A summary does not involve paraphrasing every single paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the essential points, leaving out anything that can be considered supplementary detail. ( )
  83. While reading, we can categorize the information to fin the main idea and details. ( )
  84. Details are only presented in forms of data, reason, examples. ( )
  85. Culture exerts a strong influence on the language that people use. ( )
  86. Although nominalization is welcome in academic writing to an extent, its overuse can lead to writing which ends up sounding too mechanical and is difficult to understand. ( )
  87. Smoothness is more important than faithfulness in translation. ( )
  88. When you scan some material, you already know what are you looking for.( )
  89. Sequence the following hedging expressions according to their different degrees of certainty( ).
  90. To handle long and difficult sentences correctly, what does it require first? ( ).
  91. The following techniques can be used to increase sentence variety EXCEPT _________ ( ).
  92. is the most significant part of an essay; the entire essay revolves around it. ( )。
  93. The sentence“You may say it again.”means that I _____________ with you. ( )
  94. What comes next for the following sentence( ).Topics tell readers what a whole passage is "about."
  95. When we do translation from Chinese to English, we often combine several short clauses into one long English sentence by using the following techniques EXCETP____________ ( ) .
  96. __________, people move into new areas and find suitable land for agriculture. ( )
  97. Choose the best definition or closest synonym to the underlined word. The researchers stress the need for further investigation into the causes of the pandemic( ).
  98. Students compete in robot sumo contests. They learn how to build their own robots. They compete against their classmates and students from other schools. To win, students must be creative. They must have a good plan for defeating other robots.What is the main idea of this paragraph( ) ?
  99. Chinese and English have some similar grammatical rules and structures, for example, both of them have ___________ . ( )
  100. Which of the following is a supporting detail of this paragraph( )?
  101. Division is often used in Chinese-English translation. ( )
  102. Combination is often used in English-Chinese translation. ( )
  103. n your research, try to suggest“this is true and everyone agrees”to show you are very confident about your claim.( )
  104. Usually a conclusion is drawn at the end of a flow chart writing. ( )
  105. In an academic essay, moving an adverb to the beginning of a sentence serves to vary the rhythm of a paragraph and increase sentence variety. ( )
  106. In some case, we sacrifice the meaning and intentions of the source texts in order to achieve readability. ( )
  107. You don’t need to follow any procedure in the translation of long and difficult sentences. ( )
  108. When combining two sentences by using an -ing/-ed modifier, we will keep the sentence with the main idea as the ___________, and convert the other sentence into a modifier ( ).
  109. We __________ (need, needn’t) take word-by-word translation strategy in all cases. ( )
  110. Most parents know that sugar is bad for children; , many parents do not limit the amount of sugar they consume( ).
  111. How many characteristics does a topic sentence have?( )
  112. When describing a change of line graphs (e.g., an upward trend), we should not cover______. ( )
  113. Since 2020, the world has faced irresistible (precedent) chip shortage, which first started from a lack of automotive sector chips, and then spread to almost all fields. ( )
  114. In the actual process of translation, different translation methods can be employed, such as division, addition, conversion, etc. ( )
  115. It is necessary to understand the levels of the original text and logic between the levels and break it down to separate sentences. ( )
  116. In order to achieve equivalence in translation, we have to keep the difference between Chinese and English in mind and adopt appropriate techniques in the practice of translation. ( )
  117. Critical reading is active reading: the search for meanings, connections, patterns as you go through the material. ( )
  118. Which word in the sentence makes the claim not that absolute, reducing the possibility of being attacked by other people?( )“An increase in road accidents may be due to higher numbers of young drivers on the roads.”
  119. The key language when you write about a flow chart is __________. ( )
  120. Thesis statement is usually written in ___________ of the introductory paragraph. It reflects the main idea of the topic according to the point of view of the writer. ( )。
  121. Many, ___________ not all, of these regulatory changes were of benefit to both countries’ economies( ).
  122. Which of the following describes the main idea of a passage ( )?
  123. When describing a pie chart, we do not need to focus on trends in subject. ( )
  124. When describing a pie chart, we should start with the smallest section. ( )
  125. SQ3R is a reading strategy which can help simple learning of reading material. ( )
  126. After identifying the principal clause, you can start to work out a preliminary translation of the long sentence. ( )
  127. Subordinate clause includes subject clause, object clause, attributive clause, adverbial clause, etc. ( )
  128. In the sentence“The government finally opted to bail out the banks”, “_____________” can be moved to the beginning in order to create variety ( ).
  129. When you meet such a question--- “To what extent do you agree or disagree?”, whose opinion is supposed to be illustrate? ( )
  130. A topic sentence includes a subject and a controlling idea.( )
  131. By mixture we mean combining the principal clause and the attributive clause into a single Chinese sentence without any demarcation. ( )
  132. While paraphrasing, there is no need to cite, or credit someone. ( )
  133. Which cohesion device is used in the following sentence( ).Economists believe that the next financial crisis will be from Student Loan debt. This assumption is also shared with financial experts.
  134. What is the controlling idea in the sentence “The BDS entirely built by Chinese engineers is noted for its global positioning accuracy.” ? ( )
  135. Most of summaries are written in __________ tense ( ).
  136. Which is the best paraphrase of the sentence “Deserts cover one fifth of the surface of the Earth. ”( ).
  137. In , you cover each of the overall subjects you’re comparing there. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you’ve already said about the first( )?
  138. Select the broadest topic ( ).
  139. You can apply critical reading to the following type of writing( )。
  140. Replace the underlined words.The number of brain cancer patients has increased since cell phones were introduced, leading some people to wonder if cell phone usage is reason for the change,( ).
  141. Which part of the sentence“The archeologists have made some new and inspiring discoveries at Sanxingdui Ruins”can be moved to the beginning in order to create variety ( )?
  142. The passage ________ that this primary problem lies in the long-term misunderstanding between the couple.Which of the following words is good for the blank? ( )
  143. In academic articles, there are various graphs. According to the lecture, what is the most useful way to divide all the graphs when describing them? ( )
  144. In the body part of a flow chart, a writer should try to explain some of the steps to make readers understand the _________ of them. ( )
  145. Collecting (questions, materials)you develop as you survey the reading will help you focus your reading on understanding the critical gaps in your knowledge( ).
  146. Fill in the blanks choosing the linking words given below the passage( ).Of course we have the advantages of the inventions of science ––––––– our ancestors had never known. ––––– science has also added to our worries. Perhaps now we can kill more easily ––––– swiftly than ever before.
  147. Replace the underlined word.If you use cheap paper and discount ink, the quality of your printed documents will suffer,( ).
  148. In a(an) _________ essay, the writer needs to discuss the problems with regards to a particular topic and then suggests possible solutions to these problems ( ).
  149. Economic forecasting often is not forecasting, but a _______ (projection, project) based on what is happening today. ( )
  150. Choose a proper word in the brackets.They find their way into certain parts of the body ___________ they collect (where, which),( ).
  151. How many supporting ideas are appropriate to show? ( )
  152. SQ3R is a _____ step process for comprehending and thinking about texts( ).
  153. _______ (although, whereas) soccer powers are mainly concentrated in Europe and the Americas, nearly half of the fans are in Asia. ( )
  154. Which one can be used as a topic sentence? ( )
  155. What should be indicated in the conclusion if you disagree with some ideas? ( )
  156. Which of the following statement about writing a summary is NOT true( )?
  157. Mechanical energy can be changed to electric energy, in turn can be changed to mechanical energy (which, however), many parents do not limit the amount of sugar they consume,( ).
  158. Some attributive clauses function as a complement in the complex sentence, having a very close logic relationship with the principal clause. ( )
  159. The first step for critical reading is always to think carefully and critically. ( )
  160. There are only two techniques we can use to incorporate sentence variety into our own writing: varying sentence openings and connecting ideas using a modifier. ( )
  161. Chinese adjectives or adverbs can be converted into English nouns.( )
  162. An effect from one cause can be the cause for another effect. ( )
  163. The topic is the overall subject of the reading. It is usually only a few words, not a complete sentence. ( )
  164. To evaluate the content, you should look for logic,evidence, analysis, and reasoning ( )
  165. Generally speaking, most scientific articles are informational. ( )
  166. Nominalization is always preferred.( )
  167. You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must not be some grounds for comparison in the first place. ( )
  168. Hedging language is very important, so you should use it as much as possible in your writing. ( )
  169. When a sentence talks about a fact, you don’t need to use any hedging language. ( )
  170. Nominalization is the process of changing words, such as verbs or adjectives, into nouns. ( )
  171. It is rare to convert Chinese verbs into English prepositions or prepositional phrases in C-E translation. ( )
  172. One can make inference beyond the passage. ( )
  173. The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it. ( )
  174. In Solution Paragraph, you don’t have to link the solutions to the problems. ( )
  175. Rhetoric addition does not commonly happen in the translation of scientific and technological articles since for this genre, the narration is usually plain, accurate, direct, without strong moods. ( )
  176. Persuasive writing usually includes emotional appeals, opinions and arguments, rhetorical questions, evaluative language, and judgmental language. ( )
  177. Hedging language can provide many different degrees of certainty. ( )
  178. Ellipsis is to express the relationship between one linguistic element and another element that can be explained with each other in a text. ( )
  179. Repeating the same word too often may make the writing more monotonous, the writers will use synonyms- a different word or phrase with the same meaning. ( )
  180. Conversion refers to the change of parts of speech in translation. ( )
  181. Texts that are written primarily for entertainment purpose are usually with rather informal language, simple sentence structures, and puns and figures of speech. ( )
  182. The topic sentence must be the first sentence of a paragraph. ( )
  183. _________ addition usually functions as explanation of allusions or supplement of cultural and historic background. ( )
  184. What kind of information is usually added in term of translation? ( )
  185. “Of all the forms of energy that we use, electrical energy is the most convenient”. In this sentence, the attributive clause can be translated into Chinese by ( ).
  186. Which of the following statement is NOT true about English ( )?
  187. According to this section, what kinds of words can be separated from the main clause in terms of translation? ( )
  188. The addition of semantic elements can help to achieve __________ . ( )
  189. In the following example, where does splitting happen? ( )从长远来看,没有什么能逃过热力学第二定律,熵的吸引力是无情的,所有东西都会腐烂,无序总是在增加。In the long run, nothing escapes the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The pull of entropy is relentless. Everything decays. Disorder always increases.
  190. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Chinese ( )?
  191. In the following case, what kind of addition is used? ( )三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮。Three cobbers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind.
  192. “There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized”. This sentence can be better translated as ( ).
  193. Which of the following chart can best demonstrate percentage? ( )
  194. What is the CAUSE in the following sentence--- Many coastal cities and regions have recently been experiencing flooding because of the melting of polar icecaps. ( )
  195. Which structure is recommended if the causes and effects are too closely linked to be separated? ( )
  196. If one wants to describe the process of chocolate making, which of the following chart he/she may probably use? ( )
  197. Too many sentences with the same openings, structure and length will make the text ____________( ).
  198. In your summary, you should periodically remind your reader that this is a summary not your own work by using phrases EXCEPT________( ).
  199. These two approaches have much in ___________ with each other.( )?
  200. Which of the following is considered to be a dishonorable behavior( )?
  201. You can write a good problem-solution essay by doing the following EXCEPT __________( ).
  202. What do you do next after knowing what the question is asking you to do when writing a problem-solution essay( )?
  203. An introductory sentence of a summary should include __________( ).
  204. Which of the following technique can be used to increase sentence variety( )?
  205. Which of the following signal words can be used to connect the two sentences below( )?George liked studying mathematics.He saw that English would help him in his career as a counselor.
  206. What is not allowed when paraphrasing( )?
  207. Which of the following statement about skimming and scanning is true ( )?
  208. The following are the steps you usually go through when you scan to answer questions:①Try to anticipate how the answer will appear in the text and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer.②When you locate a keyword, read the surrounding text carefully to see if it is relevant.③Identify the key words in the question.④Re-read the question to determine if the answer you found answers this question.⑤Use headings, subheadings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for.What is the correct order you should follow ( )?
  209. What is the purpose of a personal statement which is part of your application ( )?
  210. You can read with the questions generated during the preview of the text for deeper understanding. The following are some hints to read, except ( )。
  211. Which of the following indicates an inference question ( )?
  212. Which cohesive device has been employed in the following passage( )?When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are often considered failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that promise the most rewards.
  213. What does R possibly mean in “SQ3R”( )?
  214. Cohesion is achieved by using the following ways, except ( )。
  215. What is the writer’s purpose if the writing is to give readers information about a certain topic ( )?
  216. Which of the following is NOT a good way to make inference ( )?
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