  1. Rhythm refers to the_____ of strong and weak stress in speech.

  2. 答案:pattern
  3. The way of reading the phrase “iron man” is called____.

  4. 答案:alliteration
  5. _________ and _________ are two forms of transcription.

  6. 答案:Verbal transcription and written transcription are two forms of transcription.
  7. long, half-open, rounded, back

  8. 答案:The description provided seems to fit the characteristics of a vowel sound. Based on the given attributes: - **Long**: This refers to the duration of the vowel sound being pronounced for a relatively longer time compared to a short vowel. - **Half-open**: This describes the position of the jaw when producing the vowel, indicating that the jaw is moderately open, not as wide as for an open vowel but not as closed as for a close vowel. - **Rounded**: This means that the lips are rounded during the articulation of the vowel, similar to the shape made when pronouncing "oo" in "boot." - **Back**: This indicates the position of the tongue in the mouth when making the sound; it is positioned further back, which is typical for vowels like /u/ or /o/. Considering these features together, the vowel sound described is most likely the phonetic symbol /ʊ/ (as in "put") or /uː/ (as in "boot") in English. However, without additional context specifying a particular language, the exact vowel cannot be pinpointed definitively. In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), these characteristics closely match the vowel [ɔː] (as in "thought" for some dialects) or [uː], but again, the precise answer depends on the linguistic context.
  9. There are 20 English vowels. The number of monophthongs is ___, and the number of diphthongs is ____.

  10. 答案:The number of monophthongs is 12, and the number of diphthongs is 8.
  11. Incomplete plosion works between consonant and vowel.

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. The relative pronoun “some” often becomes weak in connected speech

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. The syllable division of the word “hasty” should be hast.y.

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. The words which should be in weak forms include form words and personal pronoun, possessive pronoun,relative pronoun and indefinite pronoun.

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. Letters in words must be pronounced as either consonants or vowels in words.

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. 英美语的不同表现在词汇拼写、语音、语调、语法、用词各个方面。

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. 在美语中,当/t/出现在两个元音之间且下一个元音不重读时,/t/读作/d/,如 city,water,hotel

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Assimilation is very common in colloquial and dialectal English.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. IPA中发/ɔ/,但在美音中发/a/, 如 pot, hot, job

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. According to the work of vocal cords, consonants can be classified into vibrating sound and non-vibrating sound.

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Elision makes pronunciation easier in speech.

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. The phrase “grow old” in quick colloquial speech is pronounced as /`grәuwәud/.

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Assimilation takes places most frequently in consonants.

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. The tonic stress often falls on the nucleus.

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. 在美式英语中,所有的/ә /都读作/әr/ 。

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. According to the manner of articulation, / b / is a ____sound.

  42. A: plosive B:alvelolar   C:bi-labial  D:aspirated 

  43. The smallest phonetic unit of language is _____.

  44. A:morpheme B:tonic unit   C: phoneme   D:foot 
  45. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  46. A:maintain  B:saint  C:naive  D: pail  
  47. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  48. A:arrangement   B:diplomatic  C:pandemic D:spectacular
  49. Identify the sound according to the phonetic features given.long, close, rounded, tense, back

  50. A:/ɔ:  B:/a:/    C:/æ/  D:/u:/
  51. Pre-head in a tone group is composed of ____preceding the first stressed syllable.

  52. A:tonic syllables B: stresses syllables  C:unstressed syllables D:nucleus
  53. According to the place of articulation, / b / is a ____sound.

  54. A:alvelolar  B:aspirated  C:bi-labial  D:plosive
  55. Choose the word which the underlined letter  is produced differently from others?

  56. A: tire    B:wireless

    C: tear D: hire
  57. Nasal plosion can`t appear in ____.

  58. A:Don`t know.

    B:advanced  machine

    • fat monkey

    D: Great Britain
  59. According to the manner of articulation, /w/ is a ____sound.

  60. A:semi-vowel   B:bi-labial    C:affricate  D:unaspirated
  61. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  62. A:willow B: towel  C:howl   D:powder  
  63. According to the place of articulation, /ŋ/ is a ____sound.

  64. A:glottal  B:nasal C:velar   D:post-alvelolar
  65. According to the place of articulation, / s /is a ____sound.

  66. A:velar B:alvelolar    C:glottal  D:fricative
  67. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  68. A:illusion   B:infection  C:transmission   D:permission 
  69. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  70. A:hear B:tearful    C:earl   D: pear
  71. According to the rules of ____, the phrase “a piece of paper” should be produced as /ә `pi:s ә `peipә/.

  72. A: assimilation  B:liaison C:loss of plosion   D: elision 
  73. According to the work of vocal cords /d/ is a _____ sound.

  74. A:voiced    B:voiceless  C:affricate D:aspirated  
  75. Effective communication in speech depends a great extent on__.

  76. A:intonation B: rhythm  C: tone   D:stress  
  77. In terms of rhythm,Chinese has typical ___ rhythmic pattern.

  78. A:tonic  B: stress-timed C:regular D:syllable-timed
  79. Plosive phoneme /p/ is pronounced as [p ɔ] in ___.

  80. A:sterotype B:poke C:spider  D:temptation 
  81. Identify the sound according to the phonetic features given.short, open, unrounded, front, lax

  82. A:/e / B:/æ/  C:/ɔ  D:/ә/    
  83. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  84. A:permission B:transmission  C: 


  85. Choose the word which underlined letter is pronounced differently from others.

  86. A:sugar B:fool   C:


  87. According to the place of articulation, / θ/is a ____sound.

  88. A:alvelolar    B:velar  C:fricative D:dental
  89. , vocabulary and grammar are considered as three important elements in a language.

  90. A:Sentences


    C:Speech sounds D: Phrases

  91. Incomplete plosion can not work in _____.

  92. A:comfort zone

    B:talented man

    C:right direction

    D:days off

  93. According to the manner of articulation, / ӡ / is a ____sound.

  94. A:fricative B:bi-labial  C:post-alvelolar    D:affricate   
  95. Which of the underlined letters is produced differently from others?

  96. A: resume B:recovery   C:plummet D:sluggish
  97. Which  letters is produced differently from others?

  98. A:








  99. Incomplete plosion can appears in _____.

  100. A:bus station

    B: sore ribs

    C:ripe pear

    D:mountain top

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