1. Pesticides are attached to small soil particles, and easily moved by wind or water to an part of the world. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. medicine and pesticides are hazardous solid waste. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Source reduction is the practice of designing, manufacturing, purchasing, using and reusing materials so that the amount of waste or its toxicity is reduced. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Sustainable Agriculture seeks methods to produce adequate, safe food in an economically manner, can enhance health of agricultural land and related ecosystems. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Ozone is a secondary pollutant that is formed as a component of photochemical smog. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Soil texture is determined by the size of the mineral particles within the soil. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Ozone hole is caused by CFCs and Halons. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Preservation means that the nature has intrinsic value and inherent worth apart from human beings. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. There are three levels of circular economy, cleaner production is a small cycle. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Point sources refer to specific spots where large amounts of pollution are discharged. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Factory smokestacks are point sources for air pollution. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Marshes are wetlands that contain trees that are able to live in places that either permanently flooded or flooded for a major part of the year.( )
  24. secondary succession is more rapidly than primary succession. ( )
  25. The development ethics are based on individualism. ( )
  26. Incineration may cause air pollution. ( )
  27. Extinction is the loss of an entire species. ( )
  28. Which are the energy conservation techniques? ( )
  29. Which caused global warming? ( )
  30. What are the methods for solid waste disposal? ( )
  31. What are the advantages of incineration? ( )
  32. What are the problems with pesticide use? ( )
  33. What are the effects of thermal pollution on aquatic ecosystems? ( )
  34. What are the indoor air pollutants? ( )
  35. Which are the issues related to oil use?( )
  36. The major component in natural gas is? ( )
  37. A relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits while the other is not affected is.( )
  38. Which is not the fossil fuel? ( )
  39. Which is not involved in phosphorus cycle? ( )
  40. which is the producer in an ecosystem?( )
  41. Which is the biological index of water quality? ( )
  42. Which is not involved in nitrogen cycle? ( )
  43. Which is the biotic factor of an organism’s environment? ( )
  44. Which of the following energy sources is the renewable energy source?( )
  45. Which is the decomposer in an ecosystem? ( )
  46. An ideal soil for agriculture use is a. ( )
  47. If we eat a piece of steak, which trophic level are we at?( )
  48. Which is not the indirect value of biodiversity? ( )
  49. Biocentric means that all forms of life have an inherent value.( )
  50. Meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs,this is called sustainable development.( )
  51. ethics reflects the predominant feelings of a culture about ethical issues.( )
  52. Morals seek to define fundamentally what is right and what is wrong, regardless of cultural differences.( )
  53. landfill may cause groundwater pollution.( )
  54. Municipal solid waste (MSW) are produced directly from homes.( )
  55. Battery is hazardous solid waste.( )
  56. The first step for solid waste treatment is( )。
  57. papers are recyclable solid wastes.( )
  58. Photochemical smog is a mixture of primary pollutants and secondary pollutants.( )
  59. Which is the secondary Pollutant?( )
  60. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is one kind of greenhouse gas. Also, CFC can damage ozone layer.( )
  61. Acid rain is mainly caused by SO2 and NO2.( )
  62. Particulate matter and Ozone are primary pollutants. ( )
  63. Thermal pollution is caused by cooling water from industry. ( )
  64. Municipal and industrial sources are good examples of nonpoint sources.( )
  65. The value of COD is higher than BOD.( )
  66. Groundwater is in saturated zone, which is under the water table.( )
  67. Agricultural sources are points sources. They are difficult to control.( )
  68. Desert soil has a well developed soil layers. ( )
  69. Soil erosion is the wearing away and transportation of soil by wind or water.( )
  70. Black soil and red soil are different soil types.( )
  71. Forest soil has a thin topsoil layer.( )
  72. Grassland soil has a deep layer of subsoil. ( )
  73. ecosystem diversity refers to a measure of the number of kinds of ecosystems present in an area.( )
  74. Desertification is the development of desertlike areas, it is caused by loss of vegetation.( )
  75. Provide food for human is the indirect value of biodiversity.( )
  76. Waste treatment is the direct value of biodiversity. ( )
  77. Introduction of exotic Species may cause biodiversity loss。( )
  78. Underground mining of coal may cause subsidence.( )
  79. Surface mining of coal may cause landscape disturbance。( )
  80. Nuclear energy is renewable energy source.( )
  81. Biomass energy is one nonrenewable energy source.( )
  82. Resources are smaller than reserves.( )
  83. Which is the abiotic factor of an organism’s environment?( )
  84. Humans raising cattle for food is what kind of relationship?( )
  85. For fish growth in the aquatic ecosystem, dissolved oxygen is a( )。
  86. The process of accumulating higher and higher amounts of material within the body of an animal, is called Biomagnification. ( )
  87. Endangered species are those present in such low numbers that they are in immediate danger of becoming extinct.( )
  88. Lead and mercury can do harm to human health. ( )
  89. Geothermal energy and nuclear energy are nonrenewable energy sources.( )
  90. Heating many types of solid waste to high temperatures – up to 2000 °C – in an incinerator can break them down and convert them to less harmful or harmless chemicals, this is called incineration. ( )
  91. Above the water table and below the land surface is a layer as vadose zone. ( )
  92. The phenomenon of acquiring increasing levels of a substance in bodies of higher-trophic-level organism, is called bioaccumulation. ( )
  93. Conservation is a balance between total development and absolute preservation. ( )
  94. Surface mining of coal disrupts the landscape.( )
  95. Car exhausts contain CO, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons. ( )
  96. Sand and leaves are nonrecyclable solid wastes. ( )
  97. We are using these resources much faster than they can be produced and the amount of these materials is finite, they are known as renewable energy sources. ( )
  98. Secondary sewage treatment is a biological process that usually follows primary treatment. ( )
  99. cleaner production may reduce the production of solid waste and increase the quality of products. ( )
  100. Sometimes hazardous waste are put into drums and buried in carefully designed and monitored sites, this called sanitary landfills. ( )
  101. The principles of sustainable development are sustainability, fairness and common. ( )
  102. Primary sewage treatment involves a variety of techniques to remove inorganic nutrients. ( )
  103. Hazardous waste is any discarded solid or liquid material that is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive enough to explode or release toxic fumes. ( )
  104. Soil structure refers to the way various soil particles clump together. ( )
  105. Activated-sludge sewage treatment is secondary sewage treatment. ( )
  106. Estuary is a bridge between freshwater and marine ecosystem.( )
  107. Ecocentric means that environment has direct rights and inherent worth. ( )
  108. Forest soil has deep layer of topsoil, and a thin layer of subsoil. ( )
  109. Major components of soil are ( ).
  110. Integrated pest management methods include. ( )
  111. What are the characters of hazardous solid waste? ( )
  112. The contents of sustainable development include. ( )
  113. What are the major pollutants in soil? ( )
  114. What are the impacts of fertilizers? ( )
  115. Reasons that caused desertification are ( )
  116. How to conserve soil? ( )
  117. What caused biodiversity loss? ( )
  118. Both of the leopards and vultures use the zebra as a food resource, is what kind of relationship? ( )
  119. which is the physical index of water quality? ( )
  120. Which caused acid rain? ( )
  121. Which is the primary Pollutant?( )
  122. Which is an aquatic ecosystem?( )
  123. In a soil profile, which horizon has the maximum biological activity? ( )
  124. How to preserve biodiversity? ( )
  125. Which is the direct value of biodiversity? ( )
  126. sustainable development is first proposed in <our common future> in 1987.( )
  127. water eutrophication occurs in ocean is called water bloom.( )
  128. water eutrophication occurs in rivers is called red tide.( )
  129. Nonpersistent pesticides refer to pesticides that break down/decompose quickly.( )
  130. water eutrophication is caused by the input of N and P.( )
  131. Organic agriculture prohibits synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.( )
  132. Which of the following factors is not the limiting factor for fish growth in the aquatic ecosystem?( )
  133. Which is not the typical habitat of mosses?( )
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