

  1. Succession that begins with bare mineral surfaces or water and total lack of organisms is called____________.( )

  2. A:evolution B:secondary Succession C:ecosystem D:primary Succession
    答案:Argumentative.AI参考:答案为D:primary Successionsuccession开始于裸露的矿物质表面或水和完全没有生物的现象,称之为初次的演替,也就是我们通常所说的原始演替,答案为D。B是二次演替,指发生在原来发生过生物群落的地方发生的自然演变,因此答案D正确。而evolution是一个名词,指的是渐进的、缓慢的变化,它不是指演替的过程。ecosystem指的是一个特定生态系统内生物与非生物间的相互关系,因此也不是正确的选项。'
  3. The following terms that are not related to the ecology include ______________________. ( )

  4. A:species B:ecosystem C:individual organisms D:resource
    AI参考:正确答案是C:individual organisms。选项A和B都是生态学中的术语,而选项D是资源学中的术语,只有选项C“个体生物”与生态学无关。因此,选项C是正确的。'
  5. A complex set of interactions between an organism and its surroundings is an organism’s_______________ ( ).

  6. A:environment B:biome C:habitat D:ecological niche
    答案:Add the users to a group,and add this group to roles/browser.AI参考:正确答案是C:habitat。句中关键词是“一个生物与其周围环境之间的一组复杂的相互作用”,这符合habitat的内涵。因此C是正确答案。环境、生物群落、生态位等都可能包括这样的复杂相互作用,但只有habitat最能表达这个意思。所以答案是C。'
  7. The same species using the same resource. This is________________. ( )

  8. A:interspecific competition B:predation C:commensalism D:intraspecific competition
    AI参考:题目中描述的是同一种物种使用相同的资源,这种情况属于物种之间的相互竞争,即同种物种间的竞争,所以选项A“interspecific competition”(物种间竞争)是正确答案。而选项B“predation”(捕食)、选项C“commensalism”(共生)和选项D“intraspecific competition”(种内竞争)都与题目描述不符。'
  9. Exponential growth phase is the stage on a typical population growth curve when the offspring of a species begin to mate and have young while the parents may be producing a second set of offspring, which results in a population increase at a (an) _______________ rate.( )

  10. A:decreasing B:constant C:stable D:accelerating
  11. The biotic things of ecosystem include _____________.( )

  12. A:water B:predation C:sunlight D:weather
  13. Ecosystem services values don’t include ______________ ( )

  14. A:soil formation B:Nutrient cycling C:recreation D:agriculture
  15. Items considered in risk management do not include: __________ ( )

  16. A:how much risk is acceptable B:probability C:morals D:costs
  17. Ecosystem direct economic values don’t include ______________ ( )

  18. A:agriculture B:Habitat/Refuges C:fisheries D:forestry

  19. In a species__________. ( )

  20. A:the individuals make up the whole population of an ecosystem B:all live in the same place C:there is only a single individual D:the individuals can mate successfully with one another
    AI参考:正确答案是A:the individuals make up the whole population of an ecosystem这句话的意思是“在一个物种中,个体组成了一个生态系统的全部”,因此正确答案是A,即“个体构成了生态系统的全部”。其他选项不符合句子意思。B选项中的“都生活在同一个地方”并不适用于所有的物种,因为有些物种是移动的,有些生活在不同地方的同一种族群体可以构成一个生态系统;C选项中的“只有一个个体”也不符合大多数物种的实际情况;D选项中的“个体之间可以成功交配”也并不适用于所有的物种,因为有些物种有特定的交配系统。'
  21. In an ecosystem, the nutrients come from environment and become the organism’s part of body for a short time. The common nutrients include____________. ( )

  22. A:phosphorus B:carbon C:nitrogen D:sun
  23. Life Cycle Analysis is the process of assessing ________________associated with the production, use, reuse, and disposal of a product over its entire useful life. ( )

  24. A:environmental effects B:economic benefits C:economic influences D:social influence
    AI参考:正确答案是A: environmental effects。Life Cycle Analysis评估的是与产品的整个使用寿命中生产、使用、再利用和废弃相关联的环境影响,所以正确答案为A。B、C、D选项与题干中描述的内容不符。'
  25. The nutrient cycles between the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem are called______________.( )

  26. A:Biogeochemical Cycles B:physical cycles C:chemical cycles D:biological cycle
    AI参考:答案为A:Biogeochemical Cycles。生态系统中的生物和非生物之间的营养循环被称为生物地球化学循环。因此,答案为A。其他选项B、C、D都不符合题意。'
  27. Population are all the organisms of the__________ kind within a specific geographic region. ( )

  28. A:same B:None of the above C:all variety of D:different
    AI参考:正确选项是C:all variety of 。根据题目中的句子结构和语境,需要选择一个能够表达“在一个特定的地理区域内所有的不同种类的生物”的词语。选项A的“same”只表达了“相同的”含义,不够全面;选项B的“None of the above”表示“以上都不是”,不符合题意;选项D的“different”表示“不同的”,与题目中的意思相反。而选项C的“all variety of”则可以表达“各种各样的”意思,符合题意。因此,正确答案是C:all variety of。'
  29. Speciation is the production of new from previously existing species_________.( )

  30. A:plant B:species C:microorganism D:animal
  31. Commensalism is the relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits while the other is ___________. ( )

  32. A:damaged B:much affected C:hurt D:not affected
    AI参考:答案为 D:not affected根据题干中的句子结构分析可知,此空应与benefit并列,表示“没有受到影响”,所以答案为D。commensalism是共生关系,一方受益,另一方不受影响。故选D。'
  33. Climax community is the relative ______________community that the result of succession. ( )

  34. A:stable and constant B:stable and large C:stable and long-lasting D:stable and short-term
    AI参考:正确答案是C:stable and long-lasting。Climax community是演替的相对稳定和持久的社区。根据题意,应选C。A和D选项的意思与题意不符,B选项中的large也不符合题意。'
  35. Two main non-biological factors determining biomes are____________. ( )

  36. A:temperature and precipitation B:temperature and waste disposal C:waste disposal and energy D:energy and raw materials
    AI参考:正确答案是A:temperature and precipitation。非生物因素对生物群落的影响主要表现在温度和降水两个方面,这两个因素共同决定了生物群落的形成和分布。因此,选项A是正确答案。选项B、C、D中的废物处理、能源和原材料等因素对生物群落的形成和分布也有一定影响,但不是最主要的影响因素。'
  37. Biomes is the ______________ with wide geographic distribution. ( )

  38. A:terrestrial climax communities B:terrestrial primary communities C:aquatic primary communities D:aquatic climax communities
    AI参考:正确答案是A:terrestrial climax communities。根据题干中的关键词“wide geographic distribution”(广泛的地理分布)和“Biomes”(生物群落),可以推断出答案应该是与生物群落相关的选项。选项A“terrestrial climax communities”(陆地顶级群落)符合题意,因为它描述的是具有广泛地理分布的生物群落。选项B、C、D与题意不符,因此答案为A。'
  39. Habitat can best be defined as ________________. ( )

  40. A:The place an organism lives B:All of the above C:The study of how organisms interact with their environment D:The assessment of what an organism needs to survive
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The study of how organisms interact with their environment。根据题干中的“Habitat can best be defined as ______________”可知,本题考查的是对栖息地的定义,而选项中只有C项“the study of how organisms interact with their environment”符合题意,即栖息地可以被定义为生物与其环境相互作用的研究。因此,答案为C。其他选项A、B、D都与题干中的定义不符。'
  41. External costs are best defined as________________. ( )

  42. A:Those costs borne by someone who uses a resource or an industry that produces a product B:None of the above C:Those costs associated with industrial production D:Those costs that are charged by banks to outside agencies
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Those costs borne by someone who uses a resource or an industry that produces a product】。外部成本是指那些使用资源或生产产品的行业所承担的成本,即由使用者承担的成本。其他选项B、C、D都与外部成本的定义不符。因此,正确答案是A选项。'
  43. The concept of carry capacity is the__________population for a species in an area.( )

  44. A:suitable sustaniable B:maximum sustainable C:organisms D:minor sustainable
    AI参考:正确答案是B:maximum sustainable。本题考查的是“承载能力”这个概念,是指一个物种在一个地区能够持续存在的最大人口数量。选项中只有B“maximum sustainable”符合这个意思,因此B是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D都与题意不符。'
  45. The main activities of preserving biodiversity don’t include______________ ( )

  46. A:Sustainable Management of Fish Population B:Sustainable Management of Wildlife Population C:Legal Protection D:hunting and fishing
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Sustainable Management of Wildlife Population 。保持生物多样性主要活动不包括可持续管理野生动物种群,因此B选项正确。其他选项中,A选项是可持续管理渔业,C选项是法律保护,D选项是狩猎和捕鱼,都与保持生物多样性没有直接关系。'
  47. The IUCN (国际自然保护联盟) estimates that about 80 to 90 percent of threatened species are under threat because of ______________ ( )

  48. A:habitat loss or fragmentation B:introduction of exotic species, C:predator and pest control activities D:overexploitation,
    AI参考:正确答案是A:habitat loss or fragmentation (生态环境失去或断裂)。国际自然保护联盟估计,大约80%到90%的受威胁物种受到生态环境失去或断裂的威胁。选项A中的habitat loss or fragmentation符合语境。选项B、C、D都与生态环境失去或断裂无关。因此,答案为A。'
  49. The population growth curve consist of ___________. ( )

  50. A:table equilibrium phase. B:lag phase C:crash phase D:exponential growth phase
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:exponential growth phase】。人口增长曲线包括指数增长阶段(exponential growth phase),即人口数量以指数形式增长,增长速度不断加快的阶段。选项A中的“table equilibrium phase”表示表态均衡阶段,不是人口增长曲线的组成部分;选项B中的“lag phase”表示延滞期,通常出现在生物体接触外界环境后,是生长和代谢过程的适应阶段,也不是人口增长曲线的组成部分;选项C中的“crash phase”表示暴发期,是指一个系统中达到一定的条件后,可能出现的一种不稳定的现象,更不符合人口增长曲线的描述。因此,D选项“exponential growth phase”即指数增长阶段是人口增长曲线的正确组成部分。'
  51. Some important characteristics of population include___________. ( )

  52. A:genetics B:density and spatial distribution. C:sex ratio and age distribution, D:natality and mortality
    AI参考:正确选项为D:natality and mortality ,即“出生率和死亡率”。人口的一些重要特征包括出生率和死亡率、性别比例和年龄分布、人口密度和空间分布等。其中,natality and mortality(出生率和死亡率)是人口统计中的两个重要指标,它们反映了人口的自然变化,是人口数量和结构变化的重要因素。因此,D选项是正确答案。其他选项中,genetics(遗传学)通常与人口特征没有直接关系,sex ratio and age distribution(性别比例和年龄分布)也是人口统计中的重要指标,但它们不是单独的人口特征,而是与出生率和死亡率等指标共同构成了人口的基本特征。人口密度和空间分布通常也与人口特征有关,但它们不是人口统计中的主要指标。'
  53. Major roles of organisms in ecosystem include______________________. ( ) ]

  54. A:consumers B:producers C:competition D:decomposers

  55. Evolutionary patterns include_______________. ( ).

  56. A:speciation B:coevolution C:predation D:extinction
    AI参考:答案是:A:speciation ,B:coevolution。Evolutionary patterns包括两种模式,一种是物种形成(speciation),即生物种类不断演变进化;另一种是共生进化学说中的互利共生或共同进化(coevolution),它意味着双方都是演化的一种趋势。选项C:predation与其它选项无明显关系。选项D:extinction意为灭绝,不包含在evolutionary patterns之内。所以,只有选项A和B是符合题目描述的。'
  57. Carbon cycle is the process and pathways involved in capturing inorganic carbon-containing molecules, converting them into organic molecules that are used by organisms, and the ultimate release of inorganic( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. Environment is biotic things that affect an organism during its lifetime. ( )

  60. A:对 B:错

  61. Carbon cycle is the process and pathways involved in capturing inorganic carbon-containing molecules, converting them into organic molecules that are used by organisms, and the ultimate release of inorganic ( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. The population growth rate is the birth rate minus the death rate. ( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. Threatened species are the species that could become extinct if a critical factor in their environment were changed. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. Mutations are changes in the genetic information of an organism. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria is very important for nitrogen cycles. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. In a community, some species play minor roles, while others play important roles. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. Taxonomic richness means the number of different taxonomic categories of the species present.( )

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. it is necessary to address environmental problem by using the ecological method since nearly all environment problems such as pollution, climate change, resource depletion and biodiversity loss are related to ecological environment. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据问题描述,使用生态方法解决环境问题是必要的,因为环境污染、气候变化、资源枯竭和生物多样性丧失等环境问题都与生态环境有关。但是,问题中使用了“such as”表示列举,说明列举之外还有其他环境问题,因此该陈述不完整或错误。因此,答案是B:错。'
  77. At present, extinction and biodiversity loss are a major consequence of human domination of the earth. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. Migratory birds are the birds that can fly thousands of kilometers and, therefore, can travel north in the spring and return to the south in the autumn. ( )

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. Environmental resistance is the combination of factors that sets the carrying capacity for an area, such as the availability of raw materials and energy, the accumulation of waste products, and interactions among organisms. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。Environmental resistance是指环境阻力,它是一个地区的承载能力的主要影响因素之一,包括原材料和能源的可获得性、废物的积累以及生物之间的相互作用等因素的综合作用。因此,环境阻力是设定一个地区承载能力的重要因素。'
  83. Population density is the number of people per unit of land area, which relates the size of the population to the resources available. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. The competitive exclusion principle means that no two species can occupy the same ecological niche in the same place at the same time. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. Trophic level is each step in the flow of energy through an ecosystem. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。Trophic level是生态系统中能量流动过程中的每个环节,也就是生态系统中生物的能量层级。因此,该判断题的答案是B,即“对”。'
  89. Benthic is the organism that live on the ocean surface. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:Benthic is the organism that live on the ocean floor. Therefore, the answer is "B:错". Benthic指的是生活在海洋底部的生物,所以海洋表面的生物不是benthic。'
  91. External costs are the costs to society for waste disposal, pollution and health due to environmental problems. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. Limiting factor is a particular factor as a key component that limits the size of a population. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. Demographic transition is a model which suggests that as a country develops technologically, it automatically experiences a drop in the birthrate. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错

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