1.While traveling in Europe, ___________.
A:the social reform movement stirred Jane Adams B:it was the social reform movement that stirred Jane Adams C:Jane Adams, stirred by the social reform movement D:Jane Adams was stirred by the social reform movement
答案:Jane Adams was stirred by the social reform movement
2.According to the theory of evolution, all living species are the modified ________ of earlier species.( )
A:defendants B:developments C:dependents D:descendants
3.The news about our new car model ______ not good. The launch will be delayed by a month.( )
A:isn’t B:will be C:is D:has been
4.His attitude to work mainly depends on ________ from the work.
A:the prize B:the award C:the offer D:the reward
答案:the reward
5.Students with _____ problems may apply for student loans.
A:economic B:male C:economical D:financial
6.You can be assured that on his lips the story did not lose in the _________.
A:telling B:told C:telling-off D:tell
7.As an old saying goes, happiness is ________ good health and a bad memory.
A:nothing more than B:nothing than C:all but D:anything but
答案:nothing more than
8.We still remember the bitter cold of last winter. __________, this December is much warmer.( )
A:On the contrary B:By contrast C:To the contrary D:In contrast
9.Welfare reform has not yet brought any ________ benefits.
A:tangible B:tangling C:tangled D:touchable
10.My little brother can ______ read nor write. He is only three!( )
A:neither B:either C:or D:only 
11.We’ll just have to shop as ________ as we can from now on.
A:economically B:economical C:economicly D:economic

12.The computer works very fast, ________ data at the speed of light.( )
A:handling B:handles C:handled D:having handled 13.________, he was almost dead.( )
A:When he is rescued B:He was rescued C:When rescued D:Being rescued 14.The director was critical _________ the way we were doing the work.
A:in B:with C:of D:at 15.This law will cut costs and make coverage more __________ for families and small businesses.( )
A:affordable B:capable C:suitable D:adaptable 16. He had the _____ over other boys of having had very good preschool education.
A:alternative B:advantage C:challenge D:ability 17.I have gone to all this trouble _________.
A:in account with you B:on your own account C:on your account D:for account of you 18.Consumer groups are _________ against higher prices.
A:opposing B:protecting C:protesting D:objecting 19.She defended her position ________ well.
A:exceptionable B:exceptionally C:exceptional D:exceptionably 20.The little girl was quite heartbroken ______ her new doll breaking after three days.( )
A:by B:as C:when D:because  21.Occurring every four years __________ Apollo, the Pythian Games (希腊皮提亚竞技会、 were second only to the Olympics in importance.( )
A:in honor B:for honor of C:with honor to D:in honor of 22.A ________ exercise such as running is helpful to our health.( )
A:precious B:various C:cautious D:vigorous 23.In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _____ books from the school library.
A:sample B:implication C:reference D:dictionary 24.Van Gogh’s works of old men were done with __________ and understanding.( )
A:suffering B:sympathy C:compassion D:pity 25.To get real results we need to engage __________ hard-working people in the effort.( )
A:ambitious B:notorious C:conscious D:conscientious 26.No sooner ________ than the audience began to applaud.( )
A:did he stop singing B:he has stopped singing C:had he stopped singing D:does he stop singing 27.Among her _________ were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing.
A:fulfillment B:accomplishments C:assignment D:obligation 28.It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.
A:must be sent B:be sent C:will be sent D:are sent 29.It doesn’t matter if you shop online ______ by mail order, the goods still have to be delivered.( )
A:as B:better C:or D:sometimes 30.The doctor told the pupils that an ________ disease was one that could be passed from one person to another.( )
A:infectious B:overwhelming C:inherent D:expanding 31.Language has always been described as the mirror of society. Chinese is of no _______.
A:excuse B:expectation C:exception D:explanation 32.What sort of ________ can you get for the night in a city like this!( )
A:commission B:accommodation C:recommendation D:interaction 33.Evening was _____ as I took the road over Mountain Top.
A:setting down B:setting out C:setting in D:setting off 34.The panda is an endangered species, which means that it is very likely to become ________ without adequate protection.( )
A:exempt B:intact C:extinct D:insane 35.The industry is of ________ importance to the national economy.
A:numerous B:vital C:vitiate D:vie 36.The old couple had ________ incredible hardships during the war.
A:gone away with B:gone down C:gone over D:gone through 37.Environment and animal welfare groups are emerging to __________ the hunts for endangered animals.( )
A:contact B:conceal C:condemn D:conduct 38.It is required that the machine should be oiled.
A:错 B:对 39.In the boy’s room there is a bed and two chairs. 
A:错 B:对 40.While a good beginning is made, the work is half done.   
A:对 B:错 41.All their hard work paid up at last.
A:对 B:错 42.It is highly necessary that another computer centre be built on campus.
A:对 B:错 43.The vice-president admitted to taking bribes.
A:对 B:错 44.You’d better have that bad tooth pull out. 
A:错 B:对 45.I am considering to accept your offer.
A:错 B:对 46.You mustn’t delay sending the mails.
A:错 B:对 47.Hardly had we entered the room when the telephone rang. 
A:错 B:对 48.What time is breakfast supplied in this hotel? 
A:错 B:对 49.If I had known you were coming to visit, I would have met you at the airport.
A:错 B:对 50.I’m so tired I can hardly walk.   
A:错 B:对 51.The train has left but is still by sight.
A:错 B:对 52.In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night and asked to report what they ________.( )
A:are just dreaming B:had just dreamt C:had just been dreaming D:have just been dreaming 53.When we invest ourselves in our children, it often __________ in surprising ways.( )
A:pays off B:pays back C:pays out D:pays for 54.

According to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the  corporate boardroom. And according to a new Pew Research Center survey on women and leadership, most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they're stronger than men in terms of being passionate and organized leaders.

So why, then, are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States? According to the public, at least, it's not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets.

It’s also not all about work-life balance. Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey point to this as a key barrier for women seeking leadership roles. Only about one-in-five say women's family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren't more females in top leadership positions in business and politics.

Instead, topping the list of reasons, about four-in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business, where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves. Similar shares say the electorate(选民)and corporate America are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions.

As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in corporate America will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace. While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men. Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.


Positive thinking is a lot more than blind faith and its power over people’s lives is awesome. Optimists fare better than pessimists in almost every respect of life, often achieving more and enjoying greater social success. Optimistic people are also less susceptible to depression and physical illnesses. Says psychology professor Martin E.P. Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania, “There’s evidence that optimism bolsters the immune system.”

Psychologists believe optimism and pessimism are habits we learn as children, and our parents are our role models. When a water pipe broke and flooded your new home, did your father lament, “Why did I pick such a lousy house?” Or did he declare, “Our contract guaranteed everything would be in perfect condition, so I’ll have the builder fix the plumbing and replace the damage”?

“Optimism is a habitual way of explaining setbacks to yourself,” says Seligman. Here’s how it works:

The pessimist believes bad events stem from permanent conditions (“I failed the math quiz because I don’t have a head for numbers”) and good events from temporary ones (“My husband brought me flowers because he had a good day at work”). The optimist, however, attributes failure to temporary causes (“I failed the test because I didn’t pay much attention”) and favorable situations to enduring causes (“He brought me flowers because he loves me”).

The pessimist allows a disappointment in one area of his life to pervade the rest. Say he’s laid off from work. The pessimist not only feels bad about losing his job, but he also starts to worry that his marriage is in trouble and his kids are out of control. The optimist doesn’t let one setback contaminate his whole life. So at the moment I don’t have a job, he thinks, my wife and I are still close, and my kids made the honor roll.

When things go wrong, pessimists blame themselves. If another driver dents your packed car, you blame yourself for parking in a “stupid” spot. The optimist ascribes such trouble to a coincidence or fluke and looks for a new approach “Next time I’ll park where there are few cars.”

56.According to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom. And according to a new Pew Research Center survey on women and leadership, most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they're stronger than men in terms of being passionate and organized leaders.So why, then, are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States? According to the public, at least, it's not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets.It's also not all about work-life balance. Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey point to this as a key barrier for women seeking leadership roles. Only about one-in-five say women's family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren't more females in top leadership positions in business and politics.Instead, topping the list of reasons, about four-in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business, where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves. Similar shares say the electorate and corporate America are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions.As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in corporate America will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace. While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men. Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime
57.According to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom. And according to a new Pew Research Center survey on women and leadership, most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they're stronger than men in terms of being passionate and organized leaders. So why, then, are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States? According to the public, at least, it's not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets. It's also not all about work-life balance. Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey point to this as a key barrier for women seeking leadership roles. Only about one-in-five say women's family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren't more females in top leadership positions in business and politics. Instead, topping the list of reasons, about four in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves. Similar shares say the electorate ( 选民) and corporate American are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions. As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in corporate America will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace. While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future.,44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men. Americans are 1ess doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime. 1. What do most Americans think of women leaders according to a new Pew Research Center survey?
58.<p><span style="color:black"><span style="font-family:宋体">如果有定义</span></span></p><p><span style="color:black"><span style="font-family:宋体">int x = 0;</span></span></p><p><span style="color:black"><span style="font-family:宋体">int y = 1;</span></span></p><p><span style="color:black"><span style="font-family:宋体">int * const p = &amp;x;</span></span></p><p><span style="color:black">则下列语句错误的是(&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; )</span><span style="font-family:宋体;color:black"></span></p>
59.<p style='text-indent:28px'><span style='font-family:times new roman; color:black'>1</span><span style='color:black'>.以下属于收入的有(</span><span style='font-family:times new roman; color:black'> </span><span style='color:black'>)取得的收入。</span><p style='text-indent:41px'><span style='color:black'>A</span><span style='color:black'>原材料出售</span><span style='font-family:times new roman; color:black'> </span><span style='color:black'>B</span><span style='color:black'>产品出售</span><span style='font-family:times new roman; color:black'> C</span><span style='color:black'>固定资产出售</span><span style='font-family:times new roman; color:black'> </span><span style='color:black'>D</span><span style='color:black'>提供劳务</span><br/>A.以下属于收入的有(</span><span
60.%%¥#The economy of the United states after 1952 was the economy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despite occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950's, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country's business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920's . As farmer's share of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the opposite-depression.5. The passage states that income available for spending in the U.S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 . How much was it ? ( )
61.%%¥#The economy of the United states after 1952 was the economy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despite occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950's, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country's business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920's . As farmer's share of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the opposite-depression.5. The passage states that income available for spending in the U.S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 . How much was it ? ( )

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