  1. Glycogen synthesis requires the following conditions( )

  2. A:Requires glycogen synthase B:Requires glycogen primers C:Requires UTP D:Requires ATP
    答案:Requires glycogen primers###Requires UTP###Requires glycogen synthase###Requires ATP
  3. Which of the following changes will affect the initial linear velocity of the enzyme catalyzed reaction?( )

  4. A:Temperature B:Substrate concentration [S] C:pH D:Time E:Enzyme concentration
    答案:pH###Enzyme concentration###Temperature###Substrate concentration [S]
  5. The liver regulates the blood sugar concentration( )

  6. A:gluconeogenesis B:Glycogen synthesis C:glycolysis D:Glycogen decomposition E:Aerobic oxidation of sugar
    答案:Glycogen synthesis###Glycogen decomposition###glycolysis###Aerobic oxidation of sugar###gluconeogenesis
  7. The enzyme that needs vitamin B2 as a coenzyme component is( )

  8. A:ester acyl-CoA dehydrogenase B:Pyruvate dehydrogenase system C:L-amino acid oxidase D:Malate dehydrogenase E:β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
    答案:ester acyl-CoA dehydrogenase###Pyruvate dehydrogenase system###L-amino acid oxidase
  9. What are the important functions of glutamate in protein metabolism?( )

  10. A:Participation in the purine nucleotide cycle B:Participation in the storage and transport of ammonia C:Participation in urea synthesis D:Participation in the synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid E:Participate in deamination
    答案:Participation in the purine nucleotide cycle###Participation in the synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid###Participate in deamination###Participation in urea synthesis
  11. The following organizations have strong glycolysis( )

  12. A:Brain B:Retina C:Red blood cells D:Liver E:Testicles
    答案:Testicles###Retina###Red blood cells
  13. The enzymes required to catalyze the combined deamination of amino acids are( )

  14. A:Aminotransferase B:L-glutamate dehydrogenase C:D-amino acid oxidase D:glutaminase E:L-amino acid oxidase
    答案:L-glutamate dehydrogenase###Aminotransferase
  15. The main forms of transport of ammonia between tissues are( )

  16. A:Glutamine B:NH4Cl C:Urea D:Alanine
  17. Which of the following substances are both the decomposition products of glucose and the raw materials of gluconeogenesis?( )

  18. A:Pyruvate B:glutamine acid C:Lactic acid D:Glycerin E:Acetyl CoA
  19. Allosteric inhibitors of 6-phosphofructokinase-1 are( )

  20. A:Citric acid B:ATP C:1,6-diphosphate fructose D:AMP E:ADP
  21. Amino acid residues that provide the necessary enzyme groups are( )

  22. A:histidine B:Cysteine C:Proline D:Serine E:glycine
  23. What are the correct statements about pepsin?( )

  24. A:Pepsinogen can be activated by trypsin B:pepsin is a binding enzyme C:Pepsin D:The optimum pH is 2.0 E:Pepsinogen can be activated by H+
  25. Enzymes have the following characteristics compared to general catalysts( )

  26. A:It has extremely high catalytic efficiency and does not change the equilibrium of the reaction B:The enzyme itself did not change before and after the chemical reaction C:Its activity is regulated by many factors D:Strong specificity, an enzyme acts only on one or a class of substances, producing certain products E:The reaction conditions are mild and can be carried out under normal temperature and normal pressure
  27. Metal ions as enzyme cofactors, their role is( )

  28. A:As a bridge connecting substrates and enzyme molecules B:Positive synergy C:Promoting the formation of covalent compounds between the substrate and the enzyme molecule D:As a component of the enzyme active center, transfer electrons E:Stabilizing enzyme molecular conformation
  29. Habitus that competitively inhibit the following enzymatic reactions are( )

  30. A:Inhibition of dehydrogenate reductase by methotrexate B:Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase by malic acid C:Organophosphorus pesticides inhibit acetylcholine D:Inhibition of cytochrome oxidase by CO E:5-fluorouracil inhibits thymidine synthase after in vivo changes
  31. The hydrogen donors of the succinic acid oxidized respiratory chain are( )

  32. A:CoQ B:FMN C:FAD D:NAD+
  33. The sugar metabolism pathways carried out in the cytosol throughout the process are( )

  34. A:Glycolysis B:gluconeogenesis C:Tricarboxylic acid cycle D:pentose phosphate pathway E:Glycogen synthesis
  35. The pentose phosphate pathway is enhanced in( )

  36. A:When fat synthesis is enhanced B:When gluconeogenesis is enhanced C:When nucleic acid synthesis is enhanced D:When the foreign oxidant consumes a large amount of reducing GSH E:When you are hungry
  37. Which of the following enzymes work in both anaerobic and sugar gluconeogenesis?( )

  38. A:Aldolase B:Phosphoglycerate kinase C:Hexokinase D:6-phosphofructokinase-1 E:Pyruvate carboxylase
  39. The original enzyme that can be activated by trypsin( )

  40. A:pepsinogen B:Trypsinogen C:Prothrombin D:Carboxyl peptidase A E:chymotrypsinogen
  41. A research was studing oxidative phosphorylation in a suspention of carefully washed and isolated mitochondria .ATP ,ADP ,inorganic phosphate ,lactate ,lactate dehydrogenase ,and oxygen were introduced to the suspension ,and he was able to demonstrate ATP production within the mitochondria.The researchwe then added oligomycin to the mixture ,which stopped oxygen uptake.This occurred due to which of the following?

  42. A:Inhibition of complexⅢ B:Inhibition of complexⅣ C:Inhibition of complexⅠ D:Inhibition of complexⅡ E:Inhibition of the proton translocating ATPase
  43. A pair of farm workers in Mexico was spraying pesticide on crops when they both developed the following severe symptoms :heavy ,labored breathing, significantly elevated temperature , and loss of consciousness . The pesticide contained an agent that intertered with oxidative phosphorylation , which most closely resembled which of the following known inhibitors?

  44. A:Dinitrophenol B:Cyanide C:CO D:Atractyloside E:Oligomycin
  45. The specificity or strigency of a PCR reaction can be controlled by altering the reaction

  46. A:All B:None C:temperature and salt concentration D:target sequence E:volume
  47. There are many kinds of high-energy phosphate compounds in the body, and the most involved in various energy supply reactions are

  48. A:GTP B:UTP C:Creatine phosphate D:PEP E:ATP
  49. The linkage between nucleotides is( )

  50. A:2’,-5’ phosphodiester bond B:Peptide bond C:Hydrogen bond D:3’,-5’ phosphodiester bond E:2’,-3’ phosphodiester bond
  51. Vitamin A deficiency may occur

  52. A:Cataract B:Chondropathy C:Albinism D:Night blindness E:Color blindness
  53. ( )are the vehicles of transport of endogenous triacylglycerols from the liver to the extrahepatic tissues.

  55. In the following peptide, which amino acid is the N-terminus? Phe-Ala-Gly-Arg

  56. A:None B:Ala C:Phe D:Phe and Arg E:Arg
  57. Malonic acid inhibits succinate dehydrogenase, which is a kind of

  58. A:Feedback Inhibition B:Non-Competitive Inhibition C:Irreversible Inhibition D:Uncompetitive Inhibition E:Competitive Inhibition
  59. The direct supplier of energy in the human body is:

  60. A:fatty acid B:Creatine phosphate C:ATP D:glucose E:GTP
  61. Electrons are transported in the following ways, which can be coupled with phosphorylation?

  62. A:Succinate→FAD B:Co Q→Cyt b C:Cyt aa3→1/2O2 D:None is true. E:Cyt c→Cyt aa3
  63. Which of the following is a vitamin containing metallic elements?

  64. A:Vitamin B1 B:Vitamin B6 C:Vitamin B2 D:Vitamin B12 E:Vitamin C
  65. Ammonia is a nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism, and is harmful especially in high concentrations in the human body. Urea cycle is a means to detoxify and to prevent the accumulation of ammonia in the body by converting it to urea, and eventually excreted in the urine. How many moles of nitrogen enter the urea cycle in every turn?"

  66. A:0 B:2 C:3 D:1 E:6
  67. β-oxidation of fatty acids occurs on activated fatty acids (fatty acyl CoA). After each set of reactions, the fatty acid chain is reduced by two carbons. These leave in the form of acetyl CoA. Why is this important?

  68. A:Acetyl CoA is further metabolized into acetate B:Acetyl CoA formed ketone C:Acetyl CoA used as a cholesterol precurso D:Acetyl CoA recycles back into β- oxidation E:Acetyl CoA goes on to further oxidation in the citric acid cycle.
  69. In comparing the α-helix to the β-sheet, which statement is correct only for theβ-sheet?

  70. A:It may be found in supersecondary structures. B:It may be found in typical globular proteins. C:It is an example of secondary structure. D:Extensive hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl oxygen (C=O) and the amide hydrogen (N-H) of the peptide bond are formed. E:It is stabilized by interchain hydrogen bonds.
  71. Which does not transmit electrons in mitochondria ?

  72. A:Cytc1 B:Cytb C:CytP450 D:Cytaa3 E:Cytc
  73. The tissue which used salvage synthesis pathway as the main pathway to synthesize the purine nucleotides

  74. A:skeletal muscle B:bone marrow C:cardiac muscle D:liver E:kidney
  75. The direction of nucleic acid is

  76. A:From 5’ to 3’ B:From N to C C:None D:From C to N E:From 3’ to 5’
  77. Anaerobiosis leads to lactate formation in muscle due to which one of the following?

  78. A:Providing substrate for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase B:Inhibiting pyruvate kinase by pyruvate C:Inhibiting phosphofructokinase-1 by AMP D:Providing 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate for the phosphoglyceromutase reaction E:Inhibiting hexokinase by glucose-6-phosphate
  79. Which is correct about the relationship between pH and the rate of enzymatic reaction?

  80. A:pH value has little effect on enzymatic reaction B:pH value affects the degree of dissociation of the enzyme C:The optimum pH of the enzyme was 7.4 D:The optimum pH is the only characteristic constant of the enzyme E:pH value is proportional to the reaction rate
  81. The net gain per molecule of stearic acid oxidation is ATPs

  82. A:108 B:120 C:122 D:128 E:106
  83. Which disease is mainly caused by misfolded protein?

  84. A:xeroderma pigmentosum B:Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy C:Sickle anemia s D:β-thalassemia E:Diabetes
  85. The status of nitrogen balance in pregnant women is as follows:

  86. A:None is true B:intake of nitrogen = exhaust of nitrogen C:nitrogen intake < exhaust of nitrogen D:nitrogen intake ≤ nitrogen loss E:nitrogen intake > nitrogen output
  87. The source of the two nitrogen atoms in the pyrimidine ring

  88. A:Gln and NH3 B:Glu and Carbamoyl phosphate C:Gln and Asn D:Gln and Glu E:Asp and Carbamoyl phosphate
  89. The descriptions of metabolic changes when the body is in the hunger state are as follows, which one is wrong?

  90. A:Formation of ketone body be increased B:fat mobilization be increased C:Muscle tissue protein decomposition be increased D:Tissues increased the use of glucose E:gluconeogenesis be enhanced
  91. Which of the following enzymes is unnecessary for DNA replication?

  92. A:Topoisomerases B:Restriction endonuclease C:helicases D:DNA-dependent DNA polymerase E:DNA ligase
  93. The active form of Vitamin D is( )

  94. A:25-(OH)D3 B:24,25-(OH)2D3 C:1,25-(OH)2D3 D:1,24,25-(OH)3D3
  95. In an enzyme molecule, which part can convert substrate into product?

  96. A:binding group B:essential group C:hydrophobic group D:catalytic group E:hydrophilic group
  97. The pathway for mature red blood cells to obtain NADPH is ( )

  98. A:tricarboxylic acid cycle B:gluconeogenesis C:pentose phosphate pathway D:β-oxidation of fatty acid E:glycolysis
  99. Which one of the following reaction is unique to gluconeogenesis?

  100. A:Glucose-6-phosphate→glucose B:1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate→3-phosphoglycerate C:Lactate→pyruvate D:Oxaloacetate→phosphoenolpyruvate E:Phosphoenolpyruvate→pyruvate
  101. The description of the secondary structure of DNA double helix are correct, EXCEPT:

  102. A:Nucleosome is the structure unit of DNA double helix B:Deoxyribose-phosphate frame located outside the strands C:Diameter of helix is 2 nm, and 10 bases in each turn D:Two strands are joined by hydrogen bond formed between A-T and G-C E:Two antiparallel strands
  103. Nucleic acids with a large proportion of rare bases are:

  104. A:tRNA B:Mitochondrial DNA C:rRNA D:mRNA E:Nuclear DNA
  105. Which do not participate in constitutes DNA?

  106. A:dGMP B:dUMP C:dTMP D:dCMP E:dAMP
  107. Which of the following is correct in describing the isoelectric point of proteins?

  108. A:Different proteins have the same isoelectric point B:Protein will denaturate and precipitate at isoelectric point C:The net charge of protein molecule at isoelectric point is zero D:The stability of proteins increases at isoelectric point E:The isoelectric point of a protein is independent of the number of basic amino acids it contains.
  109. In muscle, under anaerobic conditions ,the net synthesis of ATP starting from one mole of glucose derived from muscle glucoseis which one of the following?

  110. A:1 mole of ATP B:2 moles of ATP C:5 moles of ATP D:4 moles of ATP E:3 moles of ATP
  111. The first step in the catabolism of most amino acids is

  112. A:Zymogen cleavage B:Enzymatic hydrolysis of peptide bonds C:Catabolism of the carbon skeleton2 D:Removal of the amino group - E:Removal of carboxylate groups -
  113. In the synthesis of urea, one N come from NH3, which of the following amino acid provide another N for urea?

  114. A:Pro B:Glu C:Phe D:Lys E:Asp
  115. The melting temperature (Tm) is defined as

  116. A:the temperature when A280 reaches at 50% maximum B:the temperature when A260 reaches at 50% maximum change C:The temperature at which DNA begins to unwind the double strands D:the temperature when A260 reaches its maximum E:the temperature when DNA dissociate into two single-stranded DNA completely
  117. The electron transport chain is made up of four segments (Complexes I-IV with O2 as the final electron acceptor). Which statement best describes the electron transport chain?

  118. A:Each component involves a phosphorylation step. B:Each complex directly transfers electrons to O C:Electrons flow down the potetial difference from one carrier to the next. D:Every complex has an Fe-S cluster. E:FADH2 chain is the main main to produce H2O
  119. The energy yield from the complete oxidation of acetyl-CoA to carbon dioxide is which of the following in terms of high-energy bonds formed?

  120. A:10 B:6 C:12 D:8 E:14

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