  1. In Paris, Ernest Hemingway, along with ______, accomplished a revolution in literary style and language. ( )

  2. A:Ezra Pound B:James Joyce C:Thomas Stearns Eliot D:Gertrude Stein
    答案:Thomas Stearns Eliot###Ezra Pound###James Joyce###Gertrude Stein
  3. In his critical essays, ________expounded the theory of “art’s for art’s sake”.( )

  4. A:Thomas Hardy B:Oscar Wilde C:Jane Austen D:Charles Dickens
    答案:B: Oscar Wilde
  5. “Ten thousand saw I at a glance,/Tossing their heads in sprightly dance”. In these lines, which figure of speech is used? ( )

  6. A:metaphor B:simile C:hyperbole D:personification
  7. "The Road Not Taken" follows a strict __________ rhyme scheme, but it is written in loose __________________.( )

  8. A:ABAAB, iambic tetrameter B:AABBB, iambic pentameter C:ABABB, blank verse D:ABAAB, blank verse
    答案:ABAAB, iambic tetrameter
  9. Mark Twain employed an unpretentious style of ______ in his novels which is best described as “vernacular”.( )

  10. A:Afro-American English B:standard English C:colloquialism D:urbanism
  11. Most of Frost’s poems are set in __________ countryside.( )

  12. A:New York B:Ireland C:England D:New England
    答案:New England
  13. Structurally, the play is centered around________.( )

  14. A:Outings into town B:Tea breaks C:Meals D:Visits from neighbors
  15. The Brontë sisters include Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë and ____.( )

  16. A:Jane Brontë B:Anne Brontë C:Rebecca Brontë D:Catherine Brontë
    答案:Anne Brontë
  17. In his later years, Geoffrey Chaucer began to write creatively in English with his own choice of subject, grasp of character, diction and plot, ______ included.( )

  18. A:The Canterbury Tales B:The Romaunt of the Rose C:General Prologue D:Troilus and Criseyde
    答案:The Canterbury Tales
  19. Washington Irving’s writing marks the beginning of ______ in American literature.( )

  20. A:Romanticism B:Transcendentalism C:Realism D:Naturalism
  21. Nathaniel Hawthorne's work can be classified as _____ writing.( )

  22. A:romantic B:dark romantic C:transcendentalist D:plain-style
  23. Which statement is true about Beloved?_______.( )

  24. A:It tells a story about a black girl who wants blue eyes. B:It tells a story that a slave mother kills her own daughter rather than see her enslaved. C:It is the first book about African American women’s growth against the backdrop of social and familial oppression. D:It is based on the myth that Africans could fly.
  25. Which of the following works means the Asian American literature breaking into the mainstream American literature ?( )

  26. A:The Woman Warrior (1976) by Maxine Hong Kingston B:My Life in China and America(1909) by Yung Wing C:The Joy Luck Club(1989) by Amy Tan D:The Fifth Chinese Daughter (1945) by Jade Snow Wong
  27. Which description is NOT true about Paradise Lost?( )

  28. A:It is considered as Milton’s masterpiece. B:It is a great epic in 12 books. C:It is about the heroic revolt of Satan against God’s authority. D:It is written in heroic couplet.
  29. The major theme of “The Road Not Taken”is____.( )

  30. A:Love B:making choices about the direction of one's life C:criticizing the spiritual wasteland of modern people D:anti-war
  31. In American literature the first important writer who earned an international fame on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is ___________.( )

  32. A:Walt Whitman B:Ralph Waldo Emerson C:Nathaniel Hawthorn D:Washington Irving
  33. Some critics hold that William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury is an essential development in the ______ narrative technique.( )

  34. A:dislocation of the narrative time B:the withdrawal of the author C:mythological and biblical allusions D:stream-of-consciousness
  35. The secular ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in the life and career of_______.( )

  36. A:Thomas Jefferson B:Benjamin Franklin C:Thomas Hood D:George Washington
  37. Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel ____ which first established his reputation.( )

  38. A:Oliver Twist B:The Adventure of Robinson Crusoe C:Gulliver’s Travels D:The Pilgrim’s Progress
  39. Alfred Tennyson’s ______ is written under the inspiration of Homer’s epic The Odyssey.( )

  40. A:Break, Break, Break B:Idylls of the King C:Ulysses D:Enoch Arden
  41. ______was a progressive intellectual movement in the 18th century.( )

  42. A:The Enlightenment movement B:The Aestheticism movement C:Art for art movement D:The Renaissance
  43. _____’s major complaint was about their over-emphasis on the description of externalities in their representation of life rather on the internal world of man.( )

  44. A:William Wordsworth B:George Eliot C:Virginia Woolf D:John Keats
  45. Which of the following is called “a comic epic poem in prose”?______.( )

  46. A:A Rose for Emily B:As you like it C:Pamela D:Tom Jones
  47. “As soon as April pierces to the rootThe drought of March, and bathes each bud and shootThrough every vein of sap with gentle showersFrom whose engendering liquor spring the flowers;”Where does this selection come from?( )

  48. A:General Prologue from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer B:The Knight’s Tale from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer C:Paradise Lost by John Milton D:Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare
  49. The author of The Scarlet Letter,_____, is a master of symbolism in America in the 19th century.( )

  50. A:Nathaniel Hawthorne B:Herman Melville C:Walt Whitman D:Henry David Threau
  51. The two major novelists of the Romantic Period are____.( )

  52. A:Jane Austen and John Keats B:Jane Austen and Walter Scott C:William Wordsworth and John Keats D:William Wordsworth and Walter Scott
  53. Toni Morrison wrote all the following works EXCEPT________.( )

  54. A:The Bonesetter's Daughter B:The Color Purple C:The Kitchen God's Wife D:The Joy Luck Club
  55. Washington Irving is well known for his ________.( )

  56. A:long novels B:epics C:poems D:short stories
  57. Which description about John Milton is NOT true ?( )

  58. A:He is one of the giants of English literature in the 17th century. B:He is blind in his later life. C:He is a distinguished Revolutionary writer. D:He is the greatest English dramatist after Shakespeare.
  59. Which of the following writers does not belong to The Lost Generation?( )

  60. A:Eugene O’Neill B:F. Scott Fitzgerald C:Ernest Hemingway D:E. E. Cummings
  61. Alfred Tennyson’s ______, is a long elegy on Arthur Henry Hallam’s death. ( )

  62. A:Rizpah B:Maid: A Monodrama C:The Lady of Shalott D:In Memoriam
  63. Why was Jing-mei taking part in the Joy Luck Club?( )

  64. A:Because she loved to play games with Chinese people B:Because her mother had died and she was asked by her father to be “the fourth corner” at the game C:Because there were very high prizes for winning at the club D:Because she promised her mother to attend at least one meeting of the club
  65. As a critic of music and drama, ________ held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. ( )

  66. A:Oscar Wilde B:W.B. Yeats C:George Bernard Shaw D:T. S. Eliot
  67. “To bow and sue for graceWith suppliant knee, and deifie his powerWho from the terror of this Arm so lateDoubted his Empire; that were low indeed,That were an ignominy and shame beneathThis downfall;”Where does this selection come from?( )

  68. A:Hamlet by William Shakespeare B:On his Deceased Wife by John Milton C:Paradise Lost by John Milton D:Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare
  69. In Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones, Tom is a(n) ______.( )

  70. A:general B:foundling C:soldier D:orphan
  71. “The Road Not Taken” is a well-known poem by_______________.( )

  72. A:Robert Frost B:William Worth C:Ezra Pond D:T.S. Eliot
  73. John Milton’s______ is regarded as the only English epic after Beowulf.( )

  74. A:Pilgrim’s Progress B:The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling C:Paradise Lost D:Defence of the English People
  75. Which of the following description about Hawthorne is wrong?( )

  76. A:He is the greatest romantic novelist in the 19th century America. B:His creative thought is deeply influenced by Atheism(无神论). C:He is the pioneer of psychological novels in the history of American literature. D:The main feature of his novels is the use of symbolism.
  77. Who is regarded as "a worshipper of nature" ?( )

  78. A:William Wordsworth B:Percy Bysshe Shelley C:Robert Burns D:Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  79. The Romantic Period began in 1798 with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which was written by_____.( )

  80. A:Johnson B:Wordsworth C:Wordsworth and Coleridge D:Coleridge
  81. The 17th century literature is closely related to ______.( )

  82. A:the industrial revolution B:natural disasters C:economy D:politics
  83. Toni Morrison critically-acclaimed first novel, The Bluest Eye, was published in 1970. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. In the field of philosophy Thomas Hobbes with his materialism and rationalism was one of the chief figures in 17th-century England after Bacon.( )

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. Hemingway believed that a man could find meaning in life by facing his death with dignity and courage.( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises pained the image of the whole generation, the lost generation. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. Eugene O'Neill’s best plays include The Iceman Cometh(1946), Mourning Becomes Electra(1931), Ah Wilderness!(1933), Strange Interlude(1928), and The Hairy Ape(1922).( )

  92. A:错 B:对

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