1. (语法聚焦题)there be 表示的是所属关系。( )
A:错 B:对
2. (词汇拓展题) “The milk smells good.”该句子的动词smell 是实义动词。( )
A:对 B:错
3. (技能提升题) You should write long paragraphs to detail your work experience. ( )
A:对 B:错
4. (技能提升题) “Cleanroom”的标识是干净房间的意思,表明进入该房间必须戴手套, 头套,实验服和鞋套。( )
A:错 B:对
5.(语法聚焦题)例句The dinner smells good. 的句子结构为主谓宾结构。( )
A:错 B:对
6. (故事细节题)Zhang Guimei is a member of the Communist Party of China. ( )
A:错 B:对
7. (故事细节题) Tao Yuanming loved chrysanthemums because he thought the plant was very beautiful. ( )
A:对 B:错
8. (词汇拓展题)以d结尾的动词comprehend变为名词形式是comprehension。( )
A:错 B:对
9.(技能提升题) 介绍术语的“问我的外号”原则指的是“when”、“what、“why”、“how”。 ( )
A:错 B:对
10. (故事细节题)By the end of 2021, the length of China high-speed railways in service had exceeded over 40,000 km.( )
A:对 B:错
11. (语法聚焦题)下面哪些句子是定语从句? ( )
A:I am looking at the child who is singing there. B:The question is whether they will be able to help us. C:These are all the books that I have read. D:What caused the accident is a mystery.

12. (词汇扩展题) The________asked the ________ several questions and increased his salary.( )
A:employ; employer B:employer; employ C:employer; employee D:employee; employer 13. (词汇扩展题) “梅花”的翻译是( )
A:the peach blossom B:the plum flower C:the plum blossom D:the peach flower 14. (技能提升题) “我梦想有一天…”的英语表达是________.( )
A:I can't wait to see this day come. B:I dream of a day when... C:I’m sure that day will come. D:None of the above 15. (故事细节题)The motto of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is( )
A:One World ,One Dream B:United by Emotion C:Faster, Higher, Stronger, Together D:Together for a shared future 16.(技能提升题)Which is not the reasonable tip for designing a good work schedule?( )
A:Always be positive in your approach and attitude. B:Start your day early to complete urgent tasks C:Set realistic and achievable goals D:Plan no break during your work schedule. 17. (故事细节题) Captain Liu Chuanjian managed to ________ the flight in Chengdu and ensured the safety of all 119 passengers on board. ( )
A:emergency-land B:emergent-land C:emergency-landing D:emergency-landed 18. (故事细节题) Ai Aiguo is an ordinary ________ in Xiangtan Iron and Steel Factory . ( )
A:engineer B:scientist C:welder D:mechanic 19. (词汇扩展题) Li Bai visited famous mountains and rivers and ________ the wonders of Nature( )
A:priced B:price C:appreciated D:appreciate 20. (故事细节题)”企业社会责任”的英文缩写为( )
A:ESG B:SOE C:CSR D:SME 21. (故事细节题) Yuan Longping died at the age of ________.( )
A:80 B:91 C:89 D:90 22. (词汇扩展题) “登泰山而小天”的翻译是( )
A:Climb Mount Tai and the whole world look small. B:Climb Mount Tai and smaller the world. C:Climb Mount Tai and small the world. D:Climb Mount Tai and the whole world looks small. 23.(故事细节题)“炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工”同仁堂的这句流传至今的古训中的省人工的翻译为( )
A:cut cost B:reduce cost C:save labor D:save work 24.(语法聚焦题) I wish I _______ a bird.( )
A:were B:are C:am D:was 25. (故事细节题)The official “Learn From Lei Feng Day” is( ).
A:March 20th B:March 5th C:March 15th D:March 12th 26.(故事细节题)Huang gradually discovered his passion in黄大年逐渐发掘自身非常热衷学习的学科是( )
A:物理physics B:数学maths C:地球物理学geophysics D:英语English 27. (词汇扩展题) 首席执行官的英文缩写是______.( )
A:CFO B:CEO C:UFO D:CPC 28. (故事细节题)The 15th day of the first month of Chinese calendar is( )
A:Spring Festival B:Lantern Festival C:Dragon Boat Festival D:Mid-Autumn Festival 29. (语法聚焦题) There ____________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.( )
A:will go to be B:will going to be C:will be going to D:is going to be 30. (故事细节题) Li Bai had the reputation of ________.( )
A:Poet Hero B:Poet Genius C:Poet Elite D:Poet Sage 31. (故事细节题)In Chinese culture, ________ is regarded as a sacred direction.( )
A:north B:south C:west D:east 32. (词汇扩展题) “生态的”的英语翻译是( )
A:ecological B:economical C:economy D:ecology 33. (语法聚焦题)下列短语符合就远原则的是( )
A:along with B:either...or... C:not only...but also... D:there be 34. (故事细节题) The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge consists of _____ parts.( )
A:six B:four C:two D:three 35. (词汇扩展题) I’m used to _________ to bed early.( )
A:going B:goes C:went D:go 36.(技能提升题)Choose the improper behavior which might be seen in business card exchange.( )
A:Look at the card that given to you B:Put other’s business card away without even looking at it. C:Keep your business card clean D:Greet and shake hand before exchanging cards 37.

(语法聚焦题) I wish I _______ a bird.( )

A:were B:are C:am D:was 38. (语法聚焦题)下列属于一般过去时标志词的是 ________.( )
A:just now B:yesterday C:last week D:now 39.(故事细节题)Zhang Guimei’s love for her students is shown ( )
A:She denoted most of her wages and bonuses to education. B:She has visited many families for the education of girls C:she has been living in the student dormitory, D:She has been eating with the students 40. (语法聚焦题)下面哪些单词的单复同形? ( )
A:deer B:dollar C:Chinese D:Yuan 41. (技能提升题)下列关于职业的英文表达正确的是 ________.( )
A:An English teacher teaches English in school. B:An economist is a person who takes care of animals. C:A manager is a person controlling a business, etc. D:A cashier is an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money. 42. (词汇扩展题)-ary后缀可以构成的词性有 ( )
A:副词 B:名词 C:形容词 D:动词 43. (语法聚焦题)下面介词词组搭配正确的有_______. ( )
A:find for B:ask for C:pay for D:look for 44. (技能提升题)下面哪些表达可以用来回答“How's everything?”? ( )
A:The usual. B:I am doing wonderful! C:Could be better. D:Nothing special. 45. (故事细节题)The lucky dishes served at the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner include( )
A:sticky rice dumplings B:jiaozi C:fish D:New Year cake

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