1.The ancient poem Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day was written on ______________ some 1,300 years ago . ( )
A:Spring Festival B:Mid-Autumn Festival C:Double Ninth Festival D:Qingming Festival
答案:Double Ninth Festival
2.If you want to see the menu in a restaurant, you can say: “___________” .( )
A:Could we see the menu, please? B:I think I’ll try the beef. C:What’s today’s special? D:Is that enough for two people?
答案:Could we see the menu, please?
3.I ____ a single room two weeks ago. ( )
A:booked B:had booked C:books D:book
4.The Spring Festival falls on ______________________. ( )
A:the 1st day of the first lunar month B:January 1st C:the 15th day of the 8th lunar month D:May 1st
答案:the 1st day of the first lunar month
5.When you want to ask some details about the food, you can say : “________”.( )
A:What looks good to you? B:May I see the wine list? C:What do you recommend? D:How spicy is this?
答案:How spicy is this?
6.“There is a glitch with the booking system” means ______ . ( )
A:The booking system works well. B:Everything is fine with the booking system. C:There is something wrong with the booking system. D:There is a record in the booking system.
答案:There is something wrong with the booking system.
7.Would you mind _____ me have a look at it? ( )
A:let B:to let C:letting D:lets
8.If you want to visit the largest mangrove forest in China by flight, which airport will you choose to save time and enery? ( )
A:Boao B:Sanya Phoenix C:Lingshui D:Meilan
9.In Hainan restaurants , you may choose to pay by the following ways except_____________. ( )
A:Cash B:US dollars C:Wechat pay D:Union Pay card
答案:US dollars
10.In ancient China, many traditions on the Double Ninth Festival were associated with chrysanthemums, which symbolize ______________. ( )
A:reunion B:prosperity C:longevity D:fortune
11.What is the core of the Double Ninth Festival today? ( )
A:To commemorate an patriotic poet B:To respect the elders C:To exercise for a healthy body D:To wish for a prosperous year

12.Travelling to Hainan by ___ is not only the most convenient, fastest and expensive. ( )
A:flight B:train C:coach D:ship 13.I’m going to get a vaccination ____ COVID-19. ( )
A:fight B:with C:defeat D:against 14.What’s the annual temperature in Sanya? ( )
A:23.5°C B:26.5°C C:27.5°C D:24.5°C 15.When people host a party, a wedding, a family dinner or sth., they usually provide quests with a dish of tasty __________ to show their gracious hospitality. ( )
A:Morning Tea B:Dongshan Lamb C:Wenchang Chicken D:Hele Crab 16.Which of the following is the English version for the solar term “冬至”? ( )
A:the Beginning of Winter B:Slight Cold C:the Winter Solstice D:Cold Dew 17.Qing bu liang is a traditional __________ in Hainan. ( )
A:snack B:dessert C:meal D:soup 18.Where can you see the original and natural landscape in Hainan by high speed train. ( )
A:Yalong Bay B:Qizi Bay C:Shimei Bay D:Boao 19.Two girls would like to visit ____ according to the weather. ( )
A:Harbin, Shanghai or Haikou B:Beijing, Harbin or Hongkong C:Beijing, Hongkong or Xiamen D:Beijing, Sanya or Xiamen 20.At the end of the application letter, you can ask for_____ ( )
A:working time B:a job interview C:salary D:holiday 21.Which of the following is the English translation for “海上升明月,天涯共此时”? ( )
A:I only pray our life be long. And our souls together heavenward fly! B:To invite the moon I raise my cup. We’re three, as my shadow shows up. C:The sea mirrors the rising moon bright; Miles apart, our hearts share tonight. D:From Heaven’s Peak the moon rises bright, over a boundless sea of cloud. 22.In Spring Festival, _________ is essential food to the family reunion dinner in North China. ( )
A:Zongzi B:chicken C:dumpling D:fish 23.-I’d like a table for two.-Do you have a reservation?-________________________.( )
A:No. It’s too noisy. B:I’m sorry, we’re going to be late for our reservation C:No, I’m sorry, sir. It’s been reserved. D:No, I don’t. 24.Looking forward to _____ you. ( )
A:see B:seen C:saw D:seeing 25.Early to bed and early to rise _____ a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ( )
A:making B:makes C:made D:make 26.Which of the following is the English translation for “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”? ( )
A:I only pray our life be long. And our souls together heavenward fly! B:To invite the moon I raise my cup. We’re three, as my shadow shows up. C:The sea mirrors the rising moon bright; Miles apart, our hearts share tonight. D:From Heaven’s Peak the moon rises bright, over a boundless sea of cloud. 27.It is a perfect time for harvest around Qingming. ( )
A:错 B:对 28.Doctors do not need to know about the patients’ symptoms when making diagnosis. ( )
A:错 B:对 29.Climate environment determines lifestyle, and a fix lifestyle would naturally form a habit. ( )
A:错 B:对 30.There are two ways of booking, one of which is making a phone call. ( )
A:错 B:对 31.The Mid-Autumn Festival is known as the Moon Festival. ( )
A:错 B:对 32.Generally,desserts will be primarily ordered in western restaurants. ( )
A:对 B:错 33.Qionghai is an important transportation hub in western Hainan. ( )
A:对 B:错 34.Wearing a mask is unnecessary when you are in public. ( )
A:对 B:错 35.Today, people still celebrate the Double Ninth Festival by drinking chrysanthemum wine and eating Chongyang cakes. ( )
A:对 B:错 36.Qingming is good time for spring outings. ( )
A:错 B:对 37.If you want to take some alcohol, you may ask for a wine list. ( )
A:错 B:对 38.When write the date in English, the year should be written last. _____( )
A:错 B:对 39.When the tide is high, we can see some roots of the trees above the water in Dongzaigang Mangrove National Nature Reserve. ( )
A:错 B:对 40.Wanquan River in Qionghai is the longest river in Hainan. ( )
A:对 B:错 41.People are sure to die when infected with COVID-19. ( )
A:错 B:对 42.Branch roads reach to ports, cities and counties. ( )
A:错 B:对 43.“What’s the room rate” means “What’s the room price”. ( )
A:对 B:错 44.The guest can pay in cash or by credit card. ( )
A:错 B:对 45.If you want to report the next few days weather, you can state the expected high and low temperature and the general expected conditions. ( )
A:对 B:错 46.We welcome the ________ of the peace-keeping force. ( )
A:outbreak B:dispatch C:resume D:anxiety 47.<p><br/><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体">联系上题中植物的描述,说明检索表</span><img src="http://p.ananas.chaoxing.com/star3/origin/cabd986d39e526a5a302c341ac1e09be.jpg" title="1-3.jpg" alt="1-3.jpg"/><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体">中<span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体">()处有错误</span>,错误包括().</span></p>
48.<p><br><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体"><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体">中国人民对国家安全感满意度在</span><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:'Calibri',sans-serif">2021</span><span style="font-size:14px;font-family:宋体">年达到了多少?</span></span></p>
49.<p><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:宋体">国内外科研成果表明,最适宜的锻炼强度在</span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:'Calibri',sans-serif">65%</span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:宋体">~</span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:'Calibri',sans-serif">75%</span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:宋体">,</span> <span style="font-size:16px;font-family:宋体">即心率在</span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:'Calibri',sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-size:16px;font-family:宋体">之间.</span></p>
50.<p><span style="font-family: 宋体;">左肾结核患者,</span><span style="font-family: Calibri;">IVP</span><span style="font-family: 宋体;">示左肾无功能,右输尿管结石一枚,</span><span style="font-family: Calibri;">1.3cm</span><span style="font-family: 宋体;">大小,右肾轻度积水,全身无尿毒症表现,宜先作何处理</span><br/></p><p><br/></p>

Textbooks represent an 11 billion dollar industry, up from $8 billion in 2014. Textbook publisher Pearson is the largest publisher -- of any kind -- in the world.

It costs about $1 million to create a new textbook. A freshman textbook will have dozens of contributors, from subject-matter experts through graphic and layout artists to expert reviewers and classroom testers. Textbook publishers connect professors, instructors and students in ways that alternatives, such as open e-textbooks and open educational resources, simply do not. This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year.

It is true that textbook publishers have recently reported losses, largely due to students renting or buying used print textbooks. But this can be chalked up to the excessively high cost of their books -- which has increased over 1,000 percent since 1977. A restructuring of the textbook industry may well be in order. But this does not mean the end of the textbook itself.

While they may not be as dynamic as an iPad, textbooks are not passive or lifeless. For example, over the centuries, they have simulated (模拟) dialogues in a number of ways. From 1800 to the present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively (归纳性地). That means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions. Today's psychology texts, for example, ask: "How much of your personality do you think you inherited?" while ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?"

Experts observe that "textbooks come in layers, something like an onion." For an active learner, engaging with a textbook can be an interactive experience. Readers proceed at their own pace. They "customize" their books by engaging with different layers and linkages. Highlighting, Post-It notes, dog-ears and other techniques allow for further customization that students value in print books over digital forms of books.


Its time to reevaluate how women handle conflict at work. Being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life. It will only slow you down and hinder your career goals.

  Did you know women are more likely than men to feel exhausted? Nearly twice as many women than men ages 18-44 reported feeling very tiredor exhausted, according to a recent study.

  This may not be surprising given that this is the age range when women have children. It's also the age range when many women are trying to balance careers and home. One reason women may feel exhausted is that they have a hard time saying "no." Women want to be able todo it all volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals-and so their answer to any request is often “Yes, I can.”

  Women struggle to say noin the workplace for similar reasons, including the desire to be liked by their colleagues. Unfortunately, this inability to say "no" may be hurting women's heath as well as their career.

  At the workplace, men use conflict as a way to position themselves, while women often avoid conflict or strive to be the peacemaker, because they don't want to be viewed as aggressive or disruptive at work. For example, theres a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, resulting in a dispute over should be the one to fix it. Men are more likely to face that dispute from the perspective of what benefits them most, whereas women may approach the same dispute from the perspective of what's the easiest and quickest way to resolve the problem-even if that means doing the boring work themselves.

  This difference in handling conflict could be the deciding factor on who gets promoted to a leadership position and who does not. Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resources wisely including staff expertise. Shouldering more of the workload may not earn you that promotion. Instead, it may highlight your inability to delegate effectively.

53._______ on time, this medicine will be quite effective. ( )
A:Having taken B:Taken C:Being taken D:Taking 54.The money from her_________was invested in her mother's store. ( )
A:dowry B:substitute C:rural D:dedication 55.We should achieve common prosperity and not ______ anyone.( )
A:ask B:find C:look D:abandon 56.He was determined to _______ the achievements of his older brothers.( )
A:industrialized B:predominantly C:consecutive D:surpass 57.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.( )
A:from that B:that C:from which D:which 58.Thousands were forced to migrate from________to urban areas in search of work. ( )
A:dowry B:rural C:Substitute D:dedication 59.This guy was well respected for his _______ to charity work. ( )
A:epidemic B:devotion C:Solidarity D:deputy 60.Multivitamins are no ____________ for exercise and a balanced diet, of course. ( )
A:dowry B:rural C:dedication D:substitute 61.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.( )
A:for which B:which C:that D:who 62.Her confidence grew with the ________ of time. ( )
A:time B:era C:strength D:passage 63.Nowadays, we see many countries ________ women into their police forces and military. ( )
A:collapse B:recruit C:emerge D:stipulate 64.We should learn to ________ to the new era.( )
A:adapt B:hope C:adjust D:like 65.Every State is the best judge of what is required to ________ its national security. ( )
A:ease B:safeguard C:disinfect D:hinder 66.There is no end to practice or_______ .( )
A:innovation B:synonym C:reliance D:expenditure 67.The ____ sun lit up their rooms.( )
A:small B:brilliant C:up D:tidy 68.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.( )
A:I went with him B:I went with C:with whom I went D:with who I went 69.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old.( )
A:to whom B:with whom C:on whom D:with which 70.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.( )
A:what; that B:which; when C:on which; when D:when; which 71.The pen ______he is writing is mine.( )
A:with which B:on which C:in which D:by which 72.We ________ that our salesgirl must be polite to customers. ( )
A:stipulate B:Collapse C:emerge D:recruit 73.To pool all our resources to complete major missions( )
A:集中力量办大事 B:集结整合 C:共商共赢 74.The Olympic Games,______in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. ( )
A:first playing B:to be first played C:first played D:to be first playing 75.What is the Chinese meaning of expand ?( )
A:处理 B:扩张,增加 C:开发 D:贵的 76.The book is divided_______ five chapters.( )
A:for B:in C:as D:into 77.I must find someone to act as a _______ for me during my absence. ( )
A:Solidarity B:deputy C:devotion D:epidemic 78.Her voice was full of ________ . ( )
A:outbreak B:anxiety C:dispatch D:resume 79.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.( )
A:which B:as C:who D:that 80.From the passage, we know that reading can make a ____ to a person. ( )
A:good B:luck C:difference D:thing 81.It would ________ my mind to know where he was. ( )
A:ease B:disinfect C:safeguard D:hinder 82.可以点菜了吗?( )
A:How would you like that done? B:May I take your order? C:What would you like for your main course? D:Anything for dessert? 83.We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family.大道不孤,天下一家。( )
A:错 B:对 84.have the courage to pursue reform and break new ground勇于变革、勇于创新 ( )
A:错 B:对 85.improve vocational skills而立之年( )
A:错 B:对 86.study to make our country stronger学习强国 ( )
A:错 B:对 87.The future belongs to the young people, and the hopes also rest with them未来属于青年,希望寄予青年。( )
A:错 B:对 88.great spirit of combating the COVID-19 epidemic伟大抗疫精神 ( )
A:对 B:错 89.take pains, be perfect不辞辛劳,尽善尽美( )
A:对 B:错 90.Chinese youth of the new era新时代中国青年 ( )
A:错 B:对 91.Long March长征 ( )
A:对 B:错 92.Man proposes, God disposes.无坚不摧( )
A:对 B:错

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