

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about Pit No. 3?

  2. A:It was not finished probably. B:It has the least warriors among the four pits. C:It lies to the west of Pit No. 1. D:It looks like in “凹”shape.
    AI参考:正确答案是【A:It was not finished probably.】根据题目描述,Pit No. 3没有被完成,因此选项A正确。其他选项与题目描述不符,因此不正确。B选项表示Pit No. 3拥有的士兵数量在四个坑中最少;C选项表示Pit No. 3位于Pit No. 1的西边;D选项表示Pit No. 3的形状像“凹”字形。所以只有选项A与题目描述不符。'
  3. Which of the following is a special feature of Sunzi’s Art of War?

  4. A:strategic B:holistic C:Changing D:Planning
  5. Confucius regarded humans’ heavenly mission is_____________________.

  6. A:to care for and improve life B:to protect nature C:to obey social order D:to love their parents
    AI参考:正确答案是【A:to care for and improve life】。孔子认为人的天命是关心和改善生活。因此,答案为A。B选项中的“保护自然”与孔子的思想不符;C选项中的“遵守社会秩序”是社会道德层面的要求,而非孔子的天命;D选项中的“爱父母”虽然符合传统儒家思想,但并不是孔子的天命。因此,A选项是正确的答案。'
  7. How to resolve conflicts between humans and the world according to Laozi?

  8. A:Appear to be stupidity. B:Manipulate the nature. C:Follow the way of natur. D:Overcome the strong by being weak.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Follow the way of natur。在《道德经》中,老子主张人们应该遵循自然之道,与自然和谐相处,而不是试图改变自然或与自然对抗。因此,选项C“遵循自然之道”是正确的答案。选项A、B、D都与老子的主张相悖,不符合道德经的思想。'
  9. The peach wood gradually evolved into writings and paintings as ______ and Door God paintings -- a precedent of the New Year picture -- respectively. 

  10. A:lanterns  B:dumplings  C:couplets D:firecrackers 
  11. __________ symbolizes that great achievement can be made with a common will and concerted effort .

  12. A:The summer palace B:The great wall C:Temple of Heaven D:The forbidden city
    AI参考:正确答案是B:The great wall。这道题考查的是对历史古迹的象征意义的了解。四个选项中,只有The great wall代表团结一致、共同努力可以取得巨大成就的象征。因此,B选项是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D分别代表颐和园、天坛和紫禁城,它们各自代表不同的历史和文化意义,但与题目中的主题不符。'
  13. The actors of Peking Opera emphasize the group or tutor. Mei Lanfang was the most influential and successful actor thanks to his team and support from them. They were called  _________ in Chinese.

  14. A:Mei Tuan  B:Mei Zu  C:Mei Pai       D:Mei Xi   
    AI参考:正确答案是【C:Mei Pai】。这句话的意思是:京剧演员强调团队或导师。梅兰芳是最有影响力和成功的演员,由于他的团队和他们的支持。在中国被称为梅派。所以答案为C。'
  15. In ________ Dynasty, Printing Technique had been introduced into the Central Asia.

  16. A:Sui  B:Tang  C:Song  D:Han 
  17. Silk Road is considered to be the intersection of ancient Eastern and Western civilizations linking Asia and ____________ .

  18. A:Europe  B:Africa  C:Indian  D:Atlantic 
  19. Sunzi said: “The highest art of war is to outwit the enemy strategically. The second level is to foil their diplomacy. The third level is to _______ their army. ”

  20. A:beat B:attack C:foil D:outwit
  21. With many gaps along the Wall, the 600-kilometer-long section in the northern outskirts of ________ is the best preserved.

  22. A:Jiayu Pass B:Beijing C:Shanhai Pass D:Qin huang dao
  23. Confucius thought human beings should listen to and live out the purpose of Heaven by ________ and improving life.

  24. A:hating B:loving C:protecting D:caring for
    答案:caring for
  25. Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult Laozi due to his __________.

  26. A:great learning B:high position C:glorious fame D:unsociable character
    答案:great learning
  27. The shadow play first appeared more than 2,000 years ago, and by the _______ Dynasty this art has become highly developed with its main artistic form already established.

  28. A:Song  B:Yuan  C:Han  D:Ming 

  29. Possibly the most challenging step of the procedure of Filigree Welding is heating to ______ degrees centigrade to firm the metal.

  30. A:1000  B:900 C:700  D:500 

  31. The great __________ of Heaven and Earth is creating life.

  32. A:way B:love C:virtue D:mission
  33. Sunzi’s Art of War consists of 13 chapters in about ________ characters.

  34. A:3000 B:2000 C:4000 D:6000

  35. Through the Silk Road, trade flourished between China and Central, South and West Asian countries ___________ and Europe.

  36. A:Atlantic  B:Africa  C:India  D:America 
  37. Through progress over Zhou Dynasty, the _______ Dynasty witnessed a leap in embroidery in both technique and art style.

  38. A:Eastern Jin  B:Qin  C:Han  D:Western Jin 

  39. In order to become strong; one should  start with one's  own  _______ .

  40. A:strong point B:true self C:weak point D:superiority

  41. The great wall symbolizes that great achievement can be made with a ___________ and ____________ .

  42. A:common struggle B:concerted effort C:common hope D:a common will

  43. Classic of the Way and Virtue include the following parts.

  44. A:Book Two B:Book One C:the Virtue D:the Way

  45. During the reigns of Emperors _______ and _______ of the Qing Dynasty, cloisonné improved and reached its artistic summit.

  46. A:Kangxi   B:Yongzheng  C:Xianfeng  D:Qianlong  

  47. Sunzi’s Art of War excels over the other books on war in terms of the following ___________.

  48. A:language choice B:strategy design C:philosophical grounding D:tactical application

  49. The construction of the Great Wall took more than_________ and involved ________ .

  50. A:1000 years B:20 states C:19 dynasties D:2000 years

  51. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin is not only a great legacy of his __________, but also a superb paradigm of _____________.

  52. A:military might B:ancient Chinese sculpture C:Chinese arts  D:Chinese ancient army

  53. The best places to appreciate the beauty of the Great Wall are________ and __________ .

  54. A:Badaling B:Wangjing Tower C:Shanhai Pass D:The highest point of the Simatai section
    AI参考:正确答案是:A:Badaling 和 C:Shanhai Pass。题目中提到“欣赏长城的美景”,而选项中只有Badaling(八达岭)和Shanhai Pass(山海关)是长城的一部分,且具有较高的知名度和旅游价值,因此这两个地方是欣赏长城美景的最佳地点。其他选项Wangjing Tower(王城塔)、The highest point of the Simatai section(司马台长城的最高点)虽然也是长城的一部分,但知名度相对较低,不是最佳地点。因此,正确答案是A和C。'
  55. Mei Lanfang was an actor who played the role of dan. Together with  ____________ , they were acclaimed the “four famed Peking Opera female-role performers.”

  56. A:Cheng Yanqiu   B:Xun Huisheng  C:Zhang Erkui  D:Shang Xiaoyun  
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Xun Huisheng。上下文是总分关系,选项中的名词actor作主语,由前面所给的条件“他们是一个被公认为……四个著名京剧女角色扮演者”可以推出后面四个演员被提到的都是作为并列的关系,故答案在BCD中。选项B的Xun Huisheng符合这个条件,因此B为正确答案。原文翻译:梅兰芳是一位扮演旦角的演员,他和Xun Huisheng一起被誉为“四位著名京剧女角色扮演者”。'
  57. In the _____ and _____ dynasties, New Year pictures experienced rapid development. Mundane figures like young maids and Buddhist figures were also added to the paintings. 

  58. A:Ming  B:Sui C:Tang D:Song
  59. Shandong’s New Year pictures as well have a rich content. The collocation of colors is usually exaggerated, _______, intense, and _______ in contrast.

  60. A:bold  B:extravagant  C:violent  D:ambiguous 

  61. Confucius says that a person of virtue must “respect his heavenly mission”,listen to and live out the purpose of Heaven by _________ and _________  life.

  62. A:caring for B:producing C:protecting D:improving

  63. The state of the newborn is free of any____________.

  64. A:desire B:impurity C:falsehood D:knowledge

  65. How about the expression of the half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 ?

  66. A:Their bodies leaning forward and their hands pulling bows. B:They genuflect on one leg while squatting on the other. C:They wear suits of armor over their war robes. D:Each have their hair tied in a knot.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:They genuflect on one leg while squatting on the other.根据题目描述,关于第二个坑中的半蹲半跪的弓箭手的表达方式,选项B是正确的,描述了他们半蹲在另一条腿上,单腿下跪的姿势。其他选项A、C、D都与题目描述不符。A选项中的身体前倾和手拉弓的描述过于简单,没有体现出半蹲半跪的姿势;C选项描述的是他们的穿着,与姿势无关;D选项中的发髻描述也与题目无关。因此,正确答案为B。'
  67. The great wall include _________, garrison towns and _____________, as well as beacon towers along the wall.

  68. A:beacon towers B:garrison towns C:passes built at strategic points D:blockhouses

  69. During a long history, _____________ in the south and _____________ in the north complemented and depended on each other through such exchanges.

  70. A:the pastoral economy B:the agricultural economy C:textile industry D:handicraft industry
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:the agricultural economy 和 the pastoral economy。这句话的意思是:在漫长的历史中,南方的农业经济和北方的畜牧业经济通过这样的交流相互补充、相互依赖。因此,答案为B。A选项是农业经济,C选项是纺织业,D选项是手工业,与原文意思不符。因此,只有B选项符合题意。'
  71. While producing a barrier to communication, the Great Wall separated the peoples of ________ and_________.

  72. A:the east B:the west C:the north D:the south

  73. Under the influence of Confucius, the ancient Chinese developed a sense of _____ and _______ in Heaven.

  74. A:awe B:belief C:gratitude D:joy

  75. Cloisonné combines the skills of bronze art, _______, _______, and other types of folk arts.

  76. A:knitting  B:painting  C:carving  D:porcelain 

  77.  Who of the following philosophers poropsed the anti-war thinking?

  78. A:Mozi B:Sunzi C:Laozi D:Confucius
  79. Three major renovations of the Great Wall took place in the _____ , ______ , and _____ dynasties. 

  80. A:Han B:Qing C:Ming D:Qin
    AI参考:正确选项为【C】: Ming (Dynasty) 。原文中提到“Three major renovations of the Great Wall took place in the _____ , ______ , and _____ dynasties.”,意思是“长城经历了三个主要的修缮时期,分别是哪个朝代呢?”根据常识和历史知识,可以推断出这三个修缮时期应该是明朝(Ming Dynasty)、清朝(Qing Dynasty)和汉朝(Han Dynasty)。因此,选项C是正确答案。选项A、B、D都是可能的答案,但与原文描述不符。'
  81. Dao De Jing is Daoism.

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Laozi proposed the view of “overcoming the strong by being weak” on the basis of “naturalness” and “non-action”.

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. The basic way to prosperity is to keep superior in every way.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. Laozi once held a high civil position in the royal court.

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. “Winning a war without fighting it” is advocated by Sunzi because he wanted to avoid large-scale killing and destruction.

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. Sunzi’s Art of War consists of 13 chapters in about 5000 characters.

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. One of the best places to appreciate the beauty of Beijing City is Wangjing Tower.

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. The attractive art form of Peking opera started from folk activity.  

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. The role of Dan means the person playing the role is female, and the role on the stage is female. 

  98. A:对 B:错

  99.  Laozi promoted failure since he said, “Aware of the strong, one should remain weak.”

  100. A:对 B:错

  101. The examples of the half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in Pit No. 2 are used to illustrate what kind of suits people wore at that time.

  102. A:对 B:错

  103. Pit No. 4 located between Pits No. 2 and 3.

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:对】。根据题干中的描述,Pit No. 4位于Pits No. 2和3之间,所以选项B“对”是正确的。'
  105. Laozi was the founder of  Daoism.

  106. A:错 B:对

  107. The word “treachery” in Sunzi’s Art of War is closest in meaning to irritation.

  108. A:对 B:错

  109. The half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 wear suits of armor over their war robes.

  110. A:对 B:错

  111. Pit No. 3 is located to the east of Pit No.1.

  112. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。根据题目描述,Pit No. 3位于Pit No. 1的东边,所以Pit No. 3应该在Pit No. 1的西边,因此选项B是错误的。'
  113. A “decent victory” is to take a city intact and to win victory through minimal killing.

  114. A:对 B:错

  115. The formation resembles the headquarters of the left, central and right divisions of the entire army in Pit No.3.

  116. A:错 B:对
  117. The great wall provided the southern cultivators with a sense of security as well as actual protection.

  118. A:对 B:错

  119. According to Confucius, Heaven is God to people.

  120. A:对 B:错

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