1. The most important part of “Li” if the burial and ancestral worship rituals.

  2. 答案:对
  3. The western region is divided into two parts of the South and the north with the Tianshan Mountains as the boundary.

  4. 答案:对
  5. The sculpture of the horses are made to seem handsome.

  6. 答案:错
  7. The qiansheng operates the movements of the puppets in the shadow play performance.

  8. 答案:错
  9. According to Confucius, studying music can lift one’s spirit and help one appreciate beauty.

  10. 答案:对
  11. Sunzi’s Art of War excels over the other books on war in terms of the following ___________.

  12. 答案:philosophical grounding###tactical application###strategy design
  13. As the natural process of creation of life, Heaven was the source of _______  and the source of ________. This was the “virtue of Heaven.”

  14. 答案:all living things###all values
  15. The essence of Ren is ___________________.

  16. 答案:fraternal duty###filial piety
  17. Confucius considered, “nature was not a lifeless mechanism separate from humans; instead, it was the great world of life and the process of ________ of life.”

  18. 答案:creation
  19. Which of the following is unknown about Sunzi’s Art of War?

  20. 答案:The time of writing.
  21. The emperor __________ in Han dynasty was a great emperor in history with gifts and strategies.

  22. 答案:Wu
  23. __________ symbolizes that great achievement can be made with a common will and concerted effort .
  24. Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult Laozi due to his __________.
  25. The highest level of war is to win the enemy __________.
  26. In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, there were  _________ states, which were small in size, mostly desert oases, and also had valleys or basins.
  27. _________ was important for an agricultural population.
  28. Through burial and ancestral worship rituals, people can learn that________.
  29. The role of Dan means the person playing the role is female, and the role on the stage is female.
  30. Mencius, a great Confucian scholar, best summarized ren as, “loving one’s parents, loving the people,loving everything in the world.”
  31. Sunzi’s Art of War consists of 10 chapters in about 3000 characters.
  32. Sun Wu was the founder of Sunzi School.
  33. Historically, Suzhou embroidery was famous for its tigers. Hunan embroidery for its cats.
  34. In the north, there was the prairie silk road through the Mongolia plateau, then to the North of Tianshan Mountains into the Central Asia.
  35. The word “treachery” in Sunzi’s Art of War is closest in meaning to irritation.
  36. People put up New Year pictures in their homes to enhance the lively festival atmosphere.
  37. Pit No. 3 was probably intended as the central division.
  38. “Planning before going to war” is the most widely quoted concept from Sunzi’s Art of War.
  39. Although lived in the same period, Confucius and Laozi had never known each other.
  40. By “Returning to a Newborn State”, Laozi meant to remain childish.
  41. Confucius concept of Heaven is completely different from the modern ecological civilization.
  42. It is widely acknowledged that the end of the 17th century was the most flourishing period in the development of Beijing Opera.
  43. How many kinds of battle formations are there in Pit No. 1?
  44. 1. What is the unusual pottery fragments discovered by villagers near Xianyang, Shaanxi Province in the spring of 1974 like?
  45. “six arts” include ritual, _______, ________, driving, ________,and mathematics.
  46. The great wall include _________, garrison towns and _____________, as well as beacon towers along the wall.
  47. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin is not only a great legacy of his __________, but also a superb paradigm of _____________.
  48. In the natural process of creation of life, Heaven had its inner purpose in creating all things as well as _________ and _______ life.
  49. The great wall symbolizes that great achievement can be made with a ___________ and ____________ .
  50. The arts and crafts are not only the embodiment of the people's longing for _______ for themselves and as gifts for others, but also great ______ for China and the rest of the world.
  51. Three major renovations of the Great Wall took place in the _____ , ______ , and _____ dynasties.
  52. Which of the following words is appropriate to describe water according to Laozi's idea?
  53. In the _______ and _______ dynasties, the prevalent concept of “Heaven,was that of a personified god”, which influenced Confucius.
  54. Which of the following philosopher held the anti-war idea?
  55. Classic of the Way and Virtue consists of over __________ Chinese Characters.
  56. The Great Wall certainly served the purposes of __________ in the age of cold steel, especially in preventing northern peoples on horseback from attacking people in the south who were mostly engaged in farming.
  57. The following can be used to describe water according to Laozi’s philosophy  except________.
  58. The use of force is also the use of __________.
  59. In 119 BC, the emperor sent Zhang Qian on a ____________ mission to the Western Regions.
  60. Historically, _______embroidery was famous for its cats and Hunan embroidery for its_______.
  61. Water is__________ because it desires nothing and contends for nothing.
  62. Through more than 2,000 years from the seventh century BC to the 16th century AD, ______ dynasties built parts of the Great Wall.
  63. To the _______ Dynasty, New Year pictures gradually matured with the development of the commercial economy as well as the citizen culture, providing a huge market.
  64. Confucius thought, “Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of ____________ and the growth of all living things.”
  65. Which of the following words can best describes the relationship between human and nature in Chinese culture?
  66. Embroidery with _______on one side and kitty on the other side is a representative of this style.
  67. The expression “filial piety”  most probably means being _________.
  68. Shadow plays from Huaxian County of Shaanxi Province are the best known.
  69. Laozi’s philosophy of non-action advocates humans act following the laws of nature.
  70. Non-action means one should do nothing and just wait for something to happen.
  71. According to laozi, the process of a man’s growing up is that of losing his true ego.
  72. It is a development strategy proposed by Premier Li Keqiang.
  73. There are 15 basic facial patterns of masks, but over 1000 specific variations of those.
  74. It was initially called One Belt and One Road, but in mid-2016 the official English name was changed to the Belt and Road Initiative .
  75. By “treachery”, it is important to deceive the enemy with false impression.
  76. In  the second Century, before Ban Gu was sent to the western regions, the Huns extended to the western regions and enslaved and exploited small countries.
  77. Pit No. 1 of the Terracotta Army has an area of more than 18,000 square meters and is the largest pit.
  78. Laozi promoted failure since he said, “Aware of the strong, one should remain weak.”
  79. The strategies in a war include _______ .
  80. Under the influence of Confucius, the ancient Chinese developed a sense of _____ and _______ in Heaven.
  81. As Buddhism boomed in China during the ______, ______, ______ and Tang Dynasties, embroidery was widely used to show honor to Buddha statues.
  82. How many kinds of terracotta sculpture are there in Pit No. 2?
  83. _____ and ______are the two core concepts of Confucius’ doctrine about people.
  84. Which of the following is the subject of “six arts”?
  85. The great wall include _________, __________ and _____________, as well as ____________ along the wall.
  86. The story of “Useless tree” was from___________.
  87. Stability was important for an _________  population.
  88. Confucius regarded humans’ heavenly mission is_____________________.
  89. ________ is the lowest level strategy in a war.
  90. How large is Pit No. 1 of the Terracotta Army?
  91. _________is of utmost importance in the performance of Peking Opera, because first of all, Peking Opera is such kind of art.
  92. The impressive ________ of the Terracotta Army impress people deeply.
  93. Wangjing Tower is one of the best places to appreciate the beauty of Beijing City.
  94. According to Sun Yatsen’ saying, there would not have been the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, or the integration of southern and northern peoples without the Great Wall.
  95. The formation resembles the headquarters of the left, central and right divisions of the entire army in Pit No.3.
  96. According to the laws of nature, people should not rob the poor and oppress the weak.
  97. Pit No. 3 has the least warriors among the four pits.
  98. According to Confucius, Heaven is God to people.
  99. One of the best places to appreciate the beauty of Beijing City is Wangjing Tower.
  100. “Heaven is the process of life creation” is Confucius innovative idea about “Heaven”.
  101. The driving force for building the Great Wall is to protect _____ and _____ from wars.
  102. During a long history, _____________ in the south and _____________ in the north complemented and depended on each other through such exchanges.
  103. How about the expression of the half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 ?
  104. The south had a relatively developed ____________, while the north was in a relatively ______________.
  105. Which of the following is traditional Chinese thinking?
  106. The Book of Changes said, “The great virtue of _______ and _______ is creating life.”
  107. There was maritime Silk Road from ______________ and other coastal areas, starting from the Nanyang City, to the sea of Arabia, even as far as the east coast of Africa.
  108. What is the similarity between Pit No.3 and Pit No.4?
  109. How long is the Great Wall at present?
  110. The first ________________ Opera performance was held in Beijing to celebrate the Emperor of Qianlong’s 80th birthday on September 25. That is the first performance of it in Beijing.
  111. From the seventh century BC to the 16th century AD, about ______ dynasties built parts of the Great Wall.
  112. Which of the following is a special feature of Sunzi’s Art of War?
  113. The examples of the half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in Pit No. 2 are used to illustrate _________ .
  114. Which of the following is NOT found in Pit No. 1?
  115. The Silk Road was noted down by the ___________ geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen  in the book of "Chinese geology" at the end of nineteenth Century.
  116. Southern troops were often at a disadvantage facing the mobile northern cavalry. While _________ provided an effective, though not perfect, defense line.
  117. Pit No. 1 is the largest, with an area of more than 14000 square meters.
  118. In the city of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, people once used animal hides instead of glass as window-covering.
  119. Dao De Jing is Daoism.
  120. There are about 80 war chariots in Pit No. 2 of the Terracotta Army.
  121. Pit No. 4 has been planned to house the headquarters.
  122. Laozi once held a high civil position in the royal court.
  123. Sun Bin was the founder of Sunzi School.
  124. Rule refers to whether the war can win the support of people.
  125. “The use of force is a matter of life or death for the soldiers, the people and the country.” is the most widely quoted concept from Sunzi’s Art of War.
  126. To protect lives and peace from wars,the driving force built the Great Wall.
  127. The half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 wear suits of armor over their war robes.
  128. Confucius emphasized aesthetic education. He said, “Studying music lifts the spirit and helps one to enjoy life.”
  129. Which of the following is not a special feature of Sunzi’s Art of War?
  130. ____________ are the best places to appreciate the beauty of the Great Wall.
  131. In Picking up the Jade Bracelet , Sun Yujiao was selecting one pattern to embroidery on her cloth. She acted on the stage without __________ .
  132. According to Sunzi’s warning, we can conclude that sometimes a war could be declared just because __________ .
  133. China has ______ most famous types of embroidery, each with its own style and different themes.
  134. Sun Wu was born in the state of_______ but later moved to the State of _____, where he became the king’s trusted strategist.
  135. The shadow play first appeared more than 2,000 years ago, and by the _______ Dynasty this art has become highly developed with its main artistic form already established.
  136. The peach wood gradually evolved into writings and paintings as ______ and Door God paintings -- a precedent of the New Year picture -- respectively.
  137. Confucius’ words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in_______ .
  138. Great ingenuity means play tricks.
  139. The driving force for building the Great Wall is to protect lives and peace from wars.
  140. Commanders is not found in Pit No. 1 of the Terracotta Army.
  141. Pit No. 3 looks like in “凹”shape.
  142. For embroidery, the Qing Dynasty inherited the features of the Ming Dynasty and absorbed new ingredients from Japanese embroidery and even Western art.
  143. There are more than 600 terracotta horses in the three pits.
  144. The heavenly mission is to accomplish Heaven’s purpose of protecting and improving life.
  145. To judge the feasibility and consequences of a war, one must consider at least three factors.
  146. The story of a “useless tree” mentioned in the text mainly tells us that some living things in nature can survive others because of their naturalness.
  147. Daoism is the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.
  148. Pit No. 3 is located to the east of Pit No.1.
  149. The thought of Laozi exerted a direct impact on _____________.
  150. Confucius’ doctrine about people are___________.
  151. Confucius says that a person of virtue must “respect his heavenly mission”,listen to and live out the purpose of Heaven by _________ and _________  life.
  152. Sunzi said: “The highest art of war is to outwit the enemy strategically. The second level is to foil their diplomacy. The third level is to _______ their army. ”
  153. Cloisonné is a traditional art widely known in and outside China. It is a kind of superb local expertise from_______.
  154. Paper-cut in China is the symbol of Chinese culture heritage, as carrying on the human ______ on the globe, having been showing the folk craft-cutting for almost thousands years.
  155. The north of China, with pastoral land and a cold climate, was suited for ________.
  156. Silk Road is considered to be the intersection of ancient Eastern and Western civilizations linking Asia and ____________ .
  157. In order to become strong; one should  start with one's  own  _______ .
  158. The Book of Changes said, “The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is _________.”
  159. The first three countries that published the translation of Sunzi’s Art of War are Japan, Republic of Korea and ________.
  160. When did the villagers came across unusual pottery fragments when they dug a well near Xianyang, Shaanxi Province?
  161. As a popular saying has it, ________ epitomizes the wonder of the Great Wall for being the most precipitous part of it.
  162. Being the most precipitous part of it, ________ epitomizes the wonder of the Great Wall.
  163. Which of the following is NOT true about Pit No. 3?
  164. Through progress over Zhou Dynasty, the _______ Dynasty witnessed a leap in embroidery in both technique and art style.
  165. Great achievement can be made with a common will and concerted effort, and this is the spirit of the Great Wall.
  166. Stability was important for an animal husbandry population.
  167. To judge the consequences of a war, one must consider at least three factors.
  168. The construction of the Great Wall took more than 2000 years and involved 19 states.
  169. In a “凹”shape, Pit No. 3 is the smallest of all the pits, with only 68 warriors inside.
  170. In the Eastern Han Dynasty it originated officially to the western regions, starting from the trail of Zhang Qian.
  171. A war chariot was placed at the front of the entrance in Pit No. 4.
  172. Confucius said, “Studying The Book of Songs inspires the spirit and helps one appreciate beauty”.
  173. Considering the five aspects is to know the situation of the enemy.
  174. To live up to the philosophy of living in harmony with nature, humans should clear away any intentions of combating nature.
  175. The most prosperous period of the silk road established in Sang Dynasty after Tang Dynasty.
  176. The sculpture is so vivid and the craftsmanship of the sculptures is so masterful.
  177. There are three formations in Pit No. 2.
  178. “Winning a war without fighting it” is advocated by Sunzi because he wanted to avoid large-scale killing and destruction.
  179. Laozi was the founder of  Daoism.
  180. The appeal of shadow play only lies in its puppet-making.
  181. Taohuawu New Year pictures once spread to Japan and exerted certain influence on Japanese ukjyoe paintings, or paintings from the “floating world”.
  182. The war chariot was drawn by horses in Pit No.2 rather than by soldiers as in the Pit No.1.
  183. During the period from 1919 to 1935, Mei Lanfang paid visit to __________ and other regions, spread Peking Opera to foreign countries. From then on, foreigners have been understanding the brilliant and excellent art based on Peking Opera.
  184. The Great Wall separated the peoples of ________ and_________, while producing a barrier to communication.
  185. Sun Yatsen ever said, “Seen from today, if it had not been for the protection of the Great Wall, Chinese civilization would have been interrupted by the northern peoples in ______________ dynasties, long before_____________ dynasties. In that case, there would not have been the prosperity of ______________ dynasties, or the integration of southern and northern peoples”.
  186. Classic of the Way and Virtue include the following parts.
  187. Laozi’s philosophy includes the idea of __________.
  188. From Wangjing Tower, one can capture a panoramic overview of the Great Wall stretching and winding into the ______ and _______.
  189. How about the expression of the soldiers behind every chariot in Pit No. 2 ?
  190. The state of the newborn is free of any____________.
  191. The best places to appreciate the beauty of the Great Wall are________ and __________ .
  192. China has four most famous types of embroidery—respectively from Suzhou, ______, ______, and _______—each with its own style and different themes.
  193. The construction of the Great Wall took more than_________ and involved ________ .
  194. The Strategy of The Belt and Road should promote policy coordination,  ___________ and people-to-people bonds as their five major goals, and strengthen cooperation.
  195. The Great Wall has become a symbol of ___________ for the Chinese people over the centuries.
  196. Confucius words and life story we recorded in ________________.
  197. The function of the “ ___________ ” in the art of Peking Opera, which provides limitless room for the performances of actors; in return, performers present the audience with a world of images full of appealing wit.
  198. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, by means of this powerful material and ___________ resources, promptly attacked the Xiongnu invasion, and fundamentally relieved the northern threat. That was the circumstance when Zhang Qian set out to the west.
  199. How many terracotta horses are there among the formation of  Pit No. 1?
  200. Sunzi’s Art of War consists of 13 chapters in about ________ characters.
  201. Possibly the most challenging step of the procedure of Filigree Welding is heating to ______ degrees centigrade to firm the metal.
  202. The actors of Peking Opera emphasize the group or tutor. Mei Lanfang was the most influential and successful actor thanks to his team and support from them. They were called  _________ in Chinese.
  203. Confucius thought human beings should listen to and live out the purpose of Heaven by ________ and improving life.
  204. How to resolve conflicts between humans and the world according to Laozi?
  205. Confucius lived in ___________.
  206. The papercut is a special folk art in China, with a history of nearly _______ years.
  207. In Laozi's opinion, ________ is the symbol of life.
  208. In Sunzi’s Art of War, ________ is similar to  “treachery” in meaning.
  209. Speaking refers to character monologs and __________ , which serve to propel the development of the story.
  210. About ______ years ago, Yangliuqing New Year pictures began to enjoy great fame, with every family adept at creating this particular genre of painting.
  211. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin is only a great legacy of his military might.
  212. A “decent victory” is to take a city intact and to win victory through minimal killing.
  213. The oldest embroidered product in China on record dates from the Xia Dynasty.
  214. It was the emperor of the Chenghua reign that improved the color process, and created the bright blue that appealed to the Oriental aesthetic sense.
  215. The basic way to prosperity is to keep superior in every way.
  216. The northern peoples were mostly engaged in farming in history.
  217. In history, the northern peoples were mostly engaged in farming.
  218. The Maritime Silk Road, also known as the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road"  is a complementary initiative aimed at investing and fostering collaboration in West Asia, Oceania, and North Africa.
  219. There are about 300 soldiers in the front echelon of Pit No. 1 of the Terracotta Army.
  220. Pit No. 2 lies to the west of Pit No. 1.
  221. Laozi proposed the view of “overcoming the strong by being weak” on the basis of “naturalness” and “non-action”.
  222. After Ming Dynasty, the government adopted the closed door policy, at the same time, with the continuous development of shipbuilding and navigation technology, maritime traffic caused the Silk Road trade to decline.
  223. Morale refers to whether the war can win the support of people.
  224. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development.
  225. According to Laozi, to become strong, one must oppress weak.
  226. Classic of the Way and Virtue consists of just over 6,000 Chinese characters.
  227. The roles tell the story by speaking, whereas singing is more concerned with expression of emotions.
  228. It is known that the name of Peking opera is related to the birthplace of it.
  229. Pit No. 2 was discovered much later, covering an area of about 5,000 square meters.
  230. Through progress over Zhou Dynasty, the Han Dynasty witnessed a leap in embroidery in both technique and art style.
  231. In the _____ and _____ dynasties, New Year pictures experienced rapid development. Mundane figures like young maids and Buddhist figures were also added to the paintings.
  232. What qualities are “persons of virtue” supposed to have?
  233. The wisdom of the “useless tree” lies exactly in its__________.
  234. Mei Lanfang also made innovations to ____________ .
  235. Confucius is an ancient sage to the Chinese people and he is ________ , ________ and ____________.
  236. How about the expression of the soldiers in the middle formation of Pit No. 2 ?
  237. _____ , ______ , and _____ dynasties burdened the three major renovations of the Great Wall.
  238. In the story of “On Aspirations”, who was there to talk about his aspiration?
  239. In China, Peking opera has been known by many other names in different times and places. Which are the names for it once ?
  240. Cloisonné combines the skills of bronze art, _______, _______, and other types of folk arts.
  241. The Great Wall meanders from _______ in the western desert to __________ on the eastern seashore.
  242. Who of the following philosophers poropsed the anti-war thinking?
  243. The highest level of war is to win the enemy except __________.
  244. What are the four formation in Pit No. 2?
  245. Which aspects of the Terracotta Army impress people deeply?
  246. While producing a barrier to communication, the Great Wall separated the peoples of ________ and_________.
  247. Which of the followings are Laozi’s philosophy?
  248. During the reigns of Emperors _______ and _______ of the Qing Dynasty, cloisonné improved and reached its artistic summit.
  249. Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Confucius regarded ______  and _______________ as the most important.
  250. The first three countries that published the translation of Sunzi’s Art of War are _______, ______________ and ________.
  251. The great __________ of Heaven and Earth is creating life.
  252. To Laozi, civilization is to a certain degree a _________ from the “true self”.
  253. A virtual _________ means creating an imagined environment onstage. For example, Rowing a Boat.
  254. It is common knowledge that China has a long history and glorious history in both arts and traditional_______.
  255. How many pits have been unearthed in the Terracotta Army?
  256. What is special about the performance At the Crossroad is that, although the fight happens  __________ , the stage is brightly lit; yet the audience is able to sense it is a pitch-dark night from the actors’ performance, which feature stealthy movements typical of people in darkness.
  257. How good a shadow play is depends on the ______ and the handling of the puppets.
  258. In character of Dan, old women were played by laodan, martial women were wudan, young female warriors were ______________.
  259. In ________ Dynasty, Printing Technique had been introduced into the Central Asia.
  260. Much of Confucian thought on ___________ represent universal human values.
  261. Laozi regarded _____________ as the symbol of life.
  262. Laozi compared his philosophy of _____________ to water.
  263. Laozi’s philosophy has exerted a direct impact on the following aspect of Chinese nation except__________ .
  264. The Chinese Four Great Inventions as well as the skills of  __________ and silk spinning were transmitted to the West.
  265. The south of China, with arable land and a warm climate, was suited for _________.
  266. With the basic goal of ___________, the Great Wall was built.
  267. Over the centuries, the Great Wall has become a symbol of ___________ for the Chinese people.
  268. According to Confucius, the natural process of life creation was the _______________.
  269. The formation of Pit No. 1 can be divided into _______ main parts.
  270. In Pit No. 2, to the left of the chariots is a formation of 108 horsemen and 180 saddled horses in _______ rows.
  271. Cooperation zones between XinJiang and Central Asia, between YunNan and South Asia, between Guangxi and Southeast Asia, from port trade to pilot free trade zone, from inland to the sea, has gradually become reality. These achievements belongs to the field of             .
  272. Zhang Qian’s team set out in          . They were captured by the Huns and held under  house arrest for over ten years.
  273. Wind power, hydropower ghermal power, photovoltacic, the total amount of equipment China is exporting to countries along the Belt and Road equals the power installed in Beijing. At the same time, the hidden energy sources under the ancient Silk Road are being excavated. These achievements belongs to the field of             .
  274. The western region is divided into two parts of the South and the north with the            Mountains as the boundary.
  275. There was       from Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou and other coastal areas, starting from the Nanyang City, to the sea of Arabia, even as far as the east coast of Africa.
  276. There are several silk roads or routes.In the West, there was the northwest silk road. This route was opened officially by Zhang Qian in         Dynasty.
  277. The Chinese Four Great Inventions (paper making, printing, gunpowder and compass) as well as the skills of silkworm breeding and silk spinning were transmitted to the West.
  278. In 119 BC, the emperor sent Zhang Qian on a third mission to the Western Regions. This time Zhang Qian went further west, while his deputies reached more than a dozen countries in South and West Asia, and the Mediterranean.
  279. The ancient silk road stated from BeiJing , the ancient capital of China, and reached the Mediterranean through Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Rome, with a total length of 6440 km.
  280. When the Western Han Dynasty was founded, the North was faced with the threat of a powerful nomadic nation. This nation, collectively referred to as "            ".
  281. With the reducing taxes and prospering economy policy, especially  "Wenjingzhizhi", the unity of politics was centralized and economic was recovered.
  282. The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, better known as the One Belt and One Road.
  283. In 166, envoys from India arrive via the Silk Road in Chang’an, where they set up an embassy. Which proved the central role of ancient China.
  284. Among ethnic groups, ______ , Bouyei and ______ people are also adept at embroidery.
  285. The nine peaches and bats have the symbolic meaning of happiness, longevity and ________.
  286. Cloisonné production involves very complicated techniques, with more than ______ working procedures.
  287. The shadow play is in fact the world’s earliest “movie art” with the accompaniment of human voice.
  288. Because most embroiders are women, hence the byname for embroidery of, “women’s needlework”.
  289. The "Four Great Woodblocks in China," refers to New Year pictures from _______ Yangliuqing, Suzhou Taohuawu, _______ Yangjiabu, and ______ Wuqiang are acknowledged as each of which boasts unique features.
  290. Most New Year pictures feature designs symbolizing good fortune, _________and festivity.
  291. Traditional New Year pictures mainly feature local people's life and customs with intense ______ and violent_______.
  292. Yangjiabu New Year pictures adopt the method of xylograph, overprinting combined with hand-painted color.
  293. In the ______ century it was introduced into West Asia, and by the ______ century it had spread to other parts of the world.
  294. The dan(旦)refers to any female role in Peking opera. Dan roles were originally divided into       subtypes.
  295. Chou roles can be divided into         , civilian roles such as merchants and jailers, and wuchou, minor military roles.
  296. Speaking refers to character dialogs, which serve to propel the development of the story.
  297. The sheng is the female role in Peking opera.
  298. It is widely acknowledged that the end of the 19th century was the most flourishing period in the development of Beijing Opera.
  299. The performance of a Peking Opera actor can be summarized into four basic aspects: singing, speaking, acting, and fighting.
  300. Over the past hundreds of years, the roles of Peking opera have been simplified to today’s Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou, known as the four major roles in Peking opera.
  301. The virtuality of Peking Opera consists of two aspects: one is virtual movements, and the other virtual settings.
  302. Virtual movement refers to imitating actions onstage. For instance, rowing a boat.
  303. The Four Famous Players of Peking Opera were: "Mei" (Mei Lanfang), "Shang" (Shang Xiaoyun), "Cheng" (Cheng Yanqiu), and "Xun" (Xun Huisheng).
  304. One purpose of mask is to indicate the identity and character of the role. For example, a “red face” means the person is loyal and brave; a “           ” signifies the person is straightforward; and a “white face” identifies the person as crafty and evil.
  305. Which play is not the representative play of Mei Lan Fang in Peking Opera?
  306. One of the differences between Pit No. 2 and Pit No. 1 is that _________.
  307. Which of the following is NOT right about Pit No. 4 ?
  308. Both Pit No. 3 and Pit No. 4 have not been completed.
  309. Which of the following is right about Pit No. 3 ?
  310. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin has enabled people of today to understand of the great sculptural arts of over 1,000 years ago.
  311. The impressive size of the army and the masterful craftsmanship of the sculptures impress people deeply.
  312. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin was renowned as one of the “Eight Wonders of the World”.
  313. How many soldiers make up the main body of the formation of Pit No. 1?
  314. How about the expression of the terracotta horses ?
  315. How many battle formations are there in Pit No. 2?
  316. The spirit of the Great Wall is that of  “a common will and concerted effort”.
  317. The most breathtaking parts of the Simatai section are called __________ and ____________ .
  318. The Great Wall was built with the basic goal of ___________. It represented people’s longing for a peaceful life.
  319. In history, the southern peoples were mostly engaged in animal husbandry.
  320. It meanders for 6,700 kilometers from __________ in the western desert to Shanhai Pass on the eastern seashore.
  321. Blockhouses, garrison towns, passes built at strategic points, and beacon towers are mentioned to show the magnificence and variety of the Great Wall.
  322. The Great Wall posed a barrier to the communication between the north and the south.
  323. In time, ________ came into being along the Great Wall, especially at its several dozen passes, where people from both sides carried out economic and cultural exchanges.
  324. Of the many legends about the Great Wall, the story of _________ is the most moving.
  325. From Sunzi’s warning, we can infer that sometimes a war could be declared just because __________ .
  326. By using treachery an expert of war must present himself in the battlefield and direct his army to victory.
  327. Which of the following is uncertain about Sunzi’s Art of War?
  328. By “treachery”, one should try to lead the enemy to make all sorts of mistakes.
  329. Sunzi said: “The highest art of war is to outwit the enemy strategically. The second level is to _______ their diplomacy……”
  330. Before entering a war, one must consider all factors of both sides.
  331. The chances for winning are _________ if one knows oneself but not the enemy.
  332. Sunzi’s Art of War was written by Sun Wu and Sun Bin.
  333. The use of force is actually the use of __________.
  334. Sunzi’s Art of War consists of ________ chapters in about 6000 characters.
  335. The difference between great ingenuity and ordinary ingenuity lies in the fact that the latter can be achieved through human effort, but the former is superior to the latter.
  336. The philosophy of non-contention states that keeping man’s desire avid can help resolve conflicts, thus avoiding wars.
  337. Daoism was the most influential indigenous school of region in China.
  338. Laozi said, “The greatest virtue is like water.” He compared his philosophy of________ to water.
  339. Classic of the Way and Virtue was first introduced into _________ as early as the 15th century and has been one of the most translated philosophical works of ancient China.
  340. Laozi would rather remain a “newborn baby’, because it has nothing to worry about.
  341. In Laozi’s opinion,         is the guarantee of naturalness.
  342. Laozi was a(n)________________ in the Spring and Autumn Period.
  343. According to Laozi, the first cry of a baby when he leaves his mother’s body is the call of________.
  344. In Laozi’s opinion, strength is the symbol of life.
  345. Persons of virtue are supposed to have sound character and uplifted minds and they can shoulder important social responsibilities and make contributions to society.
  346. Which of the following is the most important part of Confucius’ curriculum?
  347. The Analects is mainly about Confucius’ words and life story.
  348. As the natural process of creation of life, _______ was the source of all living things and the source of all values.
  349. Generally, Confucius regarded “Heaven” as _________ .
  350. Confucius interpreted ren as love of people, which begins with the love for oneself.
  351. The Analects has influenced all _______, ________ and _________ in the over 2,000-year-long history of China after Confucius.
  352. Confucius, known in China as Kongzi, given name _____ and alias _______, was a native of ______ .
  353. Which of the following can best describe Confucius’ view on the relationship between man and nature/Heaven?
  354. Confucius advocated “standing in awe of the ordinances of Heaven” and warned against offending Heaven. This is, in essence, equivalent to the modern idea of staying in harmony with nature. So in this way Confucius’ concept of Heaven is similar to the modern ecological civilization.
  355. Confucius believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue,” who should have __________ and _____________.
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