1. According to survey in 2002, the image of lawyers in the US is not quite positive. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. It Uses an "elimination" approach and massive dose of antibiotics against infection in TCM. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Individualism vs collectivism is the cultural dimension that can be meaningfully used to distinguish American culture from Chinese culture. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. In the high power distance societies, they have spontaneous innovations. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The different national heroes respectively praised in China and America indicate the contrastive cultural values in the two cultures. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The civil law system is also called Roman law or continental law. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. In uncertainty avoiding societies, that is more stress and anxiety. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Western medicine originated in ancient Greece and Rome. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Long term orientation stands for the foster in a society of pragmatic virtues oriented to future rewards.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. “Guanxi”is a double-sided sword in Chinese culture, which when misused or abused, brings harm to the society as well as the individuals. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Lawyers in England are either solicitors or barristers. (  )

  22. 答案:对
  23. The higher the individualism vs collectivism score, the more inclined it is to collectivism. ( )
  24. Syndrome differentiation and treatment(辩证论治)is one of theoretical characteristics of TCM. ( )
  25. In countries with large power distance, business executives tend to be older. ( )
  26. In a certain sense, the cowboy culture makes an important part of American culture, and American character is shaped partly based on the image of cowboy. ( )
  27. Intercultural communication just refers to the communication between people from different countries , like one between a Chinese and an American person. ( )
  28. Culture is a very large and evasive concept and that there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. ( )
  29. The bar exam in China is considered the Number One Exam in the world for its great number of participants and extreme difficulty. ( )
  30. In ancient times, it was mainly through the pulse diagnosis of TCM to see whether a female is pregnant or not.. ( )
  31. A legal precedent in one district court is not binding in another court. ( )
  32. In TCM, people or doctors pay much attention to holistic, systematic thinking of diagnosis and treatment of experience and perception. ( )
  33. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that diseases are caused by inharmony between human body and the environment or their disequilibrium between internal organs. ( )
  34. A judge is a chief investigator both in civil law court and common law court trials. ( )
  35. Professional ethics is tested for potential lawyers both in the US and China.( )
  36. Even now, collectivism is believed to be the core value of Chinese culture. ( )
  37. The mobility of the legal profession is as common in China as in the US. (  )
  38. In uncertainty accepting societies, aggression and emotions may sometimes be vented. ( )
  39. According to Five Phases (Wu Xing) Theory,foods of white color are believed to be good for your heart. ( )
  40. The therapeutic methods of western medicine include ( )
  41. Innovations come about in a which society only when they are supported by the hierarchy. ( )
  42. Traditional Chinese medicine plays an important role in the treatment of corona-virus pneumonia(冠状病毒肺炎). (  )
  43. Which of the following is NOT true? ( )
  44. Which of the following is not a fruit in a botanical (植物学的) sense? ( )
  45. Which of the following is NOT a function of law? ( ).
  46. The commonly-seen therapeutic methods (治疗方法) in TCM are as follows: ( ).
  47. In individualistic cultures, people tend to encourage more situations that emphasize the preferential use of ( )
  48. Which of the following is not needed for one to be a lawyer in China?( )
  49. Which form of punishment is not included in Book of Punishment (Xingshu)? ( )
  50. After passing the multiple-choice tests, a candidate of the bar exam in China ( ).
  51. The characteristics of restraint society include all of the following except ( )
  52. Which of the countries adopts the civil law system? ( )
  53. In the ( ) societies, both father and mother should deal with facts and feeling.
  54. Common law system is also called (  )?
  55. In ( ), individual autonomy is regarded in an extremely favorable way. In these cultures, individuals are encouraged to be unique and independent rather than conforming and interdependent.
  56. In ( ), people emphasize a we consciousness and a strong sense of belonging.
  57. ( )is the extent to which the members of a culture of a national society, a feel threatened by ambiguous and unknown situations.
  58. In individualistic cultures, people tend to encourage more situations that emphasize the preferential use of( )
  59. ( ) is the writer of the book When China Rules The World: The Rise Of The Middle Kingdom And The End Of Western Civilization (2010).
  60. According to Professor Zhang Wenzhong from Nankai University, “respect for foreign cultures” means appreciating the variety of cultures, without depreciating nor boasting about everything foreign. ( )
  61. Stereotypes are based on truth, hence can help overcome the tendency to judge blindly other things or people that we do not really know. ( )
  62. The Chinese saying “君子和而不同”suggests that people should give up their own opinions in order to keep a harmonious relationship.( )
  63. In the excerpt from Xi Jinping’s speech on culture, the three principles put up in the passage include cultural diversity, cultural equality and cultural inclusiveness. ( )
  64. In Case 2, Section 6.1, the Chinese student Yang Ling complained to her mum that her American teacher was mean. She made a correct judgement because her American teacher did not even offer a cup of water to the Chinese students. ( )
  65. Both Friedrich Hegel and Max Weber are German people. ( )
  66. “The Needham Question” refers to the guiding question behind Needham’s massive work Science and Civilisation in China (1954-) --- “Why had China been overtaken by the West in science and technology, despite its earlier successes?” ( )
  67. The two cultural concepts --- high context and low context --- were introduced by American anthropologist Edward T. Hall. ( )
  68. ( ) has been praised as the key to China’s unique cultural heritage and strong social order. ( )
  69. “Either or”and “Both and” are used to represent two different thought patterns of the west and east. The former represents categorization and analysis, while the later indicates diversity and integration. ( )
  70. Every country has a written constitution. ( )
  71. In England, there are two kinds of lawyers, solicitors and barristers. ( )
  72. To take the bar exam in China, one has to have a law degree. ( )
  73. Civil law and common law are the most widely-adopted legal systems in the world. ( )
  74. It is a tradition for English lawyers to wear a wig or peruke in court. ( )
  75. Which country has the highest lawyer-population ratio? ( )
  76. Scientifically speaking, tomatoes and pumpkins, just like apples, are fruit. ( )
  77. Most lawyers work as private practitioners both in the US and China. ( )
  78. The mobility of legal profession is commonly seen both in the USA and China. ( )
  79. Which of the following is NOT true about the judge’s role in a civil law court? ( )
  80. In the long term orientation, people should be humble about ourselves.( )
  81. Which of the following descriptions of uncertainty avoidance is correct ( ).
  82. According to Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory, which of the following cultural characteristics does the United States have:( )
  83. In the indulge society people feel less happy and less healthy, although objectively they may be equally healthy.( )
  84. In uncertainty accepting societies, aggression and emotions may sometimes be vented( )
  85. Which is the feature of Western medicine ? ( )
  86. TCM treatment seeks to balance Yin and Yang in each person.( )
  87. Which of the following is not the basic components of western medicine system? ( )
  88. It is believed that men interact with heaven, earth and seasons, and that body and mind are organic unity in Chinese medicine. ( )
  89. The yin-yang(阴阳) is an important and very meaningful concept in Chinese philosophy(哲学). ( )
  90. The 5 cultural dimensions put up by Geert Hofstdede provide an excellent summary of the relationship between cultural values and people’s social behaviors. ( )
  91. In ( ), decisions are always based on what is best for the group, and group is the most important social units. ( )
  92. In his book, The clash of world civilizations and remaking of world order (1996), Huntington claims that the world conflicts are basically civilization conflicts. He also offers a strategy to preserve the unique cultures in the world and emphasizes the need of coexistence of a multi-civilizational world. ( )
  93. “Friendly, informal, outgoing, and extroverted, they scorn rank and authority even when they are the ones with rank and authority.” Very probably, this description could be used to describe the characteristics of ( )
  94. Even how a city is designed and laid out can reflect about a culture. ( )
  95. To improve intercultural competence, one must have a good command of knowledge of one’s native culture as well as a good knowledge of the different cultures in the world. (  )
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