第五章 Chapter 5 Business Etiquette and Social Customs:商务礼仪指的是商务交往活动中的举止和行为。 本章主要包括见面介绍、握手问候、交换名片、商务活动着装、餐桌礼仪等具体的商务礼仪以及商务活动中的幽默、迷信与禁忌。5.1Introductions and Greetings:本节介绍了如何在商务场合见面介绍,由谁来介绍?介绍的正确顺序是按年龄还是按性别?哪些是非正式问候哪些是正式问候,不同国家的问候方式有何不同?非言语问候是握手,鞠躬,亲吻还是双手合十?
5.2Handshaking and Exchanging Business Cards:本节介绍了不同国家的不同握手方式,以及在商务活动中掌握握手的时机避免握手带来的尴尬。名片不仅仅代表个人形象也代表了所在的公司的形象,本节中介绍了名片设计的基本要求以及在商务活动中如何正确交换名片,不同国家有不同的名片交换礼仪。
5.3Dressing and Dining:着装是人的另一张名片,尤其在商务场合中,不仅要求干净整洁还要求搭配得体。着装体现出一个人对工作的态度,对客户的态度,对商务活动的重视程度。本节主要分别介绍了男士女士的着装在非正式商务场合和正式商务场合中的具体要求,以及一些国家中的特色民族服装。商务用餐过程中刀叉餐布的摆放又传递了什么信息,本节中还介绍了其他正确的用餐礼仪,优雅的用餐既是对他人的尊重也体现自己的修养。
5.4Gift Giving and Receiving:本节介绍了商务礼仪的馈赠与接收,主要包括,为同事,老板或下属选择礼物的一些建议,为客户选择礼物时又需要注意的一些方面,以及接收礼物、拒绝一份礼物时的礼仪。 不同国家对商务礼物的重视程度不同,接收与赠送礼物的礼仪也因文化差异有所不同,本节主要介绍了中国、日本、美国、印度等国家在赠送接收礼物时的具体礼仪。
5.5Social Customs:在商务活动中遵守时间是最基本的商务礼仪,但是在跨文化商务交往中往往会因文化差异对守时的理解略有不同,本节主要介绍了中国、日本、印度、欧洲等国家在商务交往中的时间观念。最后本节介绍了不同文化背景中的幽默、迷信以及禁忌,了解不同文化的社会习俗有助于更有效的商务沟通,有利于商务活动的顺利进行。
[判断题]Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.

[判断题]Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.

[判断题]Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.

[判断题]It’s OK to write on someone’s business card.

[判断题]A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other’s hand too hard.

[判断题]Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.

[单选题]You’re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?  
 Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.
 Wait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers.
 Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.
 Open it immediately. [多选题]Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner? 
Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.
Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.
Use the napkin to wipe your nose.
Use the knife with your right hand.[多选题]What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?
  Humor can block negative emotions.
 Humor can help solve problems.
 Humor can help people develop rapport with each other.
 Humor can reduce stress.[多选题]In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone’s business card is a reflection of: 
 What you think of their country.
 How much you respect them as a person.
 How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.
 company and title.

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