

  1. 1)Coffee is with flavor connected with the process of grinding coffee beans. ( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. For the choice of gifts, French people like to choose those gifts which embody love and uniqueness. A box of chocolates may suit many occasions such as wedding, a family gathering or Mother’s Day etc. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. 3) The western diet concept and western philosophical system are not compatible. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. 1) Western drinking culture reflects respect for the wine. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:purple and goldAI参考:答案是B:错。西方饮酒文化并不总是反映出对葡萄酒的尊重。实际上,在某些文化中,饮酒被视为一种社会交往中的规则和习俗,有时并不涉及到对葡萄酒本身的尊重或对其品质的重视。因此,这个说法是不正确的。'
  9. Boya and Ziqi are the best friends of playing guitar. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. Ballet dancers learned to rise on their toes to make it appear that they were floating on the river, which originated from__________. ( )

  12. A:the culture of ocean. B:the culture of agriculture C:the culture of farming D:the culture of Confucianism
    答案:extendAI参考:单选题Ballet dancers learned to rise on their toes to make it appear that they were floating on the river, which originated from__________. 答案为C:the culture of farming。解释:芭蕾舞者踮脚尖是为了让观众感觉他们在河上漂浮,这种技巧源自农耕文化。在古代,农耕文化中,人们经常在田间劳作,需要踮脚尖来保持平衡,因此这种技巧也源于农耕文化。其他选项中,海洋文化、儒家文化与舞蹈技巧没有直接关系。因此,正确答案是C。'
  13. Dragon is a/an ______ animal in Chinese fairy tales.( )

  14. A:imaginary B:realistic C:cruel D:generous
    AI参考:正确答案是A:imaginary 。龙在中国神话故事中是一种虚构的动物,所以答案是A。其他选项B、C、D都不符合题意。'
  15. What is the name of Achilles’ mother ? ( )

  16. A:Athena B:Styxs C:Thetis D:Hera
  17. Chinese dragon symbolizes several meanings such as ______.( )

  18. A:modesty B:power C:innocence D:purity
  19. ( ) can be used in China to propose a toast. ( )

  20. A:Only baijiu B:Nearly every kind of alcoholic drink C:Only beer D:Neither champagne nor white wine
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Nearly every kind of alcoholic drink。在中国可以用几乎所有的酒类来提议祝酒,所以选项B“几乎所有的酒类”是正确的。选项A“只有白酒”不符合中国的祝酒文化,选项C“只有啤酒”只适合夏季使用,而选项D“既不是香槟酒也不是白葡萄酒”也不是一种酒。因此,只有B是符合题意的答案。'
  21. How many types of Chinese Opera do you know ? What are they?

  22. AI参考:正确选项为: - 京剧 - 豫剧 - 越剧 - 黄梅戏 - 粤剧 中国有很多种地方戏曲,如京剧、豫剧、越剧、黄梅戏和粤剧等。这些戏曲各有其独特的表演风格和特点,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。"

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