1. The statement “People who do regular exercises are not bothered with health problems.” is an accurate generalization.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. A mutual fund is an investment company that invests the combined contributions of its members in various securities and pays them dividend calculated on the average return from these securities in proportion to their holdings.作者对mutual fund用举例说明法做了解释。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. As the two essential elements in writing, unity and coherence should always be kept in mind. That means you should make sure that all of your supporting details refer back to and support the main points you mentioned in the introduction.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. 判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。There are thought to be around 5,000 indigenous groups in over 70 countries worldwide. In some cases, only very few members of these groups remain while in others there may be hundreds of thousands. There are many groups that have been completely wiped out because of war, disease, or government policies. In many countries, those that remain have been dispossessed of their land and valuable natural resources, creating a situation in which they struggle to maintain their livelihoods, which typically depend on access to farming, fishing, and hunting grounds.Summary: Thousands of indigenous groups exist today spread over many countries. Deprived of their land and resources, these surviving groups often cannot continue their traditional ways of living. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. 如果是两个字的名字,则将姓和名分开写,如Fang Zhu、Xu Jun等。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. A resume is a document which gives a brief summary of your personal background and qualifications in the hopes of securing an interview. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. It not only accelerates the economic development of Beijing, but also stimulates the tourism consumption of the residents. Therefore, we are full of confidence in the prospect of China's tourism. 这部分摘要提到了论文中的研究的意义或者研究的应用。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Tourism is compared to the rising sun, which will never decline. China, with her long history, beautiful landscape, grand construction and hospitable host, like a pretty girl, who is showing the world her elegance, and the visitors from every corner of the world, are coming to her. She is growing up, from small to great, and from lovely to mature. The pace of development for her will be faster.这一段引言部分说明中国的旅游业必将随着中国的发展壮大会有更好的发展前景,所以研究影响旅游的因素显得尤为重要,这也应该是作者选题的意义。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The education section should be in reverse chronological order. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The addresser should always highlight a candidate's qualifications and cover up his/her weaknesses. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. The addresser shouldn’t comment or evaluate on behavior or activities that are not directly related to the application in the letter of recommendation,because these unrelated information can be interpreted in different ways and lead to the opposite effect than what you intended.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. 论文题目的其中一种书写格式,也是常见的一种格式式第一个单词,以及题目中其他实词的第一个字母要大写,虚词要小写;另外一种题目书写格式不经常用,就是把题目中每一个词的字母全部大写,其缺点是书写与辨认不太方便。( )
  24. The book case is crammed with piles of sheets of paper, books, and knickknacks.书橱里堆满了一堆堆的纸和书,还有一些小玩意儿。( )
  25. 判断下面Works Cited list中的条目格式是否正确:Scruton, Roger. Animal Rights and Wrongs. London: Demos, 1996.( )
  26. 表示致谢常用的词汇和词组有:want to thank,wish to thank, would like to thank,thanks to ,thanks are due to, appreciate,to be owed,to recognize,acknowledge,be indebted to等。( )
  27. 描写文是用生动形象的语言把人物、事件、地点和环境等进行具体的描绘和刻画,通常有人物心理和动作描写、景物描写和场景描写等。( )
  28. Against the left wall is a large book case extending into the corner which is behind the head of my bed. 这句话使用了倒装句来突出物体的空间位置。( )
  29. 论文引言部分,主要说明研究这一课题的理由和意义,要明确、具体地提出所论述的课题,有时要回顾以往的相关研究并说明现状,以及作者将在此基础上的发展和创新之处,预期的结果及其在相关领域里的地位作用和意义,还要简要介绍相关的论证方法。( )
  30. He backed closer and closer to the end of the driving board. At last falling into the water. 应修改为He backed closer and closer to the end of the driving board and at last fell into the water. ( )
  31. A couple of girl students were reading from their English textbooks aloud while walking up and down the gravel path around the lake where a sort of stream rose to form swirls of thin mist .几个女生来回走在湖边的鹅卵石小路上,在大声朗读英语课文,湖面上的水汽盘旋上升形成了一层薄薄的薄雾。( )
  32. 描写文不需要按照时间顺序来写,描写文强调的是人的感受,可以通过视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉和嗅觉所获得的感受在文章中加以描写。( )
  33. It is important to know how to study and to learn how to plan your time. 在这个句子里,“to know how to study”,“to learn how to plan your time”是两个平行结构,这两个平行结构的语法结构相同,都是动词不定式结构。( )
  34. You should write the Works Cited list immediately after the main text to maintain the wholeness of the essay. ( )
  35. In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and the surplus bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country. 作者通过今昔对比来说明自己的观点,作者说In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily.然后列举了具体的事例。( )
  36. Research on the Factors Influencing Residents’ Orientation Towards Tourism Translate the title into Chinese.影响市民旅游的因素分析。( )
  37. 判断下面Works Cited list中的条目格式是否正确:Convertino, John. “How We See Animals, How We See Ourselves.” Perspectives on Nature May 2005: 27-28. ( )
  38. We think that all the data having been collected can indicate that the acceleration of the economic development, the improvement of the social security and the establishment of the system of tourism, and much other similar data will exert strong influence on China tourism. 这部分摘要提到了论文中的研究结果。( )
  39. In the resume, experience part mainly gives an overview of any work experience you have that give you relevant skills and abilities. Which of the following can be listed in it?( )
  40. The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. ( )
  41. He talked happily about the men and books______ interested him greatly in the school. ( )
  42. In a functional resume, the most important qualifications or professional experience are categorized by_________rather than positions held.( )
  43. My advisor encouraged ________ a summer course to improve my writing skills. ( )
  44. The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found. ( )
  45. Computers can only give out _____ has been stored in them. ( )
  46. His uncle works in a factory ______bicycles are made.( )
  47. If things are left ______ they are, the problems will never be settled, I’m afraid. ( )
  48. She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do _____ it takes to save her life. ( )
  49. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures ________ in your mind instead of before your eyes. ( )
  50. 56 如果是三个字的名字,姓,单独拼,名字写在一起,如Wang Yuanyuan、Zhang Liping等( )
  51. We have to follow a certain layout when writing the resume.( )
  52. First of all,travel can widen our horizon. Secondly,we can make friends and meet different people through traveling. Finally, travel is the best way to enjoy ourselves.这段话使用了列举法说明了旅游三个方面的优点。( )
  53. An effective resume requires all the information about your previous experience, rather than only the relevant accomplishments and experience. ( )
  54. 52在摘要中一定不要引用别人的文献,注重推出论文作者自己的见解,要避免出现评论性的语言和语气。( )
  55. The statement “Athletes who win medals in the Olympics will be bounteously awarded.” is an overgeneralization.( )
  56. In that village, people walk to fetch water, get to school and to shop the stores.应修改为 In that village, people walk to fetch water, get to school and shop the stores. ( )
  57. We choose “Research on the Factors Influencing residents’ Orientation Towards Tourism” as our topic. 这是研究主题We designed a questionnaire of the residents’ leisure life---the research on tourism conditions, experiencing many times of modification. 这是使用的研究方法。( )
  58. As a Chinese, One takes a pride in his history and gives it his attention this time of the day. In order to understand the tourism market and the economic reality of China as well as the expectation of Chinese to the future, we investigated 30 people in Beijing. We are satisfied with the result of the investigation, and the prospect made us full of confidence. 这一部分简要说明了研究的目的、研究方法核对研究结果肯定。( )
  59. 判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。Indigenous peoples frequently rank among the most impoverished of all ethnic groups within a nation. In the United States, Native American communities on reservations are some of the most disadvantaged groups. Lack of education and high unemployment rates have confounded their low socio-economic status and have caused a host of social problems, such as alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, high crime rates, and a range of health issues. The limited opportunities have led to many Native Americans leaving their reservations and traditions to assimilate into mainstream American society.Summary: Plagued by poverty and various other problems, many Native Americans in the U.S. abandoned their traditional lifestyles. They exemplify the common phenomenon of indigenous people being the poorest ethnic groups in a country. ( )
  60. 根据所给文献信息判断随文参引是否书写规范,规范为“对”,不规范为“错”。Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourists activities.Source:Author: United Nations Environment ProgrammeTitle of book: Environmental Impacts of TourismCity of publication: NairobiPublisher: United Nations Environment ProgrammeYear: 2003Page: 5-6In-text citation: According to the United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by tourists include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourists activities. (5-6)( )
  61. Of course, automobiles have also brought about a series of problem. For instance,traffic accidents kill and injure a large number of people every year. Streets become crowded with them. Also they pollute the environment by producing great noise and giving off poisonous gases.在这一段中,作者用举例的方式来说明汽车带来的一系列问题。( )
  62. 55 It not only accelerates the economic development of Beijing, but also stimulates the tourism consumption of the residents. Therefore, we are full of confidence in the prospect of China's tourism. 这是研究的意义或者研究的应用。( )
  63. Someone thinks that outer space is worth exploring because we may find a planet which is like our earth and enables us to live. 这句中which is like our earth and enables us to live. “live” 是不及物动词,应该是live on.( )
  64. The chronological resume organizes information in reverse chronological order for each section. That is, what is most recent is considered to be most important and to be listed first.( )
  65. I should say a holiday at the seaside is really enjoyable and profitable.是结论句。( )
  66. 判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。Although the term indigenous people is applied to a large variety of different groups in many different parts of the globe, indigenous people can be broadly defined as a group that historically belong to one area or country pre-dating its colonization by a new dominant group, and whose culture, language, and traditions are distinct and unique, having developed entirely separately from those of the new group.Summary: Indigenous people are the first inhabitants populating a certain area possessing distinct language, culture, and traditions setting them apart from the later dominant group. ( )
  67. The objective part should focus on the employer’s needs and and how you can contribute to the organization. It’s most appropriate for specific targeted positions. ( )
  68. 51结论部分是用来做总结,文字应简洁,简略的交代作者这篇论文里讨论的问题,而且应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。( )
  69. In my opinion,it is not easy to achieve success. 适合做论点。( )
  70. 54 We choose the residents of Beijing as our subjects because it is very desirable for such a research. And we select the thriving business districts to perform our research.这是研究对象。( )
  71. 判断A句的改写句B句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。A: It is a celebration of Caribbean culture and arts in the Notting Hill area, where many Caribbean immigrants to London first settled.B: Celebrated in the Notting Hill region of London every August, it is dedicated to Caribbean arts and culture brought by Caribbean immigrants, many of whom first took up residence in this part of the city. ( )
  72. China with nearly five thousand years of recorded history, is the cradle of one of the world’s four oldest civilizations. For its antiquity, mystery,majesty and pageantry, China attracts a number of visitors every year。这部分是对研究对象的简要介绍,目的是帮助读者更好的了解研究对象的背景知识,帮助读者理解研究内容。( )
  73. 判断A句的改写句B句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。A: Evidence of a lost civilization has been found off the coast of China.”B: Remains of an ancient society have been discovered in the sea near China. ( )
  74. Promotion means using brochures or pamphlets to advertise. 促销就是使用宣传册做广告。( )
  75. It’s important to build a connection between your personal information and the job requirements.( )
  76. Your resume is the first impression you make on your potential recruiter or employer and it will lead to the decision whether you can meet them in person. ( )
  77. 注释主要包括4个主要部分,按出现的顺序分别是作者的名和姓后(加逗号),加引用文献的题目,出版信息(放在括号内,括号后加逗号),引文资料的页码,最后是句号。( )
  78. 论文中引出结论句常用的词语有in a word。In summary,in short,in conclusion, to conclude,therefore, thus, hence, obviously。( )
  79. 写论文摘要时常用的词语词组有 discuss,exam,review,outline,present,portal forward,make,reveal,deal with。 ( )
  80. 2Henry David Thoreau, Collected Poems, ed. Carl Bode (Chicago: Packard and Co., 1943), 1按出现的顺序分别是作者的名和姓后(加逗号),引用文献的题目,出版信息(放在括号内,括号后加逗号),引文资料的页码,最后是句号。( )
  81. He was thin, short and dark-skinned. His hair looked like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and lusterless eyes clearly indicated that he had had a long journey. His clothes were made of cheap cloth. His coat was too short, and the legs of his trousers were too loose. He wore a pair of unfashionable rubber shoes. Thus he did not look like a smart freshman at all. “A yokel,” I concluded. 这段文字描写了我的新舍友的外表。( )
  82. 表示因果关系的词语有很多,表示结果的有。Because, since, for, now that, for reasons, because of, due to, on account of等等。( )
  83. 77议论文的论点必须是可争辩的,例如I believe that issuing lottery tickets is a good way to collect funds for social welfare projects。这个论点就是可争论的。( )
  84. Which of the following statements are correct? ( )
  85. Since a personal statement tends to be less formal and more personal, you may want to tell a compelling story by vividly describing_____________. ( )
  86. Before writing the application letter, you should do the following preparation work____________. ( )
  87. The fact _____ he is an orphan is well known. ( )
  88. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. ( )
  89. It is strange that he _____ you this. ( )
  90. I often thought of my childhood, __________I lived on a farm. ( )
  91. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing. ( )
  92. 24 _____ I will accept the gift is none of your business.( )
  93. ________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. ( )
  94. It was in 1969 __________ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. ( )
  95. The workers are determined to go through with their railway project, ____ the expenses have risen. ( )
  96. _____ I can’t understand is _____ he wants to change his mind. ( )
  97. You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Christmas presents. ( )
  98. ____ you have tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is. ( )
  99. ______, the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him. ( )
  100. In MLA format, citation has two parts: in-text citation and a Works Cited list. ( )
  101. Which of the following expressions can be regarded as shared language? ( )
  102. Which of the following refers to the behavior of using another person’s words or ideas and presenting them as your own? ( )
  103. 论文必须包含摘要,正文,参考书目、注释、等主要组成部分。( )
  104. The statement “people are exhausted after a week’s work” is an overgeneralization. ( )
  105. 论文摘要一般应该包括以下内容,从事这一研究的目的和重要性,研究的对象、研究的方法,获得的基本结论和研究成果,结论或结果的适用范围,论文的新见解等内容。( )
  106. What are the common ways of using outside information in academic writing? ( )
  107. 个人陈述是简历的详细补充,简历或推荐信突出的内容可以放在个人陈述中,这样不会造成信息的重复,也不会弱化个人陈述应起的作用。( )
  108. What are the 3 main commonly used resume styles?( )
  109. What should be included in our personal statement?( )
  110. The resume is usually attached to a letter that says why you are sending your resume and what you want to apply for. We call such a letter an application letter. ( )
  111. What are the basic principles to follow when we draft a resume?( )
  112. Who are the proper people to ask to write a letter of recommendation?( )
  113. A letter of recommendation is to introduce how the candidate is qualified to the program with the purpose of recommending the candidates to the addressee. ( )
  114. 归纳法是从一般规律入手,推论到个别事物,从宏观到微观的论证方法。( )
  115. 常用的论证方法有例证法、反证法、列举法、对比法、推理法等。( )
  116. “He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.” 意思是他沿着大街跑,声音之响,犹如十马奔腾。( )
  117. 例证说明、举例说明、定义、分类说明、对比说明和因果说明是说明文常用的写作方法。( )
  118. 记叙文的叙事方式主要有( )。
  119. what is a paragraph? ( )
  120. Coherence is an important quality of good writing. In a coherent paragraph, the reader can follow the writer‘s thoughts easily because: All the sentences are ordered logically; The transition from one sentence to another is smooth; The relationships between ideas are clearly shown. ( )
  121. “After graduating from high school, many students go on to university, but their reasons for entering higher education vary.”The topic is “reasons for going to university” The controlling idea is “reasons vary”.( )
  122. “To be or not to be, that is a question. 的意思是“生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。( )
  123. An average paragraph has six to ten supporting sentences. What are the steps we usually follow to arrange them into a logical order?( )
  124. It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.( )
  125. The board of directors are responsible for the management of the firm.这个句子的错误属于( )。
  126. Becoming a university student is an entirely new experience, some people adapt quickly while others struggle to fit it.这个句子的错误属于( )。
  127. 平行结构的构成可以体现为各个语言层次,像单词、短语、从句、句子和段落。( )
  128. She wrote a long letter to her parents. 这个句子的句型结构( )。
  129. 从本质上来讲,写作是一个认知的过程,是学习内容和文化的手段与媒介,是一种呈现知识的模式,也是转化知识、创新知识的模式。
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