1. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the Millennials?

  2. 答案:Positive
  3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  4. 答案:In spite of the generational differences, it is possible that the older and younger generations work together to build a greener world.
  5. In order to reduce the impact on the planet, the younger generations are supposed to do the following except _______.

  6. 答案:to be more ambitious
  7. Compared with their parents, the Millennials are _______.

  8. 答案:more likely to spend money on sustainable brands
  9. According to the passage, the conflict between generations _______ .

  10. 答案:has no effect on human development
  11. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

  12. 答案:To justify America's dependence on oil imports.
  13. What does the author say about oil trade?

  14. 答案:It proves profitable to both sides.
  15. Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

  16. 答案:It wants to keep its own environment intact.
  17. What does the author think of biofuels?

  18. 答案:They cause serious damage to the environment.
  19. What does the author say about energy independence for America?

  20. 答案:It sounds very attractive.
  21. To generate power, large ‘floats’ are tied to the ocean floor. The motion of the waves causes the floats to move up and down which powers a pump. The pump moves pressurized water along pipes to the land where there is a turbine which runs a generator. The generator produces electricity.

  22. 答案:对
  23. Across the globe, the coal industry is declining, while renewable energy industries are on the rise.
  24. Using more renewable energy sources would increase the overall amount of land needed for energy production.
  25. Renewable energy will do no harm to our environment.
  26. Fires release the carbon stored in plants, so measuring the extent and severity of forest fires around the globe is an important ingredient in understanding the carbon cycle.
  27. The main use of fossil fuels in ancient socio-cultural life include only three perspectives: production, the heating material, and transportation.
  28. The most significant disadvantages of coal are the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the dangers posed by the extraction process.
  29. For some countries, nuclear power promises energy security, reduces a dependence on imported fuels and exposure to price risks associated with resource speculation and Middle East politics. It has been relatively unaffected by embargoes, and uranium is mined in countries willing to export.
  30. Cohesion and coherence are two different terms that refer to the same method to hold together the text.
  31. One hundred years later – fifty years ago – the River Thames itself that was declared biologically dead, no longer able to support any life.
  32. Derivatives are formed by using prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes usually change the class but suffixes usually change the meaning.
  33. According to the report by EIA in 2019, the top three countries by oil consumption are the United States, China, and India.
  34. Several particular strains of green algae give off hydrogen and oxygen.
  35. Ocean thermal energy conversion can supply quantities of _____ as a by-product. This can be used for air conditioning and refrigeration and the nutrient-rich deep ocean water can feed biological technologies. Another by-product is fresh water distilled from the sea.
  36. According to EIA 2017, the largest gas reserve country is ( ).
  37. Suppose another railway or oil pipeline were built from Gwadar Port to Kashi, Xinjiang, China, and then from Kashi to Shanghai, it will extend for ( )
  38. Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate _____, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant.
  39. Marine energy refers to the energy carried by ocean waves and _____.
  40. One of the distinctive features in the use of geothermal power is ( ).
  41. A recent survey found that the food crisis has also created an education crisis in Venezuela. More than 1 million children no longer attend school, mostly due to ( ) and ( ).
  42. The South China Sea is known as the ( ), and its oil reserves are estimated to exceed the oil resources of Saudi Arabia as a whole.
  43. _____ is the current leading technology for producing hydrogen in large quantities.
  44. In the SI system, the unit name of “watt” is to represent ( ).
  45. “To carry coals to Newcastle” means to do something ( ).
  46. Which of the following is recyclable material? (      )
  47. A process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower, sense is called ( ).
  48. In oil jargon, Christmas tree is ( ).
  49. Which one of the following prefixes have opposite meanings itself?( ).
  50. Oil as a new energy resource, replaced water and grass, and triggered the large-scaled ( )from other places to the barren lands, which was quite rare in human’s history.
  51. Presently, the vast majority of electricity from nuclear power is produced by ______ of uranium and plutonium.
  52. When was OPEC founded? ( )
  53. In the SI system, the scientific notation of 109 means ( ).
  54. What can you do to help fight climate change? (      )
  55. If an author is to publish an academic thesis, his or her 工作单位is better translated into ( ).
  56. Windmills in the European countries were mainly used to( ).
  57. When all the energy-intensive stages of the nuclear fuel chain are considered, from uranium mining to final nuclear decommissioning, nuclear power is ____ a low-carbon electricity source.
  58. What does the Kyoto Protocol exist as? ( )
  59. Which of the following is NOT a type of geothermal power plants?
  60. Hydroelectric and coal-fired power plants produce electricity in a similar way. In both cases a power source is used to turn a turbine -- a coal-fired power plant uses _____ to turn the turbine blades; whereas a hydroelectric plant uses moving water to turn the turbine.
  61. According to the report by EIA in 2018, the largest oil reserve country is ( ).
  62. Shallow aquifer is one of the features that make an ideal site for geothermal electric development
  63. Wind and water, both excellent renewable energy sources, carry their own environmental footprints and may destroy long-standing habitat for humans and other species.
  64. The word “energy” first derived from Greek word energia.
  65. When preparing for an academic thesis, the writing part may take up most of the time.
  66. The stress of compounding words usually falls on the second word, for example, the word “greenhouse”.
  67. You can use direct sunlight to produce hydrogen in a process called photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. Or you can rely on microbes that consume biomass to produce hydrogen gas.
  68. English can be classified into different categories based on different criteria, such as geographically or functionally.
  69. Abbreviations can be used anytime and anywhere as long as the writer regards it necessary.
  70. The average hub height of most utility-scale wind turbines is about as tall as the Statue of Liberty.
  71. American’s empire of greenback is unassailable as it is based on the hegemony of currency.
  72. Among the renewables, hydroelectric and wind power are the cleanest sources of energy.
  73. With looser chemical bonds means less electricity needs to be used for electrolysis.
  74. The tale of polluted London has been a very long one, spanning well over two centuries. Beijing cannot take that long; it would be a catastrophe for China and indeed for the whole planet.
  75. In history, besides cooking and heating, there are also other functions of charcoal which pushed the society development. For example, the handicraft industry, which is the second important area that fuel carbon is widely used.
  76. Meaning of a compounded word is actually the combined meaning of those independent words.
  77. Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as single words.
  78. It is Elbert Einstein who proposed the famous formula of mass–energy equivalence.
  79. There are many alternatives to single use plastic products.
  80. Energy crisis is basically caused by shortage of energy in a certain country.
  81. The word “diesel” derived from the inventor Rudolf Diesel, which belongs to the word-forming method of generalization, that is, from proper names to common words.
  82. What does OPEC stand for? (      )
  83. The core meaning of “energy” in the 18th century is ( ).
  84. when the Bretton Woods system was established, the United States held about ( ) of the world's gold reserves.
  85. While nuclear power _________ emit greenhouse gases associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, emissions occur, as with every source of energy, over a facility's life cycle: mining and fabrication of construction materials, plant construction, operation, uranium mining and milling, and plant decommissioning.
  86. Which of the following is bad for the environment? ( )
  87. There are two basic ways of harnessing solar energy: firstly, by converting it directly into _____ energy to heat water; and secondly, by converting it into electricity.
  88. Due to notable efforts in recent decades, the Thames has come back to life. Today, it supports ( ) fish species and ( ) types of invertebrate.
  89. Because there are only small fluctuations in current speed and stream location with _____ changes in direction, ocean currents may be suitable locations for deploying energy extraction devices such as turbines.
  90. A large population and high concentration of industry, combined with the hilly topography surrounding the city, contribute to ( ).
  91. IRENA, which stands for International Renewable Energy Agency, is an abbreviation formed by the method of ( ).
  92. When did the agricultural revolution begin?
  93. The international safety line of oil reserve for a nation is at least ( ).
  94. In the SI system, the density is represented by the symbol of( ).
  95. How much energy could 1 recycled tin can save? ( )
  96. The north of china with more fragile ecology and vegetation gradually fell into periodic turmoil and famine—which word could replace the underlined word:
  97. People say that the strength of the United States is on three pillars: ( ).
  98. What is the contributing factor for wind?
  99. In oil jargon, “spud” is ( ).
  100. Who invented the first electricity-generating wind turbine?
  101. Just as many conventional thermal power stations generate electricity by harnessing the thermal energy released from burning fossil fuels, nuclear power plants convert the energy released from the nucleus of _____ via nuclear fission that takes place in a nuclear reactor. When a relatively tiny neutron hits the nucleus of a massive uranium-235 or plutonium atom, it can split the nucleus into two smaller nuclei. The reaction is called nuclear fission.
  102. Both nuclear reactors and uranium enrichment facilities must be decommissioned. After a cooling-off period that may last as long as ______, reactors must be dismantled and cut into small pieces to be packed in containers for final disposal. The process is very expensive, time-consuming, dangerous for workers, hazardous to the natural environment, and presents new opportunities for human error, accidents or sabotage.
  103. Amongst the 44 countries as China’s oil suppliers, 9 are in the Middle East, 14 in Africa, 3 in ( ) and 5 in South America.
  104. Proponents of nuclear power believe that nuclear power is the only viable course for a country to achieve energy independence while also meeting their "ambitious" nationally determined contributions to reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the ____ Agreement signed by 195 nations.
  105. The largest coal export countries in 2017 is ( ).
  106. By 2020, the imported oil is expected to account for ( ), China is almost becoming a country totally dependent on imported oil.
  107. The goal of feed-in tariffs is to offer cost-based compensation to _____ energy producers, providing price certainty and long-term contracts that help finance ______ energy investments.
  108. One of the beneficial environmental impacts of TGD is that it reduces China’s dependency on ______, a hydro carbon that produces greenhouse gases, by providing clean hydroelectricity.
  109. Compared with other fuel sources, both non-renewable and renewable, which of the following is not mentioned as a primary advantage of coal ?
  110. Which part of the thesis is to answer the question: What does it mean? ( ).
  111. The author believes that buying a house in a ZEH community ________.
  112. What does the “net metering” practice mean to the power company?
  113. How are the residents in the ZEH communities billed for electricity use?
  114. What is special about the ZEH communities?
  115. Why are the Gatais eager to see their electricity bills now?
  116. The application of advanced technology to research in solar energy ______.
  117. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  118. According to Mr. Gretz, the present sum of money will enable the scientists to provide _____.
  119. Some scientists believe that a breakthrough in the use of solar energy depends on ______.
  120. The phrase "be brought forward" (Line 2, Para. 1) most probably means "______".
  121. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami are the manifestations of the incessant energy within the internal earth.
  122. Plastic bags are better for the environment than reusable bags.
  123. Solar energy is believed to the ultimate energy source from the external sphere.
  124. In 19th-century London, wood and coal was burned in large quantities to heat homes and other buildings, which was the main source of smog.
  125. Wasting less food is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  126. For households looking to adopt solar technology, using photovoltaic panels installed on the roof is generally more cost-effective than installing a solar water heating system.
  127. Japan's economy is only half the size of China’s, and its oil reserves are also lower than ours.
  128. Waterpower was applied at an early date to grinding grain and casting of iron agricultural implements.
  129. Electrolysis releases fossil carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere which are greenhouse gases.
  130. China is the leading producer, consumer as well as exporter of coal in the world.
  131. The oil prices increased from 38 dollars per barrel to 149 dollars per barrel after the Iraq war because the USA took large amount of petroleum reserve away.
  132. The uneven distribution of petroleum and its versatile function in modern society will inevitably cause conflict even war among countries for their own benefit.
  133. China is constructing mutually beneficial relationships with all the countries along the Belt and Road, which is a grand win-win strategy.
  134. Natural gas is overshadowed by oil for the reason that it is often mistaken for gasoline (the short form is gas) in the “oil and gas industry”.
  135. Water must be moving to generate power. A quiet lake may have the potential to generate power, but nothing happens until the water moves.
  136. If the abiotic theory is true, oil prices will soar and there will be competition for oil even war to solve the conflict caused by oil.
  137. Modern hydroelectric dams can be viewed as the descendants of the water wheel, as they too take advantage of the movement of water downhill. Today’s hydroelectricity plants may be many times more sophisticated, and they rely on the principles totally different from that of mankind’s earliest machines.
  138. In the late 19th century, James Blyth was the first to generate electricity from wind, making his cottage the first wind-powered home in the world.
  139. Experts cannot agree what that exact level is, but some state that a hyperinflation means monthly inflation rate is greater than 50%.
  140. The energy sector remains one of the least gender diverse sectors in the economy.
  141. Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale. Once it is achieved, the substance may demonstrate special properties.
  142. When entropy increases, the order of the substance also increases correspondingly.
  143. In and around Beijing, a large population and high concentration of industry – combined with the hilly topography surrounding the city – push the levels of smog up to and beyond “dangerous” at certain times of the year.
  144. The story of coal consumption is a tale of two worlds: decline in European and North America, but strong growth in India and Southeast Asia.
  145. Nearly 96% of all hydrogen is derived from fossil fuels with natural gas being by far the most frequently used, about 4% from electrolysis and other byproduct sources of hydrogen.
  146. Hydropower is electricity made by generators that are pushed by still water. It is usually made with dams that block a river to make a reservoir or collect water that is pumped there.
  147. According to the laws of thermodynamics, secondary energy sources cannot be produced.
  148. You can reduce your water usage by shutting off the water while you brush your teeth and taking shorter showers.
  149. A fission nuclear power plant is generally composed of a nuclear reactor, in which the nuclear reactions generating heat take place; a cooling system, which removes the heat from inside the reactor; a steam turbine, which transforms the heat in mechanical energy; an electric generator, which transform the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  150. Plastic with Recycling Symbol marked as #4, When high temperature occurs, will produce harmful substances. So, keep cling wrap away from microwave oven.
  151. The four types of abbreviations of clipping, acronym, initialism and blending. Among them, ( )is different because it involving both deleting and combining.
  152. The term Dutch Disease was coined to explain a sharp decline in the Dutch economy following their discovery of ( ) in 1959.
  153. Direct Current can be abbreviated as the following EXCEPT( ).
  154. As we all know ( ) is the blood of modern industry.
  155. In oil jargon, 清管器 is( ).
  156. Consumers are encouraged to reduce their waste by(      ).
  157. In 2018, China imported 461.9 million tons of oil, becoming the world's ( ) for two consecutive years.
  158. In the SI system, the unit name of “newton” is to represent ( ).
  159. Tackling our long-term climate goals will require all of the following except ( ).
  160. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas? (      ).
  161. ( )of the following is both a lexical and a clausal nominalization .
  162. A major concern in the nuclear debate is what the long-term effects of living near or working in a nuclear power station are. These concerns typically center around the potential for increased risks of _____.
  163. Nuclear waste, if stolen, could be used as a radiological weapon, colloquially known as a "______". The United Nations has since called upon world leaders to improve security in order to prevent radioactive material falling into the hands of terrorists.
  164. Nuclear power is one of the leading _____ carbon power generation methods of producing electricity. From the beginning of its commercialization in the 1970s, nuclear power has prevented the emission of about 64 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent that would have otherwise resulted from the burning of fossil fuels.
  165. The word formation of generalization does NOT include the following method——( )
  166. In oil jargon, “驴头” is ( ).
  167. which of the following is NOT the consequence when the economy of Venezuela became largely oil-based economy?
  168. Solar energy from the Sun creates temperature differentials that result in wind. The interaction between wind and the surface of water creates waves, which are larger when there is a ______ distance for them to build up.
  169. Nuclear power is a ____ -density energy.
  170. The traditional measurement unit of heat is ( )and its SI counterpart is ( ).
  171. Which one of the following cohesive devices are NOT used in the sentences “Electricity is a convenient form of energy. It is well known that when fuels such as coal, oil and gas are burned, energy is released.”?( )
  172. When was the Kyoto Protocol first drafted? ( )
  173. In oil jargon, “落物打捞工人”为 ( )
  174. On some of the oil-blessed lands, which energy resource is still scare?
  175. Where does the majority of plastic waste end up? ( )
  176. Osmotic power, or salinity gradient power, is the energy available from the difference in the ______ between seawater and river water. At the mouth of rivers where fresh water mixes with salt water, energy associated with the salinity gradient can be harnessed.
  177. Which of the following is NOT an example of distributed wind generation?
  178. Where were OPEC’s headquarters in 1961-1965? ( )
  179. Energy in its biological context is an attribute of all biological systems. For example, the human body uses energy released by respiration for( ).
  180. Peak oil theory believes that conventional sources of crude oil either have already reached or are about to reach their ( )production capacity worldwide and will ( )significantly in volume.
  181. ( ) is the highest rank of coal with highest carbon content, high heat content, low sulfur content,but limited supplies.
  182. The 1973 oil crisis had a significant effect on countries, such as France and Japan, which had relied more heavily on oil for electric generation (39% and 73% respectively) to invest in nuclear power. Thereafter, the ____ industry created jobs, focused on safety and public concerns mostly waned.
  183. What happens to plastic waste? ( )
  184. Firewood and charcoal also applied in military area, known as ( ), or signal fire.
  185. A meltdown is considered very serious because of the potential for _____ to breach all containment and escape (or be released) into the environment, resulting in radioactive contamination, and potentially leading to radiation poisoning of people and animals nearby.
  186. Key to the latest reactor designs is the concept of ____ nuclear safety. It does not require operator actions or electronic feedback in order to shut down safely in the event of a particular type of emergency (usually overheating resulting from a loss of coolant or loss of coolant flow). Past design mistakes like Fukushima in Japan did not anticipate that a tsunami generated by an earthquake would disable the backup systems that were supposed to stabilize the reactor after the earthquake.
  187. The prefix “sub-” in used in the energy field refers ( ).
  188. On August 15, 1971, ( ) announced "Closing the gold window”, and broke its promise to redeem dollars for gold.
  189. What does it mean to reduce? ( )
  190. It is said coal was used commercially by the ( ) long before it was used in Europe.
  191. Which of the following measure unit is the correct equivalence between Chinese and English? ( ).
  192. Large scale electricity generation is achieved through solar thermal power plants. It starts by heating liquid to produce ____, which is then used to drive the turbines.
  193. In the SI system, the base unit for temperature is( ).
  194. The reason steam methane reforming has traditionally been favored over electrolysis is because whereas methane reforming directly uses natural gas, electrolysis requires ______.
  195. The largest horizontal-axis turbines are as tall as ( ) buildings and have blades more than ( ) feet long.
  196. The drawback of solar energy is that it is only available when the sun’s rays reach us. In fact, strong sunshine _____ necessary; photovoltaic cells collect energy ______.
  197. Hydroelectric dams do an excellent job in handling seasonal (as well as daily) high peak loads. Demand for electricity is not "flat". Demand goes up and down during the day, and overnight there is less need for electricity. What does the word “flat” mean?
  198. Water typically varies in temperature from the surface warmed by direct sunlight to greater depths where sunlight cannot penetrate. This differential is greatest in _____ waters, making ocean thermal energy conversion most applicable.
  199. What is the Greenhouse Effect? ( )
  200. The chief advantage of hydroelectricity is that it does not run out as long as there is a good ________.
  201. Key words included should be standardized terminologies in usually 3-8 words or phrases.
  202. Language used in an abstract should be informal to draw closer the relationship between the writer and his potential readers.
  203. Key words listed should also appear in the title of the thesis.
  204. 参考文献 of an academic paper should be translated into (      ).
  205. “所在单位” should be translated into(      ).
  206. The sentence pattern “The findings hold important implications ...” is used to indicate the (      )of the study.
  207. Which of the typical elements of an abstract can be omitted? (      ).
  208. The abstract is always the first section to be written.
  209. An abstract should highlight the major points covered in the thesis in order to offer guidance to readers.
  210. What is the first step after your submission of your paper? (      )
  211. Publish or Perish? The sentence implies that (      ).
  212. Which of the following parts answering the question of “What did I find?” (      ).
  213. EI in Chinese means (      ).
  214. Venezuela, a country located in north of (    ), once has been one of the world's largest exporters of oil and has the world's largest (       ).
  215. In history, which river once has been declared biologically dead, no longer able to support any life?
  216. Hyperinflation is a very high, rapid, and continuous (      ), within which the prices of goods and services quickly rise to a level so high.
  217. the so-called oil curse has not only caused Venezuela’s economic decline, but also deteriorated its (     ) climate.
  218. The term Dutch Disease was coined in (      ) to explain a sharp decline in the Dutch economy following their discovery of (       )in 1959.
  219. which of the country is the blogger from?
  220. Which movies did the blogger compare the climate of Beijing to?
  221. While it has set targets to increase its consumption of  (     ), China remains the world’s top producer and consumer of coal
  222. In 19th-century London, (    ) was the main source of smog.
  223. For London, the disaster was the Great Smog of (          ).
  224. The South China Sea contains the world's largest reserve of (    ).
  225. Greenspan once said: “Oil is the blood of ( ).”
  226. The international organization of financial system that President Roosevelt proposed after WWII to establish is (       ).
  227. After 1973, by linking the dollar to oil, a direct consequence of fighting in oil-producing countries is the soaring oil prices, which means (             ) for the dollar.
  228. Within the Bretton Woods system, the United States promised to exchange the dollars for gold at a fixed rate of (     ) dollars per ounce.
  229. In modern society, ( ), as the primary source of energy, would affect the national security.
  230. China is constructing mutually beneficial relationships with all the countries along (    ).
  231. In 1974 the United States made a deal with (             )for a military alliance, which thus led to the petroleum trade being priced in the U.S. dollars.
  232. The first decree issued by the Interim Government was to declare Iraq's oil exports to be priced in dollars again instead of (        ).
  233. By (       ), with the imported oil accounting for 80%, China is almost becoming a country totally dependent on imported oil.
  234. The ancient (              ), were all formed along the rivers.
  235. Before the industrial revolution, the most important resources were (         ) in agricultural society
  236. One of the reasons of the bad economic situation in Arabian world, may be attributed to the disruptive fracking technology improvement in (       ).
  237. people build dams and levees to control the flooding. These projects, as well as reservoirs and wells, were called (           ).
  238. The uncontrolled use of firewood ultimately led to serious consequence —(            ).
  239. Before fossil fuels were exploited and applied on a large scale, (  ) the main source of energy in ancient China.
  240. Charcoal had been the main fuel of smelting and casting industry before (        ).
  241. The poem Old Charcoal Man told us a fact that the royal family, as well as the common people living in cities, need to purchase Charcoal for their (          ).
  242. When the driving force of social transformation was mainly from the South and overseas, the ancient empire had to move towards early industrialization, in the way of separating (  ) and financial capital.
  243. After the industrial revolution, the key energy transferred to (              ).
  244. Carbon footprints can NOT be reduced through(      ).
  245. The(      )Effect refers to a concept that small causes can have large effects.
  246. Countries that rely on oil exports, can suffer from a phenomenon known as the(      ).
  247. “I live on 9200 S. Bell St.” What does "S." stand for in this sentence? (      )
  248. Plastic type(      )is typically used to make bottles for water.
  249. It is safer to put type (      )polypropylene into a microwave oven.
  250. What year did oil prices skyrocket thanks to an OPEC embargo? (      )
  251. Geopolitics is closest to (      ).
  252. Which is an example of geopolitics? (      )
  253. The carbon market is a market in which we trade(      ).
  254. The process by which plants make food is called (      ).
  255. The(      ) is an intergovernmental organization to promote adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy.
  256. WWF is well-known for its (      ) logo created in 1961.
  257. (      )also known as IEA, is at the heart of global dialogue on energy.
  258. (      ) is taken in by plants to make food.
  259. (      )is the world's largest conservation organization.
  260. (      ) is an example of initialism.
  261. Which one of these increases the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere?
  262. Choose the correct abbreviation. (      )
  263. What time of the day is 12:00 A.M.? (      ).
  264. Earth Hour starts at(      ).
  265. STEM education does not include (      ).
  266. Wind farms may bring (      ).
  267. (      )is NOT one of the gender issues in energy industry.
  268. Under certain lighting conditions, wind turbines can create an effect known as(      ).
  269. WWF is short for(      ).
  270. Geothermal energy brings air emissions including(      ).
  271. Women are trying to get involved in energy sectors by making efforts in different aspects except (      ).
  272. To achieve gender equity in the energy sector does not mean achieving(      ).
  273. Hydroelectric facilities might have a major impact on (      ).
  274. Water wheels are machines that use the energy of ______ to turn a wheel. The axle of the turning wheel can then power other machines to do work.
  275. The amount of _____ that drains into rivers and streams in a geographic area determines the amount of water available for producing hydropower.
  276. The volume of the water flow and the change in _____ from one point to another determine the amount of available energy in moving water.
  277. The island of Ta’u in American Samoa, small in size though, is large when it comes to renewable energy. It producing 100% of its electricity from solar power. The batteries store energy for up to ____ days on which the sun doesn’t shine.
  278. The Three Gorges Dam has brought benefits to Chinese people mainly in __________.
  279. Common environmental concerns associated with marine energy developments include ____.
  280. Strong ocean currents are generated from a combination of temperature, wind, salinity, bathymetry, and the rotation of the Earth. The Sun acts as the primary driving force, causing _____________.
  281. New nuclear is impractical in western countries because of ________.
  282. Hydrogen fuel can be harvested from biomass. ______, ________ and ______ are three places that create much biomass.
  283. Sunlight reaches us by radiation. Radiation travels in electromagnetic waves consisting of ______, and when the energy waves reach an object, they can either pass through it, or be reflected, or be absorbed, depending on the material. PVs are made out of a semi-conducting material. When they absorb photons of sunlight, the energy of the photons dislodges electrons from their atoms. The PV’s special coating attracts free electrons to the surface, and it is this movement of electrons that produces the electrical current.
  284. The scientists and researchers have mostly decided that using nuclear power plants that are currently online may be able to produce hydrogen fuel as a byproduct of the water that they are already using to cool the ____.
  285. Floatovoltaics reduce the need of valuable land area, save drinking water that would otherwise be lost through ______, and show a higher efficiency of solar energy conversion, as the panels are kept at a _____ temperature than they would be on land.
  286. In electrolysis, electricity is run through water to separate the _____ and _____ atoms.
  287. Most of today’s hydrogen is produced from natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming. This is where steam and _______come together under high temperature to produce hydrogen.
  288. Beams of sunshine are waves of light and heat energy, radiated across 93 million miles of space to reach our earth in about ________.
  289. A raging river contains ____ energy ____a small stream.
  290. Landfills and farms can have high concentrations of _____ which is hydrogen-rich chemical compound.
  291. ______ is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. It is energy contained in raw fuels, and other forms of energy received as input to a system.
  292. Manufacturers of hydrogen generators have developed methods to use lower amounts of electricity to split water into hydrogen. Different electrolytes or catalysts are used in _______ the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water.
  293. New energy vehicles are driven by the enery of ______. It is believed that they reduce our dependence on petroleum and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  294. Fuel cells are versatile as they can scale up easily and meet a variety of power needs – large or small. You can ____ individual fuel cells to increase the amount of power they can provide. The taller the stack, the more power you have.
  295. ______ has the highest energy content of all known conventional fuels (by weight). It has almost 3 times more energy content by mass than ______.
  296. In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water and releases _______.
  297. Petroleum and natural gas beneath the ocean floor are also considered a form of ocean energy.
  298. Pure hydrogen does not occur naturally on Earth in large quantities, and it is locked up in enormous quantities in water, hydrocarbons, and other ______. One of the challenges of using hydrogen as a fuel comes from being able to efficiently extract hydrogen from these compounds (化合物).
  299. Hydropower systems build pressure either by containing the water behind a dam, or within a pipe that runs down a hill. The weight of the water behind the dam or in the pipe creates pressure at the bottom. More height creates more pressure, and more pressure means we can get more power from the flow of water.
  300. The 1973 oil embargo and 1979 energy crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies around the world and brought renewed attention to developing solar technologies.
  301. The only products that come out of a fuel cell are _______. No pollution or other dirty byproducts come out of the tailpipe of a fuel cell car.
  302. _____ is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element. Since it is so light, it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure form.
  303. Solar power causes no pollution at all.
  304. Solar panels, wind turbines, hydro power and geothermal energy and hydrocarbons (natural gas or coal) can all be used to produce hydrogen (a primary energy).
  305. Fuel cell engines (燃料电池发动机) are two to three times more efficient than combustion engines, meaning that much greater fuel economy is available using hydrogen in a fuel cell.
  306. Electrolysis can use wind, solar, geothermal, fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear, and many other energy sources.
  307. Ways to produce hydrogen fuel include producing it from nuclear power, biomass, algae, artificial photosynthesis, direct solar and coal gasification.
  308. Refueling a fuel cell car is more complex and dangerous than with traditional gasoline vehicles.
  309. We are more independent on electricity than we were generations ago so a failure of supply today can have major consequences.
  310. Seasonal variations in precipitation and long-term changes in precipitation patterns, such as droughts, have a big impact on hydropower production.
  311. Because the fuel cell is so much more efficient that the internal combustion engine, fueling a fuel cell car can cost around the same as fueling a gasoline car.
  312. A fuel cell is a device that produces electricity from chemical fuels, in just one step. Unlike batteries, fuel cells don’t run down or need recharging. As long as there is a constant source of fuel and oxygen, fuel cells will continue to generate power. And they don’t burn the fuel – the electricity is produced directly.
  313. According to the report by EIA in 2018, the top three countries by oil production are (     ).
  314. In order to reduce the consumption of coal , China has tried its best to invest in renewable energy and to adopt new technology to improve the efficiency in industry.
  315. Oil and natural gas are often found in similar areas, although natural gas will almost certainly be higher in the ground and under less pressure than oil.
  316. Petroleum is a (      ) mixture of solid, liquid, and gaseous hydrocarbons that occurs naturally beneath the Earth's surface.
  317. In the argument about the origin of oil, scientists should avoid letting (      ) prevent them from accepting the truth, whatever that proves to be.
  318. Fossil fuels originated from dinosaurs.
  319. The word “petroleum” originated in Latin which means “rock oil”.
  320. To carry coals to Newcastle is like to pour sand on the beach.
  321. The abiotic theory is developed in (      ) during the Cold War, as it needed to be self sufficient in terms of producing its own energy.
  322. China is the largest coal (      ) country in 2017.
  323. According to a report by British Petroleum (BP), Large supplies of coal are known to exist (proven reserves) or thought to be available in (     ).
  324. Which of the following are fossil fuels?
  325. The most significant uses of coal are in (      ).
  326. Slightly more than half of the world’s proven reserves are located in (      ).
  327. (   ) is not a real coal, but only a precursor.
  328. In China, most natural gas is distributed in (      ).
  329. A tale of two Europes means (      ).
  330. Across much of Asia, coal demand grows due to its (      ).
  331. Energy conversion efficiency (η) is the ratio between (      )and (      ).
  332. The underlined word “tap” means (      )in the following sentence—Oil is formed and then percolates up through cracks and porous rock to fill the reservoirs that humans tap to get oil.
  333. The word “oil” originally means “any kind of smooth greasy liquid” but later acquires the specific meaning of “petroleum”. This word-forming method is called (      ).
  334. The Chinese equivalent of ESAP is (      ).
  335. Abbreviations can achieve brevity, conciseness, efficiency and economy. Therefore it is frequently used in the following domain EXCEPT (      ).
  336. The sun energizes photosynthesis and brings about the energy called (      ).
  337. Compounded words have four characteristics, among which (      )refers to its spelling features.
  338. Sour oil means oil that contains a relatively high proportion of (      ).
  339. Energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, (      ) and distribution.
  340. The word “synergy” means (      )based on its etymological explanation.
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