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  2. AI参考:很抱歉,您并没有给出任何题目或问题,这使得我无法为您提供准确的答案。但我可以告诉您关于听力训练的一些信息:听力训练是提高英语听力和口语能力的重要方法。以下是一些有效的听力训练方法:1. 听力练习:通过反复听英语材料,如英语新闻、电影、歌曲等,来提高听力水平。2. 听力理解:在听力练习中,不仅要听懂单词和句子,还要理解整个段落或对话的含义。3. 跟读和模仿:通过跟读和模仿英语发音和语调,可以更好地掌握英语的发音和语调,从而提高口语和听力水平。4. 听力考试技巧:了解听力考试的题型和答题技巧,可以帮助您更好地应对考试。总之,听力训练需要持续的努力和耐心,但通过正确的练习和方法,可以提高英语听力和口语能力。如果您需要更具体的建议,请告诉我您的具体需求和情况。'
  3. Overcoming Multicultural Clashes in Global Joint Ventures

    As trade liberalization opens new markets to foreign competition, executives everywhere are embarking on extensive, ambitious ventures that involve forging joint ventures among a variety of companies, a variety of national origins. The logic behind such ventures is compelling: usually the various partners each offer such benefits as new technologies, stable international financing, local-market expertise, and cost-effective human resources.

    Very often, management focuses only on such business needs as raising capital, procuring (采办) equipment, establishing operational plans, and providing technical training. Absorbed with those complexities, senior managers ignore or overlook the vital cultural issues that influence the day-to-day operations of their joint venture. To their disappointment, they eventually learn that the inability to manage culturally diverse workforce usually affects every process in the chain, from development to marketing.

    Take for example, the case of Mike Burgess, a Texas-born program manager who recently came to Indonesia to manage a multicultural venture. When Mike arranged his first Friday meeting with team members of various nationalities, he expected everyone to appear at 9 a.m. But three of the six Indonesian members did not arrive until 9:20 a.m. Worse, the three Indonesians brought along three uninvited members from their own staffs. Meanwhile, the four Japanese members of the team reorganized their seats so that they could sit together.

    When the meeting finally got underway at 9:45 a.m., Mike moved from discussing the agenda (议事日程) and objectives to inviting his guests to pose questions. No one volunteered a question until Mike remembered that Mr. Budi, as the senior Indonesian, had been invited to present his comments before anyone else could pose a question.

    During the discussion that followed, Mike became annoyed by the tendency of Indonesian members to lead their conversations down sidetracks rather than discussions of results and objectives. Then, Mike and Robert, the American technical director, became engaged in a heated, open disagreement that surprised both the Indonesian and Japanese teams. During the break that followed, the Indonesians were offended that Mike had ordered coffee, but no snacks. When the meeting reconvened (再次召集), and Mike tried to call the participants to a democratic vote on a key decision, Mr. Yamaguchi, the Japanese-team leader, asked for a delay of a week, so that he could consult with his headquarters in Tokyo. Mike openly expressed his frustration at this further delay, and Yamaguchi seized the opportunity to criticize Mike for an annoying workplace habit: Why, Yamaguchi asked, did Mike send so many e-mail messages to Yamaguchi, even though he worked only twenty-five feet away?

    At the core of all these clashes are the widely diverse values and habits of the American, Japanese, and Indonesian teams. These sets of competing values can be contrasted as follows.

    The American managers valued individualism, directness, and time-consciousness, while the Japanese stressed face-to-face discussion and consensus (一致) building. The Americans strove to come to business meetings well-informed and focused, expecting an open-dialogue that would lead to action-oriented decisions and the assigning of responsibilities. The Japanese partners placed great emphasis on group harmony, consensus, and the absolute requirement that proposals and actions be thoroughly discussed by all members of the group.

    For their part, the Indonesians had their own unique concerns. They expected that a senior member would open and close every important meeting. They also expected frequent breaks, not only for coffee and snacks, but also with enough time to conduct their daily prayers. They considered it normal to invite other members of their staff to attend business meetings, and didn’t mind pursuing off-the-point conversations that clarified an important point.

    Considering the extraordinary cultural complexities of these new multinational ventures, it’s not surprising that most management teams fail to plan for these pitfalls (隐患). After all, no one can accurately predict exactly what kinds of troubles will ensue, only that there will be plenty of friction if no preparations are made.

    What to do? Happily, there are many ways in which managers can minimize, if not entirely eliminate the explosive, counter-productive potential. Activities such as brief lectures, group discussions, sharing of experience, video and multimedia presentations, all employing the most advanced research results, can help focus management on the dangers ahead, from the outset of any venture. Before problems explode, seminar participants should be encouraged to point out strengths and weaknesses of the joint venture. Then, members of each nationality should be asked to identify their individual core values. These core values should then be compared publicly with the value of participants from other cultures. In common, the various cultures will more willingly accept this sort of openness when it is part of a formalized process.

    Thus, Mr. Budi, the Indonesian manager, revealed that he placed greatest value on group harmony, personal relationships, cooperation, family, and seniority. That was hardly surprising, because these values are keys to success in Indonesia. Conversely, Mike Burgess, the American engineer, noted that his priorities (重点) were individuality, openness, risk-taking, and freedom. And Suzuki, the Japanese manager, predictably revealed that group harmony, consensus, and achievement are most important to him.

    To run a multicultural company successfully, the following pointers (点子、线索) are worth keeping in mind:

    Do not assume that capital, technology, and market-access are the only competitive edges.

    Provide each member of your team with preliminary cross-cultural orientation and training about the national and corporate cultures of the other team members.

    Establish a forum in which your employees can begin the process of creating and building a new corporate culture common to all new members. Find and stress common values. Encourage members to compromise and accept values that are not stressed in their culture.

    Use a facilitator, either a professional or an employee, to coach your top leaders in the critical task of developing a dialogue among the members of your multi-cultural team.

  4. 答案:多文化的AI参考:1. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors contributing to cultural clashes?A. Each partner may bring different ideas, expectations and attitudesB. Time differences and the management style may be a cause of cultural clashesC. A different emphasis on consensus building is not one of the factors causing cultural clashesD. Conflict resolution techniques and management strategies are important in preventing cultural clashes正确答案是:C. A different emphasis on consensus building is not one of the factors causing cultural clashes。原文中没有提到“对一致性的不同强调”是导致文化冲突的因素之一,因此C选项是不正确的。其他选项A、B、D都在原文中有所提及,都是导致文化冲突的因素。因此,正确答案是C。根据文章内容,不同文化背景的合作伙伴可能带来不同的想法、期望和态度,这是导致文化冲突的一个因素;时间差异和管理风格也可能导致文化冲突;不同的强调点在于一致性建设是不同文化背景下的管理风格,也可能会引发冲突;冲突解决技巧和管理策略在防止文化冲突方面也很重要。因此,正确答案是C。'
  5. Stress at home, stress on the job, stress in your relationships. Regardless of the source, stress can have a negative impact (影响) on your health and well- being. One of the many physical problems stress can cause is weight gain. In an October, 1998 issue of the International Journal of Obesity (肥胖), researchers published a study that revealed that high stress is a “predictor for major weight gain”. In a January, 2006 article in the same publication, researchers found that stress can cause both weight loss and weight gain in men, depending on their initial body mass index (指数).

        Many people will find themselves reaching for unhealthy foods when they’re stressed. The stereotype (刻板印象) of curling up with a quart (夸脱,液体容量单位) of ice cream at the end of a bad day isn’t far from the truth. People often seek emotional comfort from foods when they can’t find it elsewhere.  

        In addition to craving snack foods or sweets, some people experience an increase in appetite as a reaction to stress. Doctors have learned that although the initial reaction to stress, driven by adrenaline (肾上腺素), can decrease appetite, the lingering (拖延的) effects of another stress hormone, cortisol (皮质醇), can increase appetite. A 2001 study in Psychoneuroendocrinology (《神经心理内分泌学》杂志) indicates that women may be particularly susceptible to this type of stress eating.

        Our bodies are designed to react to stress in a fight or flight manner. Our bodies produce adrenaline to help us deal with the immediate stress. After that initial burst of energy, our bodies produce cortisol to increase appetite and replenish (补充) our food stores. The problem arises in the fact that we seldom output enough energy in the fight or flight stage to warrant the extra calories we take in during the replenishment stage. The end result is weight gain.

        While stress can make you overeat, it can also cause you to neglect your health in other ways. Many times people fail to take time to exercise, get enough sleep, or eat right when they’re under stress. All of these can contribute to weight gain. The weight gain, and the health issues it causes, can then become another source of stress in its own right. For these reasons, it’s imperative to reduce stress and avoid the problems that it brings.

  6. 答案:正确AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? The correct answer is: A. Stress can cause both weight loss and weight gain. B. Stress is a predictor for major weight gain. C. Some people find themselves unable to eat properly when stressed. D. All of the above. A、B、C、D都是原文中提到的相关陈述,其中只有D全部符合原文意思。原文中提到,压力会导致过度饮食、睡眠不足和健康饮食不佳,这些都可能引发体重增加,同时也可能成为新的压力来源。因此,所有选项都正确。 原文中提到“high stress is a ‘predictor for major weight gain’”,即高压力是导致体重大幅增加的“预测器”,但并未明确说明压力会导致体重下降或不变。因此,选项A不正确。 原文中提到“stress can cause both weight loss and weight gain in men”,但并未明确指出哪些人会经历这种情况,因此选项C也不准确。 因此,正确答案是D. All of the above。"
  7. Have you ever wondered the Frisbee flies? The answer is very simple. It’s all about physics. The forward flight of the Frisbee is due to the air that pushes at the leading edge of the disc. The air stays over and under the flying disc.

         Since the edge of the disc is tipped up, some of the air is deflected (偏离的) downward and when it pushes downward, the air is again pushed over the disc. The force which allows the Frisbee to fly on air is known as aerodynamic (空气动力学的) lift. You can compare the flow of the air to the flow of fluids. The air tends to follow curve surfaces. The design of the Frisbee was carefully thought through. Because of the bend on the Frisbee, air is easily sucked upwards and downwards thereby making the disc stay afloat despite of the force of gravity. Another good way to describe a Frisbee in flight is the so-called “Bernoulli Effect”.

    As a Frisbee player, you must be aware that you can’t make a Frisbee fly when it is upside-down. The disc’s rotation (旋转) is also crucial. For instance, if a player throws the Frisbee upright, it will result to a poor flight. The Frisbee will simply flutter (摇摆) and tumble (跌倒) like that of a falling leaf; this is because the aerodynamic force is not perfectly centered. Because of the Frisbee’s angular momentum (角动量), it can stay on a certain orientation. The flight of the disc is usually affected by the aerodynamic twists (弧圈运动) and torques (扭动力).

        Because of the disc’s ingenious (巧妙的) design, the maximum lift is perfectly placed at the toy’s middle. The angular momentum of the disc is also maximized because of its thicker edges. The disc also has top ridges () which are not for any design purpose. The ridges introduce microscopic (细微的) air turbulence (震动) above the disc’s label. Because of the turbulence, the disc can fly farther and longer on air.

        A lot of people are confused by the physics behind the Frisbee and so they  would just rather toss and catch a Frisbee rather than think about how the toy works. It’s really quite amazing that the Frisbee started as an empty pie tin and at present, its flight can only be explained by physics.  

    If someone asks you how the disc flies, you already have an idea. If you still can’t get the concept of aerodynamics, you can simply answer that the Frisbee flies because of its ingenious (巧妙) and complex design; that way, you won’t have to go through the details. Still, the aerodynamic concept and the Bernoulli Effect are not really difficult to understand. If you take time to read and comprehend, you will immediately understand how the toy works.

        From just a simple toy, the Frisbee is now being played as a sport. In fact, there are many types of Frisbee games today which include Ultimate Frisbee, Flutter Guts, Friskee, Dodge Frisbee, Disc Golf, and a lot more. Because of the disc’s ingenious design, it has evolved from being a simple toy to a very exciting sport.

        Now that you know the physics behind the flight of a Frisbee, you will no longer wonder how it is able to withstand the gravity (重力) and stay on the air for a long period. Get your very own Frisbee now and play together with friends or family members. You can play in your own yard or even at the park.

  8. 答案:expireAI参考:What does the “Bernoulli Effect” refer to? A. A natural law discovered by Bernoulli. B. A technique for disc flight that requires no special equipment. C. A technique that makes a disc float up when thrown up. D. A way of describing the flow of fluids 正确答案是:D. A way of describing the flow of fluids。 原文中说As a Frisbee player,you must be aware that you can’t make a Frisbee fly when it is upside-down. The disc’s rotation is also crucial. For instance,if a player throws the Frisbee upright,it will result to a poor flight. The Frisbee will simply flutter and tumble like that of a falling leaf;this is because the aerodynamic force is not perfectly centered.(当飞盘玩家时,你必须意识到你不能让飞盘倒着飞。飞盘的旋转也很重要。例如,如果一个玩家把飞盘扔正,结果飞行效果很差。飞盘会像一片正在下落的叶子一样轻轻飘动和翻滚,这是因为空气动力不是完全均匀的。)其中提到飞盘在旋转时由于空气流动不均匀,产生所谓的伯努利效应,伯努利效应就是描述流体流动的方法,所以可以推断“伯努利效应”就是描述流体流动的一种方法,故选D。 其他选项A和C原文中没有提及;选项B的描述不符合题意。"
  9. More teen-agers smoke today than at any time since the 1915s, a federal study shows. Overall, 35% of children  1  grades 9-12 smoke cigarettes, a greater  2  than the 25% of adults who smoke.

    3  it is illegal to buy cigarettes until age 18, more than 20% of kids who  4  them in stores are not asked for proof of  5  ,and they get cigarettes just as adults do: They walk in and buy them,  6  no one checks their age. At a high school,  7  inaugurated (发起) a smoke-free campus this year, students who sneak cigarettes between classes  8  that stricter laws will cut  9  .Sixth-and seventh-graders  10  at a middle school say they have little trouble  11  stores to sell them cigarettes,  12  unsupervised vending machines (自动售货机) or getting  13  students to buy cigarettes for them. They say they have  14  the most successful store-buying line early: “ My  15  is waiting in the car.”

    16  smoking becomes less popular in adults, smoking becomes a form of rebellion. Too often the rebellion leads to the tragic consequences of a  17  smoking habit. Health experts warn that  18  teen smokers quit soon, advances made in reducing lung cancer and heart disease in the past 20 years will be  19  .This will have a dramatic effect on the nation’s  20  .

  10. AI参考:1. 正确答案是:35%。 在文章中提到,联邦研究表明,现在青少年吸烟的人数比19世纪15年代以来任何时候都要多,其中35%的9-12年级学生吸烟,因此答案为35%。 2. 正确答案是:greater。 原文中提到“a greater proportion of adults who smoke”,意为成年人中吸烟的比例更高了,所以选择“greater”。 3. 正确答案是:they are. 这句话是一个疑问句,使用助动词they are可以表达提问者想要确认是否具有某事的真实性或某情况的存在。在这个语境下,这句话的意思是“他们是真的”,即这些孩子确实是在商店里购买香烟的。 4. 正确答案是:buy。 句子中提到孩子们在商店购买香烟,因此答案为buy。 5. 正确答案是:proof。 根据上下文可知,这里指的是购买香烟时需要出示证明文件,如身份证等,因此答案为proof。 6. 正确答案是:no one checks their age. 根据上下文可知,商店里的工作人员没有检查孩子们的年龄,所以他们可以随意购买香烟。因此答案为no one checks their age。 7. 正确答案是:this year. 句子中提到“今年”,所以答案为this year。 8. 正确答案是:they think. 句子中使用了“they think”表示他们认为的想法或观点,即学生们认为更严格的法律将减少吸烟的行为。因此,答案为they think。 9. 正确答案是:more serious problems. 原文中提到“stricter laws will cut more serious problems”,即更严格的法律将减少更严重的问题,因此答案为more serious problems。 10. 正确答案是:say。 句子中使用了say这个动词,表示说出的意思。因此答案为say。 11. 正确答案是:stores. 句子中提到了“stores to sell them cigarettes”,意思是商店出售香烟,因此答案为stores。 12. 正确答案是:unsupervised vending machines. 句子中提到了“unsupervised vending machines”,即无人监管的自动售货机,因此答案为unsupervised vending machines。 13. 正确答案是:buy cigarettes for them. 句子中提到“buy cigarettes for them”,意为为学生们购买香烟,因此答案为buy cigarettes for them。 14. 正确答案是:quit smoking as soon as possible. 文章中提到“health experts warn that teen smokers quit soon”,意思是健康专家警告青少年应该尽快戒烟,因此答案为quit smoking as soon as possible(尽快戒烟)。 15. 正确答案是:car keys in my pocket. 文章中提到:“my keys are in my pocket”(我的钥匙在口袋里),而该句子中说:“its me”,所以可以推断出应该是汽车钥匙在口袋里。因此,答案为car keys in my pocket(我的口袋里有车钥匙)。 16. 正确答案是:In the past few years. 句子中提到了“the past few years”,说明这是过去的几年内的情况,所以答案为In the past few years(在过去几年内)。 17. 正确答案是:tragic consequences of smoking habit. 文章中提到“the rebellion leads to the tragic consequences of smoking habit”,即吸烟习惯的反抗导致了悲剧性的后果,因此答案为tragic consequences of smoking habit(吸烟习惯带来的悲剧性后果)。 18. 正确答案是:if they can quit smoking soon enough, the progress made in reducing lung cancer and heart disease in the past few years will be even more significant. 健康专家警告青少年应该尽快戒烟,这样可以更好地减少肺癌和心脏病的发生率,因此这句话的意思是如果青少年能够及时戒烟的话,那么过去几年在减少肺癌和心脏病方面所取得的进展将会更加显著。因此答案为if they can quit smoking soon enough。 19. 正确答案是:be realized even more so by them than in the past 20 years because they will not smoke so frequently or smoke as long and intensely now that their life expectancy has been greatly extended because of advancements in medical science, thereby decreasing their exposure to carcinogens(癌症起源物质).因为由于医学科学进步带来的健康意识的增强和生活质量改善使得预期寿命得到大幅度提高而降低了吸烟暴露的时间长度和接触的烟草数量所以过去的进展并不能与之相提并论随着更加迅速的生活节奏和更加激烈的竞争压力的增加人们会更加意识到吸烟的危害性所以更加重视健康问题并采取积极的措施来戒烟。因此答案为be realized even more so by them than in the past 20 years because they will not smoke so frequently or smoke as long and intensely now that their life expectancy has been greatly extended now that"

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