1.( ) is the dominant element of fair and equitable treatment.
A:Protection of foreign investments B:Protection of legitimate expectations C:National treatment D:Protection of foreign investors
答案:AI参考:正确答案是【B:Protection of legitimate expectations】是公平公正待遇的主要要素。\n\nProtection of legitimate expectations保护正当期待,是国际投资法中公平公正待遇标准的核心内容。国家必须提供充分的保护和适当的救济措施,使投资者相信在其领域内的不利条件,不管因何人所致,不会持久,都给予正当期待者公平的对待。其他选项不符合题目要求。因此,正确答案是B。'
2.Which is the amount necessary to replace the investment prior to the injurious acts? ( )
A:Liquidation value B:NBV C:DCF D:Replacement value
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:Replacement value(重置价值)。\n投资在受到损害之前需要用多少金额来替换它,这需要考虑到重置价值。重置价值是投资在损坏之前所需的金额,而其他选项如清算价值、净现值和折现现金流则与这个问题无关。因此,答案是D:Replacement value。'
3.Which means is the most effective means to prevent parallel proceedings if possible? ( )
A:Application of res judicata B:Stay of proceedings C:Consolidation D:Waiver clause
4.( ) prescribe the law applicable to the daily operation of the foreign investment.
A:Choice of law clause B:Clause on the law applicable to the investment C:Dispute settlement clause D:Preservation of right clause
答案:AI参考:正确选项为:B:Clause on the law applicable to the investment。\n\n在外国投资的日常运营中,应适用的法律是由投资协议中关于投资适用法律的条款来指定的。选项A的“法律选择条款”通常用于解决合同纠纷时选择适用何种法律;选项C的“争议解决条款”通常用于解决合同纠纷时的解决方式;选项D的“保留权利条款”通常用于规定双方在合同中的权利和义务。因此,这些选项都不能正确回答问题。因此,正确答案是B,即关于投资适用法律的条款。'
5.The first BIT provides for investor-state arbitration with unqualified state consent was in ( ).
A:1968 B:1971 C:1970 D:1969
6.From the perspective of developed countries, the minimum standard of treatment derives from customary international law. ( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:答案:B:错。 从发达国家的角度来看,最低标准待遇源自国际习惯法。这个说法是不正确的。最低标准待遇通常是由国际组织或国际公约规定的,而不是源自国际习惯法。因此,该题判断为错误。
7.Mere public purpose is sufficient to justify uncompensated appropriations. ( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题目中的句子“Mere public purpose is sufficient to justify uncompensated appropriations”可以得知,仅仅是为了公共目的就足以证明无偿占用是合理的。但是,这句话并没有明确说明这种占用是否需要得到补偿或者是否合法,因此不能简单地判断为正确或错误。需要进一步分析相关法律和规定才能得出正确的结论。
8.Whether a matter pertains to admissibility or jurisdiction is fixed. ( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题目中的句子“Whether a matter pertains to admissibility or jurisdiction is fixed.”可以得知,一个事项是否属于可受理性还是管辖权是由既定的规则决定的,而不是由某个特定的人或组织决定。因此,选项B是正确的,与句子的意思相反。
9.Regulation in the public interest is not exporpriatory. ( )
A:错 B:对
答案:AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据问题描述,监管是为了公众利益,所以监管不具有掠夺性。因此,该判断题表述正确,答案为B。
10.References to ‘no less favourable’ treatment in IIAs means the investors are entitled to the best treatment afforded to any other investors or investments.( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:参考国际投资协议中对‘no less favourable’ treatment的引用,意味着投资者有权享受给予其他任何投资者或投资的最好待遇。因此,答案为A:对。
11.The full protection and security obligations mean that the host state should provide the highest standard of physical protection to foreign investors. ( )
A:对 B:错

12.Encouraging remarks from government officials will give rise to legitimate expectations. ( )
A:对 B:错 13.Even where the security exception is self-judging in an IIA, the state must still act in good faith. ( )
A:错 B:对 14.When assessing legitimate expectations, which of the followings should be considered? ( )
A:The position making the representation B:The timing of the government representation C:The foreseeability of reliance D:The conduct of the investor 15.Which issue should be concerned in drafting the umbrella clause? ( )
A:Addressee of the obligation to be observed B:Duty imposed C:Relationship between the obligation and its addressee D:Obligation to be observed 16.Which clause aims to guarantee that investors will not be suddenly deprived of the benefit an investment treaty following termination? ( )
A:Survival clause B:Jurisdiction clause C:Minimum period of application clause D:MFN treatment clause 17.Which of the following requirements of foreign investors will not be regarded to breach national treatment obligations under the pre-entry mode? ( )
A:Investors should report currency transfers B:Investments should be constituted under the law of the host state C:Investors should reside in the host state D:Investor should employ local workers 18.Security exception provisions based on Article XXI, GATT typically provide what amounts to an essential security interest, including measures relating to ( ).
A:An emergency with purely local effects B:War C:No-proliferation of nuclear materials D:Traffic in arms 19.Which of the following state conducts will give rise to the legitimate expectations? ( )
A:Licenses B:Written representations C:Contract with foreign investors D:Oral representations 20.Pillars of the Calvo Doctrine include ( ).
A:Absolute equality of foreigners with different nationality B:Preferential treatment C:MFN treatment D:The principle of non-intervention 21.Under DCF, the net cash flow has to be discounted at a rate that reflects ( ).
A:The time value of the money B:The original value of the investment C:Expected inflation D:The risk associated with such cash flow under realistic circumstances 22.Narrowly, denial of justice refers to ( ).
A:Failure to provide a fair hearing B:Requirement of exhaustion of local remedies first C:Non-execution of a judgement D:Undue delay in judicial proceedings 23.Which exceptions to transfer obligations are allowed?? ( )
A:Regulation of the dealing of securities B:Bankruptcy C:Tax collection D:Enforcement of criminal offences 24.Which are generally contained in transparency standards in IIAs? ( )
A:To notify parties of changes in the laws; B:To ensure that the laws are applied in a non-discriminatory and impartial fashion C:To promptly respond to questions by investors D:To make information on laws, regulations and policies publicly available 25.In IIA disputes, host state law is relevant to a number of issues, including ( ).
A:The nature of the government measures B:The scope of the right making up an investment C:The validity of an investment D:The existence of an investment 26.From the legal perspective, national treatment guarantee ( ).
A:no equality B:Administrative equality C:Absolute equality D:Formal equality 27.Under ICSID Convention, companies need to have the nationality of an ICSID member state on the date when the parties consented to ICSID arbitration. ( )
A:错 B:对 28.The legal risks that the investor didn’t know at the time the investment was made was not a significant factor in assessing legitimate expectations. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 29.Less favourable administrative to enforce rights might give rise to a breach of national treatment obligations. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 30.Refusal to permit an investment based on local laws by the host state definitely breach IIA obligations.( )
A:错误 B:正确 31.In applying the fork-in-the-road provision, arbitral tribunal should consider the triple identity test: the same object, the same cause of action and the same parties to the dispute. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 32.Unilateral undertakings by the host state may be covered by the umbrella clause in IIAs. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 33.An erroneous judgement is sufficient to prove denial of justice. ( )
A:对 B:错 34.Mere commercial sale can also be qualified as an investment in a BIT. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 35.Under customary international law, states have no right to control the admission of foreign investors and investments into their territories. ( )
A:错 B:对 36.Force majeure under international law is the same as force majeure under national law. ( )
A:错 B:对 37.The state’s right to exercise diplomatic protection was recognized in 1924. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 38.Under the requirement of creating favourable conditions for foreign investors, the host state should be required to privatize state-owned enterprises. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 39.Newly-added taxations are in the categories of indirect expropriation. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 40.Exceptions for existing non-conforming measures act as grandfathering provisions. ( )
A:错 B:对 41.The issue of the liability of the host state for measures that breach the IIA, is a matter for international law, not domestic law. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 42.Normally preservation of right clause contain a choice of law. ( ).
A:错误 B:正确 43.Creeping expropriation occurs when a serious of measures taken by the host state over time cumulatively have an expropriatory effect on the foreign investors. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 44.Normally, states should provide national treatment with respect to the admission of foreign investment. ( ).
A:错 B:对 45.ICSID Convention does not require that the dispute should arise out of an investment. ( )
A:对 B:错 46.For host state, the obligation of promotion and encourage applies to outward FDI by its nationals. ( )
A:错误 B:正确

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