1. Under pre-entry model, no reservations to foreign investment admission and establish can be made. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. National treatment ensures equal opportunities between investors and investments from different states other than host state. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Less favourable administrative to enforce rights might give rise to a breach of national treatment obligations. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Amendments of IIA provisions would affect rights acquired under the Treaty before. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The absence of a comparator in national treatment provisions is not legally significant. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. In applying the fork-in-the-road provision, arbitral tribunal should consider the triple identity test: the same object, the same cause of action and the same parties to the dispute. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The prohibition applies only when the performance requirement distinguishes between foreign and domestic investors. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Capital importing states espoused a full fair market value compensation standard relating to expropriation. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. The foreign investor can claim that the host state breached the protection and security obligations without exhausting local remedies. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. The state’s right to exercise diplomatic protection was recognized in 1924. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. When applying MFN treatment, the investors form the beneficiary state and the third state should be in identical circumstances. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. One of the functions of expropriation is to compensate for failed business ventures. ( )
  24. To fulfill the transparency responsibility, the host state need to provide confidential business information required by the foreign investor. ( )
  25. In applying res judicata, Investors who are not satisfied with the previous domestic litigation is not allowed to turn to international investment arbitration. ( )
  26. References to ‘no less favourable’ treatment in IIAs means the investors are entitled to the best treatment afforded to any other investors or investments.( )
  27. The scope of transfer rights of foreign investors is limited to the right to transfer out of the host state. ( )
  28. Res judicata is an example of a preclusion doctrine.( )
  29. Market capitalization is an appropriate way of valuation where the market is illiquid and few shares are traded.( )
  30. Normally, states should provide national treatment with respect to the admission of foreign investment. ( ).
  31. Even where the security exception is self-judging in an IIA, the state must still act in good faith. ( )
  32. The main objectives of international investment law is to limit all the state measures that discriminate foreign investors or investments. ( )
  33. In IIAs, no exception can apply to all IIA obligations. ( )
  34. According to the rule of exhaustion of local remedy, a home state cannot exercise diplomatic protection if the foreign investor haven’t sought redress in the host state’s domestic legal system. ( )
  35. The full protection and security obligations mean that the host state should provide the highest standard of physical protection to foreign investors. ( )
  36. Exceptions for existing non-conforming measures act as grandfathering provisions. ( )
  37. Legacy investments means the investments made before the date of consent to the tribunal’s jurisdiction. ( )
  38. Mere commercial sale can also be qualified as an investment in a BIT. ( )
  39. Encouraging remarks from government officials will give rise to legitimate expectations. ( )
  40. Normally preservation of right clause contain a choice of law. ( ).
  41. Since treaty titles and preambles do not create rights or obligations, they could not be used to interpret a treaty. ( )
  42. When applying the DCF method, which factor should be assessed? ( )
  43. Which issue should be concerned in drafting the umbrella clause? ( )
  44. The forms of diplomatic protection include ( ).
  45. Which of the following acts by the host state will give rise to indirect expropriation?( )
  46. Which of the following state conducts will give rise to the legitimate expectations? ( )
  47. The nationality-based discrimination on the foreigner’s right to ( ) doesn’t breach customary international law.
  48. The central elements of national treatment include ( ).
  49. Arbitration without privity refers to arbitration based on ( ).
  50. Which of the followings fall into the categories of police power regulation? ( )
  51. Which will be regarded as performance requirements? ( )
  52. Which of the followings are the sources of legitimate expectations? ( )
  53. Which is grouped under preliminary objection? ( )
  54. Which of the following statements are correct? ( )
  55. Which exceptions to transfer obligations are allowed?? ( )
  56. Narrowly, denial of justice refers to ( ).
  57. ( )was the first sate to sign the BIT.
  58. Arbitration without privity means that the host state’s consent to arbitrate is given ( ).
  59. ( ) are the primary source of applicable law in IIA disputes.
  60. Which means is the most effective means to prevent parallel proceedings if possible? ( )
  61. The first BIT provides for investor-state arbitration with unqualified state consent was in ( ).
  62. Measures taken to control parallel proceedings include ( ).
  63. Which of the followings are known as arbitration without privity? ( )
  64. Normally, states are free to terminate investment treaties.( )
  65. The dimensions of scope of investment tribunal jurisdiction include( ).
  66. In applying the fork-in-the-road provision, the identical test should be met, including( ).
  67. A reservation in an IIA is different from a reservation to a treaty .( )
  68. If the security exception clause is self-judging, the state will be exempted from fulfilling the treaty obligations. ( )
  69. In case the host state breached the IIA, the home state is entitled to consent to the breach and waive the IIA claim.( )
  70. In IIA treaty practice, the categories of exceptions and reservations include ( ).
  71. Circumstances that can preclude wrongfulness for conducts of the host state include ( ).
  72. The clause that requires host states observe any obligations or commitments undertaken towards investments is referred to ( ).
  73. Contractual undertakings are not covered by umbrella clauses.( )
  74. The umbrella clause enshrine the principle of ( ).
  75. According to umbrella clauses, breach of contractual obligations will elevate to treaty breach. ( )
  76. The applicable law for determining the scope and effects of the undertakings is ( ).
  77. In which situation, the restrictions on fund transfer will be permissible?( )
  78. Normally, the types of transfers include( ).
  79. Confidential business information should be provided under the requirements of notification and due process. ( )
  80. The prohibitions on performance requirements don’t apply if the performance requirement does not distinguish between foreign and domestic investors. ( )
  81. Which of the followings are prohibited performance requirements?( )
  82. Which is used to refer to an indirect expropriation that occurs as a result of a series of measures taken over time that cumulatively have an expropriatory effect?( )
  83. When identifying the factors of indirect expropriation, the intent of the state is determinative. ( )
  84. Taxation may be expropriatory.( )
  85. Exporting states normally prefer to the standard of compensation based on( ).
  86. Conditions for a lawful expropriation including( ).
  87. Minimum standards of treatment is contingent on the treatment of a comparator.( )
  88. Legitimate expectations shall be unconditional and everlasting.( )
  89. Which of the followings is minimum standards of treatment?( )
  90. Minimum standards of treatment is only treaty-based obligation.( )
  91. Which of the followings breach the minimum standards of treatment? ( )
  92. MFN treatment obligations are treaty-based obligations.( )
  93. The variations in MFN clauses include( ).
  94. Advantages granted under ( ) can be exempted from applying MFN treatment? ( )
  95. MFN treatment means that the foreign investment or investor can get better treatment than a third state investment or investor. ( )
  96. The common issues arise in applying MFN clause are ( ).
  97. Which are non-discrimination treatment obligations?( )
  98. National treatment is a treat-based obligation.( )
  99. National treatment is a kind of absolute treatment in nature. ( )
  100. When applying national treatment, the foreign investors and the comparing nationals should be in( ).
  101. National treatment reservations maybe made for ( ).
  102. The express purpose of IIAs is to ( ).
  103. The regulatory mechanisms that host states can use to control the entry and operation of foreign investment including( ).
  104. Treaty titles and preambles do create rights or obligations. ( )
  105. Dominant IIA models with respect to admission and establishment include( ).
  106. Under customary international law, a state is obliged to admit foreign investments.( )
  107. The types of dispute resolution mechanisms in IIAs are( ).
  108. The preparatory work of IIAs are the main means of interpreting IIAs.( )
  109. Under the ICSID Convention, disregarding the applicable law may be a valid ground for annulment an award. ( )
  110. Clause on the law applicable to the investment sometimes is called( ).
  111. In the most common type of choice of law clauses, the sources of law for the resolution of IIA disputes are( ).
  112. China signed its first BIT in( ).
  113. The distinct elements of the Calvo Doctrine include( ).
  114. The most common form of ad hoc arbitration is arbitration under( ).
  115. The theory underlying the principle of diplomatic protection is that an injury to a state's national is an injury to the state itself.( )
  116. According to the Hull Rule, the payment for the properties seized should be ( ).
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