
Syntax is the study of how words and phrases are properly formed out of elements of a language.

A:对 B:错

Many syntactic theories have developed in response to generative syntax.

A:错 B:对 3.

In the course of its development, generative grammar gradually shifted its focus from language itself to the native speaker’s knowledge of language.

A:错 B:对 4.

In the generative tradition, language is usually understood to refer to the all the language structures that native speakers can generate.

A:对 B:错 5.

According to Chomsky, I-language refers to a set of sentences a native speaker can use.

A:对 B:错 6.

The sub-component which includes the rules governing word formation is called ________. 

A:phonology  B:pragmatics C:morphology D:semantics  7.

________ is to syntax what phoneme to phonology and morpheme to morphology. 

A:Meaning B:Utterance  C:Syntactic category  D:Sentence  8.

Among the following categories, ________ are word categories.

A:P B:Adj. C:VP  D:NP  9.

In the category of CP, letter C stands for ____________. 

A:curriculum  B:complement  C:complementizer D:capital  10.

Adverbs in English can be divided into ________.

A:manner adverbs B:big adverbs  C:sentence-adverbs D:small adverbs 

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