第二章 英国 UK:英国 UK2.1British culture and Business Practice(1):British culture and Business Practice(1)
2.2British culture and Business Practice(2):British culture and Business Practice(2)
2.3British culture and Business Practice(3):British culture and Business Practice(3)
[单选题]Business meetings in the UK are often ___ but not too formal and begin and end with social conversation.( )选项:[structuralism, unstructured, structureless, structured]
[单选题]___ is frequently used as a defence mechanism, often in the form of self-depreciation or irony. It can be highly implicit and in this sense is related to the British indirect communication style.( )选项:[Individualism, Indirectness, Stiff upper lip, Humor]
[单选题]___ Gaelic are also the official languages in British.( )选项:[Spanish, Welsh and Scottish, Japanese, French]
[单选题]Because of the ___ of the Brits and their high emphasis of privacy including private space, they seldom have physical contact with others.( )选项:[pessimism, individualism, optimism, collectivism]
[单选题]___ is a term often used to describe the traditionally British portrayal of reserve
and restraint when faced with difficult situations.( )
选项:[Stiff upper lip, Directness, None of them, Indirectness]
[单选题]Britons seldom confront you with a direct “no” or they barely deny you directly in public because of their ___.( )选项:[straight, immediate, directness, indirectness]
[单选题]The adoption of ___ colour might also in some way show that British people do not want to be ‘too different’, and that moderation is their attitude.( )选项:[bright, dark, various, warm]
[单选题]No matter what they are doing or what they are saying, the Brit prefers to use a ___ voice.( )选项:[low, big, large, loud]
[单选题]Negotiations and decisions are usually open and flexible. Your British counterparts will be in favor of a ___ approach.( )选项:[lose-lose, win-win, win-lose, lose-win]
[单选题]___ names are used almost immediately with all colleagues. Exceptions are very senior managers. However, you should always wait to be invited to use first names before doing so yourself.( )选项:[Second, First, Last , Family]

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