

  1. We must give credit to the authors of the sources we cited in our writing.( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Your husband had a good excuse for arriving late. 

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. That lobster is delicious because it is so fresh. 

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. There is the artist whose painting received an award. 

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. He wants still to move to London next year. 

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. The chosen verb in a reporting phrase should accurately reflect the writers’ attitude towards the issue. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. The effective use of reporting words and phrases plays a crucial role in summary writing.( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Give the refunds to those who have filled out the correct form. 

  16. A:对 B:错

  17. Give only the first city listed for the place of publication and do not list state names, regardless how obscure the city is. ( )

  18. A:对 B:错

  19. For them of you who wish to know more about journalism, we recommend that you order a book from the following list. 

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Non-written sources such as interviews or lectures may be omitted from your Works Cited list. ( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. That he survived that terrible accident surprised everyone who heard the news. 

  24. A:错 B:对

  25. When do you think you can deliver them the package? 

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Karl still has not remembered where he put his keys. 

  28. A:对 B:错

  29. Can you tell us who that distinguished-looking gentleman is? 

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. Modern society, including conservatives, liberals, hippies, and blacks, has many problems that they must solve. 

  32. A:错 B:对

  33. I will ask how much do they sell for. 

  34. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。因为原文中提到“I will ask how much do they sell for.”,表示说话者想要询问物品的价格,因此答案为B:对。'
  35. I forgot to ask him what time does the class begin. 

  36. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【错】。句子中的"I forgot to ask him what time does the class begin."是一个完整句,其中包含了所有必须的语法元素,并且表述了主语"我"忘记问他课开始的时间这个事实。所以,这句话的错误选项应该是"对",而正确的选项应该是"错"。'
  37. He found several useful books in my bookcase. 

  38. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:**B:错**。句子中提到了“several useful books”,表示他从我的书架上找到了几本有用的书,说明书架上确实有这些书。因此,该句表达的意思是正确的,答案应该是B:错。'
  39. For multiple authors of the same text in your Works Cited page, list all authors in reverse order, separated by commas, and a period at the end. ( )

  40. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B: 对。在论文的参考页中,对于同一篇文本的多位作者,应按照逆序列出所有作者,用逗号分隔,并在末尾加上一个句号。所以这个陈述是正确的。'
  41. Write an interpretive analysis of the short story “Miss Brill” by Katherine Mansfield.


  42. A:对 B:错

  43. She is desperately looking for work. 

  44. A:错 B:对
  45.   What are the common pitfalls in a literary analysis?


  46. A:对 B:错

  47. Susan went to the printer’s office to order some wedding invitations. 

  48. A:错 B:对
  49. In a reading journal, we can write about the experience of our daily reading.

  50. A:对 B:错

  51. They told me that their uncle was arriving this afternoon. 

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. MLA prefers the Times New Roman font. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。根据问题中给出的信息,MLA(学术研究协会)倾向于使用Times New Roman字体。但题目要求“无需分析,只需给出正确选项”,而答案B与此相反,所以选择B作为正确答案。即,原文没有明确表示MLA喜欢Times New Roman字体,所以不能认为他们偏爱该字体。因此,本题表述是错误的。'
  55. We never found the village where were born our parents. 

  56. A:错 B:对

  57. In the course of life one should always remember their old friends. 

  58. A:错 B:对

  59. Families like __________ Rockefellers have become synonymous with wealth.  

  60. A:0 B:an C:the D:a
    AI参考:正确选项为 C:the。根据句子结构和上下文,需要用特指,指代前面的 Families like __________ Rockefellers。这里使用定冠词 the 来指代特定的一类人或物。所以正确答案是 C,the。'
  61. Mrs. Sierra offered ______ because she had faith in his capabilities.

  62. A:to Mr. Armstrong the position B:Mr. Armstrong the position C:Mr. Armstrong to the position D:the position for Mr. Armstrong
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Mr. Armstrong the position】。解释:本题是一个非正式场合的英语对话或小段落,没有明显的语法错误,可以正常理解。句子中"Mrs. Sierra offered Mr. Armstrong the position"表达的是“塞拉太太把那个职位提供给阿姆斯特朗先生”,其中"offer sth to sb"是一个常用的表达方式,表示“把某物提供给某人”。因此,选项B "Mr. Armstrong the position"是正确的答案。选项A和D的结构和用法错误,选项C中的to与the position的位置不对。'
  63. The management requests that all personnel __________ their complaints to their immediate supervisor.  

  64. A:directs B:direct C:directing     D:will direct
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:direct】。句子中使用了"requests that"引导的虚拟语气,表示管理层要求所有人员将他们的投诉直接上报给他们的直接上级。根据句意和语法,应该使用动词原形"direct"来表达这个意思,因此选项B是正确答案。选项A和D不符合语法,选项C虽然含有现在分词形式,但是表达的意思不符合句意。'
  65. National Park conservationists think __________ concession stands mar the natural beauty of the park.  

  66. A:about B:a lot C:that D:of
  67. The child to __________ she was kind grew up to be one of our most distinguished teachers in this area.   

  68. A:which B:us C:them D:whom              
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:whom。解释:本题是一个定语从句,先行词是the child,在从句中作介词to的宾语,所以需要用关系代词whom。句子的意思是:那个被她善待的孩子长大后成为我们这个领域最杰出的老师之一。所以选项D是正确的。而选项A、B、C都不能符合句子的语法要求。'
  69. The static interference on the radio __________ an airplane.  

  70. A:was causing B:has caused C:caused by D:was caused by
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:was caused by。句子中使用了过去时态,表示过去发生的事情,因此需要使用过去时态的谓语动词。同时,句子中的主语是“静态干扰”,它与“飞机”之间存在被动关系,因此需要使用被动语态。根据句意和语法规则,正确选项为D,即“静态干扰被一架飞机所导致”。'
  71. Although the members of the faculty seem inflexible, __________ to suggestions. 

  72. A:they are always open B:always they are open C:they are open always D:open they are always
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:they are always open】。句子中使用了although引导的让步状语从句,从句中使用了倒装语序,即把be动词放在主语前面。同时,句子中提到了“成员们似乎没有弹性”,暗示了成员们不容易接受建议,所以应该使用一些正面表达,表达成员们总是对建议保持开放的态度。因此,选项A“they are always open”最为合适。选项B和D使用了错误的语序,不符合语法规则;选项C则重复了“always”,语义重复。'
  73. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality _____.

  74. A:in place of to earn more money B:and instead earn a bigger amount of profit C:for a larger profit margin D:to gain more quantities of money
    AI参考:正确选项是【C】for a larger profit margin。原文中使用了“牺牲质量”来获得更多的利润,所以选项C“for a larger profit margin”最符合语境。选项A中的“in place of”表示用……代替,不符合语境;选项B中的“earn a bigger amount of profit”与原文中的“牺牲质量”相矛盾;选项D中的“gain more quantities of money”也不符合原文意思。'
  75. 纠错

    Our new office building will be located downtown in the corner of Euclid Avenue

       and East Ninth Street.

  76. A:of B:Euclid C:in the corner D:will be located
    AI参考:正确选项是D:will be located原文中使用了“will be located”来描述新办公大楼的位置,所以选项D是正确的。选项A的“of”通常用于表示所有格关系,不符合语境;选项B的“Euclid”是地点名词,但是不是指代大楼的位置;选项C的“in the corner of”是一个固定短语,表示在某个角落里,但是不符合句子的语境。因此,只有选项D符合句子的意思和语法。'
  77. 纠错

    Being that he was a good swimmer, John jumped into the water and rescued the

    drowning child.

  78. A:that he was B:into C:drowning D:rescued

  79. When documenting one author Glenn Frye by name in a text, which is correct? ( )

  80. A:Frye has argued this point before (Frye 197). B:Frye has argued this point before (197). C:Frye has argued this point before. (197). D:Frye has argued this point before. (Frye, 197).

  81. It took five men to carry the tree, which was ___________ than a three-story building.  

  82. A:more taller B:as tall C:taller D:the tallest

  83. The playground supervisor reprimanded __________ for our shouting. 

  84. A: us B:ourselves C: we D:ours

  85.  Fatal reactions to bee stings among adults __________ than once believed.  

  86. A:are probably more common B:are more probably common C:more common probably are D:more are probably common

  87. Some consider Las Vegas __________ city in the world to live in.  

  88. A:the worst B:worse C:the bad D:worst

  89. If poisons like DDT __________ to control insects, there will be serious environmental repercussions.   

  90. A:use B: are used C:uses D:used
    AI参考:正确选项是【B: are used】。句子中使用了被动语态,表示“像DDT这样的毒药被用来控制昆虫”,所以应该使用被动语态的be动词are,选项B符合语法规则。选项A的use是动词原形,不符合语法;选项C的uses是uses的第三人称单数形式,不符合句子的主语;选项D的used没有动词的完整形式,不能用作句子主语。'
  91. The main sports at the college were __________, and baseball. 

  92. A:archery, to ride B:archery, ride C:to archery, ride D:archery, riding

  93. In writing a critical review, which of the following of the original should we cover? ( )

  94. A:The weaknesses. B:Both the strengths and weaknesses. C:The strengths.

  95. 纠错

     Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the

       professor before the class.

  96. A:before B:finished C:before the D:it was delivered

  97. Some doctors involved in brain research __________ that violence has its roots in certain sections of the brain.  

  98. A:are believing B:believes C:believing D:believe

  99. Tommy was one _____.

  100. A:child who was the happiest of all the class B:of the happiest children in the class C:of the happiest child in the class D:of the happy childs of his class
    AI参考:答案:B解析:原句“Tommy was one _____”明显看出这是表达一个短语结构“the+adj.的名称+of短语”这个短语用于指代一个物体或人,因此这里用of短语表达Tommy是一个最幸福的孩子,即the happiest children in the class中的一个。故选B。'
  101. 纠错

    In Rome, Venice and other cities, there developed an intellectual movement called

       humanism, which is the basis of the Renaissance.

  102. A:basis of B:other C:there developed D:is
    AI参考:正确选项是:D.is在句子中,“which is the basis of the Renaissance”是主语从句,表示前面提到的“humanism”是文艺复兴的基础,所以后面的部分应该是该句子的谓语部分,因此需要用动词单数形式。而选项D中的“is”正是动词单数形式,符合语法规则。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  103. After __________, the supernova hurls its mass into the black void of space.  

  104. A:exploding B:explosive C:explodes D:it exploding
    AI参考:正确答案是【A】“exploding”。分析句子结构可知,After引导的时间状语从句作方式状语,修饰动词短语the supernova hurls its mass into the black void of space。分析四个选项,A选项“exploding”是现在分词作状语,表示正在进行的伴随性动作,符合语境;B选项“explosive”是形容词,不能作状语;C选项“explodes”是第三人称单数形式,与句子的主语the supernova不一致;D选项“it exploding”显然语法错误。因此,答案是A。'
  105.  __________ rain now, the farmers will have to postpone the harvest.  

  106. A:It should B:When it will C:Should it D:Will it
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Should it】。 句子中使用了“should”作为虚拟语气的标志词,表示与现在事实相反的假设。在这种情况下,由于现在正在下雨,农民们不得不推迟收割。因此,选项C“Should it”符合语境。其他选项中,“It should”不符合语法规则,“When it will”和“Will it”都与句意不符。"
  107. 纠错

    In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered

       adobe houses and red, clay-tile roofs.

  108. A:could be seen B:closely clustered adobe houses C:sleepy D:their
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:could be seen】。原文中提到“In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered adobe houses and red, clay-tile roofs”,意思是“在远处可以看到这个安静的小村庄,他们紧密地聚集着泥砖房屋和红色的黏土瓦屋顶”。根据句意可知,“could be seen”是正确的选项,表示可以看到的含义。其他选项在句中没有明确的逻辑关系,不符合句意。'
  109. Which is true of a Works Cited page? Circle all that apply. ( )

  110. A:All lines are double-spaced. B:Margins should be changed to 1.5 all around. C:It is alphabetized by the author’s last name, book title, or website name. D:Web sites are not included because they do not count as sources.
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:It is alphabetized by the author’s last name, book title, or website name.在学术论文的引用页,应该按照作者姓氏、书籍标题或网站名称进行排序,因此选项C是正确的。选项A、B、D都是错误的,A选项认为所有行都应该双倍间距,B选项要求改变页边距为1.5,D选项认为网站不被计入来源,因此不包括在引用页中。'
  111. Which of the following does synthesis writing aim to do?

  112. A:Discovering problems in sources. B:Introducing different writers. C:Comparing the statements of different authors. D:Developing the skills of bringing sources together. E:Combining only brief summaries of different sources.

  113. When is documentation needed in research-based writing? ( )

  114. A:When we use the data from our experiment. B:When we quote from sources. C:When we summarize the main idea of a certain source. D:When we paraphrase a certain part of the sources.

  115. To locate a keen insight for a literary analysis, what do we need to do? ( )

  116. A:To keep a critical eye. B:To read all relevant studies. C:To check competing viewpoints. D:To agree with the experts.
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:To read all relevant studies.为了寻找文学分析的深入见解,我们需要阅读所有相关的研究。阅读相关研究可以提供更全面、更深入的信息,有助于更准确地理解文学作品的内涵和意义。因此,选项B“阅读所有相关研究”是正确的答案。其他选项在文中并没有提供具体的方法或策略,无法回答题目的问题。A选项中的“保持批判性眼光”与寻找深入见解相关,但不是唯一的必要条件;C选项中的“检查竞争观点”可以为深入分析提供更多不同的角度和观点;D选项中的“同意专家”与寻找深入见解无关。'
  117. Which is true of using citations in the text? Circle all that apply. ( )

  118. A:You should not use the authors’ last names in the citation if the authors’ names appear in the text. B:When you use quotations in the text, you place the citation before the last quotation mark. C:You only use “et al.” when you are citing a text with more than three authors.

  119.     You may think that buttons near the lower edge of jacket sleeves are just there for looks.That may be so today, but buttons on sleeves originally had a more practical purpose. During the frigid winter of 1812, Napoleon and his troops invaded Russia.As might be expected, many of his soldiers had runny noses from colds and flu, and— to put it delicately—they didn’t have the neatest habits for dealing with this problem.This disturbed Napoleon, who was known to hate sloppiness and poor manners, so he instructed the military tailors to add metal buttons to the sleeves of his soldiers’ jackets.Have you ever tried to wipe your nose on ice-cold buttons?

  120. AI参考:正确选项是D. Metal buttons were added to jacket sleeves because of the poor habit of soldiers in handling their nose. 原文中提到拿士兵们的鼻子没有办法处理这个问题,引起拿破仑的困扰,他命令军装裁缝在士兵的夹克袖子上加金属纽扣,这表明士兵们处理鼻子的习惯不好,因此需要金属纽扣来改善这种情况。因此,正确答案是D,金属纽扣被添加到夹克袖子上是因为士兵们处理鼻子的习惯不好。"

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