  1. Many adult Americans, particularly males, do not have especially close friends. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons. The lack of close friends places an unrealistic burden on a person’s spouse. He or she is expected to provide all the other’s emotional needs. In addition, without close friends, adults become emotionally limited. They lose the ability to express themselves freely to other people. The Bangwa tribe of Western Africa, by contrast, value friendship so highly that parents assign each of their children a “best friend” in infancy. Friends spend a great deal of time together throughout their lives. The worst part of being old, complained one elderly Bangwaman, was that he had no best friend left to gossip with.

  2. 答案:1. What is the main idea of this passage? A) Many American men do not have close friends. B) The Bangwa tribe values friendship more than Americans do. C) Friendship is important to people all over the world. D) People need close friends to maintain emotional health. 2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a problem caused by the lack of close friends? A) Emotional limitations B) Reduced ability to express oneself C) Increased dependence on one's spouse D) Difficulty finding a suitable marriage partner 3. The word "unrealistic" (line 4) most nearly means __________. A) unlikely to be achieved B) lacking practicality C) not based on reality D) difficult to understand 4. According to the passage, Bangwaman children __________. A) choose their own best friends when they grow up B) are given a best friend by their parents C) do not need best friends because they have many siblings D) learn how to make friends from their parents 5. The word "complained" (line 12) suggests that the elderly Bangwaman __________. A) was angry about growing old B) felt sorry for himself C) regretted not having a best friend D) was envious of young people
  3. In a problem-solution paper, which of the following points might be included?( )

  4. A:A well-supported argument over its feasibility.
    B:A counter-argument over possible objections.
    C:A well-defined problem.
    D:A clearly-clarified solution.

    答案:A counter-argument over possible objections.###A clearly-clarified solution.###A well-supported argument over its feasibility.###A well-defined problem.
  5. Which is true of a Works Cited page? Circle all that apply. ( )

  6. A:Margins should be changed to 1.5 all around.
    B:It is alphabetized by the author’s last name, book title, or website name.
    C:All lines are double-spaced.
    D:Web sites are not included because they do not count as sources.

    答案:It is alphabetized by the author’s last name, book title, or website name.###All lines are double-spaced.
  7. To locate a keen insight for a literary analysis, what do we need to do? ( )

  8. A:To agree with the experts.
    B:To check competing viewpoints.
    C:To read all relevant studies.
    D:To keep a critical eye.

    答案:To check competing viewpoints.###To keep a critical eye.###To read all relevant studies.
  9. To write an effective literary analysis, which of the following must we provide to readers? ( )

  10. A:Appropriate interpretations.
    B:Opponents’ opinions.
    C:Sufficient evidences.
    D:Strict logical reasoning.
    E:Necessary evaluations.

    答案:Appropriate interpretations.###Sufficient evidences.###Strict logical reasoning.###Necessary evaluations.
  11. Which of the following does synthesis writing aim to do?

  12. A:

    Discovering problems in sources.


    Developing the skills of bringing sources together.


    Introducing different writers.


    Combining only brief summaries of different sources.


    Comparing the statements of different authors.

    答案:Developing the skills of bringing sources together.###Comparing the statements of different authors.
  13. Fatal reactions to bee stings among adults __________ than once believed.

  14. A:are probably more common B:are more probably common C:more common probably are D:more are probably common
    答案:are probably more common
  15. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _______.

  16. A:sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully B:sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week C:sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery D:sent each week faithfully to the cemetery
    答案:sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week
  17. 纠错In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered    adobe houses and red, clay-tile roofs.

  18. A:closely clustered adobe houses
    B:could be seen C:sleepy D:their
  19. The nation was founded on the principle that all men are created __________.

  20. A:equitable B:equilibrium C:equal D:equality
  21. The motivation of the workers __________ not a monetary reward, but the satisfaction of a job well done.

  22. A:should be B:were C:was D:could be
  23. The hospital owes __________ for the construction of the new wing.

  24. A:twenty millions of dollars to the government B:for the government twenty millions dollars C:the government twenty million dollars D:to the government twenty million dollars
  25. 纠错After checking out the motor and carburetor for problems, Jesse found that the    noise was caused by a lose fan belt.

  26. A:was caused B:lose C:for problems D:After checking out
  27. The politician’s constituency was very upset __________ his announcement.

  28. A:from B:out of C:by D:behind
  29. _____he began to make friends more easily.

  30. A:When he had been entering the new school B:Having entered school in the new city, it was found that C:After entering the new school, D:Upon entering into the new school
  31. The parent scolded the child and made her promise _________ again.

  32. A:what to do never B:never to do that C:so never to do that D:that never to do that
  33. 纠错Eric and his sister won first prize for the most elaborate customs they had worn to    the Halloween party.

  34. A:most B:the Halloween C:customs D:won first prize
  35. Have you ever caught us giving __________ undeserved congratulations for doing well on a project?

  36. A:yourself B:themselves C:itself D:ourselves
  37. __________ eagle is the national bird of the U.S.A.

  38. A:0 B:The C:An D:A
  39. The grasslands and deciduous forest climates are similar except that the former receives __________ rainfall.

  40. A:fewer B:least C:few D:less
  41. Many of the current international problems we are now facing _____.

  42. A:lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other B:are because of not understanding themselves C:linguistic incompetencies D:are the result of misunderstandings
  43. Recognizing the Summary: For the following paragraph, choose the summary you think is the best. Sociolinguistics is concerned with the ethnography of speaking, that is, with cultural and subcultural patterns of speech variation in different social contexts. The sociolinguist might ask, for example, what kinds of things one talks about in casual conversations with a stranger. A foreigner may know English vocabulary and grammar well but may not know that one typically chats with a stranger about the weather or where one comes from, and not about what one ate that day or how much money one earns. A foreigner may be familiar with much of the culture of a North American city, but if that person divulges the real state of his or her health and feelings to the first person who says, “How are you?” he or she has much to learn about “small talk” in North American English. Similarly, North Americans tend to get confused in societies where greetings are quite different from ours. People in some other societies may ask a greeting, “Where are you going?” or “What are you cooking?” Some Americans may think such questions are rude; others may try to answer in excruciating detail, not realizing that only vague answers are expected, just as we don’t really expect a detailed answer when we ask people “How are you?”         (qtd. from Judith Resnick & Lanny Lester, Text & Thought, pp. 194-195)

  44. A:Conversation differs around the world. B:Sociolinguists are interested in how speech is used in different cultures and different social contexts, such as in making small talk and greeting people. C:A foreigner may be familiar with the English language but not with the appropriate topics for making small talk. D:North Americans may not respond appropriately to greetings in other societies.
  45. The organizers of the convention have arranged accommodations for those participants __________ from out of town.

  46. A:are coming B:which will come C:coming D:who comes
  47. Maria ________ that she could not attend classes next week.

  48. A:said her professors B:is telling her professors C:told her professors D:told to her professors
  49. The diplomat found the situation of being caught on the border during the fighting __________ exhilarating.

  50. A:both terrifying but also B:both terrifying and C:not only terrifying and 
    D:as terrifying as also
  51. _________ Nantucker Island is a superb spot for watching the eclipse.

  52. A:A B:An C:0 D:The
  53. The Secretary’s peers did not approve of his decision to leave Congress since __________ feared a replacement would be hard to find.

  54. A:they B:you C:we D:it
  55. In the future, the discovery which will most change the lives of people, most affect the health of the world, and __________ the drug industry is the cure for the common cold.

  56. A:most changing B:most change of C:most change D:with most change on
  57. Mrs. Sierra offered ______ because she had faith in his capabilities.

  58. A:the position for Mr. Armstrong B:Mr. Armstrong the position C:Mr. Armstrong to the position D:to Mr. Armstrong the position
  59. You could simply wind up with tossed word salad. On the other hand, carefully written sentences can help show how the separate/individual facts and ideas fit together to build the  ____ of the whole.

  60. A:meaned
    C:meaning D:means
  61. The irate citizen kept a record of all the unauthorized buses that came _________ the residential street.

  62. A:down B:at C:for
  63. Mary was surprised to realize that it was us, her old school friends, calling her from Paris.

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. I wonder when it is going to begin.

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. Let’s go shopping this afternoon for finding some camping equipment for our trip.

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as ten years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behaviour are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders.意为:青年吸毒是当今许多文化中的一个严重问题。不仅非法毒品的使用在增加,而且十岁以下的孩子也在尝试烟酒。这种行为的原因尚不清楚,但某些社会学家指责他们的老人所树立的榜样。

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. John last night telephoned me.

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. David last evening went to the movies.

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. What are the common pitfalls in a literary analysis?翻译为:文学分析中常见的陷阱是什么?

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. John went to the doctor’s office for his yearly check-up.

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. He recently met with his new advisor.

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. It is hoped that man will someday inhabit other planets.

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. What are the key features of a well-written analysis essay?翻译为:写得好的分析文章的主要特点是什么?

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. We must give credit to the authors of the sources we cited in our writing.( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. Every source you used or consulted should be included in your Works Cited. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Do you remember how much the tuition was?

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. When she was abroad, Laura got several pairs of earrings for her mother.

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. Neither my aunt nor my cousins were able to explain their behavior.

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. We went to San Diego, we spent many happy hours on the beach.

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Do you remember the teacher that his daughter became a doctor?

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. I came to the United States for to visit my relatives.

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. When writing essays of comparing reading and experience, we can follow some fixed patterns.

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. We should find out how hot is it in the summer before we decide to vacation there.

  104. A:错 B:对
  105. Can you tell us who that distinguished-looking gentleman is?

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. I observe frequently his behavior.

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. How do we usually organize and develop the body section of a literary analysis?翻译为:我们通常如何组织和发展文学分析的身体部分?

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. He went to the lecture for hearing about the latest agricultural techniques.

  112. A:对 B:错
  113. He is often accused of not being a serious person.

  114. A:对 B:错
  115. MLA prefers the Times New Roman font. ( )

  116. A:对 B:错
  117. He wants still to move to London next year.

  118. A:对 B:错
  119. Ask Mr. Blake what does his daughter study at the university.

  120. A:对 B:错

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