第四章 酒文化:酒是人类生活中的主要饮料之一。中国制酒历史源远流长,品种繁多,名酒荟萃,享誉中外。酒渗透于整个中华五千年的文明史中,从文学艺术创作、文化娱乐到饮食烹饪、养生保健等各方面在中国人生活中都占有重要的位置。4.1Preparation:对中国人来说,酒是什么?答案众说纷纭。但是不可否认的是,酒与中国文化密切相关。本小节中,我们将带你一起学习关于酒的那些脍炙人口的传说、酿造、常见酒品和酒桌文化。
4.2Listening Skill:英语听力中我们会遇到权衡利弊的文本范例,而为了会更好的理解决策前的利弊考量,我们需要熟悉这类文章的结构以及常用词汇和表达。
4.3Special Means of Listening:讲座讲话听力为六级听力的一个重要组成部分,占比高,难度大。为了更好的完成这部分的听力,我们需要一些解题原则和技巧来提高这个题型的答题正确率。
4.4Speaking Skill:在听说过程中,为了正确理解和避免混淆和误解,我们需要学会针对难懂、复杂和敏感内容,要求对方做进一步的解释和说明。那么应该如何有礼有节地提出呢?
4.5Buzz Words:“binge”主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词。作不及物动词时意为“狂饮作乐;大吃大喝”。但是随着时代的发展,也被赋予了其他意义,那么“binge”到底是好是坏呢?
4.6Music Cafe:《Stronger(What Doesn't Kill You)》由凯莉·克莱森演唱,收录于同名专辑《Stronger》中。这首歌曲调轻快动感,克莱森用华丽和端庄两种装扮风格展示出她自己的魅力,表现出她坚强,隐忍,倔强的一面。
4.2Listening Skill:英语听力中我们会遇到权衡利弊的文本范例,而为了会更好的理解决策前的利弊考量,我们需要熟悉这类文章的结构以及常用词汇和表达。
4.3Special Means of Listening:讲座讲话听力为六级听力的一个重要组成部分,占比高,难度大。为了更好的完成这部分的听力,我们需要一些解题原则和技巧来提高这个题型的答题正确率。
4.4Speaking Skill:在听说过程中,为了正确理解和避免混淆和误解,我们需要学会针对难懂、复杂和敏感内容,要求对方做进一步的解释和说明。那么应该如何有礼有节地提出呢?
4.5Buzz Words:“binge”主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词。作不及物动词时意为“狂饮作乐;大吃大喝”。但是随着时代的发展,也被赋予了其他意义,那么“binge”到底是好是坏呢?
4.6Music Cafe:《Stronger(What Doesn't Kill You)》由凯莉·克莱森演唱,收录于同名专辑《Stronger》中。这首歌曲调轻快动感,克莱森用华丽和端庄两种装扮风格展示出她自己的魅力,表现出她坚强,隐忍,倔强的一面。
[单选题]Why did Yu alienate Yidi and forbid people to present wine to him ? ( )
He had a problem with Yidi.

He believed that nations would fall because of wine.

He did’t like the taste of wine.

It was too difficult to make wine at the high expense of labor force and money.

答案:He believed that nations would fall because of wine.
[单选题]Which of the following is not the benefit of wine drinking? ( )
enable people to enjoy life

prolong their life span

enrich our culture

develop a hobby
[单选题]To recognize pros and cons in listening material, one method is to listen for evaluative language. Which of the following is evaluative adjective________. ( )

all of the above


[单选题]Which of the following statement is not pro _________. ( )
The good thing is that the food is cheap.

The only problem is traffic.

It is a great city to live in.

The public transport system is terrific.
[单选题]Which of the following statement is not con _________. ( )
It’s a dilemma we have to carefully cope with.

The best thing to do during the vocation is to enjoy family reunion.

It’s not a good idea to talk with her like this.

It’s the meaningless thing I have ever done.
[单选题]If you want to upgrade your English listening level, don’t mind binge listening to English. What does “binge”mean here? ( )
to indulge in something



[自定义题型]Question 7-10 are based on the video introduction about Shaoxing Huangjiu

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