绪章 策略导学:你知道如何让自己的英语学习事半功倍吗?通过本课程导学篇关于头脑风暴、思维导图、康奈尔笔记以及英语连读技巧的介绍,相信会让你的英语学习变得有效且有趣。0.1思维导图和头脑风暴 Mindmapping and Brainstorming:思维导图(The Mind Map)和头脑风暴(Brain Storming)是表达发散性思维的有效图形思维方式,它们简单却有效,是一种实用性的思维工具。
0.2康奈尔笔记 Cornell Note-takingg:康奈尔笔记(Cornell Note-taking Skill),是由康奈尔大学的Walter Pauk博士发明的。这种记笔记的方法广泛运用于上课、读书、复习、记忆等地方。这种记笔记的方法能让你的笔记系统化,帮助你提高你的学习效率。
0.3连读与爆破 Word Linking:英语连读的形式有连读、加音、同化和无声除阻等。英语连读有一定的规则 ,学好连读可以让自己的发音水平更接近英语母语者,也可以同时提高自己的听力水平,更利于应用到实际的交谈中。
0.1思维导图和头脑风暴 Mindmapping and Brainstorming:思维导图(The Mind Map)和头脑风暴(Brain Storming)是表达发散性思维的有效图形思维方式,它们简单却有效,是一种实用性的思维工具。
0.2康奈尔笔记 Cornell Note-takingg:康奈尔笔记(Cornell Note-taking Skill),是由康奈尔大学的Walter Pauk博士发明的。这种记笔记的方法广泛运用于上课、读书、复习、记忆等地方。这种记笔记的方法能让你的笔记系统化,帮助你提高你的学习效率。
0.3连读与爆破 Word Linking:英语连读的形式有连读、加音、同化和无声除阻等。英语连读有一定的规则 ,学好连读可以让自己的发音水平更接近英语母语者,也可以同时提高自己的听力水平,更利于应用到实际的交谈中。
[多选题]All Mind Maps have some things in common, for example________? ( )
use lines, symbols, words, color and images.

have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center.

all made by mindmap apps.

very complicated and difficult to understand.

答案:have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center.use lines, symbols, words, color and images.some are made by mind-map apps.
[多选题]What benefits mind mapping can bring to us?( ).
Association and organization

Interest to Think

Divergent thinking

Visual thinking
[多选题]Learning how to link words in pronunciation will help people______________.( )
speak much more like a native speaker.

speak more fluently.

speak English faster.

speak more like a linguist.
[多选题]Which of the following is the linking of consonant and vowel. ( )
A number of

Shut up

Speak English

Black coffee
[多选题]Which of the following is the linking of two vowels? ( )
A mind map

Say it again.

Throw away

You can see it.
[判断题]Mind mapping is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain. ( )

[判断题]Brainstorming is about generating creative solutions to a problem. ( )

[判断题]To draw a mind map, you have to be good at drawing pictures. ( )

[判断题]Cornell Note-taking System was developed in the 1940s by education professor Walter Pauk at Harvard University. ( )

[判断题]Cornell Note-taking encourages people to record general ideas, not illustrative examples. ( )

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