1.I had _____ X-ray examination yesterday morning. ( )

2.In the sentence “I have an apartment”, we can link _____ in the speech. ( )
A:have & an
B:an & apartment
C:I & have
3.In the sentence “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, we can link _____ in the speech. ( )
A:Beauty & is
B:the & eye
C:is & in
D:all the other four choices
E:eye & of
4.“Vowel to vowel linking” occurs in the following sentence, they are _____.
Do I have to do every question?( )
A:to & do
B:Do & I
C:every & question
D:do & every
5.In the sentence “You should go early”, “vowel to vowel linking” can occur between words “go” and “early”. ( )
A:错 B:对 6.In the sentence “where am I going”, “r linking” can occur between words “where” and “am”. ( )
A:对 B:错 7.The three steps in producing plosives are blocking the air, holding the air and releasing the air. ( )
A:对 B:错 8.The voiceless stops in English are /p/, /t/, /g/. ( )
A:对 B:错 9.In speech, we can link “for” and “instance” in the phrase “for instance. ( )
A:对 B:错 10.In the sentence “Can you keep an eye on my bag?”, loss of plosion occurs to “keep”. That is to say, the final consonant in the word “keep” is not released. ( )
A:错 B:对 1.

A syllable contains one and only one consonant.

A:对 B:错 2.

Secondary stress is more prominent than primary stress.

A:对 B:错 3.

Primary stress is often conveyed by changes in length, loudness, and pitch.

A:对 B:错 4.

A rhythm group contains more than one stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables clustering about it or none.

A:错 B:对 5.

The notion of rhythm comes from the unstressed syllables. Word and sentence stress combine to create the rhythm of an English utterance.

A:错 B:对 6.

Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: I am reading a very interesting novel?

A:reading, very, interesting, novel B:reading C:I, am, reading, novel D:very, interesting 7.

Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Twenty is enough?

A:is, enough B:Twenty, is, enough C:Twenty, enough D:Twenty 8.

Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: The book that I have just read is hers?

A:book, just, read, hers B:book, have, read, hers C:book, read D:book, just 9.

Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Who was that on the phone?

A:who, was B:phone C:who, that, phone D:who, was, that, phone 10.

Which of the following words have their stress on the second syllable?

A:sentence B:introduction C:historical D:America 1./g/ is a .( )
A:Voiceless friction consonant
B:Voiced stop consonant
C:Voiced friction consonant
D:Voiceless stop consonant
2./v/ is a .( )
A:Voiced stop consonant
B:Voiceless stop consonant
C:Voiceless friction consonant
D:Voiced friction consonant
3./ʒ/ is a .( )
A:Voiceless friction consonant
B:Voiced stop consonant
C:Voiced friction consonant
D:Voiced affricate consonant
4./dʒ/ is a .( )
A:Voiced stop consonant
B:Voiceless friction consonant
C:Voiced friction consonant
D:Voiced affricate consonant
5./dr/ is a .( )
A:Voiced stop consonant
B:Voiced nasal consonant
C:Voiced affricate consonant
D:Voiced friction consonant
6./l/ is a .( )
A:Voiced friction consonant
B:Voiced affricate consonant
C:nasal consonant
D:lateral consonant
7.The voiced stop consonants include . ( )
8.The voiced friction consonants include . ( )
D:/ð /
9.The voiceless affricate consonants include . ( )
B:/tr /
10.The nasal consonants include .( )
B:/ŋ /
11.The semivowel include .( )
A:/j /
12.There are 16 voiceless consonants. ( )
A:错 B:对 13.There are 17 voiceless consonants. ( )
A:错 B:对 14.The vocal cords does not vibrate when a voiced consonant is articulated. ( )
A:错 B:对 15.The vocal cords vibrates when a voiced consonant is articulated. ( )
A:错 B:对

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